The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 712 712. This harem is so difficult to open

Chapter 712 712. This harem is so difficult to open

Coming out of the restaurant, Mio said hello and left first. Then it was time for the two of them to be alone, and she stopped being a light bulb.

"Let's go for a walk." Yusuke smiled and took Ji Xiong's little hand.

It's a rare date, and of course the two of you need to be romantic.

Going shopping and chatting is an ordinary day and the most common date, but Ji Xiong feels very satisfied, because this kind of date is what she wants most and what she has been looking forward to.

Because Yusuke was by her side.

At this time, the two were sitting in a milk tea shop to rest, and they drank a cup of milk tea together.

Ji Xiong rested his chin in his hands, held a straw in his mouth, and looked at Yusuke opposite him with a smile, he couldn't get enough of it.

Yusuke smiled, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because my boyfriend is handsome"

"Isn't that very proud?"

Ji Xiong nodded seriously, and took out his mobile phone, "I have to take a photo at this time as a souvenir."

The two leaned together, drinking a cup of milk tea with two straws, Ji Xiong picked up his phone and took a selfie.

Changing more than a dozen angles one after another and taking more than a dozen consecutive shots, Ji Xiong was satisfied.

Yusuke smiled, raised his head, and looked at the figure outside, the smile on his face froze.

The Son of God was standing outside with his arms crossed, watching the scene calmly.

Yusuke's heart was instantly cold.

My recent luck is very bad!

Every time I go on a date with my girlfriend, I will often be bumped into by other girlfriends. This was the case with Jessica, and it is the same with Ji Xiong now.

Ji Xiong looked at Yusuke's froze expression, a little strange, followed his eyes to look over, and then also saw Seiko standing outside the door, his face froze immediately, but recovered in the next moment.

At this time, he smiled and waved his hands, and greeted him very warmly, "Holy Son!"

The Son nodded calmly and walked in.

For some reason, Yusuke felt a strong murderous intent and swallowed his saliva.

Among the many girlfriends, Shengzi is the most gentle and has the most classical temperament, gentle as water, these four words are the best portrayal of Shengzi.

However, among the crowd, the one with the strongest force is also the Holy Son, the strongest female swordsman of the new generation, a genius who is rarely seen in a century, the title of "Sword Ghost" is worthy of the name, once it becomes black...

Brother Cheng is the best example.

Seeing Seiko's calm eyes, Yusuke felt a little caught and raped on the bed, but he quickly shook his head and strengthened his mind.

Now that he has decided to open a harem, all problems must be borne by himself.

It will be a matter of time before they are discovered, and how to solve these problems now is to find a way to convince the Holy Son.

Shengzi walked in and greeted Ji Xiong calmly.

"Ji Xiong, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"I didn't think of that either." Ji Xiong replied with a smile, like an old friend.

Seiko looked at Yusuke at this moment, "Yusuke, why are you here?"

This is a sending proposition!
Ji Xiong could also see it, with a smile on his face.

She doesn't bother to care about Yusuke now, but it doesn't mean she's happy to see this, if Yusuke gets dumped, that's the best thing, it's better to be dumped by all the girlfriends, then she can monopolize Yusuke.

And she wants to hear Yusuke's answer. The love words just now have wave after wave, and they are so nice. Next, let's see how he handles it. If he doesn't handle it well...

Ha ha!

She also saw it on campus.

Yusuke prepared himself mentally and replied, "I'll go out on a date with Ji Xiong"

Ji Xiong was very satisfied, he really dared to act and act, good job!

She was very satisfied with this answer!
Seiko's face was calm and his eyes did not change, which made Yusuke elusive.

"That won't bother you anymore." Shengzi walked out of the milk tea shop calmly.

Seeing Seiko leaving, Yusuke wanted to chase him out, but he didn't dare to chase him out, and he couldn't because Ji Xiong was here.

If he dared to leave Ji Xiong here, Ji Xiong would definitely turn his back on him, and all his thoughts today would be in vain.

Choose one of the two, Yusuke decided to settle one by one.

Ji Xiong looked at him with a smile, she didn't care what Yusuke thought, she only knew that Yusuke chose herself at this moment.

Ji Xiong was very happy, so she decided to go shopping for a little longer tonight, preferably until 12 o'clock in the evening.

But she thought too much, and it was only ten o'clock when the editor called her.

Because Ji Xiong stopped publishing for two weeks this time, although there were some manuscripts saved before, they were all used up. The editor also knew that she was moving, but there was no way to stop the work here.

So the editor is now watching Ji Xiong 24 hours a day, telling Ji Xiong to go to work on time, to go to bed on time, and to call to inquire when the time is over.

If the editor hadn't been an old acquaintance, Ji Xiong would have wanted to blacklist her on the spot, but you actually said these things when I was dating!

But the editor said that your appointment is an appointment, and it's time for a break, and now you have to go back to sleep and continue working tomorrow.

Ji Xiong almost said that he would suspend the publication for another week, and the editor said that if he didn't publish it, it would be dangerous. Recently, there is a newcomer who is very good, and the ranking of comics is limited. If Ji Xiong doesn't perform well, he will be cut in half at any time.

After knowing this situation, Yusuke also persuaded Ji Xiong, that the appointment is postponed, but work is more important, sometimes missing an opportunity can change a lot of things.

Ji Xiong hesitated for a moment, but reluctantly agreed, and Yusuke sent her to the door of the house.

"Go to bed early," Yusuke urged.

"ok, I get it"

Ji Xiong stretched out his hand at this moment, pouted his mouth.

Obviously, this is asking for a kiss.

Yongsuke smiled, walked over and hugged her, kissed her on the mouth, and Ji Xiong nodded in satisfaction.

Tonight's date is a success, next is the time of the Son.

Waving goodbye to Ji Xiong, Yongsuke took out his mobile phone until he couldn't see Ji Xiong's house, and immediately dialed Seiko's number.

Yusuke is very nervous, wondering if Seiko will answer the phone.

The phone rang for a long time and finally got through.

There was no sound on the phone, which was unusual.

"Holy Son" Yusuke spoke, firming his determination, and his tone was very serious, "I have something to ask you, are you free now?"

After a while, the voice of the Holy Son came from the phone.

"Today is too late, tomorrow, come to my house"

Yusuke hung up the phone without waiting for an answer.

It's pissed off!
Yusuke smiled wryly, he must be angry, the trip tomorrow must be very difficult, no matter how difficult it is, he must go.

It's just a matter of finishing, let's fight!
But just in case, Yusuke still took the quick heart first aid pills, detoxification pills and other life-saving things that he had drawn before. The reaction of the son was too abnormal.

This harem is really hard to open!

(End of this chapter)

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