Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 310 Can't Live Without You

Chapter 310 Can't Live Without You

"I know that the person you love is Luoxue. You don't love me. You just treat me as your sister. I don't care. What I care about is whether I can stay by your side. Brother, I won't affect you The relationship with Luoxue will not show her love for you in front of outsiders, and you can also treat me as a transparent person, as long as you don't drive me away." Bo Fangqing cried so sadly.

She knelt in front of Bo Shaolan, crying, very desolate, and begged bitterly, "Brother, don't drive me away, okay? I will be obedient and not disturb your life. I love you, love you so much, no You, I can't survive."

Bo Fangqing's eyes were swollen from crying, and she knelt on the ground and refused to get up, "I admit, I set up a situation on purpose, because I really love you, and I know you hate me, that's why I came up with this method. Be your person, use whatever means, I deserve to die, but I just can't control it."

She hugged Bo Shaolan's leg, hoping that he would soften his heart.

Bo Shaolan listened expressionlessly, feeling extremely disgusted with this woman.

It was indeed her setup.

As soon as he stretched his feet, Bo Fangqing fell to the ground, and his strength was very strong.

Bo Fangqing threw himself on the ground.

She raised her tearful eyes, and I felt pity for her appearance.

"This is your only choice. Which country to go to? You can choose freely. If you don't obey, don't blame me for being rude. You will never forget it." Bo Shaolan said coldly.

Then strode into the bathroom.

As soon as Bo Shaolan entered the bathroom, he closed the door heavily, hating himself for being careless.

He turned on the shower and washed his body fiercely, as if it was very dirty.

If he had driven this woman away last night, nothing like that would have happened.

Bo Shaolan hated himself, anger, remorse, shame... all came together, he hated himself to death, it could have been avoided, but let it happen.

Bo Fangqing also heard the sound of Bo Shaolan smashing the wall outside. At this time, Bo Fangqing was more sad than happy...

Lin Ya rang the doorbell a few times, and when she saw that it was Bo Fangqing who opened the door, she was startled and was immediately stunned.

"Miss Bo?" Lin Ya wiped her eyes, thinking she was delusional, "What's going on?"

Bo Fangqing stared at her coldly, and Lin Ya stopped asking.

Lin Ya went straight in, thinking that she had gone to the wrong room, but it was clearly the room number Boss mentioned.

She was full of questions.

Bo Fangqing looked at her coldly, as if warning her.

Lin Ya heard the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom...it was even more unbelievable.

Boss, what's going on?

Why did you get involved with Bo Fangqing?

Although she is not biological, she is also a younger sister in terms of seniority.

When this kind of thing happened, how will Mr. Bo explain it to his wife?

God, she can't believe in love anymore.

After a while, Bo Shaolan came out in a bathrobe after taking a shower.

Lin Ya pretended not to see anything, "Mr. Bo, what you want."

Bo Shaolan took it without saying a word, and went into the bedroom.

After a few minutes, Bo Shaolan came out, looking like an elite.

Lin Ya suddenly had no affection for Bo Shaolan at all, and her previous admiration disappeared without a trace.

"What else?" Bo Shaolan asked, expressionless.

Only then did Lin Ya realize that the thing was bought for Bo Fangqing, and she immediately felt worthless for Luo Xue, so she immediately took it out.

Bo Shaolan glanced at Bo Fangqing and said, "Watch her eat."

Lin Ya came to Bo Fangqing and said, "Miss Bo, eat one piece first, or eat all of it?"

Bo Shaolan exuded a frightening aura all over his body, which was extremely terrifying.

Lin Ya poured a glass of water for Bo Fangqing.

Bo Fangqing's tears fell again uncontrollably.

Lin Ya was very careful, and even unpacked it for Bo Fangqing and took out the medicine.

Where is Bo Fangqing willing to eat?But under Bo Shaolan's cold gaze, she obediently ate it and asked Bo Shaolan to check it.

Only then did Bo Shaolan feel relieved, and said to Lin Ya, "Let's go."

Lin Ya probably already knew what was going on, it must be Bo Fangqing who played tricks on Boss.

She glanced at Bo Fangqing contemptuously.

"Brother." Bo Fangqing suddenly called out.

Bo Shaolan stopped to see what tricks she was trying to play?
"My clothes are torn and I can't wear them anymore. Can you ask Secretary Lin to bring me some clothes?" Bo Fangqing suppressed all her sorrows, and said as if nothing happened, "I'm going to the company too."

Lin Ya immediately made up her mind, it was simply unbelievable.

What?Bo Shaolan was so crazy that he tore all her clothes?
Bo Shaolan knew that Bo Fangqing said this on purpose, which made Lin Ya misunderstand.

He turned his head and gave Bao Fangqing a cold look.

Lin Ya was taken aback instead.

So captivating!It can be described as thrilling.

Then, Bo Shaolan turned and left coldly.

Lin Ya followed closely behind.

As soon as they left, Bo Fangqing sneered and spit out the medicine hidden under the bottom of his tongue.

Brother, you can be regarded as unfeeling and righteous... I was afraid that what happened to Qiao Ge back then would happen again, so I even bought the medicine.

It's a pity, if you don't want to be the father of this child, you have to.

You have no choice.

Lin Ya bought some clothes, then rang the doorbell, and Bo Fangqing came to open the door with a very arrogant attitude, completely different from what she was in front of Bo Shaolan just now.

It seems that she is now Mrs. Bo.

Lin Ya was very puzzled, she had done something disgraceful, it looked quite honorable, and she was so shameless.

"Miss Bo, promise." Lin Ya still maintained her demeanor.

Bo Fangqing snorted softly, took it over and took a look, what did Lin Ya buy her?

"How do you make someone's secretary?" She was furious.

Lin Ya didn't take it seriously, she just bought a set of clothes for Bo Fangqing casually, it was the cheapest kind, as long as it wasn't revealing.

How can she compare with Madam?The clothes Madam wears are made by masters, and they are also styles chosen by Mr. Bo himself.

Could it be that this Bo Fangqing still fantasized about being his wife?Do you want Mr. Bo to choose clothes for her?
Lin Ya didn't have a good impression of Bo Fangqing in the first place. Luoxue treats her well at ordinary times, but she is not worth it for Luoxue. How can she vent her anger on Luoxue?

So she thought of this trick, and she could see that Bo was always framed by Bo Fangqing.

She was overwhelmed with excitement, instead of going to the specialty store, she went to the market, and picked out a set of aunt's clothes at the stall, colorful and loose, and packed it in a red adhesive paper bag.

The boss was wondering why such a beautiful girl bought such cheap clothes, and wanted to introduce some good quality clothes to her.

Lin Ya said: "This is what I want, it suits me."

The boss was originally a big and thick man, and the red plastic paper bag was picked up by his wife from the ground.

Lin Ya thinks that Bo Fangqing is the clothes that are worth the price - cheap ones.

I believe Mr. Bo also has the same idea.

Even if Bo Fangqing complained to Bo Shaolan at that time, she wouldn't care, she just hated that kind of scheming girl, if Bo Shaolan scolded her, she would resign at worst.

In the past, she was most afraid of being fired by Bo Shaolan, but now she is not afraid. If Bo Shaolan is really that kind of ruthless person, she is not worth following her.

However, she thought that Bo Shaolan also hated this woman very much, it was disgusting to actually climb into her brother's bed.

Lin Ya maintained her elegant demeanor, "Miss Bo, this is yours."

Bo Fangqing was furious and threw the bag on the ground, "You are just my elder brother's errands, how dare you be arrogant in front of me?"

Lin Ya was not annoyed, "Miss Bo, because I am Boss's secretary, I only know what he thinks, and you are worthy of this."

"Damn things!"

"You are the one who is really mean." Lin Ya's eyes were full of ridicule.

Bo Fangqing wanted to beat Lin Ya to death to humiliate her, so she raised her hand to teach Lin Ya a good lesson.

Lin Ya had expected this kind of reaction from her, so she stepped away, "Miss Bo, if I were you, I would hit the wall and die, it's shameless, I'm ashamed for you .”

"You dare to teach me a lesson?" Bo Fangqing slapped again, but Lin Ya hid far away.

"I'm doing justice for the heavens." Lin Ya said sternly, "You've exhausted your energy to obtain things that obviously don't belong to you, harming others and yourself. I just can't stand people like you. , I take your last name!"

Bo Fangqing trembled with anger.

She was extremely remorseful, if it wasn't for her, Lin Ya wouldn't have been able to join the Bo family, she thought she had recruited an obedient assistant back, but she didn't expect to replace her in the end.

Lin Ya was too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

After walking a few steps, Lin Ya suddenly stopped again, and said to Bo Fangqing: "Oh, seeing that we are colleagues, I still want to say something, Boss's feeling last night must be worse than eating flies .”

Then, she turned and left.

Bo Fangqing was so angry that he rushed out to beat people, but finally endured it.

She can't afford to lose this person for the time being.

"Lin Ya, you'll look good in the future!" Bo Fangqing roared.

After this incident, Bo Shaolan was very upset, and several important meetings were canceled and postponed.

But the board meeting, he couldn't postpone it, it had to be held, because Mr. Bo was also present, and he seemed absent-minded throughout the meeting. When reporting the company's situation, Bo Shaolan reported wrong data, which surprised people.

As the highest authority in the company, Mr. Bo only came once a month.

Usually he always wanted to find trouble with Bo Shaolan, but this time he finally caught it. In front of the company's shareholders and executives, Mr. Bo gave him a lesson without politeness.

Bo Shaolan lost all face, and Bo Sishen knew that his grandpa and grandson had always been incompatible, so he followed up with old master Bo's words and expressed his opinion very pertinently, avoiding their conflict in front of everyone.

Bo Shaolan's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

He has this kind of temperament, he never pleases anyone, Mr. Bo always likes to listen to good things, so he has a little more complaints about Bo Shaolan.

Bo Shaoyang saw all this in his eyes, and his beautiful black eyes shone with an unfathomable light.

The meeting was coming to an end, Mr. Bo specially called Bo Shaoyang up, introduced him solemnly, and was full of praise for Bo Shaoyang's talent. Bo Shaoyang also behaved very humble and polite, and spoke well. Mr. Bo was very happy, and even made the shareholders They and the executives should take good care of Bo Shaoyang.

He invisibly revealed a message to the employees of the company. In the future, maybe he will be the next CEO.

(End of this chapter)

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