Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 287 Who is that person?

Chapter 287 Who is that person?

Luoxue raised her tearful eyes, her voice choked up, "She must have taken it. After Ye Qingyu made my mother suffer from a stroke, she lived in my house. She kept everything for herself. My mother likes to collect jewelry. There are a lot of jewelry in it." There are all kinds of precious jewelry, my mother said, this is the dowry saved for me, let me pass these jewelry down from generation to generation, that ruby ​​necklace is my mother’s favorite, and I used to wear it often.”

After Ye Qingyu made Fang Lin angry, Luo Wenxun knew that this wife was useless, and immediately got a divorce agreement, took Fang Lin's hand and pressed her thumbprint, and then divorced Fang Lin.

After divorcing Fang Lin, not long after, they held a grand wedding with Ye Qingyu, which caused a sensation.

Luo Wenxun is such a heartless person.

Ye Qingyu married into the Luo family, Fang Lin's things were not removed, she took everything for herself.

Luoxue was still a child at the time, unable to resist, and watched Ye Qingyu take over everything.

Moreover, Ye Qingyu was very scheming, always abusing her, Luo Wenxun ignored her, and she was incapable of protecting her mother's things.

Seeing these things now brought tears to her eyes.

I remember when she was in high school, seeing Ye Qingyu wearing her necklace, she wanted to come back, but Ye Qingyu slapped her face and threatened her mother.

For the sake of her mother, Luoxue could only swallow her breath, thinking that her mother's life was much more important than those jewelry.

I didn't expect Ye Qingyu to sell such an important thing.

It was her mother's ancestral thing.

Bo Shaolan raised his hand to help Luoxue wipe away tears, as if swearing, "I will help you find them all."

Then he looked at Dong Ming.

Dong Ming immediately understood, "Mr. Bo, don't worry, I will do my best to complete the task."

Luoxue burst into tears, "It's okay."

Seeing her like this, Bo Shaolan felt even more distressed. He looked at the time, got up, took the briefcase in Lu Lu's hand, and went out with Dong Ming.

Luo Xue couldn't calm down for a long time.

This Ye Qingyu is too much!It's been so long, Ye Qingyu must have sold them all, she is ashamed of her mother, there is nothing she can do about Ye Qingyu.

She flipped through the documents in her hand, and a thrill surged up, so she acted immediately.

She asked Lin Yan and Lin Yu to follow and rushed directly to the target.

Dong Ming finally understood Bo Shaolan's intentions, why he stared at Ye Qingyu, and sure enough she made a move.

Dong Ming thought for a while, and asked: "Mr. Bo, Ye Qingyu gave 20 to Zhang Si this time. It must be to deal with Luo Wenxun. Luo Wenxun not only cheated, but also wanted her to leave the house. I guess she would do my best."

"Just let her fight it out." Bo Shaolan said meaningfully.

"Mr. Bo, your move is too superb. Let them fight each other until they are bloody, but they deserve it. They are not kind people. One is greedy for sex and the other is greedy for money. They are a perfect match! Ye Qingyu, for money, After doing all the bad things, why are you willing to give up your position like this?"

"Besides, she is not Fang Lin, but a woman who has been around outside. This whereabouts is about to suffer, and I have one more thing that I haven't reported." Dong Ming said, "Also, more than a year ago, Ye Qingyu I also discussed with him how much you should drink and how much you can get drunk, that was a few days before your wedding with the eldest young mistress."

Bo Shaolan frowned even tighter.

a year ago?A few days before his wedding.

Bo Shaolan's heart skipped a beat, more than a year ago, could it be that the person who plotted against him that time was actually Ye Qingyu.

It wasn't planned by Luo Xue and Luo Wenxun.

It appears that incident was a misunderstanding.

"Is there a specific time?" he asked.

Dong Ming nodded, "I will type up a detailed document for you to see at that time."

Bo Shaolan's handsome face was tense and frightening, as if he was thinking about something.

The more Bo Shaolan thought about it, the more he felt that the matter was consistent. He had to investigate this matter deeply, and maybe he could find out more...

He exudes a cold breath, and the corners of his mouth are slightly hooked.

Dong Ming was right, he just wanted them to kill each other.

he is looking forward to...

"Dong Ming, next..."

Thanks to the navigation, Luoxue found her destination very quickly. In a rather remote street, if she didn't have the address, she might have to look for it for a long time.

This pawnshop was completely different from what she had imagined, it was not resplendently decorated, but a bit quaint. If it wasn't for the information, Luo Xue would not have believed that this was a pawnshop.

But the pawnshop looks like it's been around for a while.

Luoxue probably understands the reason behind it, this pawn shop must be doing the business of selling mutton to buy dog ​​meat.

Ye Qingyu was able to find such a door, maybe it was introduced by the fourth brother.

Luo Xue was hesitant about how to open her mouth to negotiate with the boss, but thinking about it, if she went in like this rashly, it might alarm Ye Qingyu.

She told Lin Yan and Lin Yu not to follow, and she pretended to be customers.

The shopkeeper was watching TV. When he saw someone entering the shop, he just lazily raised his eyelids and continued watching TV.

Luo Xue asked: "Excuse me, are you the boss here?"

The shopkeeper replied: "No, I am the shopkeeper."

"I want to find the boss. I have important matters to find him."

The storekeeper immediately looked at Luoxue, as if assessing her identity, and when he saw the diamond ring on her ring finger, he immediately smiled, "Please sit down, please, we have a lot of treasures in our store. Know."

Those shopkeepers began to sell their products, mainly because they thought that Luoxue could afford them.

He invited Luoxue to their VIP room, made tea, and then saw Lin Yu and Lin Yan hovering outside the door. The car was still a famous car, and his attitude changed drastically, "Ma'am, where do you want to find?" What about a type of treasure?"

Luo Xue took out the model drawing and said, "Do you have this ruby ​​necklace?"

The clerk took a closer look and narrowed his eyes secretly.

It's this ruby ​​necklace again!
What is the mystery of this ruby ​​necklace?
The first person to ask for the ruby ​​necklace was a man in his 50s. He was a man of identity at a glance, followed by several bodyguards in black suits.

The second, a young man well dressed and with the shrewdness of a businessman in his gestures, said that the ruby ​​necklace was very dear to him.

The third one is the lady in front of me.

He was already surprised by the people who came to look for the ruby ​​necklace the last two times, but what was the lady in front of him doing for?

"That ruby ​​necklace is so welcome? I appraised it carefully. Although it is considered top-grade, it is not the best. Why did it cause so many people to compete?" The clerk looked inquiringly, "Is there any mystery in it? "

"Who wants this ruby ​​necklace?"

"There were two people who came here before you came, and they also asked for this ruby ​​necklace." The clerk said, "Could it be that I was dazzled and missed something good?"

"Tell me who they are?" Luo Xue asked.

Mr. Bo, President's Office.

Dong Minghui reported: "Mr. Bo, the ruby ​​necklace was bought by someone, and the clerk refused to disclose the customer's identity. No matter how I tempted him, he refused to reveal a word, and his mouth was very strict."

Bo Shaolan remained silent.

Dong Ming continued to report, "That pawn shop is very hidden. Usually, it is only known by acquaintances that there is such a pawn shop. The boss will only show up when there is a transaction. I probably estimated the price from an expert. The ruby ​​necklace is worth about 100 million. But Ye Qingyu sold it for 30 yuan, it can be seen that Ye Qingyu needs money very much, so he will sell it cheaply."

It seems that Ye Qingyu doesn't know much about jewelry, so she sold it at such a low price. It can also be seen that she is a regular customer there. After the boss saw it, she traded it that night.

Bo Shaolan frowned and asked, "Apart from the ruby ​​necklace, what else did Ye Qingyu sell?"

Dong Ming replied: "It took me a lot of saliva to find out, and the clerk was willing to reveal a little bit, saying that Ye Qingyu sold about ten pieces in total, but they were directly traded with the big boss behind the scenes, and he was just guarding the store." Yes, the final decision is still in the hands of the behind-the-scenes boss, and the details must be contacted with the behind-the-scenes boss.”

"Go and contact the boss behind the scenes immediately." Bo Shaolan said.

"Okay." Dong Ming replied, "What makes me strange is, Mr. Bo, someone asked about this ruby ​​necklace before me, and that person bought the ruby."

"Is it the young lady?"

"It's not the young lady. I heard it's a man in his 50s. The clerk said that he has a lot of background."

"Have you found out where he came from?"

"The clerk is only willing to disclose this point, and refuses to disclose the rest." Dong Ming said distressedly.

Bo Shaolan frowned even deeper, he really wanted to know who that person was?Have you met your mother-in-law?
This is the mother-in-law's treasured jewelry, and only she knows the meaning of it.

That person got wind of it so quickly?Could it be that he must be watching all this behind the scenes?
Bo Shaolan's back felt chills just thinking about it.

"Be sure to find out his origin."

Dong Ming said: "Okay, Mr. Bo, I will do my best to investigate."

Luoxue walked out of the pawnshop disappointed. She also wanted to know who the man who bought the ruby ​​necklace was?How did he get wind of it?
She guessed that the second person who came to ask for a ruby ​​necklace was Dong Ming.

Luoxue asked the clerk to disclose the customer's information, but the clerk said he didn't know, that person was dealing with the boss.

She wanted the boss's cell phone number, but the clerk refused to give it to her, so she could only leave her own cell phone number.

Luo Xue was full of doubts.

At the same time, I was very curious, that person put so much effort into getting her mother's favorite ruby ​​necklace, what is the relationship between that person and her mother?
What is the mystery?
down home.

Luo Wenxun began to stay away all night, and stayed with the female secretary all day long.

Ye Qingyu's temper was extremely hot, she felt sorry for those servants, Luo Han completely let herself go, she would go out with anyone, she was crazy.

Ye Qingyu couldn't protect herself, and didn't bother to take care of Luohan.

What worries her now is how to defeat the female secretary?Let Luowen find a change of heart?
In the final analysis, she was still reluctant to divorce.

The phone rang, and she saw the caller ID on the phone, and immediately shouted to the maid who was cleaning: "Go out, I want to answer the phone."

(End of this chapter)

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