Chapter 695 695. Then Don’t Blame Me

The trip to Hokkaido ended here, and the school's commendation meeting was next.

The whole school gathered in the gymnasium, and Yusuke took the stage to speak.

This time the manuscript was written very well, and the time was not too long, and it was very popular with the students, especially the female students.

The next step is the main event, the TV interview.

The school was excited, and the students were also excited. When the TV station came to the school, all the students in the school came to watch.

This time, a beautiful reporter came here, originally it was just a one-time mission, but when she saw Yusuke himself, she couldn't help lengthening the interview time, and the photographer was not stingy with his own lens, this young man is very photogenic .

The homeroom teacher Mishima Noya was very happy, and he also played a lot of roles in the interview, so he was finally satisfied this time.

The family also knew that Yusuke was going to be on TV, and my mother specially recorded this interview as a souvenir.

The bragging rights have increased again.

The bustling and noisy week has finally passed, and it has returned to daily life again.

On Saturday, Heishuiquan and Kuroda Minami came, and the previously agreed linkage officially started.

The two project teams of "Beauty Hunter" and "Wild Food" took the initiative again, and everyone except Yusuke was mobilized.

By the way, the commercial vehicle of the studio is already in place, and Mio Zuo is in charge of driving.

The studio has a total of three series, "Animal Expert Misawa-kun", "Beauty Hunter" and "Wild Food".

Among them, "Animal Expert Sanhun Jun" has the most fans. This is the main account and the core of the studio.

The shooting of "Animal Expert Misawa-kun" is the easiest, basically indoors.

The previous inventory is not very much, so today the three of them have to shoot more in the studio.

Because of this, Yusuke received complaints from Yui and Rie. He often finished shooting a bunch of videos, and then went to do other things.

Facing the angry two people, Yusuke had no choice but to coax them, and they gave up.

From morning to noon, everyone was a little tired.

"Take a break," Yusuke said, and they both nodded.

"I want something to eat, I'll order takeaway"

"This one……"

This is a difficult choice. It’s okay to eat takeaway once or twice, but I get tired of eating takeaway often. I’ve tried all the nearby restaurants, and they don’t seem to have anything delicious.

"Let's have instant noodles," Yui said at this time.

Rie also nodded, "It's good to eat instant noodles occasionally."

Well, then decided to eat instant noodles.

Yusuke took out three bowls of instant noodles in the tea room, everyone chose their favorite flavors, and prepared to boil hot water.

The three sat at the table and waited.

"It hasn't been like this for a long time," Yui said with a smile, "It's like we're just starting out."

At that time, there were only three people, very simple, and the studio was new, with only three computers and nothing, and they often ate instant noodles when they were hungry.

But now there are rows of computers, all kinds of things, coffee tables, sofas, pantry, snacks, this is already a mature workplace.

This made them feel a little bit, this time flies so fast, and at the same time, they also have some small sense of accomplishment, doing something from nothing, this is a satisfying process.

"We will grow bigger and bigger in the future." Yusuke said with a smile, "We will also establish a big company."

Yui and Rie didn't feel much about this, they felt that this was already very satisfying, and they didn't quite understand the man's ambition, but since it was Yusuke's idea, they would support it.

The water boiled, Yusuke brought the kettle over, opened the cup noodle, poured boiling hot water, 3% full, covered it, and waited for [-] minutes.

The three of them sat there, waiting quietly, waiting for 3 minutes was a sense of ritual.

"It's time" Youyi looked at the phone and said, the three of them picked up the instant noodles in their hands at the same time, opened the lid, and the aroma of instant noodles came.

"smell good!"

Everyone expresses emotion, such things as instant noodles are often unpalatable, but once in a while, they feel very delicious.

"What's your taste, Yusuke?"

“I like braised beef”

"Where's Rie's?"

“I love seafood”

"I'm chicken soup flavor, should we swap it?"


The three of them put all the cup noodles on the table, stretched out their hands and pushed them, and the three cup noodles turned around.

Yusuke got the chicken soup flavor, Yui got the seafood flavor, and Rie got the braised beef.

“The chicken soup tastes good too”

“Seafood tastes very fresh”

“The braised beef is delicious”

Everyone put down the cup noodles again, and changed again.

"In this way, we can eat three flavors," Yuyi said with a smile.

"Next time you can change to other flavors," Rie replied with a smile.

Looking at the two smiling faces, Yusuke was very pleased, this kind of relationship was what he wanted most.

Harem Harmony!

"Yusuke, why are you laughing like this?" Yui said contemptuously, "It's disgusting."

Rie also avoided Yusuke subconsciously, and sat with Yui.

"Your illusion"

"I do not believe it"

"I don't believe it either"

Both Yui and Rie didn't give face at all.

"Okay, you guys have seen my true colors."

Yusuke stood up at this moment, with a strange smile on his face.

"What are you going to do?" The two subconsciously took two steps back.

"Kids know what I'm going to do"

"Let me tell you, don't think that we are afraid of you because it's just the two of us." Yui said bluntly, and Rie nodded.

"Is it just the two of you who can beat me?"

"Don't come here!"

The two fled in an instant, and Yusuke chased after them.

The three of them were chasing around in the room like children.

Of course, the studio is so small, Yusuke quickly caught up with the two of them, holding one on each side.

"I got it"

"Let us go quickly!" The two struggled shyly.

Yusuke's arms were like steel, hugging their waists tightly, touching Yusuke's body, making them blush and nervous.

"Quickly apologize to me, you slandered me"

"I don't apologize?"

"Me too." Both of them curled their lips.

"Then don't blame me"

"What are you going to do?"

The next moment, the eyes of the two turned around, and then they realized that they were pushed down on the sofa by Yusuke.

The two were taken aback for a moment, glanced at each other, and blushed in the next moment.

Lonely men and widows, and they are all passionate ages, looking at Yusuke with an excited face, this, this, this...

Both of them are very nervous, this guy is playing hooligans!

At this time, there was an itching, and the two suddenly laughed.

Yusuke grabbed the little feet of the two, and a feather was scratching it. The two couldn't take it anymore, and they laughed unsteadily.

"Yusuke stop it!"

"You guys apologize"

"We don't apologize"

"Then don't blame me"


The two couldn't stand it anymore.

"I surrender, I surrender" Rie was the first to surrender, followed by Yui.

Yusuke let go of his hand, stood up with a smile, and looked at the two of them.

At this time, there were tears in the corners of their eyes, and their faces were flushed red after being excited, and they looked very tempting.

Yusuke wanted to make fun of a few words, but seeing the appearance of these two people, he suddenly didn't know how to speak.

The three looked at each other.

In an instant, the atmosphere became ambiguous, and the breathing became short of breath...

(End of this chapter)

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