Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 284 Postponing the Meeting

Chapter 284 Postponing the Meeting
Luo Xue was originally sitting opposite him, but he yelled twice, thinking he had something to do, so he passed by.

Who knew that Bo Shaolan didn't eat breakfast anymore, his gaze deepened, he looked at Luoxue, sized her up carefully, and felt that she was very beautiful today, the red sweater made her skin fairer and more beautiful.

The skin is white and glowing in the morning light.

Bo Shaolan felt that he was about to lose control, he really wanted to put his arms around her and kiss her...

"Why are you looking at me?" Luoxue was a little inexplicable, her eyes were cute, and her eyes were like water.

He slowly approached Luoxue, seeing her dodging, he paused again, "You have porridge on your lips."

"Ah?" Luoxue touched it, huh?No.

At this time, Bo Shaolan's cell phone became very noisy, and he saw that it was Dong Ming calling.

He picked it up irritably.

Dong Ming said: "Mr. Bo, have you woken up yet? There is an important meeting waiting for you to preside over it in the morning. Have I gone to pick you up?"

"Postponed to the meeting."

"How long is the delay?" Dong Ming asked in a daze.

Who knew that Bo Shaolan had already hung up on him.

Huh?Something happened to Mr. Bo, right?He has always been a workaholic, as soon as he knows that there is an important meeting, he will rush back to the company without stopping.


Dong Ming blinked and realized that he had become smarter.

Mr. Bo, I will postpone the meeting for an hour, is that enough?

Nonsense, an hour?How can it be enough!

When Luoxue heard the conversation between Bo Shaolan and Dong Ming, she understood instantly. She pushed him away, "You are going to the company. Didn't you say that there is an important meeting? It's past nine o'clock, why are you postponing the meeting for no reason? How long does it take to have breakfast?"

Bo Shaolan's smile deepened, and his smile was particularly charming, "It doesn't take long to eat breakfast, but the others take time."

Luo Xue's face turned red, and her mind finally turned around.

No wonder he asked where Lin Yan and Lin Yu went?
Bo Shaolan had already kissed her.

At this time, there was movement outside.

Luoxue was startled, and hurriedly struggled away from Bo Shaolan's arms, hurriedly picked up the clothes and put them on.

Dong Ming must have come over.

Bo Shaolan also became anxious, putting on clothes quickly.

Luoxue exclaimed, "It's bad! Mrs. Xu knew that Dong Ming was coming, so she left the door open for him.

Bo Shaolan's complexion was very ugly.

Mrs. Xu, Dong Ming, you can wish for yourselves.

Bo Shaolan ran out while pulling on his trousers, mainly to stop Dong Ming.

"Mr. Bo..." Dong Ming's voice came.

Luo Xue immediately squatted under the table, covering her tightly with a sweater.

Bo Shaolan, who finally zipped up the zipper, shouted at Dong Ming: "Get out!"

Luoxue squatted under the table, and quickly put on the sweater while Bao Shaolan stopped Dong Ming.

Finally put on the sweater, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Dong Ming was too frightened to go in. When he saw Bo Shaolan without clothes on, he immediately understood.

Immediately turned around, sighing secretly in my heart.

Bo Shaolan put on his clothes, looked back at Luo Xue who had put on his clothes, and heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately he ran fast, otherwise his wife would have leaked out.

Hearing the sound of the door slamming behind him, Dong Ming was still in shock. It seems that if this happens again in the future, he will have to postpone it for two hours.

In case Bo Shaolan's good deeds are disturbed, he really doesn't want to mess around.

Inside the kitchen.

Luoxue was so frightened that she was about to lose her nerve, the scene just now was too exciting, she picked up Bo Shaolan's other things, stuffed them into Bo Shaolan's arms, and ran away thumping.

Bo Shaolan returned to his former elite appearance.

He originally wanted to walk towards the door, but in the end he chose to go upstairs.

Dong Ming waited outside the door and thought, Bo Shaolan will continue, right?

Bo Shaolan pushed open the bedroom door, and when he heard voices coming from the bathroom, he also pushed the door and went in.

Luo Xue's complexion hadn't recovered yet, when she saw him coming in, she said with a straight face, "I hate it."

It turned out that she was worried about him.

Bo Shaolan hugged her and took a bath with her, "This is called flirting, understand?"

Luo Xue broke away from his embrace, expressing that she was very angry, beat his chest with both hands, and scratched a few nail marks on his neck at the same time.

After 15 minutes, Bo Shaolan finally changed his clothes and went out.

Seeing him coming out, Dong Ming said cautiously, "Mr. Bo, the shareholders have called to remind you."

Bo Shaolan's expression was stern, as if he was still angry.

Dong Ming immediately shut up.

Companion is like a tiger.

Bo Shaolan sat in the back row, recalling the scene just now, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Dong Ming secretly glanced at Bo Shaolan from time to time. He originally wanted to report on his work, but after thinking about it, he sat there tactfully.

His boss has bright eyes, he must be thinking of something interesting, right?

This young lady is so charming, she can melt a thousand-year-old iceberg, which is amazing.

Dong Ming looked at the time, he had to report on the process of the next meeting, this matter cannot be delayed, "Mr. Bo? Mr. Bo?"

He called twice.

Bo Shaolan was still giggling!

Bo Shaolan finally reacted, but he looked like a tiger whose tail was stepped on, with a handsome face, he shouted: "What are you doing!"

Didn't you see him reminiscing?
(End of this chapter)

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