Chapter 285 Nail Scratch
Dong Ming felt extremely innocent, "Mr. Bo, wait for the meeting..."

Bo Shaolan coughed awkwardly, "What did you just say?"

Dong Ming wiped off his cold sweat, Boss, have you never been in such a situation before?It is said that the IQ of people who fall in love will generally drop to zero.

Since Mr. Bo got married, he has been distracted from time to time at work. It seems that he still doesn't want to fall in love.

"Say it." Bo Shaolan said.

Dong Ming cleared his throat, picked up his notebook, and repeated it.

This time Bo Shaolan finally listened.

Came to the company parking lot.

Bo Shaolan's stomach gurgled, startling Dong Ming.

Bo Shaolan coughed.

"I'll ask Lin Ya to help you buy food." Dong Ming finally came to his senses.

Bo Shaolan's face became even more embarrassed, "Thank you."

President Bo actually said thank you.


"Hurry up." Bo Shaolan urged, since he patronized her this morning, he was hungry.

Dong Ming couldn't help sniggering, but Bo Shaolan found out and gave him another glare.

"Mr. Bo, I noticed that you have changed a lot recently..." Dong Ming said desperately.

Many habits have changed, for example, I can laugh, I can say thank you, I can lose my mind, I am no longer a workaholic, and I go home early at night...

"Is there a problem?" Bo Shaolan said, people with wives must be different.

Dong Ming shook his head like a rattle, "No problem."

Bo Shaolan withdrew his expression, walked towards the elevator with the same indifferent expression as before.

After Lin Ya received the task, she immediately went to order breakfast for Bo Shaolan.

The takeaway breakfast was delivered, and Lin Ya handed over the task to Dong Ming, "I'm not free, the pre-meeting materials haven't been finished yet, and the meeting will start in 15 minutes."

Because Bo Shaolan came so late, all the materials had to be reviewed by Bo Shaolan before they could be printed.


Dong Ming knocked on the door and went in.

Bo Shaolan was obviously very hungry, and he ate his breakfast with big mouthfuls.

He has to replenish his energy.

"Have all the shareholders come?"

"Come on, they are waiting for you in the meeting room."


15 minutes later, the meeting room starts on time.

The major shareholders discussed the recently negotiated large project, and they had heated discussions about the price.

But the final decision rests with Bo Shaolan.

Probably because he was tired, Bo Shaolan leaned back on the leather chair, pulled up his tie, trying to relax himself, but everyone was staring at him.

He is a little strange.

He didn't know the nail marks on his neck.

And those nail marks were still fresh, and the shareholders immediately wondered, could it be that Mr. Bo was late this morning and was at home...

The meeting was postponed for a full two hours, which was not his usual style.

Bo Shaolan noticed that everyone was staring at him, so he knocked on the table, his expression darkened, "Why are you silent? Does anyone else have any objections? If there is no objection, that's it."

Everyone came back to their senses immediately.

Dong Ming snickered in his heart.

In the end, he couldn't hold back his smile and was discovered by Bo Shaolan.

Bo Shaolan's eyes froze, and Dong Ming didn't dare to laugh anymore.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's adjourn the meeting." Bo Shaolan glanced at everyone present before getting up and striding out of the conference room.

Shareholders, you look at me, and I look at you.

At last they giggled.

It happened that Bo Fangqing was also inside to listen to the meeting.

The nail marks on Bo Shaolan's neck must have been scratched by that person.

Her heart was filled with hatred, and the knuckles of her fingers holding the pen were faintly white.

Everyone was happily chatting about Bao Shaolan's gossip, but she remained silent.

She had already confirmed that it was not Bo Shaolan who had sex with her that night, and her mood seemed to have fallen to the bottom.

Knowing that Bo Shaolan had moved out of the old house, her mood was even worse.

"Mr. Bo, after getting married, it's like a different person. A workaholic will become a wife slave."

"It's really shocking! The president's wife is so charming, she holds Mr. Bo's heart tightly."

"I don't believe that he has someone outside."

"Someone must have deliberately discredited Mr. Bo."

"I feel the same way."

Bo Fangqing packed up his things and went out without a word.

Someone called her, but she didn't want to pay attention, she just wanted to escape.

"She has a big temper!" said a colleague.

"Can you not be too old? She is the third miss of the Bo family."

"So what about Miss San? Mr. Bo hates nepotism the most."

"that is……"

Although Bo Fangqing walked away, he listened to every word.

She clenched her fists secretly, straightened her waist, walked quickly back to her office, and slammed the door.


She walked slowly towards the chair, sat down, and looked at the trash can, where she threw a few pregnancy test sticks.

All are used, and there are two red poles.

Her menstruation has always been on time, and if it is delayed by a day, she has a premonition.

Did she hit it?

On the third day, she didn't want to wait any longer, and immediately ran to the pharmacy to buy a pack of pregnancy test sticks.

There are ten in a pack.

When the first one came out, it was two red poles.

She went to check again, and there were still two red poles.

She still didn't accept this fact, and continued to test...until she used up a pack of pregnancy test sticks.

Still the same result.

Suddenly, she fell to the floor of the toilet, her face ashen.

Then she hugged her head and cried.

She has always guarded herself like a jade, just to marry Bo Shaolan, but now she has been deprived of her innocence by Wu Mingshi and she is pregnant.

Before, she longed to conceive and prayed to the Buddha to make her dream come true, and it really came true, which was too ironic.

Who the hell is that person?If she knew, she would definitely make his life worse than death.

She quietly went to the hospital to prescribe abortion medicine, preparing for medical abortion.

When she hesitated to take it, she finally threw the medicine away.

She rubbed her stomach and decided to take a gamble.

Now that you have a child, why not use him to the extreme?Otherwise, she would have suffered all this in vain.

Afraid of making a mistake, she took another test in the morning, and the result was the same. She picked up the pregnancy test stick in the trash can, tore it up, and wrapped it in a paper towel so that no one would find out.

CEO's office.

Dong Ming sorted out the materials after the meeting and handed them over to Bo Shaolan, and Lin Ya also came to report on the work.

Bo Shaolan might be hot, the tie was ripped off, two buttons were undone, and a shallow nail mark was seen.

They couldn't help but open their minds again.

Feeling their strange gazes, Bo Shaolan frowned, what's wrong with him?They looked at him like a monkey, "What are you looking at!"

Dong Ming and Lin Ya came back to their senses immediately, and straightened their faces, "President Bo, I didn't see anything."

Lin Ya is leaving, and Dong Ming is also leaving.

"Stop right now!" Bo Shaolan shouted.

The two were startled, oh my god, Mr. Bo is going to show off his power.

"come over."

The two walked over with their heads down.

Bo Shaolan's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he asked, "Do you have something to hide from me?"

Dong Ming swallowed his saliva, Lin Ya rubbed his hands together, they dared not speak for fear of being fired.

"Dong Ming, tell me!"

After hearing this, Lin Ya said cleverly, "Mr. Bo, I still have to assign tasks to the assistants, otherwise their work will be delayed. I'll go out first."

After all, Lin Ya ran away as if being chased by a ghost.

She is still a big girl with yellow flowers, she can't say that kind of words!She has no face, so let Dong Ming take on this important task.

Dong Ming was also complaining in his heart, for fear that he would offend the big boss if he said the wrong thing, "Mr. Bo, I suddenly remembered that I need to talk to Mr. Li about cooperation. I'm going out first."

Bo Shaolan slapped the table, "Don't you want to do it?"

It was threatening him again.

Dong Ming must want to do it, he stammered, "Mr. Bo, what's on your neck..."

Bo Shaolan immediately touched his neck and understood immediately.

Dong Ming pointed to his chest again, "There are also those."

Reflexively, Bo Shaolan touched again.

Dong Ming coughed, "Mr. Bo, everyone has seen it."

After speaking, the soles of his feet slipped like oil.

The speed is astounding.

Bo Shaolan touched his neck and chest, recalling what happened this morning.

He sat up abruptly and walked to the rest room.

Looking in the mirror, the scratches from the nails are still fresh, no wonder everyone's eyes are so strange.

falling snow!

snort!I want you to make it up to me tonight!

When the meeting was held again, everyone's eyes were focused on Bao Shaolan's neck again, huh?Mr. Bo actually turned up his collar to prevent them from seeing it.

the conference has ended.

Dong Ming and Lin Ya were called into the office at the same time, and he said with a straight face, "You two write a [-]-word self-criticism and hand it in."

"Why?" Dong Ming asked.

"Go and write now!"


"Get out immediately!" Bo Shaolan put down his collar.

Dong Ming finally understood, Lin Ya didn't dare to say any more, for fear that her bonus would be deducted.

As soon as they left the president's office.

Lin Ya immediately dismissed Dong Ming, "It's all your fault. As a special assistant, you didn't report what you knew. You wrote my self-criticism for me."

Lin Ya felt that she was very innocent.

"You are his secretary. You are obliged to remind Boss Boss in your daily life. When you go to work, you should take a look at Boss Boss's neck. After all, he is married now, which is different from before."

Lin Ya burst into tears in her heart, my God, she is not married yet.

How can she say that kind of thing?

Mr. Bo, Mr. Bo, can you be more restrained in the future!

in the villa.

After Bo Shaolan went to the company, Luoxue changed her clothes and went downstairs. Mrs. Xu and Lu Lu didn't come back from shopping, so she quickly tidied up the kitchen.

Just when Lin Yan and Lin Yu came back, they saw Luoxue cleaning and wanted to help, but Luoxue refused.

Luo Xue was so ashamed, Bo Shaolan, can you be more restrained in the future?

What a shame!

At this time, Mrs. Xu and Lu Lu came back from shopping, saw Luoxue cleaning, and immediately went over and said, "Eldest young mistress, let me do this."

He was rejected by Luoxue again, causing everyone to be bewildered.

Luoxue's expression was very unnatural. After finishing everything, she even threw out the trash by herself.

Lu Lu was puzzled, staring at Luo Xue's back, and asked Lin Yan and Lin Yu, "Eldest young mistress, what's wrong?"

Lin Yan and Lin Yu shrugged.

In the evening, Bo Shaolan came back late from a social event, and when he got home, Luoxue went to bed early.

She went to bed early on purpose.

Bo Shaolan saw through at a glance that she was pretending to be asleep. After finishing everything, he climbed onto the bed and tickled her, "Pretending to be sleeping?"

"Hmph." Luoxue pushed him away.

(End of this chapter)

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