Chapter 232
"I had no power back then, even if I told you, would you believe me?" Qiao Ge also sneered.

She stifled the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

"The reason why I lost my child is because of your Bo family! My child died too unjustly. Don't think that your Bo family is powerful enough to cover the sky with one hand. If you are rich, you are great, and you can carelessly kill people at will! I told you You, I'm not done with your Bo family!"

Bo Shaolan's face was livid, and his fists were clenched. He threatened each word: "Qiao Ge, I have tolerated you. Let me tell you, my tolerance is limited. You know what happened back then." Ming, you asked for all of this."

"You want to scold me for asking for it!" Qiao Ge mocked more strongly, "After all, you also have doubts about what happened back then, so you came to me."

Bo Shaolan strode towards her and pulled her up from the sofa, "You're never finished! You still want to use what happened back then to hold me hostage, you've made a mistake. If you dare to ruin my wedding, The consequences are beyond your imagination, you can try it if you don’t believe me! You’d better be smart, don’t force me to do it, I will never show mercy this time!”

"I'm a ghost and I won't let your Bo family go! You don't have a good thing in your Bo family. It not only caused me to lose my child, but also made me lose my right to be a mother. Bo Shaolan, you must remember this account carefully." .” There was no fear in Qiao Ge’s eyes.

Bo Shaolan's face was extremely stern, it seemed that this woman wanted to keep pestering him to make trouble, and he would never allow what happened five years ago to happen again.

"Then I'll wait and see." Bo Shaolan gritted his teeth and said, "Since you also know that the Bo family is in great power, be honest with me."

After finishing speaking, Bo Shaolan let go, and Qiao Ge fell down on the sofa.

Bo Shaolan's eyes were full of mockery, he looked at her and said, "Be sensible, walk far away!"

Qiao Ge raised his chin towards him, his eyes full of provocation.

Bo Shaolan pursed his thin lips, glared at her, and strode away.

The room immediately became quiet. Qiao Ge sneered, straightened her skirt, picked up a shawl and put it on, humming, "Bo Shaolan, you're so ruthless! I almost broke my old lady's bones."

The doorbell rang, and she answered it, and it was Johnny.

As soon as the door opened, he quickly flashed in.

He handed the phone to Qiao Ge, "No, these photos definitely look like they were taken secretly."

He glanced at Qiao Ge and said, "Miss Qiao, is she really your old woman? Why is she so violent!"

Johnny would be more sympathetic.

Qiao Ge moved her arm, and she cried out in pain, "He's not a man!"

His tenderness is only for Luo Xue.

"You don't need such an old woman. When I saw him go out, he was very angry. I know this man. He is Young Master Bo. I heard that he is a cruel and vicious master. You can't afford to provoke her." Johnny persuaded kindly. , "Why do you fall in love with this kind of man? Could it be that all men are dead?"

"What? Can't you? I just like him." Qiao Ge said unhappily.

"All right, all right, as long as you like, you can do anything, but what are you going to do? Do you want to die with him? Once this news breaks out, for men, it's just a joke, but for women, it's just a joke. But life is stained."

"Besides, you have managed to get to where you are today. If this incident breaks out, it will definitely ruin your future for you. The loss is too great. I advise you to think twice. You should look to the future and live a better life than them , This is the greatest revenge against them."

"Johnny, there are some things that can't be put down just by letting them go. I have to avenge this revenge, otherwise I will live in vain, and I will never turn back! I have made up my mind."

"Qiao Ge, it seems that I have known you for nothing all these years."

"Don't get to know me too well, or you will get hurt." Qiao Ge took the phone and clicked on the photo album, "Let me see how you took the picture?"

"You told me to take a sneak shot. Can you see if I can do it?"

"I believe in your skills." Qiao Ge felt very satisfied after reading it.

Johnny smiled triumphantly, "Nonsense, I'm a gold agent, and my ability to create scandals is of course first-rate."

"Sure enough, it's not a heavy responsibility. Okay, this month's bonus will be doubled." Qiao Ge laughed.

"Miss Joe, are you okay with the wound on your knee? It's bleeding." Johnny looked at her knee.

Qiao Ge smiled and waved his hand, "Small, you have to pay for everything you do, because you are so obedient, if I finish my work over there tomorrow, I will rush to attend Mr. Wang's business performance, 5 minutes. Don't fool me!"

Johnny said, "When did I ever lie to you? It was just your feet... really all right?"

"What can I do? Is there any other request? Then I won't do it!" Qiao Ge said vigilantly.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, Miss Qiao, it's a deal." Johnny ran away in a hurry as if afraid of her repentance.

The room was quiet again.

Qiao Ge was leaning on the sofa, suddenly her eyes were red, and big teardrops rolled down.

Does he know I'm back?
Then why not come to her?

As soon as Bo Shaolan got into the car, the driver's call came.

The driver reported, "Master Bo, when she came back from the nursing home just now, the eldest mistress suddenly cried and asked her what happened? She didn't say anything, and then went on a date with Miss Zhou."

She suddenly cried?
Bo Shaolan panicked inexplicably.

What's wrong with her?
Bo Shaolan felt so guilty... He sneaked out to meet Qiao Ge without telling her. Although he didn't do anything bad, he still lacked confidence.

"She went to see Miss Zhou?"

"Yes, it seems to be some kind of party. I have the address here." The driver reported from [-].com.

"Wait and send me that address."

After hanging up the phone, the driver immediately sent the address to Bo Shaolan.

Bo Shaolan glanced at the address, quickly started the engine, and drove in that direction.

He was already driving to his destination at the fastest speed, but he still wished he could grow a pair of wings and fly to her side, but it was only two hours apart, and he was already missing her.

The appearance of her pear blossoms with rain always appeared in his mind.

God was against him. Not only was there a traffic jam on the road, but there were also traffic lights one after another.

His hands holding the steering wheel were darkly veined, his thin lips were tightly pursed, his eyes were far away, his heart seemed to be bitten by thousands of ants.

He secretly came out to meet Qiao Ge, and he didn't intend to let Luo Xue know about it, so as to prevent her from thinking wildly.

Fearing that something might go wrong, he crumpled the paper into a ball in front of Luo Xue and threw it away, just to reassure her.

He found the hotel where Qiao Ge was staying, and obtained it through other means. This time he went to see Qiao Ge, and he also wanted to stop having any entanglements with Qiao Ge in the future.

Thinking of talking things over with Qiao Ge, he went home quietly, as if nothing had happened.

And it's impossible for Luoxue to know, he does things so covertly.

She cried for no reason?Could it be that she knew that she was going to see Qiao Ge?

Impossible, she is not the kind of scheming person, unless someone tells her?

Could it be Qiao Ge?

Bo Shaolan was in a state of disarray, the day before the wedding, such an unpleasant incident happened, no matter what, it was all caused by herself.

In order to prevent someone from making trouble tomorrow, he has already done all the defensive work.

In addition to defending against Qiao Ge, there is another person who needs special attention.

I don't know if he will...

Bo Shaolan had a splitting headache, but he quickly calmed down and his gaze became firm and determined.

Sea Pearl Night View Hotel, the most luxurious box.

Qin Jingfeng also came, and Zhou Xiaoyu invited him to come, saying that he would hold a farewell bachelor party for Luoxue.

He came without saying a word, and he noticed Luo Xue's strangeness when he first arrived. Based on his understanding of her, she must have encountered something unhappy.

Eyes reddish, obviously crying.

When you really love someone, even if there is a slight difference in the other person, you will be keenly caught by the person who loves her.

Qin Jingfeng would not ask her rashly, but just observed her quietly.

Luoxue didn't want everyone to worry, so she had a good time with everyone on the surface.

What is she hiding...

Although Qin Jingfeng was anxious, he didn't show it.

He is a gentleman, and he will consider other people's feelings in everything he does. This is also his annoyance. Although there are countless opportunities in front of him, he misses the woman he loves the most because of his understanding.

If he had acted more decisively in Luo Country, maybe he would be the one who would marry Luo Xue.

Character determines fate, he can only accept his fate.

Yan Ye played the craziest, drunk crazy, and confessed to Luoxue with the strength of alcohol, "Luoxue, one day you will regret it, you didn't choose me, you missed me, it is the biggest loss in your life, but, you It's too late to regret now..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Xiaochen picked him up and wanted to throw him out, "If you still don't change your mind by this time, see if I don't blow your head off!"

Then she really wanted to hit Yan Ye, Yan Ye ran away immediately, they chased after each other, and it was quite a scene. "

In fact, Yan Ye purposely spoke his mind in a half-joking manner, which can be regarded as an end to his own worries.

But if Luoxue really regrets marrying Bo Shaolan, he will take her away immediately, as long as the beauty doesn't want to be a country.

It's a pity, it's just his fantasy.

He doesn't regret pursuing Luoxue so enthusiastically, it's rare in life to be crazy, as long as he is crazy, he won't leave any regrets in the future.

Yan Ye had chased enough, came to Luoxue's side again, and uttered the truth, "I will be your backup baby for ten thousand years. If you divorce Bo Shaolan in the future, I will be there for you. Don't be shy, Mr. Yan." Keep your word."

"Go, go, you crow's mouth, he's not married yet, and you're looking forward to his divorce, killing you shameless person." Zhou Xiaochen immediately spat at Yan Ye.

Zhou Xiaochun was also drunk and leaned against Yan Ye's side. The wine they drank was brought by Zhou Xiaochun. It was said that there were hundreds of thousands of bottles, which were used by her father to entertain distinguished guests.

Luoxue made an exception tonight, gulping down a glass of wine.

The wine was extremely unpalatable, but after drinking it, a hot feeling slipped down his throat, and then a floating feeling came up.

Her face instantly turned red.


She poured herself another glass and was going to pour it into her mouth again.

(End of this chapter)

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