Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 206 Let's go shopping together

Chapter 206 Go shopping together
"Ahem, old lady, then..." Mr. Bo was exposed, his old face was embarrassed, and he immediately interrupted the topic, "Come and discuss with me."

They are both chess fans. When they were young, the two husband and wife often played against each other and refused to give in to each other.

After decades of refusing to give in to each other, unknowingly, silver hair.

Bo Shaolan, who has always been a self-proclaimed workaholic, had a rare vacation, so they decided to drive to play.

They have been married for a year, and he has never taken her out to play privately. He is too busy and has a lot of projects recently. He is a meticulous person about his career, and he rarely thinks about being lazy.

So, he decided to go shopping with her today.

Bo Shaolan is a big man, he thinks that shopping is reserved for women, and he feels embarrassed to ask him to bring this up suddenly.

If he stayed in the room with her for a day and a night, he wouldn't get tired of it, but it would be a different story if he went shopping.

He thought for a while, pushed her, and said, "Come on, let's go shopping."

"Shopping?" Luoxue thought she had heard wrong.

"Yes." Bo Shaolan coughed.

"Oh." Luoxue was surprised, looking very surprised.

"Husband still cheats on you."

"No, no, no, I understand." Luo Xue sat up from the bed.

so excited!
Bo Shaolan couldn't help but feel guilty. He had been married for almost a year, and he always kept her hidden. No wonder there would be blatant men who would sneak in.

"I'll change immediately." Luo Xue's eyes were shining like she was on a first date.

Luoxue immediately jumped to the closet to choose clothes, like a happy little bird.

Looking at her busy appearance, Bo Shaolan couldn't help laughing, but he was so happy to take her out for a while, it seems that he will take her out more often in the future.

He finished dressing in no time, and waited for her downstairs, while talking to grandma about something.

Before putting on the wardrobe, Luoxue kept changing and changing, and finally chose a white skirt, because Bao Shaolan once said that he likes her to wear white skirts the most.

Luo Xue looked at herself in the dressing mirror, maybe this is what others said, with the nourishment of love, people will become more beautiful.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, this feeling of heartbeat made her feel back to a few years ago, every time she had a date with Bo Shaolan, she would prepare the clothes for the date one day in advance.

This is what it feels like to be in love.

She smiled sweetly at herself in the mirror.

At the same time, she put on light makeup, and she looked more pleasing to the eye. After repeated confirmation several times, she went downstairs to find Bo Shaolan.

But when she came to the first floor, she didn't see Bo Shaolan.

The old lady Bo said to her cheerfully: "Shaolan was waiting for you at the door early in the morning, play with him for a day, he hasn't tried to relax like this for a long time."

Luo Xue said hello, and walked out with brisk steps.

Seeing her cheerful appearance, the old lady Bo couldn't help sighing with Bai Rong: "I feel that Xiaoxue is still the little girl she was back then, she hasn't changed at all."

"Yes, she is still so gentle and pleasant, without any trace of age." Bai Rong also said with a smile.

When Luoxue came to the door, when she saw Bo Shaolan, she probably called Dong Ming, talking about the company's matters.

The sun fell on him, coating him with a layer of dazzling light, which set off his facial features more deeply and beautifully, and the wind blew slightly, raising his black hair.

He changed into a set of casual clothes, white trousers, white short sleeves, and a slender figure, which was completely different from the usual suit and leather cover. At this moment, he was a bit more unruly, and people couldn't help but look at him more.

He noticed her coming at a glance, maybe because the matter was not finished, he continued to talk on the phone.

Luoxue walked towards him slowly, step by step, deliberately slowing down her pace, deliberately delaying the time until he finished making the phone call.

She couldn't help but think of their first day of junior high school.

At that time, I had just entered junior high school from elementary school, and everyone had just found their own positions, and the classroom was like a pot of porridge.

But Bo Shaolan was completely different from other students. He sat quietly reading a book with a stern face. When Luoxue saw him, his heart skipped a beat for no reason.

I always feel that he is different, he looks so good-looking and aloof.

What she didn't expect was that she fell in love with him just like that.

Maybe this is what the book says about love at first sight.

Bo Shaolan had already found out that the person behind the scenes was Pan Yanyan.

He remembered Luo Xue telling him, no wonder the photo was taken so clearly, and the angle of capture was so accurate.

He didn't expect that Pan Yanyan would dare to oppose him like this, what was his intention?
However, when Pan Yanyan contacted the reporter, she was very hesitant. After all, this is a scandal about the Bo family. Once it is released, it will definitely cause huge waves.

This is an unknown news agency. After accepting Pan Yanyan's benefits, even if it goes bankrupt, it can make a comeback. That's why they are so reckless.

They have already made all preparations, if Bo Shaolan pursues it, they will put the matter on the newcomers, they are afraid that they will wear shoes even if they are barefoot.

Anyway, the real big loss is Bo's. They just need to get the money and satisfy the benefactor.

And the real behind-the-scenes is also Pan Yanyan.

Dong Ming asked Bo Shaolan: "Mr. Bo, what should we do now?"

Bo Shaolan frowned, and said, "Blacklist all the employees of that news agency, so that they won't have any way out."

Dong Ming gasped, Bo Shaolan definitely had the ability, those news agencies ruined his own fortune because of a small amount of money, now he can only regret it.

These people thought it was enough not to work in the journalism industry. No, what Bo Shaolan said about the blacklist was that no matter what industry they worked in, they would not be able to make a living. The only job they did was to maintain food and clothing.

"Okay, Boss." Dong Ming knew Bo Shaolan's temperament, so he was ruthless.

Once he offends him, he will do whatever it takes to make the other party have nowhere to exploit.

Bo Shaolan cut off the phone.

Seeing the girl in the sun slowly walking towards him, he couldn't help but smile, and all his unhappiness disappeared.

Luo Xue came to him and wanted to look up at him, he was really too tall, she only reached his shoulders.

He frowned slightly, as if dissatisfied with her dressing up like this.

She was so beautiful, so he was dissatisfied, how many people watched her beauty?

But he didn't want to spoil this beautiful atmosphere, so he stretched out his hand, stroked her hair, and said softly, "Get in the car."

He opened the door for her in a gentlemanly manner, and he walked around the car and sat in the driver's seat.

Luo Xue was lowering her head to fix the seat belt, and he stretched out his big hand to help her fix it.

This time he didn't ask the driver to come with him, this was their date, and he only wanted to think about the world of the two of them.

Luoxue felt sweet in her heart, since there was no driver, she could look at him unscrupulously.

The place where they first dated is the most frequented place for lovers.

Bo Shaolan just asked a few brothers in the group, and they also recommended them.

He didn't go shopping with her before, and it was Zhou Xiaochun who accompanied her.

When he was studying, he also didn't like shopping, and always said that it was something girls only liked to do.

Thinking about it, he felt guilty about her.

So this time he accompanied her to eat, go shopping in the women's market... doing what lovers like to do most.

When Bo Shaolan saw her, he was always reluctant to buy too expensive ones, so he personally dragged her into several brand stores.

He likes her to be his princess, enjoying the best food, clothing, housing and transportation, and the clothes he chooses are very suitable for Luoxue's temperament.

Luoxue likes elegant and simple things, and he can clearly feel his liking for her.

As soon as Luo Xue entered the store, she really had a happy expression on her face.

Bo Shaolan took a few sets for her and asked her to try them on. Luo Xue happily walked into the fitting room, and showed Bo Shaolan how to wear them one by one.

The waiter was full of praise, and Bo Shaolan nodded in satisfaction.

She looks like a hanger, she looks good in anything, in the end Bo Shaolan asked the waiter to pack it up and swipe the card, and told them an address to send it over.

Luoxue bought a lot of clothes without blinking an eye, and hurriedly stopped him: "I have clothes to wear, I bought too much, and I can't wear them all."

"Throw it away if you can't finish wearing it."

"It's too expensive. How much does it cost? It's a waste of money." Luoxue is always careful when buying clothes, and she's not used to spending extravagantly.

Therefore, anyone who knew that she was Mrs. Bo looked her up and down, thinking that she had nothing to do with a wealthy wife, but felt that she was like a boudoir.

Luoxue doesn't care about the opinions of outsiders, she thinks it's fine as long as the clothes are comfortable to wear, there is no need to compare.

Bo Shaolan raised his eyebrows and said, "Mrs. Bo, my greatest ability is to make money. If you don't use my money, you will die."

Luoxue couldn't help laughing.

That's right, her husband is Young Master Bo, worth tens of billions.

Bo Shaolan bought a lot of things for her, all of which were delivered to the door, and he wanted to make her into the image of Mrs. Fu.

They kept shopping around, buying clothes, jewelry, shoes... Those things seemed to be free of money, Bao Shaolan waved his hand, and as long as it was her size, he ordered a style for her.

After walking for two hours, Bo Shaolan's fighting strength was stronger than that of a woman, and she didn't look tired at all. Her feet were already sore, but she dared not say it.

Finally, she couldn't help it anymore and paused for a moment, and Bo Shaolan immediately noticed it.

Bo Shaolan asked her: "Is there something uncomfortable?"

"Go and sit over there for a while." Luoxue finally couldn't help making a suggestion.

Bo Shaolan immediately supported her to rest. They were wearing sunglasses, and although they were dazzling in the crowd, they couldn't recognize them.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Bo, I'm used to buying things quickly, and I didn't take your feelings into account." Bo Shaolan said, even when he was out shopping, he still maintained a vigorous and resolute style.

"It's okay." Luo Xue smiled slightly.

He put her feet next to his legs and rubbed them gently for her with moderate strength.

(End of this chapter)

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