Chapter 687
"I am back!"

A voice came, it was Terina's voice.

Terina approached the house and was a little surprised to see Yusuke in the living room.

Yusuke greeted with a smile.

"You're here, Yusuke!" Terina responded with a smile, then looked at the scene, "Why didn't you see Jessica?"

"Kasika went back to her room to do her homework," Yusuke replied.

"Terina, it's just right for you to come back." Fei Li said excitedly at this time, "Come and taste the dessert I just made."

Terina raised her eyebrows, and immediately understood why Jessica was not here, and her mother was going to cheat again!
"No!" Linna immediately refused, "I've already eaten, I can't eat now"

"It's like this, it's really bad luck." Fei Li felt a little regretful.

The corner of Yusuke's mouth twitched, what kind of understanding do you have about your cooking skills?
"Then Yusuke should eat more," Feili said with a smile.

Yusuke bit the bullet and nodded, this is the future mother-in-law, so don't offend her.

"I'm still baking in the kitchen, let's talk first"

Fei Li said hello and went to the kitchen first.

Terina came over at this time, looked at Yusuke who was frowning, and smiled, "Thank you!"

Yusuke shook his head helplessly, this could be regarded as a test.

After eating a large pot of indescribable food, Yusuke had the illusion that he seemed to be weakened a lot. Could this be a cursed dish?

Suppressing the nausea in his heart, Yusuke was afraid that if he vomited it out, it would be really embarrassing.

After pouring a few cups of black tea at Jessica's house, I finally suppressed this disgusting feeling. I chatted with them for a while, but it was too late, so I went back home.

"By the way, Yusuke, you should be more careful when you come here recently"

At the door, Terina urged seriously.

Yusuke looked over, and Terina explained.

The place where Jessica and the others live is mostly foreigners, and everyone lives in peace, but recently a group of Americans came. These Americans are not of good character and often harass women nearby. They also called the police. The police also dealt with it, but the other party still went its own way, which caused them a lot of headaches.

The quality of the entire community has been lowered by them, and even people like them have been affected, and they are a little terrified when traveling.

"They are white supremacists!" Terina said seriously at this time, "You have to be careful!"

At this time, Yusuke thought of the guy just now, who also said that white people are the best, it seems that this is a part of them.

Yusuke is very strange, what do these white people come to do in Japan, they say white supremacy, so go back to the United States!

"I don't know about this aspect," Jielina said, "The owners in our neighborhood are all discussing, going to the US embassy to discuss and send these people back."

The people living in this community are either rich or noble, and they all have a certain status, and they all work for large international companies. Together, they are a big force. If you really go to the US embassy to protest, maybe it will be true. There is a way.

Yusuke hesitated for a moment, then recounted what happened just now.

If this group of guys are really Americans, they will never let it go due to the pissing nature of Americans.

Yusuke didn't care, but he was a little worried about Jessica, so he told everything.

Terina was surprised, and nodded seriously after listening, "I see, we will complain to the police and drive them away as soon as possible. I will be responsible for helping Jessica to and from school for a while."

"Then trouble you!"

Terina smiled, "Thank you, Jessica is also my sister, when you go to high school, you will protect her."

"Don't worry, take care of me"

After saying hello, Yusuke left, and this time he returned along the same road.

He has an intuition that the other party will definitely come to make trouble, and he must kill it before it occurs.

Sure enough, when he came here, several cars immediately appeared and surrounded him.

Several tall white men jumped out of the car, and one of them was the young man who was beaten to the ground by Yusuke just now, and one of his hands was bandaged.

Yusuke was a little surprised, this guy came out to seek revenge on himself as soon as he was cured, he was too impatient!
However, considering the urine nature of Americans, it is normal to have such behavior.

Three cars, seven white men, each tall, like a gorilla, surrounded Yusuke. Standing in front of him was a strong man with a height of nearly two meters. His huge muscles stretched his clothes tightly. The whole person looks extremely fierce.

As soon as these people approached, Yusuke frowned.

Without him, their body odor really stinks!
Westerners all have serious body odor, which Asians can't imagine, so they all like to wear perfume very much. At this time, there is a strong smell on them, and Yusuke is a little sick.

By the way, Jessica doesn't have this smell anymore, and Jessica's skin is also very delicate. Unlike the rough pores of Westerners, her skin is very smooth. I heard from Jessica that their ancestors It seems to have mixed blood.

This is good news!

"Peter, is this the guy who killed you? Did you make a mistake!"

A strong white man spoke at this time, his voice was full of disdain. In his eyes, the thin and small Yusuke was like a chicken. He could crush him with one hand. It would be embarrassing to be put down by such a person. of!
The one called Pete was the young man who was laid down by Yusuke just now, and now he shouted angrily: "This guy has kung fu!"

"You thought he was Chinese!" said another strong man.

In the eyes of the Americans, the Chinese all have kung fu, but this is an island country, how can the Japanese have any kung fu, everyone laughed.

"No, no, Japan also has kung fu, they have kendo, that's the kind, hahaha"

A strong man gestured, pretending to be holding a bamboo sword, and slashed vigorously. That movement like a clown made everyone laugh.

They want to insult each other!

For the islanders, kendo is their facade, and foreigners are not allowed to be humiliated like this.

They want to see each other's anger.

But a pity.

Yusuke's face was calm, as if he was looking at a clown, he looked at several people at this moment.

"Who are you guys?" Yusuke asked at this moment, his voice was calm and calm.

At this time, the strong men all showed smug smiles.All of them have an OK posture.

This is a gesture of white supremacy!
Seeing Yusuke's sudden realization, they were very proud.

"Boy, now I give you a chance"

The burliest man came out at this time, "You pick us at random, and if you win the heads-up, we will let you go."

Sure enough, it is very American, indiscriminate, I think what is right is right, the whole world is mine, and I am the boss!

"This guy was so scared that he couldn't speak. I don't know if he will pee his pants!" A strong man said at this time, looking at Yusuke and licking his lips.

Yusuke instantly got goosebumps and immediately jumped away.

To be honest, this is the first one who can break through Yusuke's defense.

Yusuke stared at him relentlessly, if this guy dared to touch him, his head would definitely be smashed to pieces!

I heard that Americans like to engage in homosexuality, and it is true!

Seeing Yusuke's actions, the strong men instantly understood, and at this moment they showed ambiguous smiles.

"Keil, let him handle it with you"

"Leave it to me, I will love him well!" The strong man showed an ambiguous smile at this time.

At that moment, his face was distorted, and a foot directly kicked him in the face, with such force that his entire face was deformed.

The next moment, his body flew backwards fiercely, hitting their car, and there was a sound from the car.

The strong men were all dumbfounded, unable to react.

Yusuke withdrew his feet, took out a tissue, wiped it, and threw it on the ground, this is really disgusting!

All gays must die!
"Fuck him!"

The next moment, the strong men rushed over fiercely.

One by one, like gorillas in heat, they opened their arms and rushed towards them fiercely.

I knew this group of guys would come to this set!
The one-on-one fight that was agreed, turned into a gang fight in the end.

Fortunately, Yusuke was mentally prepared.

The urine of Americans is known all over the world!
Facing the strong man rushing towards him, Yusuke stepped on his foot, and his body rushed forward in an instant, his fist was raised high, and directly hit the face of the strong man rushing over, the acceleration of both sides, coupled with Yusuke's strength, strong Han flew backward at an extremely fast speed and hit the ground, his face was bloody and his nose was smashed by the punch, and he lay there, his life and death unknown.

Solve two in an instant!
At this time, he stepped on his foot, his body turned around, and his heel kicked backwards, just in time to hit the man who was rushing over.

This kick landed on his chest, like a sledgehammer hitting his chest fiercely, and the sound of fracture came.

Before the man could scream, he was kicked flying by the kick, and landed on the two rushing people, and the three fell backwards.

There were seven people in the group, three of them fell down, and two of them were hindered in their movements. Now only two of them are besieging Yusuke.

The most dangerous of them all was the two-meter-tall giant. He was a boxer, with fast punches and extremely tricky angles. He didn't change his expression even after losing two of his men.

At this time, while Yusuke was kicking the man, his fist came from the side, and the target was the opponent's abdomen.

This punch can directly hit the internal organs from under the ribs, which is very vicious.

If it was an ordinary person, he might be caught off guard, but he was facing Yusuke.

Double combat power is no joke!
Strength, speed, reaction nerves, all aspects have broken through the limits of human beings.

Yusuke turned around in an instant, his fist brushed past his body, and at the same time, he clamped his arm and directly clamped the opponent's arm, stepped on his foot, and his body turned over.

Before the strong man could react, his body was blown away the next moment.

The whole body was turned around, rotated 360 degrees, and hit the ground directly, his head hit the ground, foaming at the mouth instantly, and passed out.

The remaining strong man stopped and looked at Yusuke with a look of horror.

Something is wrong with this boy!
Now they realized that this is not an ordinary boy, this is an evil spirit!
How can the Japanese know kung fu!This is fake Japanese!

He wanted to run away, but Yusuke would not let him go, stepped on him, and rushed towards the opponent directly.

The man gasped violently, terrified in his heart, turned his head subconsciously, and a fist magnified in front of his eyes.

The next moment, he fell into darkness.

Yusuke knocked the man over with a punch, and the man lay on the ground and passed out.

At this moment, he stopped and turned his head to look at the last two people.

These are the two people who were blocked just now, and one of them is a young man named Pete.

The two were sweating profusely, and the other young man couldn't bear the pressure, threw the wounded man on the ground, screamed and ran away.

He wanted to get back in the car, as long as he was in the car he was safe.

The scream also brought Pete back to his senses, and he acted too, and the two each ran to a car.

They are betting that one of them must escape!

But at the next moment, a huge force hit his back, causing Peter, who was running, to lose his footing and fell directly to the ground. The weight on his back fell down, making him dizzy.

The one who was pressing on him was the companion who was unconscious just now.

Pete was surprised, was he thrown by the opponent?
This is more than 100 catties!
The two escaped separately, Yusuke had no choice but to use local waste materials, grabbed one person on the ground, threw it at one of them, and caught up with the other.

The weight of more than 100 kilograms should not be underestimated!

Pete lay on the ground directly, and when he got up, a boy appeared in front of him, looking at him calmly.

Pete's lips trembled, and he glanced at his companion quietly. The companion had fallen on the car just now, with his head tilted to one side, and his life and death were unknown.

Only myself is left!

Pete's legs were trembling, he swallowed his saliva, and said tremblingly: "Actually, these are all misunderstandings."

He got scared and started begging for mercy.

"We just wanted to come and apologize to you, they were just joking with you just now"

This kung fu of opening your eyes and telling nonsense is indeed very American!

"Are you finished?" Yusuke's calm voice came.

Pete had a bad premonition, he was thinking about whether to kneel down and beg for mercy, but before he could act, a sharp pain came.

His vision reversed, the earth appeared in front of him, and his head felt a sharp pain.

He was thrown to the ground, a little dazed.

Shaking his head, the figure in front of him was a little blurry, and then...

He saw a big foot stepping down, and then, the severe pain stimulated his brain, making him scream crazily.

The other hand was now bloody.

Yusuke withdrew his foot, his expression calm.

The incident happened at a nearby crossroads. Although the neighborhood is a residential area and the flow of people is relatively small, the sound of cars and their screams also attracted the attention of some people. Many people came out to look around and saw the situation on the scene. They were all stunned.


When Terina's voice came, Yusuke turned his head, and Terina was walking over from the crowd with a look of surprise.

She looked at the strong men on the ground, and then at Yusuke, as if she saw an alien.

Yusuke smiled and walked over.

Jielina had too many doubts, she recognized them, this group of people are the group of bastards before, she just told Yusuke to make him pay attention, but she didn't expect that Yusuke just came out of the house, with They matched.

There are thousands of words in my heart, but only one sentence in the end.

"Yusuke, are you alright?"


Yusuke calmly explained what happened just now.

This group of people came here to cause trouble, and he was just protecting himself.

"What should we do now?" Terina asked, looking at the stunned men on the ground, this was the first time she encountered such a situation.

Yusuke took out his mobile phone, of course he chose to call the police at this time.

After a while, the police came, drove away the crowd of onlookers, took away Yusuke and the strong men, and Jielina was also with him, and she kept following Yusuke for fear of losing money.

The sound of the police car left, and the scene returned to calm.

This incident is very troublesome, involving Americans, minors, and British people, it is very confusing.

The Americans made a big noise at the police station, clamoring that Yusuke must pay the price and make him compensate. If they don't agree, they will go to the embassy.

They are American citizens, they are superior to others, how can they be bullied by assholes in such a small place!

To be honest, this group of people really has no brains. The Japanese police station clamored to make the Japanese police look good. It is strange that the police would have a good face. The few policemen who handled the case were very angry and detained them inside.

Instead, their attitude towards Yusuke was much better.

The hot-blooded boy defeated the Yankee!
This sounds very passionate!

Islanders worship the strong!
Not to mention that these Americans are very vicious, and they have left a thick pile of records not long after arriving in Japan. This young man only chose to take action for self-protection. Morally and legally, he no problem.

But after all, foreigners were involved in the matter, and there was some trouble, and Yusuke's parents and school were notified.

Father and He also knew that Yusuke was not injured, so he was relieved, and he didn't care about the fight.

There were also people from the school, and the head teacher, Mishima Noya, had an ugly expression on his face.

This Misawa Yusuke is really good at making trouble, he was very happy before, he got a good reputation for the school, but after only two or three days, he immediately entered the police station, and the nature of this time is even more outrageous , He even beat up foreigners, which really made him not know how to comment.

Fortunately, after knowing all the things, it made him relieved that the nature was not too serious, and then...

He chose to support Yusuke, and after knowing everything, almost everyone sided with Yusuke.

Jie Linna also launched her own relationship. As I said before, because of their harassment, the nearby owners have intentionally united to protest. They took this opportunity to protest and provided some evidence of their usual violations. Make the whole thing even more troublesome.

The police feel very tricky!

(End of this chapter)

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