Chapter 701 701. Wild Motorcycle
The car arrived at its destination, and everyone got out of the car.

This is the foot of a mountain, and the scenery is pretty good.

The staff moved some things down and began to set up the scene. Under the leadership of the staff, Yusuke also came to the temporary dressing room, where he put on makeup and prepared to shoot.

The host is still the same as yesterday, and today's mood seems to be even more exciting.

He had seen Yusuke's strength yesterday, and with his experience, he could tell at a glance that this show is very enjoyable. The guests this time are very good, the show is popular, and his status as a host will also rise. Such a good thing will of course work hard.

"Friends from the audience, Sanze-kun's performance surprised us very much, but a real master is omnipotent. Today he will show us more powerful skills. Everyone, welcome Sanze-kun to enter the stage."

Yusuke entered the stage and greeted the camera.

"Mr. Sanze, do you have confidence in today's test?"

"best effort"

"Mr. Sanze is humble, the scene of splitting bricks left a deep impression on me"

In yesterday's test, the first item of breaking bricks surprised everyone. The director decided on the spot that this segment must be placed at the forefront of the program to attract the audience.

There were still a lot of tests yesterday, and Yusuke's performance was amazing, but in terms of the effect of the program, I always felt that it was a bit lacking, so today's shooting is the most important thing.

What do audiences like?

Stimulation, stimulation, stimulation!

Stimulation must have big scenes and big productions, which is recognized by everyone, otherwise how could Hollywood action blockbusters become popular all over the world?

In fact, there are a lot of discussions about the location shooting program committee this time. After all, it costs more money to go out and shoot. Of course, it can save money for the program team.

However, the strength of the producer Yuichi Nakamoto cannot be ignored. He strongly demanded that he must shoot the location.

The program committee agreed after some discussion. The programs produced by Yuichi Nakamoto so far are very popular. His vision is very vicious. Success is the capital. Everyone has great confidence in him, and it’s only one or two outdoor scenes. The money will be there once you squeeze it.

Yusuke, the insider of the TV station, is not interested, he only cares about today's program shooting.

If you want to do it, you must do your best, and Yusuke is not stingy with expressing himself.

The development is almost there, it's time to show some muscle.

Today's first shooting, wild motorcycle.

Yusuke wants to ride a motorcycle to advance in various special terrains, of course it is not a slow advance, it must be a variety of fancy stunts.

This is also the top priority of the program, so it is placed in the first item.

Yusuke didn't know how Yuichi Nakamoto thought of this, did he think that the so-called master is omnipotent?
However, by accident, this item is really one of Yusuke's specialties.

Yusuke changed into the racing driver's clothes, and the staff did a final check for him in case there was an accident during the show.

The director came over to ask Yusuke how he was doing. He knew that if today's filming was successful, there must be a lot of topicality, but if there was an accident, he, the director, would be the first one to take the blame, so he couldn't help but ignore it.

Yusuke was very calm about this, and his calm attitude infected everyone.

At this moment, everyone remembered his performance yesterday. This is a master, so there must be no problem!
After a few words of encouragement, the director left, the staff checked, the photographers were in place, and the show began.

"Riding Skill" activates!
Since there was going to be a big scene, Yusuke would not be stingy, and the horsepower was fully turned on at the first time, and the accelerator was directly turned to the maximum.

The motorcycle made a strong roar, rushed forward in an instant, and accelerated so fast that even the photographer was surprised.

It was too fast to sprint with all its strength at the first time!

The shooting location is located in a wasteland at the foot of the mountain. Although the staff has arranged a temporary driveway, the road is very difficult and unstable. Even professional drivers dare not be careless.

But Yusuke burst out with all his strength as soon as he came, and the speed was pulled to the maximum, which made the director very worried. If he lost control at this speed, it would be fatal.

But what happened next left everyone dumbfounded.

Yusuke felt the power of the wind again.

He seems to be integrated with the locomotive, 100% explosive, man and car as one.

At this moment, he is the locomotive, and the two wheels are his legs.

This is unprecedented speed!

This is an unprecedented feeling!
The hurricane was roaring in his ears, and the oncoming scene strongly stimulated the brain, the blood in the whole body was boiling, the heart was trembling violently, and the glandular hormones soared.

This exciting feeling is unprecedentedly refreshing.

No wonder men like to drive, it's so cool!
In the state of human-vehicle integration, no obstacles are worth mentioning.

What a rugged mountain, Yusuke is walking on flat ground, what a thrilling turn, Yusuke rushed over with a flick of his tail, the speed did not drop at all, but kept accelerating.

For the effect of the program, Yusuke showed all kinds of fancy motorcycle performances that he had seen before.

Rotating 360 degrees in the air, the locomotive directly rotated a circle in the air, drew a circle, and landed on the ground smoothly.

Driving close to the ground, the angle of the locomotive was already almost sticking to the ground, and the motorcycle sparked, sparks and lightning along the way.

These are basic operations.

The most shocking thing is that Yusuke flies over a truck in the air.

This truck was driven by the technical room, it was used to store sundries, and it was also used as a prop.

Everyone opened their mouths.

For a moment, everyone felt that Newton's coffin board was about to fail.

Is this really something humans can do?

Although professional and high-quality racing drivers can also do it, they have completed it with equipment, and the simplest take-off board is also required, but Yusuke just borrowed a small Toki, and directly flew three to four meters High, this is unscientific!
This is not scientific!
In order to show this effect, Yusuke spent a lot of effort.

Riding skills, can combine one's own strength with the car, and go one step further.

However, some fancy movements that do not conform to the rules of nature at all are performed by Yusuke relying on his strong physical fitness.

Seeing the action with movie special effects, the director was excited, and the host was also excited. As long as there are no mistakes in the end, the ratings this time will definitely explode.

Finally, the motorcycle stopped in front of the host, Yusuke took off his hood, and the cameraman immediately gave him a close-up.

When the sun shines down, Yusuke at this moment is like a hero, very dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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