Chapter 204 I Believe Her
"Explain to me right away, our Bo family has always paid attention to reputation, and now you have made the headlines of entertainment gossip." Mr. Bo has always paid attention to reputation.

And it's related to Bo's stock market, can he not be in a hurry?Due to this negative news, Bo's stock fell.

This is simply a stain on the Bo family, and it was done by an unmarried granddaughter-in-law.

Luoxue replied truthfully: "Grandpa, someone deliberately discredited me. Yan Ye and I are just ordinary friends. Shaolan also knew him, and Xiaohe was with us at the time, but they didn't take pictures of Xiaohe. It was obviously a malicious hype. .”

"If it weren't for your misbehavior, would these things have happened? You can't predict how much our Bo family has lost today." Mr. Bo said angrily, "I really lost our Bo family." face."

He also knew that someone might be maliciously hyping it up!

But Luo Xue and Yan Ye in the photo do look very close, as close as lovers.

And there are only her and Yan Ye in the photo.

She explained to no avail.

The photos were there, and she couldn't argue with them.

"In short, I won't admit what I haven't done." Luo Xue replied calmly, the calmer she became at this time.

She looks weak, but her temper is very stubborn.

She will not give in to things she has not done, even if they use force.

When Mr. Bo saw her stubborn face, he was even more unhappy. He thought she had no rules and was spoiled by Mrs. Bo.

The more Mr. Bo looked at her, the angrier he became, he picked up a cup and threw it on the ground.

Since Mrs. Bo didn't know what was going on, she kept quiet for the time being, and now that Mr. Bo was angry, if she spoke out to protect Luoxue, it would add fuel to the flames.

Seeing that Mr. Bo was getting bigger and bigger, she said: "Master, don't be angry, don't be angry, maybe this is really a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Even if it is a misunderstanding, it is also caused by her indiscretion." Mr. Bo has always cared about his reputation, "Ms. Bo has always had a positive image. When did such scandalous things happen!"

"Dad, don't be angry, I have already called Shaolan back." Bao Sishen said.

Fang Haihua sighed.

The old lady Bo raised her eyebrows and said, "Five years ago, didn't something worse than this happen? I didn't see you so excited then..."

"You!" Mr. Bo became even angrier when he heard this.

Now we can only wait for Bo Shaolan to come back and see how he handles it?
In fact, except for Mr. Bo, everyone else felt that this was definitely not something Luo Xue could do.

It's just that now this matter has indeed been caught by someone, taking advantage of a big loophole and throwing stones into a well, which has caused a certain negative impact on the Bo family.

Luoxue stood there with firm eyes, and righteousness exuded from her whole body.

Bao Silan kept silent all the time. Based on her intuition, someone must have maliciously hyped up this matter.

And Luo Xue's performance was beyond her expectations.

Unexpectedly, a person who usually looks weak and weak would be so arrogant now.

She felt that someone must have caused trouble because of hatred, and she didn't know who Luo Xue had offended?
The current Luoxue looks quite strong.Bao Silan, who usually wanted to step on her a few times, sat there unexpectedly and quietly.


As soon as Bo Shaolan arrived at the company, Dong Ming immediately reported the matter to him. Because of the negative news, the company's stock plummeted. He immediately called all the senior executives to discuss the matter.

Bo Shaolan's face was gloomy, and he was sitting in the middle. The senior executives were also sitting upright, looking cautious, and the atmosphere in the office was very dignified.

The manager of the public relations department didn't dare to say a word, she stood up and expressed her opinion, and Bao Shaolan's complexion improved a little.

After Bo Shaolan finished the regular meeting, he ordered all the supervisors to recover today's stocks, and at the same time suppress the negative news that broke out this morning.

The manager of the PR department was under a lot of pressure. Before Bo Shaolan left, he said in a deep voice, "Be sure to suppress the news before twelve o'clock at noon, otherwise, the Luo family will no longer need the PR department."

This is an absolute order!
Huarong, the manager of the public relations department, turned pale and panicked.

After finishing speaking, Bo Shaolan left the meeting room.

The back is absolutely ruthless.

After Bo Shaolan left, all the supervisors breathed a sigh of relief and dispersed.

As soon as Bo Shaolan finished the meeting, he immediately ordered Dong Ming to arrange a car immediately, and he wanted to rush back to Bo's house.

It happened that Lin Ya hurried over to report to him: "Mr. Bo, the chairman called just now and asked you to go home."

Bo Shaolan's heart skipped a beat, his eyes showed worry.

Immediately strode towards the elevator, it was too late, he had to rush back immediately.

This is related to the reputation of the Bo family, grandpa will definitely be furious, and will definitely transfer his anger to Luoxue.

After finally handling the company's affairs well, he was even more determined to return home.

The fact that grandpa can come forward in person shows that this matter has already angered grandpa.

Bo Shaolan wished he could move in an instant, thinking of letting that little woman face this storm alone.

The driver drove to Bo's house at the fastest speed, but he still thought it was too slow. The driver ignored the traffic rules and kept pressing on the accelerator.

What was supposed to be half an hour's journey took only 15 minutes.

As soon as the driver stopped the car, Bo Shaolan jumped out of the car and ran straight in.

He couldn't bear to let Luo Xue be wronged for one more second.

As soon as he stepped into the guest room, the scene was just as he had imagined, Luo Xue stood there like a sinner, looking stubborn, while his grandfather's face was ashen, very angry.

The old lady Bo breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him come back.

Bo Sishen and Fang Haihua gave him a calm look.

It means to tell him not to be impulsive, but to speak up when he has something to say.

But when he saw his wife suffer so much, how could he swallow this breath?

He came directly to Luoxue's side, grabbed her hand, and stood side by side with her.

Luoxue's heart warmed, and she was very moved. When he came back, he didn't question and blame her like Mr. Bo did, but chose to stand on the same line with her.

She looked up at him, only to see Bo Shaolan give her a look, as if to say, let her feel at ease, everything depends on him.

This matter developed like this, which she never dreamed of. Fortunately, she reported it to Bo Shaolan in advance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, and their wedding might be affected.

At the same time, what made her feel guilty was that Bo's stock plummeted, and the loss was immeasurable...

Bo Shaolan seemed to be aware of her uneasiness, and secretly held her tightly.

Luoxue's eyes were wet.

Being questioned by Mr. Bo like that, she didn't want to cry, but when Bo Shaolan chose to believe her for the first time, she wanted to cry.

Bo Shaolan's gaze was extremely firm, surrounding her like an invisible force, and she gradually relaxed her tense nerves.

Their silent communication fell in the eyes of their family members, as if they were showing affection.

Old Master Bo knew that Bo Shaolan had always acted prudently, and his tone was not as excited as before, so he asked, "Shaolan, tell me your opinion."

Bo Shaolan looked straight at Mr. Bo, and said firmly, "This matter has nothing to do with her."

His tone was unmistakable.

Hearing this, old man Bo was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "Shaolan!"

This is obviously short-sighted.

Bo Shaolan didn't wait for him to question again, and took the first step, saying: "Grandpa, this incident is aimed at me, and Xiaoxue is innocent, and was framed by someone with a heart, I have already sent someone to deal with this matter, please rest assured, please You trust us."

"She's innocent, haha." Mr. Bo obviously didn't believe it, "I haven't reached the stage of dementia yet, how could you fool me like this."

Bo Shaolan calmly said: "Yesterday, I asked Qin Jingfeng and Pan Yanyan about the photography competition. I intend to invest in this one. After all, this photography competition is very influential. If our Bo family is also a good promotional opportunity, I will After talking with Qin Jingfeng, I walked away and answered a phone call, and Xiaoxue was framed by someone who wanted to, blame me for being too careless."

Bo Shaolan made up a lie so calmly, Luoxue was taken aback.

She looked at Bo Shaolan in surprise.

Bo Shaolan looked straight at Mr. Bo, as if it was true, but Mr. Bo blamed them.

He secretly increased the strength in his hand.

It was hinted to her.

Leave the matter to him.

Luoxue lowered her head, forcing all her tears back.

The moving warmth flowed slowly.

Mr. Bo is also an old man, his eyes are polished. "yes?"

Bo Shaolan confirmed: "Yes."

Mr. Bo pondered for a while, and finally fell silent.

He was also young, and he was impulsive for love. Could he not know the little innocence in his grandson's heart?

The living room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop on the ground.

Bo Shaolan said again: "I trust her, she is definitely not that kind of person, even if I was not present yesterday, I would still trust her."

His attitude was very clear, he gave Luoxue unlimited trust.

At the same time, it also gave Mr. Bo enough face. The reason why he did this was to smooth things over for Mr. Bo.

His approach kills two birds with one stone.

"Grandpa, it's just that someone maliciously suppressed and smeared us. If we cause civil strife, we will fall into their trap." Jealousy, it is not impossible to make trouble behind the scenes, our family must work together to fight against foreign enemies at this time."

Old Man Bo pondered for a while, staring at them for a long time with his eyes that read all the changes in the world, and then said: "As long as you have the ability to settle this matter, Grandpa will have nothing to say."

Finally, he got up and left.

It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from Luo Xue's body.

Bo Shaolan reached out and touched her head.

She smiled gratefully at him, this bright smile instantly softened Bo Shaolan's heart.

"You two..." Mrs. Bo couldn't help reminding them when she saw that they were showing affection without anyone else.

This young couple is so loving, she is also very pleased, originally this incident will bring them another storm, but she never expected that Bo Shaolan would trust her wife so much, which shows that their relationship has been further strengthened.

It has stood the test.

Bo Shaolan and Luo Xue held hands and sat next to Mrs. Bo.

"Shaolan, you did the right thing this time. It's obvious that someone maliciously smeared this matter, trying to bring down the Bo family and ruin your wedding. You must deal with it calmly and calmly, and don't get angry."

(End of this chapter)

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