Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 308 Have You Loved Me?

Chapter 308 Have You Loved Me?

She really wanted to make a call to him, but she was worried that he was playing with a partner at the moment, whether others would laugh at him as a strict wife, she lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Bo Shaolan's stomach was hurt from drinking before, and he has been recuperating. It is estimated that tonight's partner is strong, so he had to drink a lot of wine, so both Dong Ming and Bo Shaolan were drunk, so they lived outside.

At 01:30 in the morning, Luoxue couldn't bear it anymore, and she wanted to contact him.

The phone has been unanswered, she repeatedly dialed.

Bo Shaolan felt his head spinning for a while, and Bo Fangqing fed him water, and he splashed a lot of it, just got some in his mouth, but he drank too much wine.

The phone is ringing.

Knowing that it was his wife calling, the specific ringtone.

The mobile phone was in his trouser pocket, and Bo Shaolan fumbled feebly.

He couldn't wait to answer the phone.

Finally got the phone, he swipe it, and the call went through.

Luo Xue saw that the phone was connected, and the stone hanging in her heart was finally let go.

Sure enough, he was drunk, and he knew it when he heard the sound.

The voice was drunk, weak, and painful to hear, "wife."

"what happened to you?"

"Drunk." Bo Shaolan panted, "Too drunk."

"Do you want to pick you up?" Luo Xue asked worriedly

"No need, I'll be fine after a night of sleep." Bo Shaolan didn't want her to run around.

"Okay, remember to take good care of yourself." Luo Xue said distressedly.

"En." Bo Shaolan's voice was a bit coquettish, soft and different from usual, "Honey, I love you."

When Luo Xue heard this, her heart was sweet.

Generally speaking, if he speaks the truth after drinking, he really loves her.

"Well, I love you too." Luo Xue also said.

Then he asked a few more words before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

She lay down, still reminiscing about the content of the phone call with him just now, although he also said "I love you" to her, but very little.

Speak out when drunk.

She smiled as she thought about it.

But the nightmare picture came again, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

Was that nightmare trying to predict something?

Would Brother Shaoyang be that kind of person?Brother Shaoyang has always taken good care of her, like a caring brother, it is impossible to kill her or force her to do things she doesn't like.

Bo Shaoyang's ferocious and terrifying face was imprinted in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Bo Fangqing went out just now to answer a phone call.

When he opened the door, he saw that Bo Shaolan was tugging on his clothes, looking very irritable.

She tiptoedly closed the door and walked cautiously towards him.

Thinking of Bo Shaolan's rudeness to her just now, he could tell from the scent that she was not Luoxue, so he showed disgust and disgust.

That person called her just now, telling her to seize this opportunity, and if she misses it, there will be no more.

The Bo family couldn't tolerate her anymore and forced her to marry. If she didn't take action, she would leave the Bo family and lose the person she loved the most.

This was a rare opportunity she had won. Originally, Liang Feng was in charge at night, but she sent someone to deliberately provoke Liang Feng's boyfriend, and then asked Liang Feng to catch the adulterer.

Didn't she work so hard to marry him?
After a while, her stomach can no longer be hidden.

What made her back chill was that what happened to her last time didn't seem to be a secret. Not only Qiao Ge knew about it, but her uncle also seemed to know about it.

The Bo family seems to have infinite scenery, but in fact, the undercurrent is surging and unfathomable.

What that person said made her firmer in her approach.

"Brother, I have no choice. I don't want to leave you, let alone the Bo family. I want to stay by your side for the rest of my life. No matter what means I use, I must become your woman." Bo Fang's love has become crazy.

Bo Fangqing stretched her hands to her zipper and slowly pulled it down. The skirt lost its support and slipped under her feet. Her hands trembled nervously.

She walked towards Bo Shaolan with bare feet, and took off the restraints on her body for Bo Shaolan...

Then she leaned down and kissed him.

She finally got him.

She was so excited that tears flowed down her face. This was the scene she had dreamed of.

Her tears fell drop by drop on Bo Shaolan's body.

Bo Fangqing was actually very bitter in her heart, but she still wanted to do it. This was her long-cherished wish all along, and she was only willing to do it if she had to do it.

"Xiaoxue." Bo Shaolan's consciousness was blurred, and he murmured, "Wife, Xiaoxue, you little rascal."

These days, Qiao Ge is always restless, and I don’t know the reason. Seeing that she is getting thinner and thinner, in order to prevent the outside world from guessing that she has no chance, he decides to let her rest for a while and let her have a good rest in the villa. recuperate.

Rather than recuperating in the villa, Qiao Ge could not help but say that he gave up on himself.

She was in a bad mood, and she was so world-weary.

Although she could drink in the past, she didn't use alcohol to relieve her worries.

But five years ago, after she went to Luo country alone, she fell in love with wine.

At that time, she just went abroad and was under a lot of pressure, which made her always suffer from insomnia, thinking about her children and love.

The old lady of the Bo family gave her a sum of money, which was enough for her to buy a house and a car to live and study in Luoguo. She thought that time was a good medicine, and it would slowly heal all wounds.

It's a pity that she overestimates herself too much. It turns out that she is not as strong as she looks, and she will also be hurt and sad.

Although she has a stable life in Luo Country and can realize her dreams, she is very lonely and very unhappy.

Her child was drowned alive, and she kept dreaming that he was crying.

Those scenes made her uneasy, Bo Shaoyang pushed her into the sea, Luoxue resented her, Bo Shaoyang was ruthless to her, the doctor told her that her child was crushed right after being induced, and it was too late to distinguish whether it was a boy or not. It's still a woman.

Later, she always dreamed of a baby, crying for a while, laughing for a while... so she didn't dare to sleep, for fear that she would dream of that baby.

Later, she had to go to a psychiatrist for fear that she would go crazy.

Later, she relied on the psychiatrist, and this psychiatrist was Yoni, and later, Yoni changed careers for her and became her agent.

The previous symptoms reappeared, insomnia and dreaminess.

The baby who hadn't appeared for a long time came to her dream again, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing.

Besides that child, she still has one unsolved knot in her heart, and that is about Bo Shaoyang.

The man she could never catch.

She still can't understand him until now, what exactly is he trying to do?
At this time, there were familiar footsteps again.

Even if it was very light, she could still tell that it was him.

When he came in, he never went through the main entrance, and always sneaked in quietly.

Qiao Ge was originally buried in the dark, drinking grief alone.

Just as the footsteps were approaching, she stretched out her hand, and with a snap, turned on the light.

The room was bright, and it made Bo Shaoyang even more handsome.

He took off his sunglasses and was dressed in black. If it wasn't for turning on the lights, or Qiao Ge's familiarity with him, no one would have noticed his existence.

He is used to seeing Qiao Ge in this way.

It seems that there is no light.

Qiao Ge smiled wryly, instead of looking at him, he poured a full glass of wine to drink.

"Bo Shaoyang, what do you think I am?"

Bo Shaoyang snatched the wine from her hand and gulped it down, as if he was very thirsty.

He sat down on the sofa and stretched his waist greatly.

Think of it as a place where you can relax.

Qiao Ge glanced at him, poured himself another glass of wine, drank it all in one gulp, and said, "It seems that you think this is your resting place, have you just done something bad?"

Bo Shaoyang's face changed suddenly, becoming as sharp as a knife blade, as if he was about to stab Qiao Ge to death.

Qiao Ge has no fear, she has always been the most presumptuous in front of him, others avoid him, but she falls in love with him.

Qiao Ge raised his head, his eyes were bewitching, "You didn't come here on purpose, you want me to be your backup?"

Bo Shaoyang smiled coldly, jumped up, and grabbed her by the neck, "Shut up! I'm getting more and more courageous, and I dare to hate you. Where do you think you are clean? We are on the same boat. "

Qiao Ge stared at him stubbornly, as if competing with him.

His strength gradually increased, her breathing became more and more difficult, and she was almost out of breath.

She closed her eyes, as if waiting for death to come.

"We are people from the same world, and we all belong to the darkness. That's why we have been entangled for so long. Now you want to pursue the white lotus in your heart. You are too overconfident."

Bo Shaoyang was cold, his eyes bloodthirsty, "You are not afraid that I will kill you."

After hearing this, Qiao Ge raised her head and smiled, she knew that he was a murderous devil without blinking an eye.

How could she not know?

"Go, I don't want to see you!" Qiao Ge stared at his blood red eyes and roared.

Bo Shaoyang's pain eased, he stepped towards her, stretched out his hand, stroked the hair on her cheek, and smiled evilly, "My dear, don't make me angry, or I will be very angry."

Then, slam the door and leave.

Qiao Ge watched him disappear before his eyes, feeling extremely sad in his heart, what does he think he is?pet?Maybe it was her fate, she belonged to the people in the dark, so she fell in love with the people in the dark.

Bo Shaoyang is actually more evil than her.

Perhaps this is what others say, one thing falls one thing.

Qiao Ge continued to drink, she was indeed irritable, ever since she fell in love with him, her heart has never been peaceful.

She raised her hand and stroked her neck. The place where he pinched her neck just now was still aching.

Tomorrow, she must change the defense system of the villa.

If he sneaks in again, electrocute him.

She is enough, enough!Enough of being stupid!

Why did she want him?What's so good about him?There are many men who are better than him in all aspects, but she never pays attention to them.

Perhaps, this is her fate.

Qiao Ge thought of everything about herself and Bo Shaoyang, and laughed at herself, maybe she played with his feelings in the previous life, so she repaid the debt in this life.

Others don't believe in reincarnation, but she believes that if there is a cause, there must be an effect, and everything has a cause.

Bo Shaoyang, have you really never loved me at all?
(End of this chapter)

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