Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 233 Farewell to the bachelor party

Chapter 233 Farewell to the bachelor party
Qin Jingfeng was frightened, and immediately went to grab her wine glass, "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Xue was already slightly drunk, she squinted her eyes at him, and smiled, "Jing Feng, wine is a good thing."

"What happened? Tell me, stop drinking. You will be a bride tomorrow. Don't get drunk." Qin Jingfeng persuaded.

"I want to drink... I want to drink... give me another drink, okay?" Then she wanted to grab her glass back, but Qin Jingfeng refused.

She looked at him aggrievedly, "Jing Feng, just let me get drunk for a while."

Qin Jingfeng refused to give it, Luoxue's eyes immediately turned red, and she was about to cry.

Zhou Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and finally noticed her strangeness, "Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you? You won't be really bullied by that brat Bo Shaolan, right? Don't be caught by that crow's mouth Yan Ye."

Qin Jingfeng frowned, "She can't drink any more, this is strong wine, it would be bad if I miss tomorrow's wedding."

Zhou Xiaoyu winked at Yan Ye, and Yan Ye immediately put away the wine.

Luoxue usually doesn't drink alcohol at all, she will get drunk even after drinking beer, let alone spirits?
"I want to drink, bring the wine quickly." She called.

Yan Ye asked the waiter to bring over boiled water.

"I don't want plain water, I'm tired of drinking, I want to drink..."

"It must be that bastard Bo Shaolan who bullied you." Yan Ye is a seasoned lover, so how can he not understand women's concerns?Women only ask for drunkenness when they are hurt.

Bo Shaolan, you have kindness, I want you not to give it, but you don't cherish it when you get it.

I will take her away tonight, and make you unable to get married tomorrow.

"Give me wine? Give me wine? I want to drink." Luo Xue's tone was a little coquettish.

Qin Jingfeng knew that she would not be allowed to get drunk tonight, so she would feel even more uncomfortable.

"Let her drink less." Qin Jingfeng said helplessly.

"That's great, Jing Feng." Luo Xue said happily, her eyes were blurred, and her gentle voice was full of joy.

"Come on, let me take a big sip, and you take a small sip."

Then, Yan Ye poured another third of the wine for her, his glass was full.

Zhou Xiaochun wanted to stop them, but finally let them go.

Saying goodbye to the bachelor party, I was crazy, if everyone is drinking in a serious manner, why are you still having a party!

"Yan Ye, please control her drinking, don't drink too much, if you miss something, I will hang you up and beat you." Zhou Xiaozhen warned Yan Ye.

Yan Ye is upset, he is always being yelled at by Zhou Xiaochen, he is upset, "I am willing, can you control it?"

Qin Jingfeng said, "Forget it, let her go crazy once."

In short, she drank the wine in the glass, and he would not give her another drink.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open.

Then the waiter's anxious voice sounded, "This gentleman..."

Everyone looked towards the door.

It turned out to be Bo Shaolan, I saw him standing at the door with a frosty face, like a Shura who descended from the sky.

His eyes were so cold that he looked at everyone in the box, and finally landed on the two men, Qin Jingfeng and Yan Ye.

Qin Jingfeng looked back at him not to be outdone, like a fighter.

He said that if Bo Shaolan dared to bully his girl, he would definitely take action.

In an instant, swords and swords, if eyes can fight, they have fought thousands of times.

It's just that I didn't really do it.

Luoxue was already so drunk that she didn't know her last name. Yan Ye was drunk, but not completely drunk. When she saw Bo Shaolan coming, she felt revengeful.

He deliberately put his arms around Luoxue's shoulders, "Xiaoxue, do you still want to drink? Come on, let's play a game, if you lose, you have to kiss me..."

"Bastard, always taking advantage of others, I only kiss my husband, you go away!" Although Luo Xueren was drunk, he still had a sense of self-protection.

"Come on, anyway, your husband isn't here, he didn't know you kissed me." Yan Ye said with a smile on his face.

Luo Xue raised her hand and hit him, the two looked flirtatious.

Yan Ye laughed and dodged.


After listening to their conversation, Bo Shaolan's mind exploded.


His jealousy suddenly roiled like a huge wave in his heart, he got angry and planned to tear up that shameless Yan Ye.

With a gloomy expression on his face, Bo Shaolan rushed towards them.

This time he was not targeting Qin Jingfeng, but Yan Ye.

Throwing out his fist unceremoniously, Yan Ye was caught off guard, and instantly got a nosebleed from Bo Shaolan's blow, and his handsome face turned into a pig's head.

Yan Ye saw the person who beat him clearly, and became angry.

But he was already drunk, and he couldn't exert any strength, so he could only be beaten.

If Zhou Xiaoyu and Qin Jingfeng hadn't rushed over to hold Bo Shaolan back, Yan Ye would have been ruined.

Yan Ye wiped his nosebleed, and scolded: "Bo Shaolan, you bastard!"

"Be more interesting in the future!"

"I just like her! Bo Shaolan, if you dare to bully her, I will immediately take her away without your consent!" Yan Ye said desperately.

Bo Shaolan smiled coldly, "Hehe, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

"Bo Shaolan!" Yan Ye was furious.

Luoxue, who was drunk by the side, didn't know that two big men were fighting because of her. She waved her hand and said drunkenly, "Bring the wine...bring the wine..."

Bo Shaolan's face was ugly as hell.

This woman still wants to drink?Luoxue, it seems that I have spoiled you too much recently, so much that you want to go to the roof to lift the tiles.

Bo Shaolan became angry from embarrassment!
"Bo Shaolan... Did you bully her tonight? Don't think that you are going to get married, so you can mess around! Let me tell you, if you feel sorry for her, most men like her, not bad for you! "Zhou Xiaoyu also drank some wine, which can strengthen his courage, and he was right, he dared to say anything.

Bo Shaolan kept silent with a cold face.

He bent down to carry Luoxue away.

He looked down at her, his eyes softened a lot.

Everyone has a weakness, and his weakness is her, as long as she gives him a smiling face, he will definitely give her back a spring.

"Husband..." she murmured again.

Bo Shaolan's eyes became more gentle.

He hugged Luoxue and strode away.

Yan Ye wanted to catch up, but was pulled by Zhou Xiaochun, who was not allowed to chase him, he struggled a few times, and leaned on Zhou Xiaochun's body.

Zhou Xiaoyu shook his head, "Jing Feng, carry this dead pig to the room before leaving, I can't carry it."

Yan Ye was too heavy, it took both of them a lot of effort to get him to the room.

"Jing Feng, are you okay?" Zhou Xiaochun asked.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, and I will be Xiaoxue's bridesmaid tomorrow." Zhou Xiaoyu called her driver and asked him to come pick her up.

After Jing Feng watched Zhou Xiaoyu get into the car, he drove back by himself.

Qin Jingfeng only drank a little wine, which is not considered drunk driving.

He drove the car slowly, opened the window, and let the evening wind blow in, trying to cool down his restless heart.

No matter how reluctant, I have to let go.

Bo Shaolan carried Luoxue into the car and asked the driver who was waiting for them to go back first, and he drove back by himself.

Luo Xue, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was very quiet.

He watched her for a moment, started the engine, and drove away.

Luoxue was really drunk, her little face was as red as a ripe apple, and her lips were so tender that they were almost watery.

He touched her face and was relieved that the temperature was normal.

This woman can't drink, and her capacity for alcohol is very shallow. He smelled that what she was drinking tonight was strong alcohol.

He remembered that once, at a brothers' party, Yin Chengfeng coaxed her to drink, but the hospitality was unrestrained, so she drank a glass of beer and immediately got drunk, her whole body turned red, frightened him, and sent her to the hospital to recover.

He has banned her from drinking since then.

It may be that as she grows older, her alcohol capacity is better than before. She only blushes when she is drunk, and sleeps very peacefully.

There weren't many cars at night, so he had no problems.

Bo family.

Knowing that they had gone out, the whole family was worried that something might happen to them. Mrs. Bo and Fang Haihua were sitting in the living room waiting for them to come back.

Tomorrow is the day of their wedding, and nothing can go wrong.

The old lady Bo asked Bai Rong to call Bo Shaolan, but Bo Shaolan didn't answer. She called the driver, but the driver didn't dare to say anything, only said that the young master Bo went to pick up the young mistress and came back.

It was almost eleven o'clock before Bo Shaolan came home.

Bai Rong had been guarding the door, and when she saw Bo Shaolan's car, she immediately ran in to report, "Old lady, eldest lady, they are back."

Bo Shaolan walked in after her.

When the old lady Bo saw Bo Shaolan coming in with Luoxue in her arms, she couldn't help being anxious, "Shaolan, what happened?"

Bo Shaolan didn't dare to tell the truth, "She's fine, let's go back to the room first."

Fang Haihua's sharp eyes could tell that Luoxue was drinking, "How could she be like this?"

Bo Shaolan looked at them, not daring to say more, "Grandma, Mom, she's fine, please don't worry."

Fang Haihua has been worried all night, can he not be in a hurry?

"You are too self-willed. Do you think marriage is a child's play? You know that you are going to get married tomorrow, but you don't give us any peace of mind."

The old lady Bo was also angry, "Too self-willed, she's about to get married, and still messing around? She's going to be busy tomorrow morning, and she's in this state... Sigh!"

Bo Shaolan didn't dare to refute, and listened silently, "Grandma, Mom, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I played crazy tonight, tomorrow's wedding will definitely go smoothly, don't worry!"

After all, he went directly upstairs to his room.

Fang Haihua shook his head, "Oh..."

She thought for a while, then turned her head and said to Bai Rong, "Aunt Rong, thank you for your hard work. Make her a pot of hangover tea to sober her up, in order to ensure that tomorrow's wedding goes smoothly."

The old lady Bo also said, "Yes, Bai Rong, hurry up and make sober tea."

"Yes, old lady, eldest lady." Bai Rong responded and left.

The old lady Bo persuaded Fang Haihua, "Okay, young people, play more, go to sleep! Have a good rest."

"Mom, my heart has been flustered, and my eyelids have been twitching." Fang Haihua's face was full of sadness.

"It'll be fine! As long as I'm here, I won't allow any trouble in tomorrow's wedding." Mrs. Bo said very seriously.

"Mom, you also know that Joe... is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Will she..."

(End of this chapter)

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