Chapter 685 685. Reading
Recalling the promise made when they were young, the relationship between the two has become a little ambiguous.

For some intimate behaviors, both of them acquiesced.

The family members could feel that Yuyi was giggling from time to time, as if she was possessed by a demon, and some wondered if she was under too much pressure. Only Xiao Ye knew the reason, it must be Brother Yusuke.

But this is a secret between them, and I can't reveal it, otherwise my sister will be angry, and Brother Yusuke will not help him.

In the first few days of school, in addition to the excitement at the beginning, everyone has also begun to adapt.

Yusuke had a lot of things to do, and they all went according to the original plan, so it didn't feel crowded.

There is no problem in the studio, and there is no problem in studying. It is time to gather with the Secondary School Game Troupe. This is the first gathering after the New Year. The place where everyone gathers is located in a nearby restaurant.

Originally, the place where they met was a small park, but with the upgrading of the park, Yabo and the others moved, and Yusuke and the others had no new place at this time, so we temporarily made an appointment to meet at the restaurant.

A group of four sat together, and it was after school.

Yusuke and Jessica were sitting together, opposite Evangeline and Semi.

At this time, there was no usual lively atmosphere. Ewen Jielin and Jessica were seriously writing their homework on the desk with their textbooks.

"Wait for us, we're almost done," Jessica said, her hands moving non-stop, her eyes fixed on the textbook.

Now that the entrance exam is approaching, there is a lot of homework at this time, and her goal is to go to and from school with Yusuke.

The deviation value of Hechuan Middle School is a bit high, and she has to work hard, so even if she is out for a party, she still can't relax.

Yusuke smiled, "It's okay, I'll wait for you"

Both of them didn't have time to respond, they were immersed in their studies, and the same was true for Semi, who was opposite, looking at the test questions on the table.His face was serious, as if he had encountered the enemy of life and death.

Yusuke is a little strange, the two of them are preparing for the exam, why is Semi also doing homework?
"Semi, what's wrong with you?"

"Well, I'm terrible at studying. If I don't work hard, I may repeat the grade." Semi said with a distressed face.

Yusuke remembered that Semi's grades were very bad, let alone going to university with her grades, she might repeat a grade.

At a table, three young girls fell into the pain of studying.

Yusuke smiled and waited by the side, but he was not idle, and wrote down some thoughts in his mind at this time.

There have been a lot of things going on recently, such as shooting videos, writing novels, new projects, and club activities. Fortunately, Yusuke won the skill "Double Energy" before, so he can cope with it and not be overwhelmed by these things.

Once you have more energy, your mind will become more active, and you will have a lot of inspirations. These inspirations are excellent materials and need to be recorded.

Everyone sat together, and the atmosphere was very quiet.

After a while, Yi Wenjielin threw away the pen in her hand, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled, "I finished my homework!"

Then came Jessica, who also put down her pen, "I finished writing too"

The two girls looked at each other and immediately burst out laughing.

Full of sense of accomplishment!
"I won't write anymore!" Semi gave up at this time, threw the pen directly, put her head on the table, and looked disappointed.

"Maybe I'm an idiot," Semi laughed at herself.

Yusuke found it a little funny, and comforted him: "Semi, you don't need to be so harsh on yourself, as long as you find a way to learn this kind of thing, you can easily succeed."

"But" Semi was a little distressed, "Study is so painful."

"Study is never easy." Yusuke said seriously, "If you study hard, it will benefit you in the future."

"But I don't want to go to college," Semi replied, "Why work so hard? The grades are almost enough."

"Semi, don't you want to go to college?"

Jessica and Evangeline were very surprised. In their view, studying means going from elementary school to university. This is the normal way. Why did Semi suddenly stop going to university?

Semi also recovered at this time, and explained: "I'm just an idiot, it's useless to read a lot of books, it's better not to read."

"You can't say that." Yusuke said at this time: "It is always good to read a lot. You understand some truths. When you go to university, you learn more and understand more things."

"Success is only about reading?" Semi asked strangely.

"Of course not," Yusuke replied with a smile, "but reading is the easiest one."

"That's easy!" Semi clicked her tongue.

Yusuke smiled and asked: "Then do you think it's hard to study or work outside? According to your family's situation, now you are asked to work in the kitchen every day, can you bear it?"

Semi thought for a moment, then shuddered.

Born in such a family, it is normal to learn to help the family from an early age.

But even that would tire her out.

Now she is a little tired while reading and helping the family. It would be unimaginable to stay in the kitchen every day.

"When you go to university, you have more choices." Yusuke said, "Going to university can give you many choices in life."

"But I really can't read!" Semi said with a headache.

"It's like this." Yusuke thought for a while, and said, "Then you should try to start from other aspects."

In fact, there are many occupations in Japan. Studying is the easiest and easiest way, but it does not mean that this is the only way. There are other occupations, but the competition is more fierce.

If Semi is really not a material for reading, then try to develop in other industries.

For example, to become a female swordsman, you can open a museum to teach apprentices after obtaining certain qualifications, but this road is not easy to walk. If you really want to develop in this direction, you must be prepared to endure hardships.

Hearing what Yusuke said, Semi was a little distressed. She didn't want to go to college, but she thought she would be a sophomore in high school, so she had to think about the future.

It's a pity that she doesn't know how to arrange it, and she is still confused at this time.

Evangeline and Jessica are also thinking hard, helping her come up with a plan.

"Why don't you become a chef?" Evan Jielin said at this time, "Chef is also a high-paying profession."

"But it has to be those top chefs." Yusuke said, "Ordinary chefs just open a small restaurant outside, and only top chefs have status."

Semi thought for a while, and everyone's suggestions were good. After thinking about it, she decided to go the way of being a chef.

The reason is simple. Kendo is a violent sport after all, and it is a male-dominated sport. It is indeed difficult for a female player to stand out, but chefs are different. Men and women are equal in this respect.

And I have been helping at home since I was a child, so I am very confident in cooking.

"Then be a chef," Semi said.

There is no need to study anymore to be a chef!

Several people chatted in a hurry.

Yusuke felt a little strange, isn't today the promised party?Why did it suddenly become Semi's life arrangement? There seems to be something wrong with this style of painting!
My little friends are not as secondary as before!
But after thinking about it, this is a good change.

"Yusuke, what do you think?"

Yusuke was thinking about something, and he came back to his senses when he heard the voice, and the three of them were looking at him.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Semi being a chef," Jessica said.

"It depends on Semi's intention," Yusuke replied.

"I think it's pretty good," Semi said, "but I don't know how my craft is, so I want your opinions."

"Then what do you mean..." Yusuke looked at Semi and asked.

"Go to my house now, I will cook by myself, how about you help me taste it?" Semi asked excitedly.

Everyone made suggestions just now, and she suddenly felt a lot more cheerful, and wanted to give it a try.

Both Evangeline and Jessica thought it was good, Yusuke thought for a while and asked, "Will it be inconvenient?"

After all, Semi's home is a dessert shop, so busy with work, will a group of people disturb them in the past.

"It's okay," Semi said with a smile, "I recently recruited one more worker, so I'm not too busy."

Semi said so, Yusuke did not object, a group of people tidied up and went to Semi's house.

This is the third time I have come to Semi's house. The first time was when Semi was sick. The second time was when the business was too busy a year ago and they also came to help. This is the third time.

Semi's family members are also very familiar with the three of Yusuke, and Semi's mother warmly entertained them.


Kitagawa Hideki looked at the three of Yusuke in surprise, opened his mouth wide, and couldn't believe it.

Why is Misawa Yusuke here again!
The next moment, I felt a strong sense of crisis in my heart.

At the end of last year, Semi invited Hideki Kitagawa to come here to work. Because of a different mind, Hideki Kitagawa worked very hard. Semi's family gave him a very good evaluation and appreciated him very much. This made Hideki Kitagawa The tree was even more excited.

Working here, on the one hand, can bring the relationship between Semi closer, and the relationship between the two has indeed improved a lot, on the other hand, it can make money, killing two birds with one stone.

The days when he worked part-time at Semi's house were his happy days.

And with close contact, Kitagawa Hideki also discovered some little secrets that Semi didn't know.

For example, Semi likes to watch cartoons, and they are cartoons of magical girls, and then she mutters in her mouth. She doesn't know what she is talking about, but she seems to have heard the word "voice change".

For another example, Semi sometimes goes out alone, but instead of going to club activities, she goes out secretly with a bag, and when she comes back at night, she is also sneaky, not daring to let her family know.

Only by paying close attention can you discover the subtleties.

Semi must be hiding something from her family.

Beichuan Hideki decided to observe for a while, and then...

I saw Yusuke Misawa today!
He suddenly had an idea, Semi went out secretly, maybe she was going on a date with this Yusuke Misawa.

For a moment, he had a strong sense of crisis.

Although he was at work, he kept his eyes on the situation here from time to time.

Seeing a few people walking into the back, he also wanted to follow in, but it was a pity that the work in front was very busy and he couldn't leave his post.

At this time, there are a lot of questions in my heart, what is the relationship between them!

Yusuke also saw Kitagawa Hideki's reaction, and he could probably guess his mental activities, smiled, and asked Semi who was walking in front: "Is Kitagawa working at your house now?"

Semi nodded, "Beichuan is very useful!"

Well, if Kitagawa Hideki heard this comment, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Several people followed Semi to the kitchen at home.

Semi's house has two kitchens, one is the dessert kitchen, where the whole family works, and the other is the small kitchen at home, where the family eats.

The little girl in the small kitchen is busy here, that is Semi's younger sister Katori Meiko.

Yako saw the three of Yusuke and greeted them with a smile. Years ago, the family was sick, and her sister's friend came to help, and the family also knew about it, so they had a good impression of Yusuke.

Everyone also knows that this junior high school student is Semi's younger sister. Although she is not very old, she is very skilled in craftsmanship. According to Semi, her sister is responsible for the three meals at home now, and she can take care of it at a young age. Responsibility, which shows that her craftsmanship is very good.

"Yazi, you go out first and let me use the kitchen," Semi said at this time.

Yazi was a little strange, looking at her sister, "Sister, do you want to cook?"

Semi nodded, "I want to entertain my friends."

Yazi nodded, "Then leave it to you, let me tell you something"

There are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen, all prepared by her, and I have to explain it to my sister.

The three of Yusuke sat at the table next to them and waited.

After a while, Yazi said hello and went to the front to help.

Semi walked over wearing an apron, and said confidently, "Order whatever you want!"

This tone is so big!

Yusuke smiled, "Then have fried rice with eggs and fried vegetables."

"That's it?" Semi was a little surprised, it was too simple!

Yusuke nodded, "That's all."

Jessica and Evangeline were a little strange, why did they ask for such a simple dish?According to their thinking, some special dishes should be served.

But since it was Yusuke's request, they didn't object, and the three of them sat together and waited.

Because I ordered simple dishes, the dishes were served quickly, a plate of fried rice and a plate of fried vegetables.

"Try my craft"

Everyone picked up the spoon and took a bite of the fried rice.

"good to eat!"

Both Evangeline and Jessica nodded in praise.

Semi was very proud.

A few people tasted the green vegetables again, and they were also delicious, and Semi's nose was almost turned upside down.

"But" Yusuke said at this time, "this is too common"

Everyone else looked over, and Yiwen Jielin asked curiously: "But what you ordered is ordinary food, it tastes very good."

Yusuke explained: "Although I ordered ordinary dishes, it is the ability of a real chef to make ordinary meals more delicious."

Everyone thought about it and felt that it made sense.

Yusuke continued: "Although Semi's dishes are delicious, the taste is similar to that of restaurants outside. It's just ordinary delicious, not so delicious that it's memorable."

"So, Semi is only at the level of ordinary people," Jessica said at this time.

Semi was a little unconvinced, "But Yusuke, you ordered such an ordinary dish, there is no way to show my cooking skills."

"Although there are reasons for this, since you are going to take this path, you must have more stringent requirements. You can't just use a home-cooked meal to cope with it," Yusuke replied.

This also makes sense.

Home-cooked food is actually okay, but Semi's position is to be a high-end chef, so there must be more requirements.

Semi thought for a while, "Then I have to go to culinary school."

"That's also a direction," Yusuke said, "I suggest you buy some recipes and come back and read more books."

"I still need to read books!" Semi exclaimed, "I just didn't want to study, so I went this way."

Yusuke smiled, "You don't think you don't need to study to be a chef?"

"Do you still need to study to be a chef?" Semi was stunned.

This is not right, the chef just knows how to fry two dishes!
Yusuke smiled, it seemed that there was a serious misunderstanding.

As a chef, cooking is the most basic skill, and at the same time, he must be familiar with various ingredients, some of which are only available abroad.And some special ingredients require special cooking methods, which requires research. Sometimes you can find various special cooking methods from foreign magazines, sometimes from ancient books, and reading is a must.

"Then I'll just go and study," Semi complained.

In an instant, she realized that this was not a good path.

Not only to read, but also to learn cooking, which is double the difficulty!

"That's how it is!" Yusuke replied with a smile.

In fact, Yusuke deliberately said that he wanted to dispel the idea of ​​Semi dropping out of school. No matter how good the development prospects of other industries are, from the perspective of ordinary people, reading is the best way to advance.

Yusuke didn't want Semi to just give up.

Sure enough, the blow was very effective, and Semi hesitated again.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and everyone turned their heads. Kitagawa Hideki walked in, holding a plate of desserts in his hand.

"Auntie told me to bring some desserts"

Kitagawa Hideki looked at the scene while talking.

Misawa Yusuke and the three sat at the dining table. There was a plate of fried rice and a plate of green vegetables on the table. Semi was wearing an apron.

Obviously, it was Semi who cooked for them herself.

For a moment, Kitagawa Hideki was very jealous.

Semi actually cooks for Yusuke Misawa himself, which makes him so envious!
The jealousy in his heart made his mouth sore.

Kitagawa Hideki's expression was very disappointed.

Jessica and Evangeline saw that there was dessert, they each picked up a Daifuku and took a bite.

Yiwen Jielin said at this time: "Why don't you sell Daifuku, Semi, Daifuku is delicious"

"Daifuku?" Kitagawa Hideki also came back to his senses at this time, subconsciously replied: "Isn't Semi's family selling Daifuku?"

Yi Wenjielin glanced at him, but didn't want to talk to him, because she didn't know him well.

Kitagawa Hideki was a little embarrassed, and Yusuke made a rescue at this time: "We just helped Semi analyze the future way out."

At this moment, he looked at Hideki Kitagawa and said, "Do you mind chatting with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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