Chapter 309 Why Her!
No, you will definitely fall in love with me.

The next morning, Bo Shaolan woke up on time, he had a biological clock.

I drank too much wine last night, my head was a little dizzy, and I couldn't think of many things for the time being.

He thought he was at home, as usual, he fished it out and hugged the person sleeping next to him.

After he hugged her, he rubbed the top of her head with his chin, and murmured, "wife."

The person in his arms rubbed against his arms, clinging to his chest.

Bo Shaolan touched her hair again, suddenly his hand stopped, it was wrong.

It wasn't Xiaoxue in his arms.

Bo Shaolan violently pushed the person in his arms, and when he saw the person clearly, his expression suddenly turned down!
"Get out! Who told you to do this!" Bo Shaolan was furious.

I saw that Bo Fangqing was not wearing anything, just like him.

Bo Fangqing was not angry, but just looked at him coquettishly, like a mimosa, and said coquettishly, "Brother..."

It must be her doing something.

Bo Shaolan felt disgusted... He pulled the quilt to cover his body, picked up the clothes scattered on the ground, and put them on.

Bo Shaolan's mind went blank.

What happened five years ago happened again, completely ignoring him.

How is this going?Why did he sleep with Bo Fangqing?

He was about to blow up. The incident between him and Qiao Ge back then is still vivid in his memory, which caused him and Luo Xue to split into two places, and he gave up his heart from then on.

Because he fell in love with Luoxue, and there was only room for her in his heart and body.

There are also quite a few women who try to seduce him, and he has nothing but disgust for them.

His mind was full of Luo Xue, if it wasn't for her, he would rather be single all his life.


It was impossible for him to respond to women other than Luoxue.

Even if he is drunk, his body will still react conditionedly, it is impossible to have such a violent reaction with Bo Fangqing?

It's certainly not easy.

Bo Shaolan thought that the reason for this incident to happen again must have been passive.

He narrowed his black eyes secretly, and some fragments flashed through his mind. Someone held his head and fed him water, but he pushed him away.

After drinking the water, he also received a call from Luoxue.

After that, his memory was blank.

"Brother." Bo Fangqing pulled the quilt to cover her body, looking very pleasant.

She was ready for everything.

His reaction was also in her prediction.

Her purpose is only one, to make him take responsibility.

After Bo Shaolan put on his clothes, he had a gloomy handsome face, his eyes were terribly cold, and he stood aloft like an emperor.

"If I invite you honestly, maybe I will show mercy."

"Brother, it's you..." Bo Fangqing said pitifully, looking like she was being bullied by Bo Shaolan.

"Did you move your hands and feet?"

"You and Dong Tezhu were both drunk last night. I was not drunk. I asked the driver to take Dong Ming back first. I thought you would go the wrong way with him, so I would take you back in person, but you said no, you wanted to be with me. Together, so..." Bo Fangqing said shyly, but at the end, he hesitated to speak.

Even if Bo Shaolan was beaten to death, he would not believe it was true.

He pushed Bo Fangqing aside, lifted the was red.

The blood has dried up.

Bo Shaolan's brain exploded.

He really fell asleep.

"Impossible." Bo Shaolan squeezed Bo Fangqing's neck.

Bo Fangqing raised his head, met Bo Shaolan's eyes fearlessly, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, like a winner, "Brother, what you see is the truth, so what if you didn't mean it? It really happened."

Bo Shaolan's hands were shaking.

"Brother, it doesn't matter. You may have been confused for a while, but I will not expose this matter. I love you and am willing to give everything for you. I have no regrets or complaints." Drop tears to make yourself look more pitiful, "Brother, you have me in your heart, don't you?"

Bo Shaolan refused to admit that it was true, but the facts were in front of him, and it was not his turn to deny it.

He let go of Bo Fangqing, and Bo Fangqing fell on the bed, "Get dressed and come out again, I have to talk to you clearly."

Then, Bo Shaolan strode out of the room.

Bo Fangqing saw him go out.

The light of success flashed in his eyes.

He believed it, and her plan was almost on the verge of success.

living room.

Bo Shaolan hurriedly opened WeChat, at one o'clock in the morning, Luoxue asked him when he would be back?
Did she wait for him until one o'clock in the morning?

But what about him?But he did such a ridiculous thing.

Bo Shaolan was extremely agitated, and slapped himself hard.

This matter must be kept secret.

Bo Shaolan immediately called Lin Ya.

Lin Ya picked it up, "Mr. Bo, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Come to Haishi Hotel immediately, and bring a set of clean clothes by the way."

"Understood, Boss."

"and also……"

After Bo Shaolan gave his orders, he couldn't calm down for a long time, he pursed his lips tightly, his head was battered.

He didn't believe that he took the initiative. He had no interest in Bo Fangqing at all, so Bo Fangqing must have played tricks on him.

But what happened to everything in the room?

He has never been an impulsive man, and he has always felt that he can control himself.

Fortunately, Luo Xue did not see this scene.

Otherwise, the tragedy of five years ago will happen again.

Luoxue would definitely leave him again.

If this matter broke out, she would definitely divorce him.

Luoxue, this seemingly weak woman, don't look at her like a doormat, once she becomes stubborn, even ten bulls can't pull her back.

The phone rang.

Really want what to come.

Bo Shaolan's hands trembled, but he didn't dare to answer the phone.

It's my wife's phone.

He is in charge of 10,000+ people, and he is a slave to his wife in the mall.

Afraid of her determination, afraid that she would give up, afraid of losing her.

If she lost her, then his world would lose all its colors.

Bo Shaolan finally picked it up, pretending to be calm, "My wife."

"Are you awake? Is your head still hurting? Is it okay?" Luo Xuedie asked leisurely.


"Ready for work?"

"It's almost done, I'll go to the company after cleaning up."

"Drink less in the future, and take care of your body! Try to go home next time, what do you want to eat at night, I will cook it myself and give you supplements."

"Thank you, wife. You don't need to work so hard to cook. Don't go back. I also want to have a meal with grandma." Bo Shaolan was still a little guilty.

"Oh, I see."

"Wife..." He hesitated, "Wait for me."

"I see, it's so wordy."

"I miss you." Bo Shaolan suddenly said again.

"I miss you too, work hard." Luo Xue said sweetly.

In fact, Bo Shaolan really wanted to confess, but unfortunately she didn't dare, because he couldn't bear the blow.

In the end, put all the words in the bottom of my heart, and hope that they will be buried in the bottom of my heart forever and never see the light.

Sometimes white lies are a form of protection.

However, if this matter is not mentioned, it may be a time bomb that will blow them to pieces at any time.

Bo Fangqing, she doesn't seem like the kind of person who accepts everything.

Therefore, he still wanted to tell Luo Xue the truth about this matter.

After thinking about it, let's talk about this matter.

Luo Xue could feel something was wrong from his tone, he hesitated to speak, which was not like Bo Shaolan's style.

Could it be that something happened last night?
He yelled at his wife again and again, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Could it be that you've lost your mind after drinking?" Luo Xue frowned.

"Young Mistress, the old lady is looking for you." A servant came over and said.

Luo Xue immediately came to her senses, thinking that her phone was out of battery, so she put it in the living room to charge it before going out.

As soon as she left, Bo Shaoyang followed him down the stairs. He seemed to have just woken up. He sat on the sofa, picked up Luoxue's phone, swiped open the screen, and tapped.

An unknown light flashed in Bo Shaoyang's eyes, and then he put the phone back to its original place.

Bo Fangqing put on the clothes one by one, thoughtful, and seemed very troubled to see Bo Shaolan's frowning face.

This was the first time she had seen his expression like this.

She also listened to the conversation between him and Luo Xue on the phone.

Just as she predicted, Bo Shaolan planned to keep this matter a secret.

It was also what she hoped, if she started to make trouble now, how would the child in her stomach explain it?
Bo Fangqing walked out with his head down, calling softly, "Brother."

Bo Shaolan was extremely irritable, and said coldly: "I've already thought out your way out for you, go abroad! You won't be able to step into Bo's house in the future."

There was no intention of holding back on his face, wishing she would go far away.

Bo Fangqing didn't expect it to be this way. She had thought of countless consequences before. He scolded her and beat her instead of driving her away.

Let her go abroad and never set foot in Bo's house.

So heartless!

Her heart hurts so much that she can't breathe, this is her true feeling.

She fell in love with him from the first sight. For more than ten years, she gave her body to him, but he wanted to send her away mercilessly.

She is not allowed to step into Bo's house in the future!
"Brother, don't drive me away!" Bo Fangqing burst into tears.

In fact, she was just acting, pretending to be the victim first, as long as she didn't leave, Bo Shaolan couldn't do anything to her.

She wants the child in her stomach to recognize Bo Shaolan as her father, so she has to endure all the hardships she is going through now.

Just give her a month.

She is only one step away from success.

"You have to leave! There is no place for you here." Bo Shaolan said heartlessly.

Before, he had always been merciful to her. Unexpectedly, something happened now. If she didn't leave, what happened back then might happen again, and he would never allow it.

If she was pregnant again, how would he face Luo Xue and his family?
Bo Shaolan decided not to be soft-hearted anymore!
He had to act aggressively, his eyes were full of coldness, "This happened, don't think I don't know that you did it."

Bo Fangqing knew that she couldn't hide it from Bo Shaolan, he knew her too well, that little trick couldn't hide it from him at all.

Anyway, sooner or later he would know.

Now all she wants is the result.

"What's your purpose!" Bo Shaolan asked, "To destroy my marriage? Or do you want to conceive my child?"

Bo Shaolan directly said what was in her heart.

He already hated her to the extreme, he had known the smallness in her heart earlier, before Bo Shaolan thought about the relationship between father and sister for many years, and thought that as long as she reformed, he would not care about it anymore.

But she stepped on his mine again.

"I have no purpose, I just want to be by your side silently and see you every day, so I will be satisfied." Bo Fangqing cried.

(End of this chapter)

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