Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 256 You Obviously Don't Love Her...

Chapter 256 You Obviously Don't Love Her...

She was worried that she would be seen through, because Grandma Bo's eyes were so sharp that she always had nowhere to escape.

To be more precise, it should be said to be a guilty conscience.

"Qingqing, how long have you been in Bo's house?" Mrs. Bo asked.

"Fifty-eight years."

"It's been 14 years, and it's been 14 years in the blink of an eye. I've been giving you opportunities, do you know that?" The old lady Bo didn't turn the corner, "You can be the third miss of the Bo family, which means that your fate is not bad. A smart child, but sometimes you are misled by your cleverness, and you have never regarded this place as your own home in your heart."

"Grandma, that's not the case. You misunderstood me. I must have been lucky in my previous life to be able to enter Bo's house. I am very grateful for everything I have now. I love everything here, and I love you even more." Bo Fangqing said, " I will never be able to repay your kindness to me in this life, and now I just want to be filial to you."

"Qingqing, we don't need anything in return from you. As long as you live a good life, we will be happy, but you have never regarded us as family members, and even fell in love with your elder brother." The old lady Bo said bluntly.

Bo Fangqing was speechless for a moment.

"It's normal for a young girl to be Huaichun, but you can only be his sister. If you think about your brother, it's wrong. He can marry anyone, but he can't marry you. The state has state laws, and the family has family rules. This kind of thing must never happen in our family." Mrs. Bo hit the nail on the head, "Do you understand?"

"What's more, your elder brother is married now. Even if your elder brother is single, you can't think about him. You'd better take back your thoughts and live a peaceful life from now on. You can only be the third miss of the Bo family, yes Your mother's only daughter, if you are obedient, we will not treat you lightly."

Bo Fangqing lowered her head and said nothing.

She could not refute.

No matter how much she quibbles, it's useless. It seems that she can't hide her thoughts.

Playing petty in front of Mrs. Bo is just asking for humiliation.

She just fell in love with Bo Shaolan, and her goal was to be the young mistress of Bo, to enjoy all the glory and wealth in the future.

But the old lady Bo had already given her the last resort.

Grandma made it very clear, if she is disobedient, she will come and go!If Fang Haihua hadn't listened to the fortune teller back then and wanted to pick up a daughter to continue his blessings, she might be wandering now.

The title of Miss Bo's third did make her very famous, but it was also dispensable in this family.

As long as the old lady Bo gives an order, she will return to her original shape and lose everything.

In fact, she lived her life everywhere, but her love for Bo Shaolan had become obsessive, and she didn't want to be separated from him.

Even if he couldn't marry her for the time being, as long as she could see him from time to time, she would be satisfied.

The old lady Bo is a formidable character, those warnings are by no means just words.

This old woman can stand in a wealthy family for decades, even Mr. Bo should be afraid of her. If she doesn't have some means, who will believe it?

In terms of wisdom and means, Bo Fang's affection is not even one percent of old lady Bo's.

Bo Fangqing gritted her teeth, trying to hold herself back.

Since Mrs. Bo also said that her fate is not bad, maybe her chance has come again. If she is pregnant with Bo Shaolan's child and is the eldest great-grandson, then she will be able to take the throne with confidence!

Let the falling snow roll away!

snort!She is the real young mistress Bo.

Bo Fangqing nodded obediently, "Got it, grandma, thank you for your teaching. I will follow my mother's arrangement and choose a good family to marry."

Of course, the old lady Bo didn't believe in Bo Fangqing, but she couldn't bear to see her sincere appearance, but she had to do this to avoid harm in the future.

After all, human desires are endless.

"One day, you will figure it out." Mrs. Bo nodded.

When she was about to reach the door, she stopped suddenly and said, "You can do something for grandma, and ask Qiao Ge out for me. I want to talk to her."

"Grandma, Qiao Ge is so cunning." Bo Fangqing said worriedly.

"Grandma can handle it."


The old lady Bo looked at her again and said, "It's an appointment, you will meet with grandma again."

"En." Bo Fangqing was flattered.

But seeing Qiao Ge being repaired by Mrs. Bo, she really wanted to applaud.

Perhaps only Mrs. Bo can cure that woman.

At that time, she can reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

But Bo Fangqing was still too naive, and Qiao Ge was not easy to deal with.

The old lady Bo also had other intentions in bringing Bo Fangqing along.

I want to tell Bo Fangqing how tragic Qiao Ge is, and if she is disobedient, it will be the same.

The person who released the news spent a lot of money. Even Mrs. Bo herself could not calm down the matter. News about Bo Shaolan and Qiao Ge sprang up like mushrooms after rain. One piece was more exciting than the other. All major websites, Weibo, and the public account, wechat...it spread like crazy.

Back then, it was revealed that Qiao Ge was pregnant with Bo Shaolan's child. It was said that when Bo Shaolan and Luo Xue fell in love, Qiao Ge was pregnant and was going to marry Qiao Ge, but Luo Xue and Qiao Ge had a century During the war, Qiao Ge was framed by Luoxue in Luohai, the child was gone, Luoxue was abandoned by Bo Shaolan, and he went away to Luo country for four years, and in foreign countries, he met Qin Jingfeng, the young master of the Qin family...

The news was written very wonderfully, with even more twists and turns than TV dramas, and the audience watched it with gusto.

Luoxue blocked those news, out of sight but out of sight.

Zhou Xiaochen yelled at her mother while watching it, Bo Fangqing felt relieved after reading it, Bo Silan read it and even read it to the old lady Bo... Everyone in Haishi is paying attention to the news about the three of them, and they are also looking forward to the big change in the follow-up plot ...

They were all laughing at Luoxue, saying that she deserved to be cheated on because she obtained the eldest mistress by means.

I thought that the extravagant wedding was just for show, and it was ironic that my husband came out to meet her on the eve of the wedding.

Luo Xue thought that she would have nothing to do at home, so she just received the notice of the semi-finals of the photo contest and asked her to fill in the information herself.

When she arrived at the designated place, the driver got out of the car first, opened the door for her, and said, "Eldest young mistress, remember to call me if you need something, this is the order of the eldest young master."

When Luo Xue heard this, her heart warmed up.

"What a distinguished guest. I didn't expect that Mrs. Bo, who has been so popular these days, would dare to come out? I didn't expect you to dare to go out?" A voice full of mockery sounded.

Luo Xue could tell that this person's voice belonged to Pan Yanyan.

Luoxue frowned.

After Pan Yanyan was attacked by Bo Shaolan, Pan's popularity in the circle was greatly lost, she hit a wall everywhere, and her glory was no longer there.

And this photo contest happened to be in cooperation with Qin's, so they escaped, otherwise, Pan might disappear from the circle.

Pan Yanyan hated Luoxue from the inside out, but she is different now, so she can only wait and see.

When she saw the news about Luo Xue, she was so happy that she wanted to light two firecrackers to celebrate.


Now, being bumped into Luoxue by her, if she doesn't taunt her severely, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in her heart!

Luoxue's expression was indifferent, and she regarded Pan Yanyan as a mad dog.

A mad dog bites you, if she bites you back, wouldn't she also become a mad dog?

She looked away and passed Pan Yanyan.

Pan Yanyan was so unconvinced, she chased after her, stopped her, and stood in front of Luoxue with her arms around her.

Luoxue frowned, "Get out of the way."

"Hmph, who are you!"

"I generally don't argue with mad dogs."

"How dare you call me a mad dog!" Pan Yanyan was furious, "Luoxue, don't think that I don't know how you, young lady Bo, got here? You got here by cheating, no wonder my husband went to find an old woman, look You look like this, if I were a man, I'd feel like throwing up! You've only been married for a few days, and you're out in public, if Bo Shaolan loves you, why would she be willing to let you work? "

Luo Xue smiled lightly. "Miss Pan, you look so ugly."

"How dare you call me ugly?"

"Chairman Pan is kind, honest, and just, but the daughter he can teach is uneducated, uneducated, and speaks outrageous words, which is really embarrassing. The saddest thing is that the daughter has no sense of shame." Luo Xue said lightly, "I will replace you Father is sad."

When Pan Yanyan heard this, she became even more furious. She let it go, and even scolded her father.

This woman is also worthy?

If it weren't for this woman, I wouldn't have flirted with Qin Jingfeng. On the surface, this woman looks like a white lotus, but in fact she has done all kinds of shameful things.

"Luoxue, you sound so noble. Now that your affairs are being spread all over the place, my husband can't control it. You dated an old woman on the eve of your wedding. I guess there will be a divorce banquet soon, but It's the beautiful young lady Bo, what's there to do?"

"Whether I get a divorce or not has nothing to do with Ms. Pan." Luo Xue still had a smile on her face, neither humble nor overbearing, "You don't need to worry about it."

After all, Luoxue continued to move forward.

Pan Yanyan was so angry that she rushed forward to slap Luoxue a few times.

In the end, anger prevailed, and she rushed over suddenly, raised her foot, and was about to kick over.

Luoxue was defenseless.

He was about to be kicked.

"Be careful!" A powerful big hand pulled her away, dodging the kick.

Pan Yanyan kicked in vain, lost her balance, threw herself forward and fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

Luo Xue was pulled into a strong chest, and the breath was very familiar.

She was stunned.

her husband.


How could he be here?
She raised her head in surprise, it was him, that incomparably handsome face, who else could it be?Simply 360 degrees without dead ends, people never get tired of it.

His eyes were deep and cold, and his whole body exuded a cold aura, hiding an unstoppable anger.

Could it be that he followed her secretly?

She knew he had gone to work, so she went out?

Oh, she forgot that the driver was his henchman.

Bo Shaolan was like a god descending from the sky, when Pan Yanyan saw it, her body trembled inexplicably.

She had tasted the power of Bo Shaolan, and knew that Bo Shaolan was not easy to mess with. After reading the news, she thought that Luo Xue had fallen out of favor, so she acted recklessly.

She lay on the ground, so frightened that she forgot to get up.

It seems to be waiting for the emperor to punish the slave who made a mistake.

She knew that she had offended Bo Shaolan again!
"This is my last warning, don't touch a hair of my wife in the future."

"Bo Shaolan, she is not good enough for you."

Bo Shaolan sneered, "Whether you deserve it or not, it's not your turn to comment here! It seems that you want your family to disappear in Haishi!"

Grim warning!
Very threatening.

Pan Yanyan managed to get up from the ground, her knees were broken.

"Bo Shaolan, you obviously don't love her..."

(End of this chapter)

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