Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 205 She Is His Soft Threat

Chapter 205 She Is His Soft Threat
"Okay, grandma." Bo Shaobo replied.

Fang Haihua also breathed a sigh of relief.

Bo Sishen didn't say a word, but he knew the truth.

He also found out that "he" appeared recently, is he coming back soon?

If he came back, would he really be safe?
What kind of storm will be set off again?
Because of this, Fang Haihua also suffered from insomnia every night.

"Grandma believes that you will handle this matter properly. The wedding is coming soon, and you should give yourself a vacation occasionally, spend more time with your wife, and don't be a workaholic. You have done your best for the company these years. Grandma knows." The old lady Bo said pitifully.

She knows her own grandson, he is a man of action, and the reason why he can have a place in the Bo family is due to his own ability, and he has stabilized his position step by step. Thinking that Bo Shaolan would be so upbeat.

The reason why the Bo family has always maintained the title of the No. [-] wealthy family is not obtained by chance. In addition to strong financial resources, the most important thing is that the Bo family pays attention to the cultivation of talents, so that more virtuous people will pour into Bo. Shi.

Bo Sishen frowned slightly.

If that person came back, would he not be able to face Bo's "sweet pastry"?
Under Bo Shaolan's management for the past few years, the Bo family has been going smoothly, but he is not willing to give it up?
Bo Shaolan is very obedient. "Well, grandma."

The old lady Bo smiled with satisfaction. "Although your grandpa doesn't pursue it anymore, he still has a lot of anger in his stomach. I'm going to comfort the old man."

"Thank you, Grandma."

Bo Silan immediately went to help the old lady Bo.

Bo Sishen picked up a cup of tea, took a sip slowly, put it down, looked at Bo Shaolan and said, "Shaolan, you must be careful in your actions in the future, so as not to fall into the trap of a villain."

Although Bo Sishen was silent, the men in the Bo family were not bad. In addition to being full of heroic looks, when they did things, they were tactful, calm, serious, and charming.

Mr. Bo is old-fashioned, serious and majestic.

But Bo Sishen can't be ignored either, he is just hiding his edge, and deliberately gave way to cultivate Bo Shaolan.

"Okay, Dad." Bo Shaolan nodded, then pulled Luoxue up and said, "Let's go back to the room first."

"En." Fang Haihua waved at him.

Bo Shaolan dragged Luoxue upstairs.

When their figures disappeared at the bend of the stairs, Fang Haihua looked away.

Bo Si's face darkened. "His wedding is coming soon, so some restless people will be eager to move. Can he really survive?"

Fang Haihua thought for a while, and said: "He has survived for so many years. We have to trust him. Since Xiaoxue came back, our son has smiled more, and he is like a person. In the past few years, I really feel sorry for him."

"This is a hurdle that must be passed through in life. If he can't make it through, he will be a boy of the Bo family!" Bao Sishen said.

"You just think that he is a workaholic and never cares about what he wants in his heart! In the past five years, only my mother understands his heart. If it weren't for Xiaoxue, our son probably wouldn't want to get married either. You should steal Laughed." Fang Haihua said, "You also know your son's character, on the surface he is not close to anyone, but in fact he is very affectionate and righteous, we can't be too selfish."

Bao Sishen said disapprovingly: "A man's most important task is to do his career. If he wants to stand at the pinnacle of his career, he must put aside all love for his children! Too much love for his children will harm him in the future."

Bo Sishen was worried that Bo Shaolan would be caught and threatened.

Fang Haihua didn't agree with him first, she had her own ideas.

The son was born by herself, and she understands his temperament very well. It is because he values ​​love and righteousness that he wants him to be with Luoxue. Once he falls in love with someone, he will try his best to fight for the best for his best woman !

If he loses his spiritual sustenance in his heart and becomes discouraged, he doesn't care about everything.

If it weren't for this point, would Fang Haihua treat Luoxue well?

Because she knew that Luoxue was his son's weakness, if handled well, it would become a good thing.

The reason why she can sit firmly in the position of the eldest wife of the Bo family, what can she do if she doesn't have any thoughts?
Fang Haihua's only wish now is for Luoxue to have a child in one fell swoop!
For Bo Shaolan, it is a position that no one can take away if he has the chance to win.

As soon as they returned to the room, Bo Shaolan closed the door behind his back.

He absolutely cares about this kind of thing.

He knew what she wanted to say, but he didn't need her to say it. Since he believed her, he didn't need her to explain, let alone thank her.

The current relationship between her and Bo Shaolan seems to be immersed in a honeypot, the more they get along, the sweeter it becomes, and it's really not as fresh as others say.

In front of Bo Shaolan, her heart still beat faster.

She stared at Bo Shaolan for a while, trying to search for some angry expressions on his face, but she could only find pampering, her watery eyes were full of love, and she said movedly: "Honey, you really don't blame me? I Make such a big mess?"

Bo Shaolan bit her nose, "I don't dare to betray me even if I measure you."

"I don't know who took the photo. People's hearts are too scary. I'm also surprised that there's nothing like that, but people make it up like that. What makes me even more surprised is that you actually believe me." Luoxue was really surprised .

After all, he is a complete brewing jar.

Her voice was soft and tender, and her tenderness was like water, which made Bo Shaolan's heart prickly.

It seems that his little woman is too insecure.

Bo Shaolan couldn't help feeling distressed again.

Luoxue looked at him bewilderedly.

"After that experience in Hangzhou, I swear, I must trust you, don't guess at you, I don't want to lose you again. No matter what happens in the future, I will choose to believe in you. We trust each other for a lifetime, and I also Don't care about what other people think, it's just what they think, it doesn't represent what I think, a gentleman promises a thousand gold."

His voice is deep and pleasant, magnetic, like a cello playing.

His tender eyes poured into her heart like a faint ancient spring, instantly nourishing her whole body.

Luoxue stretched out her slender arms, hugged him tightly, and buried her head in his arms, "Husband, I love you."

"If the same happens to me in the future, will you believe me immediately? Believe that I will never be unfaithful to you?" Bo Shaolan asked very seriously.

Luoxue nodded without hesitation, this kind of thing happened in Hangcheng.

She always felt that her Shaolan would not be that kind of person.

"Wife, you are so cute." Bo Shaolan kissed the tip of her nose, "Don't be moved too early, although I believe in you, I am still a big lover, so I must know how to protect myself in the future."

"Understood." Luoxue smiled, "It's a full-fledged pot! It can be sour for a radius of ten miles."

"Mrs. Bo, since you know that your husband is this kind of person, you have to pay attention in the future and keep a distance from other men." Bo Shaolan stared at her, "Especially don't smile at other men!"

Her smile is so contagious!
In those photos, every single one was of her smiling at Yan Ye, when he saw it, he smashed his phone on the spot.

She only allowed him to laugh to herself!
This Yan Ye is obviously doing something to death!
If he wants to occupy his woman, he must make this lifeless man know how to write the word "death"?Otherwise, he is too lawless, and no one has ever dared to challenge his bottom line like this.

So blatantly, after all, he didn't take her seriously!

His woman, even if he has a crush on him!For example, Qin Jingfeng...

Thinking of it, it was like a raging fire was burning in his chest, as if to put that man to death.

Luoxue giggled, and her laughter was as sweet as a silver bell. "Mr. Bo, I see. I only smile at you, and other men don't even look at me."


Mr. Bo was sulking.

He has a habit of playing chess when he gets angry, staring at the chessboard alone.

"Old man." When Mrs. Bo came in, he didn't look up at her, and ignored her.

She yelled again, and the old man looked up at her, and said angrily, "Look at the good grandson you have raised, you are used to it like that."

"You rotten old man, are you angry with your grandson, or are you angry with me?" The old lady Bo deliberately teased him, "You know Shaolan, he has that kind of temper, and he is usually at work. You are crazy, you don’t care about anyone, you just spoil your wife, don’t you even accommodate him at this point?”

"There is also a limit to petting, instead of pampering her lawlessly. If she lives in peace, I have nothing to say. Look at what happened to her. She was actually photographed dating another man , I don’t know how to be more careful.” Mr. Bo put a pawn on the table, his words showed disdain, “If it’s the daughter of a rich family, this kind of thing will never happen.”

"If it wasn't for Xiaoxue, do you think Shaolan would get married obediently? In the past few years, didn't you introduce a lot of daughters to him openly and secretly, all from rich families, did he take a fancy to it? You didn't I don't know my grandson, he is a long-term lover, not to mention the love they fell in love with when they were studying, the relationship is already deep." Mrs. Bo said.

"Men should put their minds on their careers. How can there be so many children? They broke up in the past few years, so that kid will devote himself to his career! Now that Xiaoxue came back, it was only a short time before something happened. If you are looking after your own woman, something will happen sooner or later, don't blame me, an old man, for not reminding him."

The old lady Bo laughed. "Isn't this inherited from your genes? Don't you think that when you pursued me, you were more stubborn than your grandson. My family disagreed, so you stayed at my door for three days and three nights, not eating or drinking. , aren't you fine now?"

(End of this chapter)

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