Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 319 She Was Afraid Of The Truth

Chapter 319 She Was Afraid Of The Truth

She is afraid of knowing the truth, and generally speaking, the truth is usually bloody.

Five years ago, she tried it once.

Many women will say that if their man cheats, they will definitely break up with him, but it really happened, and many people choose to escape because they can't afford to lose.

Luoxue also couldn't afford to lose.

They have insomnia, are in the same place, guessing and doubting each other...

In the morning, Mrs. Xu was about to go out to buy groceries, but her phone rang. She picked it up, took a look, picked it up immediately, and said respectfully, "Master."

"Eldest young mistress, didn't you have a fever last night?" Bo Shaolan's voice sounded very tired, he hadn't slept all night, and with a hangover, could he not be tired?

At dawn, he immediately called Aunt Xu. He was worried about her health and feared that she would harm herself again.

Aunt Xu replied: "Eldest young master, don't worry, eldest young mistress' fever subsides and she is fine. She fell asleep after eating porridge, and she hasn't gotten up until now."

Bo Shaolan's high-hanging heart was relieved, "Remember to pay attention to her at all times."

Mrs. Xu sensed that there must be something wrong with them, and said, "Eldest young master, eldest young mistress is actually fine, but she is not in a good mood. I went to see her again before going to bed last night and found her in a daze, preoccupied. I yelled a few times before she came back to her senses."

It was guessed by Bo Shaolan.

She has something on her mind, and it must have something to do with him.

He was extremely annoyed and hated himself for being incompetent. How could such a thing happen?Let her be tortured.


Mrs. Xu didn't dare to hang up the phone, and waited for Bo Shaolan to speak again. After a while, Bo Shaolan asked, "Did she mention me last night?"


"Not once?" Bo Shaolan didn't seem to believe it.

"Yes, young master."

Bo Shaolan's heart suddenly turned cold.

Where was she like this before?He must have broken her heart.

"En." No matter how frustrated Bo Shaolan was, he would not show it, and told Aunt Xu, "She is weak, cook her some nutritious food, the taste should be light, she likes to eat fish, steamed, remember to remove the fishy taste." , if she has no appetite, we should persuade her to eat more."

"Don't tell her, I've called back and will report her developments to me at any time."

Aunt Xu was at a loss when she heard it. Could it be that the Eldest Young Master didn't go home?The instructions were so detailed, he didn't come back last night... Did they quarrel?

"Master, don't you go home for dinner tonight?" she asked.

"Remember what I said, no matter where she goes, she must be accompanied by Lin Yan and Lin Yu Lulu." Bo Shaolan didn't give her a positive answer, and continued to instruct her.

Then, the call was quickly ended.

Mrs. Xu listened to the busy voice over there and thought: They had a quarrel, should I report it to the eldest lady?

After thinking about it, I still haven't. It's normal for young couples to be noisy.

Bo Shaolan wanted to fly home to meet her right away, but he had to control himself, for fear that once he went back, she would use self-deprecating ways to avoid him again.

He called Lin Yu and Lin Yan again, and told them to keep an eye on Luoxue, and if she left the villa, they should follow her every step of the way, and they must report to him in time.

He was afraid that she would walk away again.

Five years ago, he lost her, and now he doesn't dare anymore.

He also thought about confessing to her, but he didn't know how to explain it, because he didn't figure it out himself, and he didn't want to add chaos, which would make things worse.

Bo Shaolan was scared, really scared, because he couldn't afford to lose.

Very upset.

Dong Ming was already waiting for him at the Jinbihuanghuang parking lot. He was with Lin Ya. He didn't go to work yesterday. Too much work piled up for him to deal with.

Lin Ya knew that Bo Shaolan didn't come back home, but stayed in a hotel, so she guessed a little bit, it must be that the young lady noticed it, and they had a quarrel?So separated?

She felt worthless for Luoxue, and felt that Bo Fangqing was cheap, and she didn't understand how Bo Shaolan got into that woman's way?
Lin Ya naturally didn't dare to show these emotions, it was the boss's business after all.

In the car, Bo Shaolan asked Lin Ya to make him a cup of bitter coffee to refresh himself, and then devoted himself to work.

Lin Ya could see that he was not in good spirits, and she was afraid that he would have an accident, so she suggested, "Mr. Bo, do you want to sleep for a while before the meeting?"

His face was haggard, with obvious dark circles under his eyes, and he was very tired. Everyone could tell that he didn't sleep well last night.

Bo Shaolan refused, "The project in Hangcheng is following up, there must be no negligence, and we must keep an eye on it."

"Special Assistant Dong has already arranged suitable candidates to travel there." Lin Ya replied.


They came to the parking lot of the Bo Group, and when they got off the car, Bo Fangqing just got off the car.

God loves to play tricks on him, the people he wants to see can't be seen, and the people he doesn't want to see always come out to be disgusting.

Bo Shaolan looked calm on the surface, but actually felt very sick.

He just ignored it and walked towards his special elevator.

Bo Fangqing stood at the side, staring at him obsessively, barely pounced on him.

It's a pity that Bo Shaolan refused to give her an extra look.

Bo Fangqing hated it very much.

"Ms. Bo, good morning." Lin Ya greeted very politely.

This was Dong Ming's surprise. Doesn't Lin Ya hate her the most?
Lin Ya did it on purpose. In fact, she hated Bo Fangqing even more than before, thinking that Bo Fangqing was a scheming woman.

From Bo Shaolan's attitude, it can be seen that what happened that night was a trap set up by Bo Fangqing.

Bo Fangqing was naturally not a character to be provoked, so he gave a cold snort.

Lin Ya felt extremely refreshed.

Dong Ming and Lin Ya caught up with Bo Shaolan and entered the president's special elevator together.

And Bo Fangqing can only use the elevator of ordinary employees.

It happened that the two elevators were facing each other, Lin Ya looked at Bo Fangqing who was so angry that his nose was twisted, and cast a provocative smile.

How could Bo Fangqing not hate him?She used to be Bo Shaolan's secretary and enjoyed special treatment, but now she was snatched away by Lin Ya.

Hmph, when she took the position of Mrs. Bo, the first thing she did was to fire Lin Ya, the little goblin.

As soon as she entered her department, Liang Feng told her with great regret that she would no longer need to participate in major engineering projects, which was equivalent to being blacklisted.

There was an uproar in the office.

Bo Fang was not convinced, "Manager Liang, what's going on? I've been following up on this project, who would be more suitable than me? Why should you kick me out?"

Manager Liang comforted her, "Didn't I kick you away? Could it be that you don't even know that the company is going to arrange for you to study abroad?"

It was only then that Bo Fangqing remembered this.

Didn't expect Bo Shaolan to act so fast?

Can't wait for her to go abroad.

"Qingqing, what's the matter with you?"


Liang Feng handed her the document sent by Dong Ming, "This is for you by name."

Bo Fangqing immediately took over, heartbroken.

I thought it was just Bo Shaolan's angry words, but I didn't expect him to act so soon.

He asked her never to appear in front of him, never to return to the country.

"Qingqing, this is something that others envy and can't come to. Going abroad? How many people are looking forward to it. In the end, Mr. Bo still took care of his own people. After working so hard in the sales department, you went abroad for further study. When you come back, you are the company's owner." If you are a high-level executive or a shareholder, your future is boundless." Liang Feng flattered.

Bo Fangqing's hands were shaking, who wants to go abroad!
She returned to her office, as if her heart had been hollowed out.

Bo Shaolan wished he could drive her away immediately.

Not enough for a month, no, absolutely not!Bo Fangqing didn't want to leave like this, at least she had to wait until a month later so that her plan could be carried out.

After much deliberation, Bo Fangqing decided to negotiate with Bo Shaolan.

Just when she was about to ring the CEO's office, Lin Ya came over to stop her, "Miss Bo, you told me this morning, if you find me, please go back, he is not free."

"Get out!" Bo Fangqing said fiercely.

If it wasn't for her, where would Lin Ya be today?Bo Fangqing couldn't swallow this breath, and really wanted to slap her hard.

"The person the president misses the most right now is you." Lin Ya kept smiling.

"Get out of here immediately!"

Lin Ya just stood in front of her, wanting to defend with her to the end, "You better be sensible! Otherwise, you will be the one who looks ugly later."

Bo Fangqing was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, "Get lost!"

"Don't regret it." Lin Ya sneered, she had expected Bo Fangqing's move, "Xiaoling, please ask the security guards to come to the CEO's office, saying that someone wants to disrupt the company's order."

Xiao Ling is a newcomer, so she is relatively timid and dare not say: "Secretary Lin, I..."

"Immediately!" Lin Ya suddenly gained momentum.

"Okay." Xiao Ling didn't dare not go, and called immediately.

Bo Fangqing looked at Lin Ya angrily, and finally walked away.

She knew that the reason why Lin Ya dared to treat her like this was also authorized by Bo Shaolan.

If she continues to make trouble, as Lin Ya said, she will be the ugly one.

It is better to find another way.

If Bo Shaolan wanted to avoid her, she would not be able to find him.

For the past three days, Bo Shaolan hadn't returned home, and Luoxue felt that the days were like years. This was clearly what she had hoped for before, but now that it has come true, her heart is empty again.

She doesn't call, let alone send WeChat.

Mrs. Xu took good care of her, and her pale face finally turned some blood.

Aunt Xu didn't dare to mention the name Bo Shaolan in front of her, because Bo Shaolan ordered it.

Luo Xue actually misses him very much, and really wants to know what he is doing?where to sleepBut she just couldn't get past her own level.

If she can't convince herself to tolerate him, she really can't be that generous.

She was waiting for his explanation, but unfortunately he followed her to escape...

That's not a ghost, what is it?
Why did he hide it from her?Could it be that he wanted to protect that "woman", so he would rather hurt her?

She also wanted to calm down, but those negative thoughts were terrible, always devouring her mind, making her sad and suffocating.

She suffers from insomnia every night and keeps her eyes open until dawn.

When a person faces the night alone, he misses him abnormally, longing to get into his arms, let him caress her back, and coax her to sleep.

But the bed was cold, and the long night, she could only face it alone.

She seemed to have been abandoned by the whole world, Bo Shaolan ignored her, Zhou Xiaochen was too busy to reply to her on WeChat.

In order to pass the time, Luoxue played dramas, and when she saw the abuse, she cried along with it.

Because she thought of her love with Bo Shaolan...

Lin Yan and Lin Yu have been by her side all the time, like monitoring or shutting down?

She also didn't understand why Bo Shaolan did this?Are you worried about her?

(End of this chapter)

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