Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 259 He Is Allergic To Milk

Chapter 259 He Is Allergic To Milk
Luo Xue said emotionally: "Thank you."

She picked up the milk and took a sip. It was warm, so good.

She sat beside him, leaned against him, and gave him the straw, "Come, let's drink together."

Bo Shaolan shook his head, he's not a girl, he doesn't drink milk.

"Take a sip." Luoxue acted like a baby.

Bo Shaolan is allergic to milk, but after he got to know her, he accommodated her every habit.

"No." Bo Shaolan frowned even deeper.

Luoxue didn't force him anymore, she was teasing him, she lived in Bo's house, and grandma told her that he was allergic to milk.

She didn't believe it at first, but now it seems to be true, no wonder he usually doesn't drink a sip of milk, he orders it for her.

Indeed, Bo Shaolan only drank breast milk when he was a child, but he never told Luo Xue that he would spoil her interest.

Luo Xue ate with relish, eating the cake bite by bite, without even noticing the cream sticking to her mouth.

Every time, Bo Shaolan raised his hand to wipe it off for her.

This time she ate until the corners of her mouth were covered with butter, and he said, "You are still the same."

Luoxue lowered her head and smiled.

She deliberately let him scold her and nag her... This is one of her secret weapons.

His cell phone was buzzing again.

It's that phone number that didn't have a note.

Luoxue pretended to eat the cake with her head down, secretly glanced at Bo Shaolan's reaction from the corner of her eye, to see how he would deal with it?And who is this?Why did Bo Shaolan cut it off directly?He looked helpless.

"Who is it?" Luo Xue couldn't help asking while biting the spoon.

Bo Shaolan said, "I don't want to answer."

"How did this person know your private number?"

"I don't know." Bo Shaolan obviously didn't want to explain this question.

Luoxue was a little disappointed. "Oh."

She didn't want to force Bo Shaolan either. He didn't want to talk, so she didn't ask any more and just changed the subject.

However, there was another knot in her heart.

When he was full, Bo Shaolan asked Luoxue to accompany him to the company.

He answered the phone while driving, it was Dong Ming calling, urging him to go back to the meeting.

Luo Xue didn't dare to disturb him anymore, she just played with her phone silently.

He had delayed working because of her.

Later, she was sleepy and fell asleep leaning on the co-pilot. Too many things troubled her these days, and she always suffered from insomnia at night.

It might be because of Bo Shaolan's presence, she felt very at ease and soon fell asleep.

Bo Shaolan was busy answering the phone and driving, until he came downstairs to Bo's, he turned his head and found that she was asleep.

Although she fell asleep, her eyebrows were deeply frowned.

Bo Shaolan drove the car to the parking lot, looked at her for a while, and knew that she had been insomnia these nights, so he didn't dare to mention it in order not to burden her heart.

He turned off the phone to mute, afraid that Dong Ming's phone call would disturb her, then got out of the car, walked around the front of the car, opened the door of the passenger seat, and reached out to hug her up, very lightly.

Gently closed the car door, locked the car, and walked into his special elevator.

The elevator stopped and he walked to his office.

He appeared with the president's wife in his arms, shocking everyone in the company.

Mr. Bo came to show his affection again. The news has been reporting that he has rekindled his old relationship with the old woman, and now he is so kind to his new wife again.

Is this news true?

Lin Ya came up to meet her. She was about to say something, but Bo Shaolan gave her a look.

Lin Ya is a smart person, so she immediately ordered the other secretaries to be gentle. She walked in front of Bo Shaolan and opened the door, and when she saw him go in, she closed the door gently.

The secretaries all watched this scene, not daring to say a word, for fear of waking up the president's wife.

Bo Shaolan carried Luoxue into the rest room, carefully made her lie down, gently took off her shoes, and covered her with a quilt.

Luoxue fell into a deep sleep.

Bo Shaolan sat by the bed, watching her sleeping face.

He looked at it for a while, stood up, and walked out of the lounge softly, even closing the door carefully.

Lin Ya was already standing in front of his desk with the document, waiting for his review.

She always believed in her heart that those news must be maliciously smeared by Bo Zong.

"Mr. Bo, the shareholders are already waiting for you in the meeting room."


"Do you want the meeting to start right away?"

"En." Bo Shaolan took the folder in her hand, and quickly flipped through the contents of the meeting. He has a photographic memory, and he knew what it was at a glance.

He strode out, and at the same time told Lin Ya: "You stay on guard outside the office, don't let anyone wake up the young mistress."

Mr. Bo, do you want to torture me, a single dog, to death again?

"Understood, Boss."

Bo Shaolan suddenly became the protagonist of the lace news, and the popularity has remained high.

Yan Ye also knew about this, every day he reported how Bo Shaolan was on two boats, watching him get angry.

He was locked up at home by his family, and he was not allowed to leave Hangzhou for half a step. Mr. Yan made a trick, took his ID card, and it was not convenient for him to go anywhere.

And he has no money in his pocket, and he can't go anywhere.

After reading the news about Bo Shaolan, he was so angry that he wanted to drop his phone, but in the end he didn't.

He was very worried about Luoxue, and finally understood why Luoxue drank on the eve of their wedding?

He must have known that his husband was going to meet the old woman, but his heart was in pain, and there was no one to tell, so he could only drink to relieve his worries.

When he saw Qiao Ge, he knew that he was a powerful character, and a little white rabbit like Luo Xue would definitely be bullied miserably.

Yan Ye really wanted to rush to Haishi right away and beat up Bo Shaolan, he finally became a good person, but Bo Shaolan came here.

He was surprised that Bo Shaolan treated him so lightly.

After much deliberation, Yan Ye decided to go to Haishi to find her. He had to keep what he said. If Bo Shaolan dared to bully her, he would take her away, so that Bo Shaolan would regret it, and if he didn't beat that bastard all over the place to find her. Tooth, his surname is not Yan.

He is a man of action, and he has to do it when he thinks about it, otherwise he will be restless or feel uncomfortable.

He asked Mo Ziran for help again, and Mo Ziran looked at him like he was looking at a monster: "Can you stop being so disgusting, can you? They are already married, and you call it harassment! They don't care about you, why don't you I can't bear to post it upside down, you'd better be a playboy, it looks more normal this way."

Yan Ye said: "I'm going to Haishi to snatch her. She's the goddess I fell in love with at first sight. Whoever stops me, I'll be in a hurry! Even if it's my life, I will rescue her from the sea of ​​misery."

Mo Ziran immediately made a movement of vomiting.

Mo Ziran really doesn't understand Yan Ye. Although Luo Xue is beautiful, there are many more beautiful women than her. Is it worth Yan Ye's hard work?And her family background is average, and she has a top-notch dad, so she doesn't have much to do.

He just can't see what's so good about Luoxue?The most important thing is that she is still married.

Yan Ye punched him and scolded: "This is love, do you understand? It doesn't matter what her appearance and family background are, these are not important, as long as I like it, that's enough, Mo Ziran, don't you vomit again?" Give it a try!"

Mozi rubbed his forehead, shook his head and said, "What a great love, it means that I don't understand your world, but all I know is that you don't get beaten all over the place, and you think of me, a poor brother, this This time, I was desperate."

Yan Ye rolled his eyes at him, feeling that there was no way to communicate with Mo Ziran.

He decided to change his plan. He was worried that if he went to Haishi, Luoxue might not pay attention to him. Luoxue liked men like Bo Shaolan.

He frowned, pondered, and decided to become more silent in the future!
This time he couldn't be more impulsive.

He first needs to gain his father's trust and let him continue to take over Haishi's business.

He was thinking hard, and suddenly thought of a key person.

Zhou Xiaochun.

This woman beat him until his head was bruised and his face was swollen that night, and he owed him such a big favor, how could he let her go?

Luoxue had had enough sleep, turned over, was so satisfied, and wanted to continue sleeping, when she suddenly remembered that she was sitting in Bo Shaolan's car.

Huh?How come here?
She rolled her eyes and looked around, only to realize that she was in the rest room of Bo Shaolan's office.

Luoxue raised her wrist to look at the time, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, so she slept from morning to afternoon.

She remembered that she planned to rest in his car for a while, but she fell asleep so deeply.

It must be...Bo Shaolan carried her up, right?
Luoxue sat up and patted her head. Last time she was so embarrassing that she didn't want to come to the company anymore. This time she was careful, for fear that what happened last time would happen again.

She slowly opened the door of the office, and only when she saw that there was no one in the office did she dare to go out and sit on the sofa to stretch.

"Young Mistress, are you awake?" Suddenly, someone opened the door and entered.

Luoxue looked at the door, it was Lin Ya, "Yes..."

Lin Ya went out again, and after a while, a little secretary brought a glass of boiled water.

Luo Xue took it over and said, "Thank you."

Lin Ya said, "Young Mistress, this is what Boss Bo ordered."

Luoxue's heart warmed up, this was her habit, she would drink plain water when she woke up.

Her husband really knows her well.

Luoxue drank the boiled water slowly, and the warmth slowly penetrated into her heart.

After finishing drinking, he put down the glass and asked, "Did Boss carry me up here?"

Lin Ya nodded, "Yes, Mrs. Bo hugged her, the young lady is so happy."

Luoxue really wanted to cover her face, but she was embarrassed again.

He must have been seen by the company again.

Even if he took the president's elevator, he would have to pass through the offices of other executives when he got out, so couldn't he wake her up?

She lowered her head and planned to go back first, otherwise when he comes out after the meeting, something will happen again, "Secretary Lin, I'm going back, you can tell him after he finishes the meeting."

Lin Ya smiled and said: "Mrs. Bo, Mr. Bo told me that if you wake up and are hungry, you should go downstairs to eat first. Don't rush to leave. We will go back together after he gets off work."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ya handed Luoxue a credit card, "Eldest young mistress, Mr. Bo also said, don't help him save money, as long as you are willing, you can buy it happily."


Luo Xue blushed again, usually she always thought of him making money hard and never dared to be extravagant, but he always told her not to waste money.

She took the credit card, did he think she wasn't a prodigal enough?
"Okay, thank you, I'll wait for his call."

"I'll tell him, young mistress."

Then, Luoxue walked out of the office.

As soon as she came out, there was another commotion in the secretarial department.

(End of this chapter)

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