Chapter 696 696. So Fun

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became ambiguous.

There were only three people in the entire studio, and the animals were also resting, which meant that no one was bothering them now.

Because of the fight just now, Yui and Rie's clothes were a little messy at this time, and some scenery was looming.

Yui's majestic chest, Rie's slender thighs, shy and slightly red face, and watery and tender eyes stimulated Yusuke all the time.

His breathing became short of breath, his blood boiled, and his eyes became dangerous.

This made the two of them a little scared, but also a little nervous.

Although they knew this day would come, it was too soon!

The relationship between us has not been sorted out, what should we do?
Yusuke looks so scary!
At this time, there was a knock on the door, breaking the atmosphere of the scene.

Only then did Yusuke come back to his senses, and immediately turned around, took two deep breaths, and suppressed the restlessness in his heart and the heat below.

Don't play like this next time, something will happen!People will die!
Seeing Yusuke turned around, Yui and Rie breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little disappointed in their hearts.

But without thinking too much, he quickly stood up and straightened his clothes.

Seeing their own appearance at this time, the two of them were a little ashamed, and were taken advantage of by this guy again.

Yusuke coughed, interrupting their random thoughts.

"I'm going to open the door"

This is a signal to ask them to tidy up their appearance and emotions, and not show their feet. The absurdity just now cannot be seen by others.

The two were a little ashamed and a little angry, it was all this guy's fault.

That's right, it's this guy!

Waiting for him to settle the score, he dared to bully us, the two of them instantly became a united front, and decided to show him some color later.

Yusuke regained his composure and opened the door.

"Doctor Sakura!" Yusuke was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the person who came was Ryoko Sakura.

It has been more than a month since Ryoko Sakura returned to her hometown years ago, and now she is finally back.

"Yusuke!" Ryoko Sakura nodded with a smile, still holding a box in her hand, "Did I bother you?"

"No." Yusuke replied with a smile, "Come in and sit down."

Yui and Rie also came up to say hello with a smile, Sakura Ryoko responded with a smile, looked around the studio, and asked, "Is no one else here?"

"They all went out to shoot the location," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"It looks like this, it seems that you are doing pretty well, by the way, this is for you"

Ryoko Sakura handed over the box in her hand, "These are some specialties from my hometown."

"Dr. Sakura has a heart"

Rie brought a cup of hot tea, and everyone sat and chatted together.

"Doctor Sakura, you have been home for a long time this time," Yusuke said with a smile.

"There are a lot of things at home, and grandma just happened to be sick, so she stayed at home all the time," Sakura Ryoko replied.

"Sorry" Yusuke said apologetically.

"It's okay." Yoshiko Sakura responded with a smile, "My grandma is still very healthy, just some minor problems of the elderly."

Everyone exchanged a few words, and Sakura Ryoko left first.

I haven't been back for more than a month. The clinic needs to be cleaned and cleaned. There are a lot of things to do.

Dr. Sakura was sent away, and there were three people left in the studio again.

The three of them looked at each other, and the atmosphere was very quiet.

Yusuke coughed and said, "Enough rest, let's continue working."

You have to forget what happened just now, so that everyone will not be embarrassed.

The two also agreed.

But as soon as Yusuke turned around, the two rushed over immediately.

Caught off guard, Yusuke was pushed to the ground by the two of them.

Now it's our turn." The two sat directly on Yusuke's back and said with a smile.

"You two lied to me"

"Have you never heard of it? Girls are always deceitful," Rie responded with a smile.

"Now it's time for us to fight back," Yuyi said proudly.

The next moment, four small hands started to grab Yusuke's waist, which instantly made Yusuke laugh out loud.

"Wait a minute, don't touch my waist"

The doubling of combat power gives Yusuke a very strong physical fitness, but there are still some weaknesses that should be there.

Yusuke's weakness lies in his waist, he is very ticklish, as a childhood sweetheart, Yui knows it well, he has scratched him several times when he was young, Yusuke will be weak if his waist is grabbed, even if it is double the fighting power, Yusuke was also played by two women.

"I surrender, I surrender." Yusuke couldn't take it anymore, and immediately begged for mercy.

"That can't be done." Youyi said with a smile: "When we said no, you didn't stop."

"When a woman says no, she wants it," Yusuke retorted.

The next moment, Yui and Rie immediately understood the meaning of this sentence, and their faces turned red instantly.

How dare this guy play hooligans!
The four little hands increased their strength.

"Do you want it?" Yui asked with a smile.

"Do not"

"That's it," Rie replied with a smile.

"Then I want it"

"That's enough for you," Yui said with a smile.

Yusuke fell into the hell of happiness and pain in an instant.

Finally, the two stood up from Yusuke with satisfied faces.

And Yusuke was lying on the ground, his clothes were disheveled, a bit like he was squeezed dry.

Well, this is the first time Yusuke has been so tired.

"Don't forget the conditions you just promised," Yui said with a smile.

In order to beg for mercy, Yusuke agreed to a lot of conditions, and they let him go.

Rie also had a smile on her face, it was the first time she saw Yusuke like this, it was very novel.

I didn't expect Yusuke to be so funny!

Yusuke got up from the ground and recovered some strength at this time, looking at the smiling two, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The two of them suddenly had a bad premonition, and quickly took a step back.

"What do you want?"

The next moment, Yusuke rushed towards the two of them.

"It's time for me to fight back"

"You guy actually go back on your word?"

"Haven't you heard of it? Boys are all deceitful"

The animals also woke up at this time, and came over, looking at the three people fighting, a little strange.

"Meow (what are they doing?)" Xiao Hui asked curiously.

"Meow meow (you idiot, they are courting)" Xiao Huang replied.


Many kittens suddenly realized that spring is here, the season of recovery of all things, and the season of animal reproduction.

Seeing that the kittens had woken up, the three of them stopped playing.

Well, time to work.

Around five o'clock in the afternoon, the people who went out finally returned.

"Boss!" Xiao Zhizi said excitedly, "Today's shooting was a success."

The two of them also learned some lessons from the last experience, and they are more prepared this time. Today's shooting was very successful, and the two of them are very happy.

The linkage between Heishuiquan and Shengzi was also very successful. Today's live broadcast went smoothly, and everyone is very satisfied with the results this time.

It was lively and lively, and at 9 o'clock in the evening, finally, today's work was completed.

(End of this chapter)

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