Chapter 700 700. Uncle Photographer

The night is already deep.

Yusuke walked out of the TV station with a middle-aged man who is the director of this program.

Today's filming has ended, and the staff should have brought Yusuke out, but this time the director specially sent him off.

Without him, this is a real master, such a person is too rare, and the director also wants to get to know him.

Yusuke is not against these social activities, and the two sides exchange business cards with each other.

Saying goodbye to the director, Yusuke walked on the road alone.

Today's streets are more lively, Valentine's Day is an important festival, and businesses have offered Valentine's Day discount packages one after another.

Every festival is a carnival for businesses.

There are many couples on the road, and every couple is very sweet. There is not a single dog on the road today. The single dogs are hiding at home and licking their wounds.

Looking at such a scene, Yusuke also had some turmoil in his heart, but he soon became firm and walked towards home.

When we got home, the mother who had been waiting surrounded me enthusiastically. She was very interested in today's shooting.

Yusuke talked about some shooting situations, and the main theme of the program is the master hidden in the city.

And masters must be stronger than others, rope skipping, boxing, weightlifting, as long as it is related to competitive sports, Yusuke has tested all of them, and the data shocked everyone.

The host was also dumbfounded, this is really a master!
Therefore, the director personally sent Yusuke out.

Island nations respect the strong, and only the strong are eligible for friendship.

Today's indoor shooting is finished, and tomorrow I will go outdoor shooting, which is more difficult.

"Yusuke, where are you filming tomorrow, mom, I'll go cheer you up!" Meihe said excitedly.

Yusuke shook his head, "We are going far away, and we have to go out early tomorrow morning, so don't worry about it, mom."

The mother was very sorry about this, and thought that she could see her son's bravery with her own eyes.

Regarding the fact that Yusuke is going to be on TV, Miwa has already greeted the neighbors around, and the neighbors were amazed again, and all kinds of compliments came one after another, and the mother was completely addicted to this kind of happiness.

After chatting with his mother for a while, finally satisfying his mother's curiosity, Yusuke went to rest.

Back in the room, I subconsciously looked at the opposite room. The lights in the opposite room had been turned off and the curtains were drawn.

That's right, it's past one o'clock now, and Yui has already gone to bed.

Sleep with the lights off.

Early the next morning, Yusuke came to the TV station.

He had obtained a temporary entry pass yesterday, and after showing it, the staff quickly let him go.

Today's shooting was all outdoors, and everyone was waiting in the shed, waiting for everyone to gather and set off together.

Yusuke came to report, and the staff all smiled and said hello, everyone was very impressed with this boy, he was very good-looking, he was super good at fighting, he was a master!
Yusuke has a gentle attitude and a very high charisma value. With a smile, everyone's affection for him spontaneously arises.

In an unfamiliar environment, the first impression is very important, relying on the super high charisma value, Yusuke gets along well with everyone.

After a while, the director came, everyone said hello, everyone was here, ready to go.

Today's shooting was in a place in the suburbs. Yusuke followed the staff and boarded the bus, and the car headed out of the city.

Sitting with Yusuke is an uncle photographer, and he was also holding the camera yesterday.

He was deeply impressed by Yusuke, he had been in this industry for more than ten years, and he had never seen such a young man.

The photographer uncle is very enthusiastic. He chatted with Yusuke a lot along the way. Yusuke is also very interested in him. He must be an experienced photographer who can hold the camera for a TV station. His lens sense and shooting techniques are very valuable. experience.

Although Yusuke is a video blogger, he is still a professional when it comes to shooting skills.

At this time, the importance of charm value is reflected. Yusuke communicated with him very smoothly, and got some good tips.

The uncle of the photographer is Uemura Uemura. He graduated from the photography department and has been in this industry for more than ten years. He has almost reached his apex in this position.

Originally, he was very satisfied with this job, but with the rise of the Internet in the past few years, Internet entertainment and traditional entertainment have formed a situation where the world is evenly divided. The life of these logistics workers is not easy, and everyone is looking for new development. ,He is also included.

In the past ten years, what he is most familiar with is his old profession, so he wonders if he can make some money by relying on his profession.

Of course, making money refers to earning some extra money, and it cannot conflict with his own job.

There used to be some studios looking for him to cooperate, but he was not interested. With his current status, going to these studios is a self-deprecation, and there is no way to compare his status and resources.

In the inherent impression, the traditional media is still more powerful.

However, Internet media also has some merits. For example, everyone can be a director, and everyone can be a photographer, which lowers the threshold of entertainment to a minimum.

He is also trying to make his own YouTube account, which is the closest part-time job to his skills.

But how to put it, he is good at shooting, but he doesn't know much about script planning, so he can't develop it.

When Uehara Uemura knew that Yusuke was a video blogger with tens of millions, he was very surprised.

No matter what industry you are in, those who can achieve the top are strong.

Uehara Uemura also had some more thoughts at this time, and asked some video bloggers about his experience. In fact, he has not given up on this part-time job, because YouTube videos are really profitable!

Yusuke was not stingy with giving advice, everyone got what they needed.

With such thoughts, the two chatted very well along the way.

Yusuke also handed over his business card at this time, "I hope that we will have the opportunity to cooperate with each other."

"Is this recruiting me?" Uehara Uemura joked with a smile.

If it was before, he would be very disdainful, but a video blogger with tens of millions of levels has this weight.

Again, Yusuke has the right to talk to him on an equal footing.

"No one can say what will happen in the future," Yusuke replied with a smile.

Uemura Uehara thought about it and thought it made sense. He is still very young and his future development is limitless.

He smiled and accepted it, and at the same time handed over his business card.

"I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future"


Yusuke accepted it with a smile.

He suddenly felt that it was good to come to the TV station. There are many professionals here, but professional talents may not all have good treatment. In addition, the market has not been good in the past few years. Everyone is looking for a way out, and maybe they can catch some big fish. .

(End of this chapter)

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