Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 260 So Many Rotten Peach Blossoms

Chapter 260 So Many Rotten Peach Blossoms
Lin Ya cast a warning look at them, telling them not to talk nonsense, and be careful not to be overheard by Boss.

Lin Ya stood at the elevator entrance and watched Luoxue walk into the elevator. As soon as the door closed, Luoxue leaned against the elevator wall in relief.

She couldn't stand being scrutinized all the time, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

The elevator stopped on the first floor, and as soon as she stepped out of the elevator, another wave of people looked at and discussed her.

"Huh? Isn't that the young mistress? Why is she here? I heard that Mr. Bo came in with her in his arms just now, won't he come out again to show his affection?"

"I don't know if it's showing affection. I don't think Mr. Bo is like someone who likes to show affection. Is it because the news is written in random, trying to discredit us Mr. Bo. I don't believe in those messy news."

"I think so too. Could it be our company's competitors who did it, or that old lady Boss did it on purpose?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't think the young lady is the singer's match. The singer had a relationship with Mr. Bo, and she was pregnant. There are so many emotional foreshadowings, and the singer is much more beautiful than the young lady. Which one? Men don't like beautiful women?"

"I think Mr. Bo likes the eldest mistress more, and I also like the eldest mistress more. After all, it's my first love, and the eldest mistress has a good temper, so she's suitable to be a wife."

Bo Fangqing was about to go out for business, not only saw Luoxue, but also heard the staff's discussion.

The eldest brother came in with her again?

It must be the villain's trick.

She really wanted to rush up and slap Luoxue a few times, warning her not to appear in Bo's from now on.

She really couldn't figure it out. That night, the eldest brother was so crazy to her, so now he is gone and irresponsible?Is she that casual?
Even if you are worried about Luoxue, there is always time to send a message, right?
But so many days have passed, and the eldest brother is completely as if nothing happened.

Bo Fang was in a hurry.

I thought that the negative news would break their relationship, but they didn't seem to be affected in any way, and they were still so affectionate.

Bo Fangqing was so unconvinced, she couldn't hold back her anger anymore, and quietly followed Luoxue.

After walking out of the company's entrance, she shouted from behind: "Luoxue!"

She refused to be called sister-in-law, since she thought she became the woman of the eldest brother...

It is enough to give her a month, when she is pregnant with the eldest brother's child, it is time for this woman to get out.

At that time, she will directly force the palace!

Luoxue frowned, looked at Bo Fangqing, with a calm expression: "What's the matter?"

Bo Fangqing raised his lips and smiled, "Of course there is something to do."

"Sorry, I don't want to talk to you." Luo Xue refused her.

Luoxue has this kind of character, knowing that the other party is not kind, she still maintains her demeanor. If Zhou Xiaoyu or Qiao Ge were to treat people who are unfavorable to her, they would have taken the most violent way to send the other party away.

She just can't do it.

"Luoxue, are you afraid? Are you worried about hearing about Big Brother and Qiao Ge?" The line of defense collapsed.

Bo Fangqing was afraid that Luoxue would not listen to her, so she directly dragged Luoxue into a dessert shop.

Luoxue never expected that she would be so rude, and with great force, she pulled back her hand forcefully, "Talk what you have to do quickly, don't move your hands or feet."

Bo Fangqing was afraid of being seen by acquaintances, so he had to let her go.

Luo Xue walked into the dessert shop and found a seat to sit down.

Bo Fangqing smiled triumphantly.

Bo Fangqing wanted something to drink, Luoxue urged: "I don't have time to chat with you slowly, if you have something to say, hurry up."

Bo Fangqing looked up at her, "What's the rush?"

Luoxue was extremely speechless towards this kind of person, and it was simply difficult for him to force him.

Bo Fangqing raised her chin and sneered: "Luoxue, you won't be able to be proud for long. As soon as you got married, you made so much negative news. Do you know how much Bo's stock has fallen because of you? Sure enough, you won't be able to get on the stage. A small family will only drag people down."

Luo Xue was not surprised that Bo Fangqing could say such a thing.

Her expression was light, and she said: "If you came to me to mock me, I'm sorry, I have to go."

After speaking, she stood up.

Bo Fangqing was in a hurry, "Don't leave!"

"Why?" Luo Xue was not to be outdone.

"Why? Just because you don't know how to have children, sooner or later you will divorce my eldest brother. My eldest brother is the eldest grandson of the Bo family. There are three ways to be unfilial. Having no offspring is the biggest. If you don't have children by then, your eldest brother will definitely Find another woman to give birth to him." Bo Fangqing said suddenly.

"Bo Fangqing, don't you think you're being too lenient?" Luo Xue sneered.

Bo Fangqing has always had bad intentions, and she likes to sow dissension. Ever since she and Bo Shaolan got their marriage certificate, this nosy "sister" has been sowing discord between her and Bo Shaolan. She also told her that Bo Shaolan's favorite person It's Qiao Ge.

Often help her create a sense of crisis.

But Bo Fangqing's wishful thinking was wrong.

"Now that Qiao Ge is back, I think your good days are coming to an end." Bo Fangqing sneered, "Luoxue, the reason why my elder brother married you was to revenge you. He won't die in vain, he deliberately married you to let you taste the feeling of falling from heaven to hell."

Luoxue listened, and smiled softly, "As a younger sister, you are quite worried. Your life's major affairs are not settled, but you are very concerned about your elder brother's affairs. Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart. I am afraid that you will be disappointed." Well, I bear you, but it doesn't mean I'm easy to bully, just let you pinch and flatten me, I've seen your little tricks clearly, wait until you have a big move, come and fight with me again!"

Now that the rumors about Bo Shaolan and Qiao Ge are raging, everyone knows, how could Bo Fangqing miss this great opportunity to laugh at and ridicule her.

Bo Fangqing wished that she would go away so that she could take her place.

Luo Xue didn't know that what Bo Fangqing wanted to express was another meaning.

Bo Fangqing was extremely proud, and felt that victory was in front of her eyes.

"Do you think elder brother is an idiot? Does he only guard you? You are so wrong, he has already left a hand."

Luo Xue only felt that she had heard a joke, "Bo Fangqing, are you suffering from delusional disorder? Please treat it in time, so as not to delay the illness."

"Hehe, soon you won't be complacent." Bo Fangqing said complacently.

It won't be long, as soon as she is pregnant, she will let everyone know how powerful she is. As long as she has a big brother's child, who dares to do anything to her!
At that time, she will kick Luo Xue away with one kick!

Luoxue couldn't communicate with her anymore, she stood up, looked down at Bo Fangqing, and lightly parted her lips: "You can definitely rest assured, even if Bo Shaolan wants to find other women, she will definitely not go to you!"

Luo Xue, who was always like a sheep, suddenly became so domineering, which surprised Bo Fangqing.

And it just hit the pain point of Bo Fangqing.

She stood up abruptly, raising her hand to beat Luoxue, when she suddenly saw Chu Kenan walking towards this side with Zhou Yiran in his arms, her hand dropped suddenly.

Chu Kenan actually appeared here?
"Xiaoxue?" Zhou Yiran called out, completely ignoring Bo Fangqing.

Bo Fangqing's face turned blue with anger.

Chu Kenan's life experience is unfathomable, and the reason why Jinbihuanghuang has been standing tall in Haishi is because of his unpredictable background.

She knew that if she provoked Chu Kenan, she might die without knowing it.

Even a lawless person like Bo Shaoyang has to worry about Chu Kenan, and she can't afford to offend him.

And Zhou Yiran is also a man of influence. There was a lot of trouble with her ex-husband before. It was her ex-husband who wanted to swallow all her family business, but Zhou Yiran turned her back on her. Her ex-husband lost all her family business. Beaten as a useless person by the enemy, her ex-husband's family members also fell ill and disappeared.

Zhou Yiran divorced her ex-husband and was with Chu Kenan.

They are all powerful characters, and Bo Fangqing knows her own weight, so she has to continue to endure.

She really doesn't understand, what's wrong with Luoxue?Why are they all so nice to Luoxue?

Hmph, when I become Mrs. Bo, I will make you look at me differently.Bo Fangqing thought bitterly.

Bo Fangqing invited the waiter to ask for a glass of juice, and at the same time put his hand on his lower abdomen and stroked it gently.

Stomach, fight up!

She also boldly speculated, could it be that the eldest brother wants to ask her to help him have a baby?After all, Luo Xue has been with him for so long, and her stomach hasn't moved at all, let alone that Qiao Ge, who is said to have lost her fertility five years ago.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. She never thought that her elder brother, who was usually indifferent to her, would keep such a move.

It seems that she is the one who will win to the end.

Those two women couldn't give birth to each other, and Bo Shaolan was a filial son, and his grandma was getting old, and she had been looking forward to holding a great-grandson. He must have found a way out, but she was flattered that he would find her unexpectedly.

She stands still for the time being, before her stomach moves, she can't expose herself prematurely, imagining whether Bao Shaolan will find her again, and have another encounter with her...

She expressed that she understood Bo Shaolan very well. The family members are old feudalists, and they would definitely not agree to them being together, so he and Luoxue were just a cover, but they actually wanted to be with her, otherwise they would not have found her on his wedding night. She even made her pregnant on purpose.

So she must be steady and not rush.

Just now she was looking for Luo Xue, but she just wanted to demonstrate and discourage her.

Chu Kenan and Zhou Yiran came here for a date, Luoxue was very sensible, chatted with them for a few minutes and said that they had something to leave.

Zhou Yiran looked at the direction where Luoxue disappeared, "This Xiaoxue is quite interesting, she looks gentle and weak, but in fact she has a lot of tolerance. The news these days doesn't seem to have any effect on her."

Chu Kenan took a special look at Bo Fangqing's direction, "My second younger brother has had so many rotten peach blossoms recently, she must be busy these days."

(End of this chapter)

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