Chapter 211

He glared at Zhou Xiaochen, got into the car, and slammed the door loudly.

Zhou Xiaochen smiled triumphantly.

She knew that Yan Ye had this reaction.

He just wanted to lie to Luoxue, and he would have to practice for a few more years before talking about it.

That kind of chasing girls is long gone.

Zhou Xiaochen thought he was going to leave in her anger, but he didn't leave. After a while, he got out of the car again and took the money from her.


"Hmph! I'll lend you this money for the time being, and I'll pay you back in the future!" Yan Ye snorted, "By the way, good people will do their best to the end, go and help me find a place to live."

"Hehe, don't you know how to open a room yourself?"

"No ID."

"No! If you do something bad, wouldn't you use me as a backstop?" Zhou Xiaochen was not an idiot.

Seeing that she was scared, Yan Ye suddenly smiled mischievously, pulled her past and walked towards the hotel. "Walk!"

Zhou Xiaochen kicked him directly with his high heels.

"Huh? I thought you were not afraid of anything, so why are you afraid of me?" Yan Ye suddenly became interested.

Zhou Xiaoyu was a woman after all, and was dragged by Yan Ye all the way to the front desk of the hotel.

The lady at the front desk immediately said enthusiastically, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Yan Yethie smiled and said, "Open a double room."

Zhou Xiaoyu kicked him again, but Yan Ye was smart enough to dodge him.

In order to get rid of this demon as soon as possible, Zhou Xiaochen had no choice but to meet his request.

After Yan Ye succeeded, he waved at her. "Thank you Miss Zhou for your help."

"Get out!" Zhou Xiaochen really wanted to throw a high-heeled shoe over.

"Don't be so angry, I don't mean that all women can fall in love with me? You also have to see if you see me right. If you don't leave, is it possible that you want to accompany me?"

His Young Master Yan was trampled by her like that just now, how can he not let out a bad breath?
Zhou Xiaochun was so angry that his face was flushed, and he almost wanted to take off his high heels to hit him all over the head.

But she endured it anyway, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

But even though Yan Ye played tricks a bit, he still looks pretty good, tall and mighty, but he's just too pissed off.

I'm so sorry.

Seeing Zhou Xiaochen's face flushed with anger, Yan Ye suddenly approached her and blew hot air into her face. "You look good when you're angry!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the elevator in a cool manner, fully in need of a beating.

Zhou Xiaoyu's face was hot, she actually forgot to refute him, looking at his swaggering back, she was blown by him, her face was as red as cooked shrimp.

What's wrong with her?
Zhou Xiaochun left angrily.

She was about to get into her sports car when she caught sight of his BMW. She suddenly got up to play a trick, picked up her high heels, and smashed the window on his side. Seeing that it was smashed, she let out a breath of anger.

He took out his lipstick again and wrote a few words on the car window.

Immediately someone came over to dissuade him, but Zhou Xiaochun ignored him at all, clapped his hands, got into the sports car and drove away.

That person was the security guard of the hotel, and knowing that it was Yan Ye's car, he immediately asked the front desk to contact Yan Ye, and when Yan Ye found out, not only didn't blame her, but he found this girl interesting.

Why is he not nervous?Another reason is that it was Mo Ziran's car, and he didn't feel bad about it.

Yan Ye is so unwilling, he chased Haishi all the way, it can't be for nothing, right?No matter what, Luoxue must be chased after him.

snort!Bo Shaolan, just wait for me.

It's just that he doesn't understand Luoxue too well. She is a woman who is devoted to her feelings. Once she confesses her sincerity, it will last her whole life, no matter which man she is?She couldn't move her heart at all.

Yan Ye usually won't succeed after chasing a girl for more than three days.

But there was no countermeasure against Luoxue.

As soon as Zhou Xiaochun came home, she immediately told Luoxue what had happened. Luoxue thanked Zhou Xiaochun a lot. Hearing that she was almost molested by Yan Ye, she felt extremely guilty and planned to give Zhou Xiaochun two Hermes bags.

In order to avoid complications, she blocked Yan Ye's WeChat account, as well as her mobile phone number.

Let Zhou Xiaochun help to the end.

Zhou Xiaochen was also very loyal, and in order to avenge his offence, she decided to have sex with him to the end.

If he dared to provoke Miss Zhou, he was tired of work.

Luoxue sighed, tired of reading, so she played cards with old lady Bo, old lady Bo was a fan of chess and cards, and Luoxue was good at cards, old lady Bo became addicted to playing.

When they were having fun, Bo Shaolan called Luoxue out of the door and told her to take her to a place.

Luo Xue asked him what was the matter, but he didn't say anything, acting mysteriously.

She apologized and said to Mrs. Bo, "Grandma, Shaolan asked me to go out for a while."

The old lady Bo said cheerfully, "Go ahead, hurry up, don't make him wait in a hurry."

"Thank you grandma." Luo Xue said embarrassedly.

She walked out with brisk steps, and saw that Bo Shaolan was about to call her, and when she saw her coming, he pulled her into the car.

He even made the seat belt for her, as if he was in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Luo Xue asked strangely.

Bo Shaolan said mysteriously: "Temporary secret."

Luo Xue didn't ask any more questions, it must be a surprise, right?She began to look forward to it.

The car sped away, Luoxue looked at the scenery outside the window, and felt very familiar. An idea formed, but she didn't dare to confirm it.

When the car stopped, she dared to confirm.

She sat there in amazement, unable to believe it was real!
The sanatorium, the sanatorium where her mother was!How did Bo Shaolan find her mother?Or is her father finally willing to hand over her mother?

Before she could react, Bo Shaolan had already pulled her out of the car.

Immediately, several people who looked like doctors came up to them. "Master Bo, are you here?"

Bo Shaolan asked: "Has everything been arranged?"

The older doctor said, "Yes, it has been arranged. From today onwards, we will give her the best treatment."

Bo Shaolan nodded: "En."

He held Luoxue's hand tightly, Luoxue's hand was shaking lightly, his mind was blank, and his eyes were blurred.

She was finally going to meet her mother.

I don't know how Bo Shaolan got it?
She felt like she was in a dream.

She didn't wake up until she came to the door of the ward.

This is a VIP ward, which is many times better than the previous ward, and there are special nurses taking care of it.

The moment she saw her mother, she was almost unrecognizable.

She is sallow and emaciated, so thin that she is out of shape. If it weren't for the curved shape of the electrocardiogram, she still thinks...

Why is this so?
She ran towards her mother, knelt down in front of the bed, cried like tears, and choked up: "Mommy..."

Didn't Luo Wenxun say to give her the best treatment?Could it be that he was fooling her?
So cruel!

Not only did he cause her to suffer a stroke and become paralyzed, he even turned her into a vegetative state!
Bo Shaolan changed her to a doctor in charge and explained the treatment plan to her in detail. Bo Shaolan took care of her mother's affairs with one hand, so that Luoxue had no worries.

After explaining everything to the doctor, Mama Li came in at this time, and it was Bo Shaolan who ordered her to come, saying that in addition to special care, Mama Li was also invited to take care of Fang Lin.

Luo Xue was so moved that she couldn't speak. "Thank you husband, thank you Mama Li..."

Li Ma said: "Young Mistress, don't be polite, you are always nice to me, I will definitely help you with your affairs."

Luoxue hugged Mama Li tightly. "thanks."

She felt lucky, if it wasn't for Bo Shaolan, she wouldn't know when she would see her mother?I don't know how long my mother was tortured by Luo Wenxun?
If she hadn't married Bo Shaolan, she really wouldn't be able to fight Luo Wenxun with her own ability.

With tears in her eyes, Luoxue threw herself into Bo Shaolan's arms. She was moved but moved, and the grievances in her heart rushed out...

"I will take good care of you and mother-in-law in the future." Bo Shaolan hugged her, and he knew she would be excited, so he didn't tell her in advance.

Luo Wenxun was cornered by him, and finally surrendered, saying that he was willing to cooperate with him and handed over Fang Lin at the same time.

He immediately notified the doctor over there to give Fang Lin the best treatment, and at the same time wanted to give Luo Xue a surprise.

She understood her previous situation better, being oppressed by her father.

He is distressed besides being distressed.

At this time, a man walked in timidly from the door, Luoxue looked up and saw that it was Luo Wenxun.

Her emotions suddenly collapsed, and she wanted to find him desperately. "Devil, you are simply inhuman, you are too cruel to abuse my mother like this!"

Fortunately, she trusted him so much before, so it turned out to be a lie.

He was just hanging on to his mother and threatening her...

Luo Wenxun didn't say a word, his eyes were already reddened by desire, he asked Bo Shaolan anxiously. "Can the agreement be signed?"

Luo Xue's heart hurt even more, and she was so angry that she almost fainted.

"Go away, you made my mother like this, even if I destroy it, I won't give it to you!"

"Xiaoxue, Dad is also helpless. Over the years, the company has been in a deficit state. I can't give your mother the best treatment. I am also very guilty. I am afraid that you will worry, so I have never dared to tell you."

Afraid of her worrying?

Hehe, that sounds so nice!
Luo Xue is not a three-year-old child, she will believe everything he says.

If he did his best to his mother, she would have nothing to say, but what did he do!She didn't want to reveal the past, for fear that she would be even more sad.

She hurt her mother so much.

Marry this wolf-hearted man.

"Get out! Don't appear in front of me in the future!" Luo Xue felt like throwing up when she saw her.

"Shaolan, you must mean what you say. Didn't you say to lend me the shares in Luoxue's hands temporarily?"

He handed over the last trump card for this purpose, and the purpose was not achieved, how could he leave easily?

Now his position in Luoshi is in jeopardy, and he urgently needs that share.

Luo Xue sneered again and again. "You are too cold-blooded. Treat your wife and children like this. You are not human. My mother is like this. You still think about the shares. Luo Wenxun, I will never be without you as a father in the future!"

Luo Wenxun frowned. "Luoxue, what are you talking about?"

Could it be that she knew what he did back then?
He has always done a good job of keeping secrets.

She was a little girl when her mother had a stroke, so there was no way she would have known.

Luo Wenxun deliberately put on airs of his father, and treated her as an ignorant child, saying, "Xiaoxue, Dad has done his best these years. If I hadn't been treating her all the time, I'm afraid..."

"Hehe, did you do your best? Are you talking too ridiculously?" Luoxue endured the great pain in her heart, but she never thought that Luo Wenxun would say such words without shame.

(End of this chapter)

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