Chapter 711 711. Ji Xiong is OK

Ji Xiong bit Yusuke's chest directly, Yusuke glanced at her and ignored her.

This attitude angered Ji Xiong instead, she bit her mouth like a puppy.

Soon, the figures of the two appeared on the river slope, which was some distance away from the studio.

Yusuke stopped and sat on the grass with her in his arms.

"Listen to my explanation"

Ji Xiong glared at him, ignored him, and continued to bite his chest.

"Don't force me to come up with a trick"

Ji Xiong still ignored it!
I want to bite you to death!
The next moment, a strong smile came, and she couldn't help but let go of her mouth and laughed loudly.

"You bastard, stop!" Ji Xiong struggled while laughing.

Yusuke's hands are scratching her itch, knowing Ji Xiong for so long, Yusuke has already known her weaknesses clearly.

Since you are disobedient, then I have no choice but to come up with a trick!

"Stop it now, stop it now"

Ji Xiong laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe, but Yusuke didn't stop, he had to break her resistance in one fell swoop.

Finally, Ji Xiong lay on Yusuke's body weakly, with a broken look, combined with the tears in the corners of her eyes, it was indeed very confusing.

Ji Xiong glared at Yusuke angrily, it was the first time she was played so badly by someone.

"Ji Xiong, listen to my explanation"

"What else do you have to explain!"

"I want to open a harem"

"Go to hell!"

Ji Xiong was very angry, but his tone was not as energetic as before.

Her physical strength was exhausted, and she didn't even have the strength to move her hands at this moment, so she could only stare angrily with her eyes.

"I remember you said you didn't mind"

"I'm just kidding"

"But I mean it!"

"It's none of my business!"

"Because I like you, you are also one of my harem"

"go to hell!"

The two were fighting and fighting, and Ji Xiong's angry mood was disturbed by Yusuke, but his mood was not so bad.

"I don't care, anyway, I don't allow you to open the harem!"

Ji Xiong covered his ears as if he couldn't hear, anyway, what I believe is the truth.

"It's useless to escape." Yusuke grabbed her hands and forcefully pulled them apart.

"You hurt me." Ji Xiong was a little angry and aggrieved, "You don't love me anymore, you weren't like this before, you weren't so rude before"

"Okay, let me show you how to love you"

Yusuke hugged Ki Xiong's head and kissed it directly.

Ji Xiong is struggling, but to no avail.

The hands that hammered the chest gradually relaxed weakly, and finally, the two hugged each other tightly.

After a long time, the two parted, Ji Xiong's eyes were indescribable.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have said that sentence. Now it’s all right, I’ll dig a hole and bury myself.

As for breaking up, it was not an option for her at all. There was no breaking up at that time, let alone now.

When she knew that Yusuke was related to other girls, she was already mentally prepared, but Yusuke announced it suddenly, which made her unable to accept it all at once.

After a long time, Ji Xiong's faint voice came, "You can't abandon me!"

She has backed down to this point, if Yusuke abandons her, she will really go crazy.

Yusuke's expression was extremely serious.

"We will be together forever, I guarantee it with my life!"

"In the future, you will be the mother of the child, the grandmother of the grandson, we will be buried together after death, and we will be together forever"

This is very straightforward, but Ji Xiong is very happy.

"Slick" Ji Xiong couldn't help saying, with a shy expression, which showed that she was very satisfied.

The next moment, she felt a rush of heat and blushed immediately.

"You man! It's still morning, why are you thinking about these things?"

"No way, your charm is too great." Yusuke said with some embarrassment, hugging a beautiful girl, and this girl has been rolling in his arms, rubbing and rubbing, there will definitely be a reaction!

Ji Xiong's shy voice came: "If you want, I can do it too."

This behavior of boyfriend and girlfriend is normal, and she is mentally prepared.

Yusuke smiled, knowing Jixiong's hint.

"Are you so anxious to be a mother?"

Ji Xiong froze for a moment, then turned into anger in the next moment, and punched Yusuke's chest with his fist.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I just said you can kiss me, I didn't say you could do anything else, what's going on in your head!"

Yongsuke smiled, coaxed her for a while, and promised that he would never abandon her. As for having a child, we will wait until he goes to college, Ji Xiong nodded shyly.

The flames of the harem finally held down.

However, Ji Xiong said that she will accept Yusuke, but it does not mean that she will accept others. If others challenge her, then don't blame her.

Also, Ji Xiong wants Yusuke to swear that he is not allowed to hook up with other women, even his current girlfriend, but he is not allowed to hook up with other people again.

In addition, she already has 6 girls, and Yusuke's appetite is too big. She didn't expect that Yusuke would be exhausted by then.

The topic of the harem ends here.

After the two of them talked tenderly for a while, Ji Xiong was ready to go back to the studio.

The house was a mess just after moving in, and there were still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with.

"Let me help you," Yusuke said, and Ji Xiong didn't object.

Ji Xiong is renting a big house with 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, one is his lounge, one is a studio, and the other is a utility room. At this time, the luggage is piled up in the house and has not been unpacked. open it.

Mio was already here to help.

"Boss, Ji Xiong, you are here." Mio greeted with a smile.

As Ji Xiong's good friend, she was the one who helped find this house, but today she asked for leave on purpose to help organize things.

Mio also knows the relationship between the two, she doesn't care about the situation where the two appear together, anyway, it's a matter between their lovers, it's none of my business.

Everyone said hello, didn't talk too much, and started working directly.

This move is a big project, Ji Xiong's drafts are the most, there are more than a dozen boxes full, and a pile of comic books, even the workbench was moved here by her.

According to Ji Xiong, she can only get inspiration when she is at a familiar table. For creators, inspiration is more important.

After working until the afternoon, the new home was finally set up.

Among them, Yusuke contributed a lot. They originally planned to take three days, but with Yusuke's help, things went very smoothly.

All the rough and heavy work is covered, and one person can be used by four people. In Ji Xiong's words, it's a pity not to move bricks, but it caused Yusuke's resistance, and the two had a fight, which made Mio who was next to him take a bite dog food.

"Let's go eat!" Yusuke said at this point, and they both nodded.

Everyone has been busy all day, so they have to reward themselves with a good meal, and at the same time, it is also to welcome Ji Xiong's arrival.

After tidying up, the three of them went out together.

Yusuke didn't notice that at the intersection not far away, Yui and Rie, who were returning home from get off work, also saw this scene.

Yusuke got into the taxi with two girls, one of them was Mio, and the other one they didn't know. Seeing how they were talking and laughing, was it Yusuke's friend?

(End of this chapter)

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