Chapter 686 686. Adventurous Spirit
Kitagawa Hideki was a little surprised, he didn't expect Misawa Yusuke to invite him.

But it's also a good opportunity.

Seeing a group of them whispering, he also had a lot of doubts in his heart and was a little nervous, but now he had a chance.

Yusuke would ask Kitagawa Hideki to participate in this matter, but in fact he had his own thoughts, Semi's determination was not enough, and he had to find an external factor to stimulate it, and Kitagawa Hideki was the most suitable.

Whether he agrees or disagrees, Yusuke can find words of agreement and disapproval.

And this incident is also beneficial to Kitagawa Hideki. He has been secretly in love with Semi. If he can understand Semi better, the relationship between the two will make more progress. Everyone will benefit.

At this time, Yusuke mentioned Semi's intention to become a chef, and Kitagawa Hideki was very surprised, "Semi, are you not going to university?"

He is also a staunch learner.

"I'm stupid!" Semi has accepted the fact that she is stupid. Since there is no way out for her studies, she must of course think about other arrangements. Being a chef is not bad.

But she was refuted by Yusuke just now. She is only at the level of an ordinary person and has not yet met the requirements, which makes her a little frustrated.

Beichuan Hideki looked at the food on the table. It turned out that they were thinking about it just now, and asked, "Can I have a taste?"


Beichuan Hideki picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of vegetable, and tasted it slowly.

Some moved in his heart.

This is a dish made by Semi herself, and I finally ate it!

My heart is about to fly with joy.

After a while, he gave a thumbs up and praised excitedly: "Very good!"

Jessica and Ewen Jielin were speechless. This guy's reaction was too exaggerated, but it didn't have any credibility.

Semi knew it well, but she still had some expectations at this moment.

"Do you think it's okay to open a restaurant with such food?"

Seeing the serious Semi, Kitagawa Hideki also realized at this time that the other party was really seeking his own opinion, and his answer might have a great impact on her.

After hesitating for a while, although he really wanted to praise, he also understood that this is only the standard of ordinary people, and he should not violate his conscience, and what Semi needs is not such a falsehood.

"Semi, you can actually go further!" Kitagawa Hideki encouraged.

This guy has a good way of speaking.

Semi really gave up now.

At this time, Yusuke persuaded: "Although studying is painful, it has a little advantage. As long as you work hard, you can see the change, which is not felt by other things. If you work hard, your grades will improve. When you see the score, you will have achievements. Feeling, this is incomparable to other businesses”

"Semi, with your current situation, it's too early to give up!"

Semi hesitated, but what Yusuke said seemed to make sense.

"That" Hideki Kitagawa said at this time, and everyone looked over.

"If necessary, I can help Semi with her homework"

Hearing their conversation just now, Kitagawa Hideki had fully realized that he knew that Misawa Yusuke was persuading Semi to continue studying, and he also agreed with this.

Although everyone has different positions, one thing in common is that everyone is thinking about Semi.

And he also heard what Yusuke Misawa said just now, and he thought it made sense. Compared with other industries, studying is already the easiest.

Semi finally made up her mind, "Okay, let's try harder then!"

But his grades were really bad, so he looked at Hideki Kitagawa.

"Well, Beichuan, you just said that you would help me tutor..."

Kitagawa Hideki nodded seriously, "I will try my best to teach you."

He was so happy that he was about to fly, he didn't expect such a good thing!
At this time, the eyes looking at Misawa Yusuke also became subtle, is this guy helping me?
Kitagawa Hideki thought too much, Yusuke didn't think about it at all, he figured out his own relationship, but Kitagawa Hideki suddenly said that he would help Semi with her review, which was really an accident.

Either way, it's a good thing.

Yusuke and Semi are in different schools, even if they want to take care of her, they can't do everything, but Kitagawa Hideki is different, they are in the same school, commute and study together, it's easier .

Hideki Kitagawa was very happy to have the opportunity to study with Semi, but he was still at work, so he had to go back to help at this time.

Seeing Beichuan Hideki leave, Yiwen Jielin said at this moment: "Semi, you have to be careful, this guy has bad intentions."

Ewen Jielin and Jessica have always had a very bad impression of Hideki Kitagawa and his group.

Semi was a little distressed and didn't know how to explain, so she nodded, "I will be careful."

Yusuke said at this time: "Even Jielin, if you are not at ease, when you go to Dongchuan High School, you will be the one to protect Okasemi."

Yiwen Jielin thought for a while, her eyes lit up, and she nodded. This is the real solution. If she is by her side, Semi will not be deceived!
We chatted for a while, and the time was almost up, so we took our leave and went home.

Saying goodbye to Evangeline at the station, Yusuke sent Jessica home.

Jessica yawned at this moment, and Yusuke asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"A little sleepy." Jessica's spirit is not very good, "I studied too late last night, and now I suddenly feel a little sleepy."

She yawned as she spoke.

"Pay attention to your body, study is important, but your body is more important," Yusuke comforted beside him.

"Yongsuke, carry me." Jessica stopped at this moment, looked at Yusuke and said coquettishly, "I'm so tired, I can't walk anymore, can you carry me home?"

Yusuke smiled, looked at the expectant Jessica, turned around, "Come on"

Jessica jumped up happily, and in an instant, two fleshy things were on Yusuke's head.

"Jessica, have you grown up again?" Yusuke asked subconsciously, the size seemed to be exaggerated than last time, could it be the physique of a Westerner?

Jessica blushed, "I don't know why, I've been trying my best to grow, don't you like it?"

"I like it very much!" Yusuke replied firmly.

Big man, Meng Dano!
Yusuke carried Jessica on his back and walked towards home. Jessica was a little sleepy just now, but now that she was on Yusuke's back, she became more energetic and chattered, not at all looking like she was going to sleep .

Jessica was talking about what happened at school, Yusuke was listening and walking, but soon felt something was wrong.

Jessica is talking about what happened to her, and there are no friends in her description.

Jessica doesn't have any friends in school, does she?

After hesitating for two seconds, he asked the question.

Jessica froze for a moment, with a disappointed expression, and said in a low voice, "They don't play with me."

Yusuke suddenly understood that girls in the second grade are indeed very out of group, unless there are more friends in the second grade.

No wonder she and Ewen Jielin became very familiar when they met for the first time. On the one hand, everyone has the same aura, and on the other hand, they are really lonely.

"But it's okay!" Jessica said at this moment, "I have Yusuke"

He wrapped his arms around Yusuke's neck.

"With Yusuke you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything"

Yusuke also came back to his senses and smiled, "Then we will be together in high school."


Yusuke has already accepted that Jessica will come to Hechuan Middle School, what should come will come after all, he is already mentally prepared.

Jessica was very happy and said that in order to study with Yusuke, she would study hard, but...

At this time, Jessica hugged Yusuke's neck, and her cheeks leaned against his cheeks, touching each other, and the scent of a girl came to her nostrils.

"Yusuke, can you give me some encouragement?"

Jessica's cheeks felt hot.

"Encouragement from adults"

Jessica's voice rang in his ears, and Yusuke's heart skipped a beat.

No way, hold on!The other party is not yet of age!

Her body has matured!
No, no, it's too evil, Jessica definitely has no such thoughts.

Yusuke stopped in his tracks and coughed.

"Then what kind of reward do you want?"

"Kiss" came Jessica's small voice.

"That's right here," Yusuke replied.

They were standing at a crossroad at this time, and the next intersection was Jessica's home, but Yusuke didn't want to do such a thing in front of the house. It would be very embarrassing if Jessica's parents caught him, so , this place is just right.

Jessica jumped down from Yusuke's body, her face was reddish, her eyes were watery, and she looked expectantly at Yusuke's expression.

Shy teenage girls are just too cute.

Yusuke hugged her gently, Jessica raised her head and closed her eyes slightly.

Yusuke was a little moved, and was about to act...

At this moment, a whistle sounded, the two of them were startled, and turned their heads, a young man with blond hair was parked there in a convertible car, his deep face could be seen as a Westerner, and he had a hippie smile on his face look.

Yusuke frowned, this guy looked like a bastard.

At this moment, he looked at Jessica who was at a loss and said, "Let's go."

Yusuke didn't bother to pay attention to these people anymore, Jessica nodded, and An An quietly followed Yusuke and left.

The two couldn't walk a few steps, and a young man's voice came from behind, it was broken Japanese.

"Beauty, it's useless to follow this kind of person, why not follow me, we white people are the best!"

Yusuke stopped in his tracks, and Jessica looked over.

Yusuke said at this time: "Jessica, wait for me here for a while"

"That..." Jessica was a little nervous, Yusuke's expression was more serious than ever, and she felt a little uneasy.

Yusuke comforted: "It's okay, just wait for me, one minute will be fine."

Jessica nodded slightly.

The man's voice continued to come from behind.

"Beauty, you have bad eyesight, you are a coward!"

This sentence was specially said in English, just for Jessica to hear.

This made Jessica angry, this guy is really annoying!

Yusuke turned around and walked towards the man. The man also saw Yusuke's behavior and still had a hippie smile on his face.

At this time, Yusuke walked to the front of the car, and the man also got out of the car. Compared with Yusuke, the man was taller and more burly.

Yusuke is 1 meters tall, but the man is 8 meters tall. With his strong muscles, he looks like a giant orangutan.

The man smiled smugly, he had used this method to tease many Japanese.

The Japanese have high self-esteem, if you tease them casually, the other party will come forward to make some arguments, at this time, as long as you stand up for yourself, the advantage of height and shape will instantly make them feel inferior.

That's right, only white people are the best in this world!
He would harass them both loudly, one for boredom and one for Jessica.

Jessica is Caucasian, and in his heart, white people are supremacy, how can he fall in love with these yellow-skinned monkeys?This is absolutely not allowed!

Only the white race is the noblest race!
This girl's eyesight is not good, she must be clearly aware of this.

As for causing trouble, he is not afraid at all. The status of American citizenship can save him a lot of trouble.

In this world, Americans are the boss!

At this moment, looking at the young man was full of disdain.

Yusuke looked at each other calmly, and said seriously: "We Asians all pay attention to etiquette first, and then soldiers. I will give you a chance. If you apologize now, I can let you go."

The young man smiled happily as if he had heard a big joke, and wiped the corners of his eyes with his hand.

"This is the funniest joke I've ever heard today"

As soon as he finished speaking, a fist immediately hit Yusuke directly.

He is very proud, the muscles on his body have been trained, and he is a boxer.

The islanders just like to pay attention to details. If they have time to be reasonable, it is better to do it directly. He seems to see the figure of the other party falling to the ground.

But his fist stopped,

One hand grabbed his fist, like steel, no matter how hard he exerted, he couldn't move it.

He was a little surprised, this Japanese man has great hands!
But that's okay, he still has another hand.

At this time, another fist hit from below, and the position was the opponent's chest.

With this punch, if the force is strong enough, the ribs will be broken, but he doesn't care.

Who told us to be Americans? Americans are so self-willed!
But the next moment, a sharp pain interrupted his imagination.

The pain came so suddenly that he cried out in surprise.

His hand was bloody and his five fingers were twisted, as if he had been stepped on by an elephant. The severe pain made him scream out, and he couldn't react at all. What happened!

Yusuke said that courtesy comes first, soldiers come later, and if he has already said hello, then he won't hold back!

If you punch, I punch too.

This punch shattered the opponent's fist, and the opponent's metacarpal bone burst directly.

The other party screamed, Yusuke stretched out his foot at this time, and kicked suddenly, the body of the young man smashed directly towards the wall, and the whole person stuck to the wall, sliding down like hanging on the wall.

Yusuke looked at the time, 30 seconds was just right, less than 1 minute, and he did not miss the appointment.

Turning around and leaving, ignoring the unconscious young man lying there, he said to the astonished Jessica, "Let's go home."

Only then did Jessica come back to her senses, looking at Yusuke with eyes filled with admiration.

"Yusuke, you are amazing!"

Strong men will give women a strong sense of security, Jessica is very excited at this time.

Jessica is a Westerner, and Westerners admire powerful males, and Yusuke's performance fully conforms to her aesthetics.

So safe!

After sending Jessica back home, Jessica was still very excited at this time. She wanted to continue what she had just done, and her intention was even stronger.

However, Jessica's mother, Fei Li, just came out of the house.

Yusuke stopped him, but he couldn't kiss her daughter in front of her mother.

Jessica felt a little regretful and had to do it next time.

Yusuke said hello, he had finished the task and was ready to go home, but unexpectedly, Feili was very enthusiastic and wanted to stay with Yusuke for a snack.


Jessica shuddered, and then said: "I still have homework to do, I'll go back to my room first"

Yusuke is a little strange, didn't you just finish writing everything?

Jessica greeted and left in a hurry, as if avoiding something,
"Jessica doesn't have a lot of food." Fili said with a smile, "Yusuke, come in."

Unable to shirk, Yusuke had no choice but to follow in, sat in the living room, and then put a pot of things in front of him, it was a pile of yellow things, it looked like a cake.

"This is pumpkin pie." Feili said with a smile, "I'm trying a new flavor, try it and give me some advice."

Yusuke nodded, it seems that this is what Jessica is afraid of.

This must be a dark dish, but it has already come in, so I have to show some face at this time.

Yusuke picked up the spoon and took a bite under Fili's expectant gaze.

The next moment, Yusuke's expression was indescribable.

He already knew it was bad, but he didn't expect it to be this bad.

Are the British dark cooking skill points full?

There used to be stargazing pie, and now there is this pumpkin pie that I don’t know how to comment on.

"How is it?" Philly asked expectantly.

"Very special" Yusuke said bravely, he could taste the smell of pork inside.

That's right, a pumpkin pie with pork in it!

Yusuke didn't know what Feili was thinking, but he would combine the two together, which was a fight with the stargazing school.

Yusuke remembers that when he was a guest, Feili's craftsmanship was very good, and he had never made such a major mistake. What kind of stimulation was this?
I couldn't help but ask, "Fei Li, why did you think of doing this?"

"Recently, I went to eat Chinese food with Robertson, which inspired me a lot," Fei Li replied with a smile.

What kind of Chinese food did you eat to get such inspiration!
"It's sweet and sour pork. It's the first time I know that Chinese food is so special."

Yusuke can understand, as a country with poor food, three meals are potatoes, potatoes, Chinese food can be said to have opened her new horizons, but...

You can't mess around like this!
"I tried several things, chicken, beef, and pork this time," Fei Li said with a smile.

Yusuke finally understands why Jessica has such an expression, and finally understands how the legendary "Looking up at the Starry Sky School" came about. This is really adventurous!

(End of this chapter)

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