Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 212 Stepping on Mr. Bo's Minefield

Chapter 212 Stepping on Mr. Bo's Minefield
She was so disappointed in such a father.

She also wanted to cover up her own evil deeds, so she had to expose his evil deeds. "Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. If it weren't for the 30.00% stake, my mother and I would have died long ago, and you are afraid that I will reveal your crimes!"

It was the confidential information that her grandfather gave her, which was enough for Luo Wenxun to spend his whole life in prison.

Luo Wenxun looked horrified.

Luoxue was right!

He never expected that it would be in Luoxue's hands.

Luo Wenxun's eyes instantly had murderous intent. He has been looking for this confidential information all these years.

She dared to confront him like this, so she had a hole card in her hand.

It seems that the father-in-law of the dead ghost had taken precautions against him early on.

Luo Wenxun was in a hurry, he wanted to go forward and grab Luo Xue, and said sharply: "Hand it over immediately, or I will make you die!"

He suddenly went crazy, Bo Shaolan couldn't guard against it, Luoxue was dragged by him, and his complexion turned pale instantly.

Bo Shaolan immediately held Luo Wenxun's hand, and said coldly, "Let her go!"

His voice was permeated with great deterrence, cold and ruthless.

That kind of majesty and viciousness made Luo Wenxun invisibly afraid. He was afraid, but he was not reconciled, but he had no way out. He offended Bo Shaolan, and he didn't know how he would die.

He knew of Bo Shaolan's methods.

Luo Wen Xun is like a deflated balloon.

Bo Shaolan sneered, and suddenly shook his hand, Luo Wenxun was caught off guard, and threw himself on the ground, his old bones were about to fall apart.

Bo Shaolan's thin lips parted slightly. "From now on, just as Luoxue said, I will no longer be Xiaoxue's father! You have done so many things to my mother-in-law and my wife. She can bear it, but I can't bear it. I have no hobbies, so I just spoil my wife. If you dare to touch half of her hair, I will definitely make you regret what you have done."

When I asked, I was dumbfounded.

But he had to listen.

Bao Shaolan embraced Luoxue, looked at her hand, and found that her wrist was red, and felt extremely distressed, his eyes were filled with distress, and he scolded coldly: "Disappear for me immediately!"

Luo Wenxun immediately got up from the ground and stumbled out, as if he was afraid that he would be sentenced to death a second later.

Bo Shaolan immediately called the doctor to apply medicine to her. Luo Xue shook her head, indicating that she was fine. She squatted beside the bed, holding her mother's hand, and weeping silently.

Bo Shaolan also squatted with her, with a solemn expression.

He stretched out his arms and hugged her lightly, wanting to give her strength, Luoxue glanced at him, her mouth moved, she hesitated to speak, and all the words she said turned into tears.

Bo Shaolan's handsome face was full of affection, which made her feel inexplicably at ease.

Fortunately, he was here today, otherwise she really didn't know how to face all this?

It's great to have him.

Such a man who loves her deeply, doting everything to spoil her, can she not be moved?
As time goes by and time flies by, their love has always been there, and after going through all kinds of hardships, it has become stronger.

After having him, she is no longer confused, and she no longer fights alone.

She knew that in the future, she must be the happiest person.

He has fulfilled his promise, not allowing anyone to bully her.

She leaned into his arms, holding her tightly.

He understands her suffering.

She lifted up her little face full of tears, her skin soaked in tears was as moist as jade, her teary eyes were hazy, and she was pitiful.

"With me here, no one will bully you in the future." Bo Shaolan said hoarsely.

Seeing her cry made his heart heavy.

He gently kissed her tears away, and hugged her tighter, "Don't cry, you and your mother-in-law will be fine in the future."

"En." Luo Xue believed his words.

At this moment, she needs a strong hug too much, otherwise she feels that she is going to collapse.

She stopped talking, just leaned quietly in his arms, his familiar breath made her no longer afraid, and after a few minutes, she found that they had been squatting beside the bed.

As a result, she squatted for too long and felt dizzy when she stood up. Fortunately, Bo Shaolan supported her.

"Foot numb." Her voice was gentle.

Bo Shaolan heard the coquettishness in her words, and felt her dependence on him, so he was very happy.

He just needs this sense of dependence.

He hugged her to the sofa and hugged her quietly, the picture was tender and tender.

"feel better now?"

After about 10 minutes, he asked her tenderly, stroking her hair lightly with his chin.

"En." Luoxue was just greedy for his embrace.

She raised her head and looked into his eyes, reflecting her own shadow from his eyes, she smiled slightly.

Just like he has her in his heart.

Bo Shaolan looked at her affectionately, held her small face in both hands, and said seriously: "Miss Luoxue, the thing you are most worried about no longer exists. From now on, all you need is to live happily and happily. This is the best thing for me." answer."

Luoxue couldn't help laughing. "How can this be considered a reward? It is obviously a blessing."

"Your happiness is my greatest happiness, please be my bride happily." Bo Shaolan said softly, "I will tell everyone that you are my wife Bo Shaolan, and I want you to be the happiest woman in the world .”

"We've been married a long time ago. In fact, the wedding is just a formality..."

"No, it didn't count before. I haven't proposed to you yet. Only if I propose is considered marriage."

"As long as you are by my side is enough."

Luoxue's eyes turned red. It would be great if her mother could wake up before her wedding, but the doctor said that there was little hope for her. Treatment had been delayed for a long time, and it would take a long time for her to wake up.

"So you have to be happy and don't think too much." Bo Shaolan comforted her, stroking her back, "Then mother-in-law's illness will get better as soon as possible."

"En." Luoxue tried her best to smile.

There was tenderness in her watery eyes, facing Bo Shaolan with deep affection, her heart was warm and her face was flushed.

Seeing the shy look, Bo Shaolan couldn't help smiling indulgently. "It's been so long, and the habit of blushing still hasn't changed, fool."

"Promise me, you will be happy in the future."

Luo Xue had no choice but to nod, she wanted to push him away, but he held her tightly, not letting her move at all.

"I will be happy, marrying you is the greatest happiness in my life." Luo Xue said.

Bo Shaolan smiled triumphantly, and like a child who has succeeded, he picked her up and walked out of the room.

When Luoxue found out that he was doing this trick again, she was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it.

"Bo Shaolan, can you restrain yourself? You show your affection anytime and anywhere, how can I be in love with you?"

Bo Shaolan didn't care, "It's better to show affection anytime, anywhere than to cheat anytime, anywhere."

God, is he still that thin iceberg high above?

You always show your affection like this, aren't you afraid of others' jealousy?

He is not afraid, she is afraid.

Luoxue huddled her head against his chest, she just wanted to be the rudder bird.

His husband swaggered through the market like this, not because he swaggered to tell everyone that she was his wife.

Let those who are not willing to die die that evil heart.

He ordered the doctor to give his mother-in-law the best treatment, and at the same time arranged his loyal servant Li Ma there, so that if someone tried to mess with him, he could take precautions in time.

He blacklisted Luo Wenxun's family to visit.

Some people will definitely not be reconciled to this.

In addition to Li Ma, he also arranged for two powerful bodyguards to guard.

Seeing Luo Xue, she was even more moved to tears.

The dean knew that Bo Shaolan was coming, so he came out to see him off in person, thank him very much.

Because of Fang Lin's presence, Bo Shaolan donated a large amount of money at once, which made the dean laugh from ear to ear... It was only later that he learned that Fang Lin was his mother-in-law.

This young master Bo is indeed a spoiled wife madman.

The dean naturally sent someone to take good care of Fang Lin, without any mistakes.

The doctors and nurses in the hospital naturally dare not neglect.

Luoxue didn't dare to raise her head until she was sitting on the seat, her little face was blushing and extremely beautiful.

The speed at which he was driving made her sweat, wondering where he was going so fast?
Bo Shaolan took a look at her and said, "Hurry up, let's get down to business."

It's just that he thought that the others wouldn't let him, and his mobile phone was very noisy. It was Dong Ming who called, saying that there was an urgent meeting, and the directors were waiting for him to preside over it.

Dong Ming was like stepping on the tiger's tail. After talking for a long time, Bo Shaolan didn't give him any response, which made him very surprised: "Mr. Bo, what's the matter? There is no problem with you..."

Dong Ming was only thinking about work, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Bo, is something wrong with you?"

Bo Shaolan was furious, yes, he wished he could kick Dong Ming into the Pacific Ocean...

"Let them wait for me for 10 minutes." Bo Shaolan said abruptly.

Dong Ming over there thought for a long time but still didn't understand what happened to Bo Shaolan just now?
(End of this chapter)

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