Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 257 Why Do Men Like Her?

Chapter 257 Why Do Men Like Her?
"Whether I love her or not, is that up to you?" Bo Shaolan scolded.

Pan Yanyan was so angry that she froze.

Why is it different from what the news said?Didn't Bo Shaolan like old women more?

"If you loved her, you wouldn't meet the old lady anymore." Pan Yanyan said desperately.

Bo Shaolan suddenly raised his hand and slapped Pan Yanyan across the face.

It is said that good men don't fight women. In his eyes, except Luo Xue is a woman, everything else is not.

Pan Yanyan's face was instantly red.

Men's strength is generally stronger than women's. Bo Shaolan's slap is ten slaps compared to women's.

Pan Yanyan covered her face, not daring to speak out.

Bo Shaolan looked at Luoxue: "During this time, don't go out for now."

"En." Luoxue lowered her head.

"Go in." Bo Shaolan hugged Luoxue tightly.

Pan Yanyan stared so hard that her eyeballs almost fell out, she stared at the two of them, if eyes could kill, she really wanted to tear them to pieces.

This scene was immediately photographed by others and sent to Moments.

Bo Shaolan and Luoxue are now famous, and they are the focus of attention wherever they go.

"It's Bo Shaolan! The scene just now was not too handsome, he loved his wife so much, the current news, in order to attract attention, he would do anything, dare to discredit my male god."

"A wealthy family is as deep as the sea. Don't be too naive. For the sake of profit, you can't do anything. Recently, it's all about Bo's negative news. If he doesn't do anything, Bo's stock will go down."

"I think this Young Mistress Bo is quite nice, gentle and generous, much better than that singer."

"This Young Mistress Bo is suitable for being a wife, and that singer is suitable for being a woman. As for a man, when looking for a wife, he likes to find a gentle and obedient woman. As for a woman, he must be coquettish, so that he can be exciting. Tsk tsk, it has ruined my relationship with Young Master Bo." All fantasies, I used to think that he is a good man who is not close to women, but if you don’t do it, it will scare you to death, so don’t just look at the surface of everything.”

"I don't know if this Young Mistress Bo can beat that singer? Or did she choose to swallow her anger and be Young Mistress Bo, silently sharing her husband with that singer?"

"It's not easy to be a wealthy wife."

Luo Xue also heard these discussions. She looked calm on the surface, but in fact she was pretending to be fine and didn't want to show it, so as to let others have another joke.

Bo Shaolan understood her, knew that she was licking her wounds alone in her heart.

She never mentioned these news in front of him, because she didn't want him to worry about her.

He hated himself. Originally, he wanted her to live a happy and worry-free life from now on, but within a few days of the wedding, this storm came and caught them off guard.

Originally, she was the young mistress Bo that everyone envied, but now she has become the joke character of the whole city's people after dinner.

So unfair to her.

When the driver told him that she was going to fill in the materials for the photo rematch, he immediately told the driver to take good care of her.

After hanging up the phone, he thought about it, but he was still worried, so Dianqing drove to find her.

The violence on the Internet is very serious now, and he is worried that she will be hurt when she goes out.

Just as he guessed.

If he hadn't arrived in time, she might have been kicked by Pan Yanyan.

This Pan Yanyan must have had the guts to bully his wife.

The lesson from last time didn't make her remember long, and she dared to bully his wife this time, it seems that she wanted to die!

Bo Shaolan could only worry in his heart, this was caused by him, and he only felt guilty towards her, the only thing he could do was to stay by her side and protect her well.

He killed chickens and monkeys just now to warn others that whoever dares to bully his wife, he will make them look good.

Luo Xue was talking with the staff about various matters of the rematch, while Bo Shaolan was sitting next to her.

Knowing that Bo Shaolan was coming, the manager immediately came out to greet her with enthusiasm, said all kinds of good things, and even praised Luoxue's work.

Bo Shaolan listened expressionlessly, never leaving Luoxue's eyes, as if worried that she would be bullied again.

Luoxue was so embarrassed, she was afraid of being gossiped, and worried that others would say that she got the rematch through the back door, which might have a certain negative impact on the competition.

So she left quickly.

Qin Jingfeng looked at Luoxue not far away, but didn't go up to say hello, but he really wanted to question Bo Shaolan.

In the end I endured it.

He felt sorry for Luoxue, thinking, could she really be happy about Bo Shaolan's rendezvous with Qiao Ge?
She must be pretending nothing happened.

He understands her.

Qin Jingfeng didn't look away until he could no longer see them.

Pan Yanyan walked towards him. She had already changed into a suit, put on light makeup, and covered half of her face with her long hair.

She came here only to see Qin Jingfeng.

"Brother Jingfeng, what's the matter with you?" She was always innocent and gentle in front of Qin Jingfeng, "By the way, my father said that I want to discuss something with you tonight."

Qin Jingfeng knew her intentions, frowned and said, "I just called my uncle and handed over the work."

"Brother Jing Feng, can you show me some face? Actually, I want to invite you to my house for dinner." Pan Yanyan said coquettishly.

Recently, she couldn't see Qin Jingfeng all the time. She heard that he was on a business trip, and he didn't even attend Luoxue's wedding. She knew that he didn't dare to face the person she liked marrying another man, so he went on a business trip.

Pan Yanyan knew that Luo Xue had taken Qin Jingfeng's heart away.

That's why she hated Luoxue so much, and wanted to hit him every time she saw her.

She also knew that Qin Jingfeng didn't like her, but she just refused to give up.

"I'm not free." Qin Jingfeng refused straight away.

He didn't want to give Pan Yanyan hope, if he didn't like it, he didn't like it, so let alone give her face.

It's not that he doesn't have women to like, but his heart is given to her, and it is impossible to give it to others.

He knows that no matter how difficult it is to meet someone he likes, he would rather choose to be single if he is asked to live a lifetime with someone he doesn't like.

Pan Yanyan felt very wronged.

Qin Jingfeng refused her mercilessly. In the past, as long as she moved out of her father, he would give face. She knew he was not happy, and she didn't mind. I hope she can slowly impress him and walk into his heart .

Besides, the people he likes are all married, so it is impossible for him to be single all his life.

But she was still disappointed.

Qin Jingfeng became more and more indifferent to her.

Pan Yanyan didn't want to give up, "Brother Jing Feng, can I accompany you to run errands tonight?"

Qin Jingfeng immediately refused: "I'm sorry, it's inconvenient."

He was not in a good mood, his tone was not very good, and he was too lazy to perfunctory.

But Qin Jingfeng is not Bo Shaolan, and he can't say too embarrassing words. His personality and self-cultivation make him dare not be too cruel. After all, Pan Yanyan is a girl, and her temper is not very good. Being too cruel to her may have counterproductive effects. With long legs, "I have to leave beforehand."

"Brother Jing Feng..."

Pan Yanyan stomped her feet angrily.

When Qin Jingfeng walked to the corner, he slowed down and heaved a sigh of relief. He finally got rid of Pan Yanyan, making him feel suffocated if he stayed with someone he didn't like for a second longer.

These days, he has been on business trips just to escape. He doesn't want to attend Luo Xue's wedding and see another man lead her into the palace of happiness.

He still minded, although he also hoped that she would marry the man he loved.

But he has been paying attention to her. He reads every news about her, and he also knows about the negative news about Bo Shaolan. He really wants to care about her, wants to call her, but Qin's mother stops him.

It is said that this is a process that every wealthy wife must go through. The Bo family has a big business, and the position of Bo's young mistress is not easy. She has to withstand the wind and rain. As long as she survives, she will be able to secure that position in the future .

It is said that a wealthy family is as deep as the sea, this is true, the Bo family is the number one wealthy family in the sea city, it looks calm on the surface, but in reality?Only the parties know.

Qin's mother also said, Jing Feng, you have no chance, you can only be her brother now, we can only be her strongest backing, some roads still have to be walked by herself, she is married and can protect her The people who are here will definitely help her through the difficulties.

Qin's mother's words are not unreasonable. They are emotional and reasonable. Now he has no position to care about her.

From the day she and Bo Shaolan got married, he could only put his concern in his heart.

But people are animals with seven emotions and six desires. If everything can be controlled, there will not be so many idiots and resentful women in the world.

He really wanted to call her, or send her a WeChat message, to care about her daily life, and to be her spiritual support when she was most wronged.

But after editing the text message, he couldn't help but delete it.

If you can't restrain yourself, you must restrain yourself.

He knew that she had already passed the qualification for the semi-finals and would come to fill in the information, so he came to try his luck, hoping to meet her, even if he secretly looked at her...

Originally, he wanted to talk to her in the name of work, but Bo Shaolan came with her.

At that time, he was very angry and really wanted to rush over and beat Bo Shaolan to the ground, "If you can't give her happiness, then give it to me."

He was worried that his concern would cause her trouble.

Qin Jingfeng endured all the anger in his heart and walked to the parking lot.

Pan Yanyan chased after him unwillingly, but he had already disappeared.

At this moment, the manager chased after her and asked Pan Yanyan, "Director Pan, where is President Qin?"

Pan Yanyan took her anger out on the manager: "Don't you have eyes?"

"Didn't Boss Qin say that he will personally check the materials of the rematch players in the past few days? To ensure the fairness of the competition." The manager said strangely.

Pan Yanyan was puzzled: "What did he say?"

The manager nodded, "Yes, he was busy all day yesterday, checking the information of every rematch player."

Check the qualifications of the semi-finalists?He is the executive president of the Qin Group, and he is so interested in this little photo contest, why does he have to check it himself?Is his company out of control?
surely not.

He must have other ideas.

"Director Pan, I'm off to work." The manager said.

"Wait a minute." Pan Yanyan suddenly stopped him, "The semi-finalists need to fill in the data again, who decides this decision?"

The manager replied: "Boss Qin, he said that a deeper understanding of each contestant in the semi-finals can better promote their works."

Sure enough it was him.

Ha ha.

She also watched the process of the rematch, and found a difference, and asked each rematch player to fill in a more detailed information.

It turned out that Qin Jingfeng's drunkard's intention was not to drink.

Qin Jingfeng Qin Jingfeng, you are so infatuated with her.

(End of this chapter)

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