Chapter 318 Why Didn't He Come Home?
"Well, thank you." Luo Xue said gratefully.

"The young master has gone out. He told me to take good care of you. Are you hungry?" Aunt Xu asked.

"He went out?"

"Well, I went out in a hurry. When I went out, I heard him calling Mr. Chu."

Luo Xue breathed a sigh of relief, it would be good if he went out, so she wouldn't have to face him.

In fact, Bo Shaolan did that on purpose, to let Mrs. Xu know that he was looking for Chu Kenan, so that Luo Xue wouldn't think about it, and it was also to make her feel at ease.

"Eldest young master has asked me several times to take good care of you and not allow you to get sick again. Eldest young mistress, let me serve the porridge, drink it and continue to rest." Aunt Xu said.

Luo Xue nodded, "Thank you."

"Eldest young mistress, don't be too polite. This is what it should be. When the eldest young master brought you in, he became very nervous and guarded you until the fever subsides, for several hours." Aunt Xu said.

Luoxue felt very guilty, she made herself sick on purpose.

Is he nervous about her?
But she made herself ill in order not to face him. If he stayed with her all the time, wouldn't she be even more annoyed.

She just wanted to avoid him, to calm down, and to think about what to do?

She didn't want Bo Shaolan to know about this, because she was also afraid of losing him, and for some things, once the face was torn, everything would be over.

It's because she thinks too much.

Because Bo Shaolan was more afraid of losing than she was.


In that particular box, only Chu Kenan and Bo Shaolan were drinking, and the others were looking for other fun.

Chu Kenan raised his wine glass, bumped it with Bo Shaolan, and the two of them swooped down.

They drank hard liquor.

You have to drink the strong wine slowly, but when Bo Shaolan drank it like water, Chu Kenan had no choice but to stop him, "Okay, don't drink any more, it's your life."

Bo Shaolan put down his wine glass.

"What happened?" Chu Kenan asked.

Bo Shaolan was not used to complaining, and he felt disgusted when he mentioned the name Bo Fangqing, so he didn't even want to mention it.

"It's okay." He said, and asked Chu Kenan at the same time, "Have you found out who Mr. Liang is from?"

"Found it." Chu Kenan said, "This man is called Liang Ding. He is a powerful person. He has almost retired. As you know, we are businessmen who can't be provoked, but he and Xiaoxue are at odds. people."

Bo Shaolan understood that this Mr. Liang really had a strong background.

"I found out from my investigation that the reason why Liang Ding bought the ruby ​​necklace at a high price was to give it to his mother as a birthday gift. The reason is unknown. The Liang family is heavily guarded. I dare not go inside again, lest I get angry. I just I can help you get here."

"Brother, thank you." Bo Shaolan said.

Liang Ding is a heroic man with a dignified body. He is about the same age as Bo Sishen. Compared with his peers, he has a well-managed figure and a heroic demeanor. It can be seen that when he was young, he was also a very attractive and handsome man. .

The Liang family is very low-key and pays attention to reputation. It can be said that there is no negative news at all.

Chu Kenan was able to find so much information, he is very powerful, as he said, if the Liang family finds out that he is investigating, he may get angry, so enough is enough.

What puzzled Bo Shaolan was, what was the point of Mr. Liang buying that ruby ​​necklace?Still taking it as a birthday present?From this, we know that this necklace must have another meaning?

However, according to Xiaoxue, the ruby ​​necklace is mother-in-law's favorite jewelry.

Bo Shaolan couldn't figure out the connection even though he tried his best.

Chu Kenan was also very puzzled, "You have to ask your mother-in-law to find out, but your mother-in-law has become a vegetable again."

Bo Shaolan thought: "I don't know much about my mother-in-law's family, but I know that my mother-in-law's family used to be famous, and my mother-in-law is the jewel in the palm of the Fang family. A vulgar person, if it wasn't for my mother-in-law, Luo Wenxun wouldn't be where he is today, but now the Luo family will be defeated by him."

"I think Xiaoxue probably didn't know about it, otherwise she would have said it long ago, and it might not be known until your mother-in-law wakes up."

Chu Kenan thought for a while and said, "I guess, your mother-in-law and the Liang family must have a lot of connections."

Bo Shaolan frowned and said, "It's impossible for us to go to that Mr. Liang rashly. I'm afraid he won't let us know that my mother-in-law has become a vegetable. The doctor said that the chance of waking up is very small, unless there is a miracle."

"I will continue to pay attention to this matter. Yiran's uncle is also in Yangcheng. Let her do me a favor and ask Mr. Liang out. But I think you should discuss this matter with Xiaoxue. Maybe this matter may involve To see her, we must respect her wishes." Chu Kenan said.

After thinking about it, Bo Shaolan thought it made sense, "Well, it's true."

"Come on, come on, let's have a good time tonight." Chu Kenan asked the waiter to change the wine with a lower alcohol content.

He could tell that Bo Shaolan was in a bad mood, so he drank with him.

This guy is usually like this, as long as he is unhappy, he will come to drink with him.

If something happened, he would suffocate in his heart, and would not speak out even if he was beaten to death.

Men and women are different, they like to settle and resolve their concerns, rather than spit it out.

Bo Shaolan clinked glasses with Chu Kenan, then raised his head and finished.

At this moment, only wine can understand what is on his mind.

In fact, he just wanted to pass the time, and he didn't dare to go home, because he was afraid of facing Luo Xue's indifference and avoidance of him.

Not only does she need time to calm down, but he also needs time to calm down.

He didn't want to tear himself apart with her.

While drinking and drinking, time passed, and before we knew it, Lan Han wanted to play longer, but Gu Miao kept calling to remind him, so he had to go back, Yin Chengfeng also talked about his girlfriend, and successfully got out of the order, Yao Yang It happened that he didn't have to accompany his fiancée, so he also came to drink with Bo Shaolan.

It was past two o'clock in the morning, and Bo Shaolan still didn't want to go back. Chu Kenan was afraid that he drank too much, so he asked the security guard to help him to sleep in the room.

Chu Kenan knew that Bo Shaolan had an emotional obsession, so he let him sleep alone.

When the bodyguard carried the drunk Bo Shaolan out, Lin Mengmeng happened to come out from another box.

She wanted to go over at first, but after being warned by Chu Kenan last time, she became more honest and settled down, knowing that a man like Bo Shaolan could not be offended by herself.

But who wouldn't like an outstanding man like Bo Shaolan?Especially a woman like Lin Mengmeng prefers to fantasize, what if it comes true?

Lin Mengmeng stopped and looked at him bewilderedly.

But Bo Shaolan didn't even give her a peripheral vision.

Lin Mengmeng closed her eyes and was about to leave when she saw a photo on the ground.

She bent down to pick it up, and the person in the photo was his wife.

The person inside smiled brightly, with straight eyebrows and bangs, and a ponytail. One could tell that it was taken when he was studying. Although it was well protected, it was still a bit yellowish.

She originally wanted to throw it away, but when she thought about it, couldn't she just find a reason to go to him?

I believe this photo must be very important to Bo Shaolan.

Obviously very jealous of the woman in the photo, but I still want to use her light to meet the man I like.

People, for the perfect person or thing, everyone will pursue it.

After the bodyguard helped Bo Shaolan into the room, he closed the door for him and left.

Bo Shaolan drank too much spirits, he was drunk, but his heart was not drunk, he lay on his back on the bed, as soon as he closed his eyes, the scene of Luo Xue pushing him away would appear, he was so cold and disgusted with him .

He doesn't believe that he will be with Bo Fangqing. This is the second time he has experienced this, and it can also explain one thing. Maybe he and Qiao Ge were tricked that time. Did Qiao Ge do it?
Both times he couldn't remember the details, and his consciousness was completely fuzzy. He was drunk, and he was usually drunk, but not drunk.

He didn't understand, how could he have sex with other women without realizing it?

And it's their first time, so coincidental, it seems that there is no trace left, which is not enough to prove that they had a relationship.

damn it!He scolded himself an asshole over and over again in his heart!

At this moment, he missed her so much that he really wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her hard.

Did she sleep?Are you more comfortable?Normally, if he didn't come home at this time, she would definitely call him. He picked up his mobile phone, but there was no call, and WeChat was blank.

He tapped the screen to find out her cell phone number, seeing the familiar number, he really wanted to call her.

But when the fingertips were one centimeter away from the screen, he lost his courage.

He was afraid of hearing her cold voice, or that they would have nothing to say.

Suddenly becoming such a relationship made him extremely painful.

He tried this kind of heartache five years ago, but he never expected it to happen again now.

He has always been a calm and rational person, with very strong self-control, but in front of Luo Xue, all the self-control is just talk on paper.

Bo Shaolan frowned tightly, not feeling sleepy...

Very upset.

Luoxue also suffered from insomnia.

Her health was much better. After drinking the porridge, her stomach felt much more comfortable. Since she slept all afternoon during the day, she didn't feel sleepy at night.

She didn't dare to spoil her body anymore, for fear of getting seriously ill.

The phone has been silent, and he will not call to report to her if he does not come back.

She watched helplessly as the hour hand of the wall clock on the wall turned little by little.

Time is passing, it's three o'clock in the morning, and she still can't hear the familiar sound of the car, is he planning not to come back?

Or he found out her intention and wanted to hide from him, so he didn't go home at all.

Luoxue was also very conflicted in her heart. While trying to escape, she also wanted to know, who was he with?Is it Qiao Ge?Or there is another confidante.

Bo Fangqing was right.

But she didn't dare to take a step forward, for fear that their relationship would end, and she believed that under her pressure, he would tell her the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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