Chapter 286 Ruby Necklace

"You're still angry with me. Look at your masterpiece. You scratched your neck. You were seen as a monkey for a day." Bo Shaolan hugged her tightly and blew in her ear, "How do you make it up to me?" ? I'm traumatized."

"Hehe." Luoxue laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Luoxue was annoyed, "I'm ignoring you."

Bo Shaolan was not angry and kissed her ear.

"Bo Shaolan!" The woman blushed with embarrassment, and pushed him away, wanting to share the bed with him.

They flirted for a while before falling asleep.

Midnight, bar.

Bo Fangqing invites sales manager Liang Feng out for a drink.

Bo Fangqing has always been scheming and good at coaxing people. After a while, she got along well with Liang Feng and became a bosom friend.

"Miss Bo, I think you are a talented person with such good working ability, but you came to be my subordinate. I heard that you were automatically transferred here to exercise your ability. I admire you so much. You are beautiful and have good working ability , with a better background, a good secretary-general does not work, but comes to the front line of the company to run business, she is indeed the third lady of the Bo family, with the demeanor of the Bo family, which makes our sales department people worried all the time, so you are so kind Okay, we misunderstood you before."

Bo Fangqing smiled softly, "Manager Liang, our Bo family has always paid attention to ability. I used to be the secretary-general through my own ability, but being a secretary is not as challenging as running a business."

"But the sales department is too hard. You are a rich lady, why do you have to work so hard?" Liang Feng didn't understand.

If he hadn't known her surname Bo, Liang Feng would have doubted her identity.

Bo Fangqing took a sip of wine, hiding her thoughts in her eyes. If only she was the real Miss Qianjin, she would be able to idle around all day like that idiot Bo Silan, eating, drinking and having fun, but she is not, she has to rely on herself Efforts to gain everything.

She stepped back from the sales department, also for Bo Shaolan's sake, waiting for the day when she would save up for the situation.

"Manager Liang, look at my eldest brother, although he is the young master Bo, but he works harder than anyone else. I am also a member of the Bo family, so it is only natural that I should contribute to the Bo family. I don't want to be like some daughters Eat, drink and have fun, our company is all about ability, Manager Liang, the reason why you can sit in the manager's position must be because of your excellence, so don't worry." Bo Fangqing expressed his attitude.

Liang Feng came to the sales department in Bo Fangqing, and was indeed worried that her position would be robbed. When she saw her say this, she was relieved, "Miss Bo, you make me admire you, you make me admire you, you are a good person." Not to mention the beauty, the ability is still so strong, we will take care of each other in the future."

"Manager Liang, okay, we will take care of each other in the future." Bo Fangqing smiled harmlessly and successfully bought Liang Feng's heart.

"Definitely, we will be the best girlfriends in the future, and we will help each other with things." Liang Feng was originally a generous person, "After drinking this glass of wine, we will become good sisters."

Bo Fangqing didn't dare to drink anymore.

Although she is pregnant with a bastard now, he is still useful to her.

She's going to play tricks.

Liang Feng didn't dare to force her, "It's okay not to drink, as long as we understand it in our hearts, come, I'll drink."

In order to express his sincerity, Liang Feng raised his head and drank it himself.

"Sorry, Manager Liang, my stomach is not feeling well today." Bo Fangqing said.

"It's okay, it's okay, we are sisters, so why not be polite!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Bo Fangqing's mouth.

And successfully bought the heart of a fool.

The reason she was looking for Liang Feng was to go on a business trip with Bo Shaolan.

I heard that Liang Feng is mainly responsible for the negotiation of this project, and accompanied Bo Shaolan on business trips.

Bo Fangqing raised the drink and took a sip, a sly light flashed in his eyes.

In order to cling to the third miss of the Bo family, Liang Feng drank the spirits in one breath, and then chatted with Bo Fangqing, "I heard that your sister-in-law looks weak on the surface, but you can deal with Bo Fangqing." You always have a way, this morning, your neck and chest were scratched, hahaha..."

When Bo Fangqing heard this, his complexion changed, and he immediately echoed Liang Feng with a smile: "Ha ha."

"It seems that we have to learn two tricks. In the past, Mr. Bo was famous as a thousand-year-old iceberg. He has never seen a woman in his eyes? But it is different for your sister-in-law. His eyes are almost drowning, too. I'm envious, Mr. Bo is not only handsome but also loves his wife, such a good man can't be found even with a lantern." Liang Feng said, "I have worked in Bo's for several years, watching Mr. Bo step by step to stabilize himself Since he took over, the Bo family is getting better every day, no matter where he goes, he is always single, it turns out that he has a love in his heart, and love only blooms for one person, it's too romantic."

"You sister-in-law is too lucky. From junior high school to university, she has been with Mr. Bo. No matter what reason they separated before? But they are still together in the end."

Liang Feng thought that he had found the right topic, and this was a big brother and sister-in-law exaggerating.

But she didn't know that this was a taboo topic for Bo Fangqing.

If it wasn't for the purpose, Bo Fangqing would have left long ago.

In the end, she had a plan and let Liang Feng drink one cup after another of strong wine until he was drunk.

Bo Fangqing pulled her out of the bar, and Liang Feng staggered because she had too much to drink.

Bo Fangqing deliberately led her to bump into the wall, which made Liang Feng dizzy.

When passing the dance floor, there were crowds of people, and the waiters were shuttled back and forth with drinks. She was about to bump into him, but Bo Fangqing ignored her and let her bump into him, pretending to catch up, but actually pushing her forward.

"Manager Liang, be careful." Bo Fangqing shouted.

Seeing that Bo Fangqing was catching up, Liang Feng ran faster, just in time a waiter came over with wine in front of her.

Liang Feng slammed into it, knocking down all the waiter's drinks and breaking them. Liang Feng slipped and fell, hitting glass shards.

"Ah, Qingqing, please help me up, it hurts so much."

Bo Fangqing pretended to be terrified, but in fact, she made Liang Feng suffer for a while.

Liang Feng's hand was bleeding from the glass.

The people on the dance floor originally came here to have fun, and they all drank. Liang Feng fell down and was bleeding from the glass piercing, and couldn't make waves at all.

The drunken person stepped on Liang Feng's body, causing Liang Feng to scream in pain.

When Bo Fangqing rushed to help her, Liang Feng was already dying of pain.

The dumbfounded waiter thought of calling an ambulance.

When Bo Fangqing saw Liang Feng covered in blood, he felt very happy.

Who made that idiot keep praising Luoxue? This is her taboo.

Bo Fangqing sent Liang Feng to the hospital pretending to be nervous, and when she watched the doctor remove the glass shards one by one, she felt even more secretly happy.

But Liang Feng was very moved by Bo Fangqing's loyalty, and was very grateful to Bo Fangqing.

I feel that Bo Fangqing is not only good at life, but also good at life.

Liang Feng said: "Qingqing, whatever happens in the future, just speak out."

Instead, Bo Fangqing said angrily, "What are you talking about, am I that kind of snobbish person?"

In fact, she despised Liang Feng very much in her heart, thinking, I caused you to be like this, and you still treat me as my sister, idiot!

Liang Feng, how did you think of this?Who knows what kind of person Bo Fangqing is?
All I know is that Bo Fangqing took care of her all night and decided to pull Bo Fangqing into her core group.

The next day, the villa.

Luoxue didn't eat breakfast, and pretended to go to the garden to exercise.

Lu Lu and Mrs. Xu are inexplicable. They usually want to stick together wherever they go. What's wrong?
Could it be a quarrel?
But they didn't feel like it. When they went downstairs just now, they were flirting with each other, but the young mistress refused to have breakfast with him at the same table.

There was a smile in Bo Shaolan's eyes, was this woman scared?
Wife...husband, that's a sign of loving you.

Dong Ming came earlier than usual, it seemed that he had something important to do.

Bo Shaolan finished her breakfast before Luoxue went in. Maybe she felt safe seeing someone there.

Seeing her coming in, Bo Shaolan hugged her into his arms, not allowing her to run away.

"Let's talk." He said to Dong Ming.

"Mr. Bo, there is movement."


Dong Ming looked at Luoxue, then at Bo Shaolan, as if hesitating whether to speak or not.

Bo Shaolan signaled him, "Speak."

Dong Ming cleared his throat, "Ye Qingyu contacted a person overnight last night. As far as I know, this man is a pawnshop. He traded something with that man and got 30 yuan."

Bo Shaolan's gaze sank.

Dong Ming continued to report, "After getting the money, she immediately sent 20 yuan to a person. I have already found out the details of this person, and he is doing various transactions."

After finishing speaking, he handed the information to Bo Shaolan, "Mr. Bo, his nickname is Brother Si, and his name is Zhang Si."

Luo Xue also glanced at him. This man looked very fierce, and he was not a kind person at first glance, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"This man named Fourth Brother has a certain scale. According to the investigation, Ye Qingyu and this man named Fourth Brother have always maintained a relationship with women. They met when they were young, and later Ye Qingyu married It's good that Luo Wenxun has lost contact with each other, but the relationship has not been interrupted."

"Judging from the payment records, Ye Qingyu seems to have been asking this fourth brother for something, or asked him to do something. The amount of the payment varies, but this time it is a large amount of 20. It may be for the fourth song. It’s a big deal, and it looks like it’s going all out.”

"What she traded with the pawnshop owner was a ruby ​​necklace, which was originally worth a lot of money. Maybe she was too anxious to use the money, so she sold it for 30 yuan."

Luo Xue immediately snatched the information and took a look, that ruby ​​necklace...

Obviously it belonged to her mother.

"This ruby ​​necklace is my mother's." She was sure.

"Your mother's?" Bo Shaolan asked immediately.

Bo Shaolan turned his head to look at her, and found that there were tears in Luoxue's eyes, so he asked, "Why did your mother's necklace fall into her hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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