The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 724. 724. Baseball Club Recruitment

Chapter 724. 724. Baseball Club Recruitment

"I feel that your logic is so strange, first declare me guilty, and then let me explain, what kind of operation method is this!" Yusuke complained.

"Is this what you're paying attention to?" Eri raised her eyebrows.

"Of course not!" Yusuke smiled, "Just kidding."

And Seiko behind her also let go of her hand at this time, she didn't exert any force at all just now, and Yusuke was just pretending.

Yusuke took off the sign on his chest with a smile, and asked, "What's the matter with these two words?"

"Who is Yusuke, you suddenly left us to join the baseball club"

Yui said at this time: "What are you not a traitor?"

"I did it for a reason"

Yusuke explained the teacher's task again, and everyone suddenly realized, and Eri's angry mood calmed down.

Today is the first day of the new semester, everyone reported to the club, only Yusuke was not present, Eri was very angry and worried.

What she was worried about finally happened. With more and more affairs with Yusuke, less and less time to participate in club activities, and less and less time to get along with each other. Sooner or later, Yusuke will quit the club.

However, this day came too fast!

Do you guys think of me as your girlfriend?

He quit the company!
How can you quit the company!

Dare to betray yourself, this is a capital crime!

At this time, when I heard that Yusuke was recruiting new members in the campus, I was so angry that this guy dared to start a new life behind my back!
This is going against the sky!

A group of people ran over to Xingshi to question the crime.

Fortunately, this was just a misunderstanding.

"Yusuke, do you need us to help?" Yui asked with a smile at this time, "We can help you distribute leaflets."

"No, it's even worse if someone comes and asks."

This sentence says...

There is nothing wrong with it!

Since it is the task of the teacher, there is no other way, Eri gave Yusuke three days, no matter whether Yusuke recruited people within three days, he had to go to the club to report.

"This is your club!" Eri said seriously.

Yusuke nodded, reassured, and Eri was relieved.

They chatted for a while, and left without disturbing Yusuke's recruitment, leaving Yusuke alone.

At this time, the male student sitting next to him couldn't help asking: "Student Sanze, they are yours...

"Friends of the Society"

"Oh!" The male student's eyes lit up immediately, "When did the baseball club have so many beautiful girls? Are they club managers?"

"No." Yusuke shook his head, "We are not in the baseball club."

The male student couldn't understand, "But you're recruiting a baseball club?"

"That's right, but I'm not from the baseball club"

People who aren't from the baseball club are recruiting for the baseball club?
The male students were confused for a moment.

Yusuke continued to sit there resting.

After a while, the calm atmosphere became lively again.

A beautiful girl came over, and this is a foreign beautiful girl!

Foreigners are rare, and they are such beautiful foreigners.

Long golden hair shawl, the sun shining on her body, beautiful, exquisite and profound facial features, hot figure, exactly the same as the legendary elf.


The students were all a little hot, and before they stepped forward to ask, they saw a beautiful foreign girl running over suddenly, and then threw herself into the arms of a boy.

Everyone was shocked, why is it Yusuke Misawa again!

Yusuke was taken aback by the sudden hug, only then did he realize that it was Jessica who was hugging him.

He smiled and asked, "Jessica, why are you here?"

"Walking around the school, I saw you sitting here, Yusuke, are you recruiting? Can I join your club?"

Yusuke shook his head, "I'm not from the baseball club"

"But you're writing about the baseball club here?"

Jessica looked puzzled, and Yusuke explained the matter again.

"I see!"

Jessica had another question at this time, "What is Yusuke's club?"

"This one……"

There are Eri and Seiko in the club, if Jessica also joins, it is estimated that there will be a fight, at this moment he shook his head, "You are not suitable"

"Why?" Jessica felt very strange.

Yusuke immediately came up with an answer, "Because our club doesn't recruit people, our club is a club of enthusiasts, and we don't plan to recruit people."

Jessica felt a little sorry.

"Well, Jessica, you should let me go," Yusuke said with a smile.

When Jessica rushed over just now, she took advantage of the situation and sat in Yusuke's arms. At this time, the two of them were very close. Their sweet appearance made other students very angry!
So dirty!

This is a school, pay attention to me!
Everyone expressed their strong wishes with their eyes!
Yusuke also sensed a lot of murderous intent. Thinking that this is a school, he should be more conservative for fear of bad influence.

Jessica was very obedient, stood up from Yusuke, patted the skirt on her body, and said at this time: "Yusuke, why don't I stay here with you, anyway, the school is over."

"Yes." Yusuke nodded, "Then let me find a chair for you."

Yusuke gave up the seat to Jessica and asked her to watch the stall here.

When Yusuke came back, he found two boys in front of a stall, asking questions, while Jessica didn't know what to ask.

At this time, seeing Yusuke coming, he ran over excitedly.

"Yusuke, they are here to ask about the baseball club, they want to join the baseball club"

And the two boys also turned around at this time, and Yusuke also saw their appearance.

They were two very tough-looking boys, their muscles could be clearly seen even in school uniforms, they were very powerful.

The two also saw Yusuke and walked over at this moment.

"Hello!" A boy who walked to the front said at this moment: "Is this the baseball club?"

Yusuke nodded, "I'm recruiting for the baseball club, do you want to join the baseball club?

Both boys nodded, and the other boy explained: "We walked around the school and found the club of the baseball club, but the whole club was empty. After hearing from the teacher, I realized that you are in charge here. "

"That's right." Yusuke nodded, "If you want to join, you are always welcome."

"I have a question." The boy who spoke first looked over at this moment, very serious.

"I want to know why the school's baseball club is like this? The school's baseball club has clubs, tools, fields, and traces of training on the field, but why is there no one now? What happened to the baseball club? ?”

The other boy could also see it, and he was also full of curiosity. They walked around the school and found the baseball club, but they couldn't find a place to recruit people. They kept asking people, and finally found this place.

But what's the matter with such a deserted recruiting place!
This is so anomalous!
Only then did Yusuke look at the two seriously. These two were not ordinary baseball fans. They should have joined the baseball club with a clear purpose.

After pondering for a while, he explained the reasons for the decline of the baseball club, including the joints between the baseball club and the kendo club. They will know sooner or later anyway. Covering up will only lead to more misunderstandings. It is better to make it public from the beginning. .

"When I was consulting clubs, I also heard that the school's kendo club is very powerful, and the biggest credit is a person named Misawa Yusuke"

The first boy who spoke stared at Yusuke, "I think it should be you. The conflict between the baseball club and the kendo club caused the baseball club to be dismissed. This should also have something to do with you."

The other man also looked over, their eyes serious.

Jessica felt something was wrong at this moment, and quietly tugged on the corner of Yusuke's clothes.

Yusuke showed a reassuring smile at Jessica, then turned around and said in a calm tone: "This matter has nothing to do with me."

Whether it's the teacher or anyone else, Yusuke always said this.

The two men hesitated for a while, then asked, "Then can we join the baseball club?"

The festival between the baseball club and the kendo club was a previous issue, and it’s over. They don’t want to delve into it, and they don’t have the qualifications to delve into it. It’s more important to join the baseball club. They have their own goals.

"Okay!" Yusuke nodded.

The faces of the two teenagers relaxed at the same time, and they finally joined the baseball club, which fulfilled one of their wishes.

"Hello Misawa-senpai, I'm Yoshida Huixing," the first boy who spoke introduced himself.

"I'm Ryota Kikuchi," the other said too.

"I am Yusuke Misawa"

Yusuke continued, "Now there is one more question."

Both of them looked over.

"A baseball club must have at least nine people to set up. You are the only two members of the baseball club. If you can't recruit people, you may be dismissed."

The two teenagers were a little nervous, "Then we have to recruit people as soon as possible."

"That's right, so I leave this matter to you."

The two were stunned at the same time, "Why?"

"Because I'm not a member of the baseball club," Yusuke replied, "It's none of my business whether the baseball club succeeds or not. If you want to revitalize the baseball club, you still have to rely on the two of you."

The two looked strange, "Then why are you recruiting for the baseball club?"

"Because the baseball club is under my control"

The two of them looked confused, and they suddenly believed that the ruin of the baseball society was definitely caused by this guy.

Yusuke continued, "You only have three days."

"Why is there only three days? It's too short!" Kikuchi Ryo asked anxiously.

There are only the two of them in the baseball club. It is not easy to assemble a team. Three days is too short.

"There are two reasons. The first one is that now is the time for freshmen to join clubs. In three days, most of the students have already decided which clubs to join. If you can't recruit any more people, you probably will. Not anymore.

The second reason is the reason of the school. The baseball club occupies a lot of resources, but if it does not show a certain value, the school may really cancel the baseball club.”

The two teenagers thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense, and they were immediately anxious. If the baseball club can't get the number of people, then there is no point for them to join the baseball club.

The two looked at Yusuke at this moment, "Senior Misawa, do you have any good suggestions?"

"No" Yusuke replied.

The two were a little disappointed immediately, it seemed that they still had to rely on themselves.

The two teenagers discussed it, and then said: "Senior Sanze, we will be responsible for distributing flyers to attract people, and you will be responsible for recruiting here."

Yusuke nodded, "No problem."

The two teenagers left happily, Yusuke was a little bit emotional, it's good to be young!

Yusuke didn't lie either, this was a task imposed on him by the teacher, he didn't know anything about baseball, it was a lie for an outsider to lead an insider, but these two teenagers were more determined.

They should have expressed some kind of determination to join the baseball club. Obviously, these two people wanted to set foot in Koshien.

It is a good thing to have determination, but you must have the ability to act. This is also their test. If they can't even make up the team, then the so-called ideal is just a joke.

Yusuke was sitting on the seat, and Jessica was sitting next to them. The two were talking and laughing. It didn't look like they were recruiting, but they were talking about love.

The students sitting next to me were very angry and frustrated.

Why are you spreading dog food here!
The students started to leave one by one, out of sight, out of mind!

After staying for a while, Jessica went back first, only Yusuke was left, and there were only three or two students around who were still persisting.

Yusuke thought for a while, it was time to go back, so he moved the desk back to the classroom, packed his things and left.

Passing the school gate, I saw an acquaintance at this time.

Ritsuko-sensei is being pestered by a man right now.

Immediately turned around and walked over there.

Ritsuko is very troubled, this year the school has recruited a lot of new teachers and many newcomers, the man in front of him is one of them.

On the first day he joined the school, he fell in love with Ritsuko at first sight, and launched a passionate pursuit of Ritsuko.

Ritsuko didn't feel anything at all, she just treated the other party as a colleague and politely refused.

I have tried this many times before, and the other party understood it as soon as they heard it. Everyone smiled and revealed it, and they are still good colleagues.

But the teacher in front of him is different. He should feel good about himself, thinking that Ritsuko is being shy, and instead launched an enthusiastic pursuit.

We only met each other on the first day, and now I am going to invite myself to dinner.

It seems to be a little more straightforward. As for whether it will be awkward to meet in the future, that is a matter for the future, and she doesn't care.

Sure enough, he refused directly, and the other party's face was ugly.

But this guy also has a thick skin, saying that he will continue to pursue himself.

"It's okay if you don't like me, but I will show you my determination!"

Ritsuko understood as soon as she heard it, this guy was planning to stalk him, and immediately became angry.

Let me tell you in a good voice, everyone is still a good colleague, but you are playing a rogue with me, my mother is not angry, you treat me as a sick cat!

Ritsuko is going to teach her opponent a profound lesson!

At this time, a familiar voice came, "Ritsuko, this guy is pestering you, do you need help?"

The two turned their heads, and in front of them was a handsome boy with a schoolbag in his hand and wearing a school uniform. He was a student of the school.

At this time, the boy's eyes were like lightning, and he was looking at this side with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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