Chapter 725

"This student should pay attention to what he says!"

Seeing that it was a student, the man immediately showed the posture of a teacher.

"Mr. Ritsuko and I are just chatting, don't talk nonsense"

At this time, he looked at Yusuke with serious eyes, "Which class are you in? What's your name, please report your name, and you haven't come home so late, what are you doing here?"

This familiar tone...

I don’t know how much the teacher’s ability has learned, but the teacher’s posture has been fully learned!

Yusuke completely ignored it, and then looked at Ritsuko, "Do you need help?"

The man's face was gloomy, and Yusuke's ignorance made him very upset. He remembered that when he was studying, those mischievous students in the class completely ignored the teacher's dignity like this.

He made up his mind at that time, as a teacher in the future, he would never let this happen!
Finally, after graduating from school and successfully entering the job, he believed that he would be a great teacher in the future.

And on the day he joined the job, he also met his goddess.

The beautiful figure of the other party has always been deeply imprinted in his mind.

He suddenly had a feeling in his heart, yes, this must be the person who will accompany me for the rest of my life!
Definitely his good wife!

So he launched a passionate pursuit.

Originally, everything was perfect. According to my own imagination, the other party will definitely be moved by my perseverance and talent.

But the other party refused!

He was very upset, and finally chose to forgive her.

It's okay, we've only known each other for a day, and the goddess still can't see the advantages in me, as long as time goes by, she will definitely know.

And at this moment, an impolite male classmate interrupted their conversation, which made him very upset!
The teacher's majesty was challenged. He had expected this scene a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

He decided to give the other party some bitterness.

By the way, let Ritsuko see her courage, maybe she will change her mind.

At this time, he stood in front of Yusuke.

"Student, you haven't answered my question yet. Why haven't you returned home here? Your punishment will be determined based on your answer. If the nature is serious, you must inform your parents, what is your name, and which class are you from?" "

The man feels that his majesty has been reflected, and Ritsuko will definitely look at him with admiration.

But to my surprise, the male students looked at me in surprise, even Ritsuko.

That's not a look of admiration.

He had an illusion that the two of them seemed to be looking at a fool.

illusion!This is definitely an illusion!
How could the goddess look at me with such eyes!This is definitely an illusion!
Yusuke suddenly felt that the quality of the newly recruited teacher this year was not very good, and he could do such a mentally handicapped behavior. Anyone with a discerning eye could see it, this guy did it on purpose!

For some reason, Yusuke suddenly felt a little funny.

Yusuke's smile made the man very upset, he felt that he was underestimated.

"Be serious, I'm asking you something!"

"My name is Misawa Yusuke," Yusuke replied calmly.

"Which class? I want to inform your parents"

"Then what identity do you want to use, teacher? Are you my class teacher? Is it the dean? Or the principal? Or an enthusiastic teacher?"

"Don't change the subject, this is not what you should care about, give me your home phone number"

Yusuke smiled and shook his head.

This reaction made the man even more upset, and this kind of smile, and this feeling of contempt!
He was very angry, and decided to give the other party some flair, and was going to drag him to the dean of teaching.

Just about to start, Ritsuko's voice came from behind.

"Enough! Teacher Xinmu"

He stopped his movements, hesitated for a second or two, and decided to follow his own determination.

Teacher Ritsuko must be worried about herself, but don't be afraid, I will definitely be able to defend the majesty of the teacher, such a mischievous student, you must show him some color.

"Teacher Xinmu..." Ritsuko had just opened his mouth, but the man waved his hand at this moment, "Teacher Ritsuko doesn't need to say good things for him, my determination is very firm."

Ritsuko opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

Yusuke smiled speechlessly, and suddenly felt a sense of absurdity.

"Follow me to the Dean of Students"

The man pulled Yusuke's arm. He thought that the other party would resist, but he didn't expect the other party to follow suit.

That's good, I saved myself a lot of effort.

"Teacher Ritsuko, wait for my good news."

The man waved his hand and walked away without looking back, like a hero who defies death.

Ritsuko's face was as black as charcoal, while Yusuke smiled and moved forward with the help of the other party.

The two soon came to the teaching office. There were still a few teachers in the teaching room who hadn't left, and Mishima Noya was one of them.

He packed up his things and was about to go back, when he saw the door opened, and Teacher Xinmu, who had just joined the job today, walked in.

The new teachers who joined this year are very good, especially Mr. Xinmu, everyone is very impressed with him, because this is the first male teacher who stalks Ritsuko.

The male teachers who join the job every year will be amazed when they first see Ritsuko, and then they will pursue without hesitation.

But until now, no one has heard of any teacher who has succeeded.

Whenever the male teacher showed his pursuit, Mr. Ritsu would refuse without hesitation. Everyone knew how to measure and would not push too hard. Haha laughed and revealed that we were still colleagues.

Until the appearance of Teacher Xinmu.

The teachers in the entire teaching office, including the newly recruited teachers, knew that Mr. Ritsuko was not interested in him, and he had made explicit hints several times, but the other party still turned a deaf ear and was immersed in his own world, expressing that he must let the other party see himself Determination.

To be honest, many teachers despise this very much. This is not something a teacher should do.

Of course, there are also many teachers who choose to watch the excitement, and Noya Mishima is one of them.

He was about to say hello at this moment, but when he saw Yusuke walking in with him, he immediately withdrew his hand.

This situation seems a little strange!

The director of academic affairs was drinking tea, and just when he raised his head, he saw Mr. Xinmu pulling a boy over.

"Teacher Xinmu, what's the matter?" the dean asked with a smile.

"Dean, I have something to report to you. This student is doing something wrong in the school. If I bring him here now, I have to notify his parents."

Yusuke standing behind frowned, he admitted that his behavior just now was a little rude, but how did everything change in his mouth.

This guy has no morals!
"Who is it?" The dean's face became serious instantly, "We have never heard of such a bold student in our school, let me see who it is."

Then, he saw Yusuke standing behind him, and was startled.

Teacher Xinmu didn't see the surprised expression of the dean, and continued: "This student is always mischievous, and he still behaves mischievously in the school after school. We have to inform his parents and let them come to see people. It is best to let him write down Guarantee letter, such a person is definitely a pest to the school and must be severely punished!"

Having said that, he shook his fist vigorously, showing his decision.

But unexpectedly, everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

Ritsuko looked at him with the same eyes just now, but suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

The dean's expression was indescribable. He glanced at Mr. Xinmu, then at Yusuke, hesitated for a while, and said, "There must be some misunderstanding, Mr. Xinmu, I..."

"There is absolutely no misunderstanding!"

Teacher Xinmu said righteously, and interrupted the speech of the director of teaching affairs without hesitation.

The dean's face instantly darkened.

This newcomer doesn't seem to understand the rules very well. The leader must not interrupt when he is speaking. This is basic common sense.

This guy is too self-righteous, just like Mao Touqing who just left school.

"I don't know what Misawa Yusuke in our class did to make Mr. Araki so angry?"

Then a voice came from behind.

Teacher Shinki turned his head, and it was Noya Mishima in front of him, looking at him with a cold face at this time, his attitude was completely different from that in the morning.

our class……

He immediately realized that Mr. Mishima was his class teacher.

Suddenly I felt a lump in my heart.

Mishima Noya's tone was very bad. Although Yusuke caused him a lot of trouble, it is undeniable that Yusuke was also a very good student and brought a lot of honor to the school.

Yusuke can run amok, he really believes it, but this matter has to be managed by himself, not you, a new teacher who just joined the job.

You are exceeding your authority!
"I don't know what Misawa Yusuke in our class did to make Mr. Araki so angry. Tell me, the head teacher, to criticize me," Mishima Noya said calmly.

"This..." Teacher Xinmu hesitated.

"Why don't you let me say it myself?" Yusuke said at this moment.

"You don't have the right to speak, my lord, shut up!"

Teacher Xinmu reprimanded loudly, the voice was so loud that the teachers in the teaching room were startled, and they all looked over.

Yusuke looked at him calmly, the head teacher's face was very gloomy, and the head teacher's face was even darker.

But the other party still didn't notice it, still posing as a teacher, staring at Yusuke fiercely at this time, trying to scare him with his eyes.

But it's a pity that such eyes have no pressure on Yusuke.

The other party also noticed it, and turned his head at this time, ready to persuade the dean of teaching affairs, but before he could say anything, the dean of teaching affairs waved his hand and said in a cold tone: "Mr. Xinmu, our teaching is not like this."

Teacher Xinmu's expression changed.

"Even if it's a court case, the defendant must have a say, not to mention that this is a school, not a prison, and students have a place to speak. Mr. Xinmu, I know you just started working, and you are not used to many things. But we must always remember the responsibilities of our teachers and always set an example!"

The last sentence must be serious.

Even if Mr. Xinmu didn't pass the test of EQ, he understood it, and his face suddenly became ugly.

Only then did he realize that the dean's face was extremely ugly, and Teacher Mishima's face was also very gloomy. He knew that he had accidentally said the wrong thing just now.

After hesitating for a while, he nodded and said in a low voice, "I see."

But the tone is still a little unconvinced.

This made the dean's impression of him even lower. This guy is not a man at all.

"Sansawa, tell me what happened just now," Noya Mishima said at this moment.

Yusuke nodded and startled all the teachers when he opened his mouth.

"I saw this person sexually harassing Ritsuko, and I'm about to call the police and arrest him."

sexual harassment!
The teachers all looked at Teacher Xinmu with a look of shock.

If it was just Yusuke's one-sided words, they might not believe it, but today Shinki is too enthusiastic about Ritsuko, everyone knows his thoughts, and he is too self-righteous, maybe he thinks some of the intimacy His behavior is sexual harassment to Ritsuko!

If you think about it carefully, it is really possible that this is the case!
"You're talking nonsense!" Teacher Shinki shouted angrily, and immediately rushed towards Yusuke aggressively.

Mishima Noya immediately stood in front of him.

"Teacher Xinmu, what are you doing? Do you want to physically punish the students?"

Corporal punishment of students is a very serious crime!

Teacher Xinmu came to his senses immediately, and quickly shook his head, "I definitely don't have such an idea, I just want to explain."

"So much the better"

"Don't worry, teacher, even if he wants to fight, he can't beat me." Yusuke's voice came, which made Mishima and Noya a little annoyed.

You guys said you wouldn't get me into trouble, but it's only the first day of school, and you've caused so many things!
Just about to reprimand a few words, then I was shocked.

Yusuke was taking pictures with his cell phone in his hand.

At this moment, he asked nervously, "Sanze, what are you doing?"

"I saw Mr. Xinmu rushing towards me aggressively. I thought he was going to hit someone. Of course I had to take a picture of it as evidence."

At this time, he gestured to the screen, "I took pictures of everything just now on my phone, I almost forgot to mention, since I came in just now, I have recorded all the pictures on my phone"

Yusuke said calmly: "I thought, if the school punishes me unfairly, then I will definitely fight for the relevant rights. These are the evidences."

The Dean of Academic Affairs instantly broke out in cold sweat.

Yusuke made a lot of troubles in the school last year. All the teachers and even the principal knew this No. 1 person.

This guy is definitely the toughest student the school has ever had!
If this video is circulated and some news is added, the school will be very passive.

This guy is really troublesome!

At this time, Xinmu stared at him.

You don't mess with anyone, you actually go to mess with this troublemaker!
"This must be a misunderstanding," Mishima Noya said with a smile.

Yusuke looked at the class teacher, and smiled for a while, "Yes, this must be a misunderstanding, I believe that the school can definitely make a fair execution, and will never favor anyone."

(End of this chapter)

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