Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 324 Torturing Each Other

Chapter 324 Torturing Each Other
As soon as Bo Shaolan mentioned this matter, he felt very disgusted, "She also admitted that she did it."

Luo Xue pushed him away and stared into his eyes, but she forgave him immediately.

She herself also found it strange that she had planned not to forgive him before, but after knowing the truth, she couldn't get angry anymore.

Because the person he cheated on was not the person she was most worried about, not Qiao Ge.

It's about thinness.

Bo Fangqing is not worthy of making her angry and wasting her expression.

"How did she do it to you?" she asked.

Bo Shaolan found that she was not as excited as expected, and then said cautiously, "If it wasn't for her tricks, I wouldn't have passed out drunk, and I don't know how she did it? Later, I thought I was back home , I thought I was with you..."

After hearing what he said, Luoxue probably imagined that the process of that night must have been tricked by Bo Fangqing in every possible way, and then took him to the hotel, and then...

One question after another flashed through her mind.

She looked at him quietly.

I believe that after a few days, Bo Shaolan must have found out what's going on?But he didn't know anything about the process, which meant that he was completely unaware of that process. Maybe this process didn't exist...or maybe it was fabricated by Bo Fangqing.

Just thinking about that process made Luoxue feel sick, it turned out to be Bo Fangqing.

She was not angry, but wanted to vomit, and her stomach was churning. In her heart, Bo Fangqing was a disgusting fly.

The person who disgusted her touched her husband, how should she deal with it?It's impossible not to have your own husband, right?
Luo Xue forced herself not to think about that, lest she really want to vomit.

The more she thought about it, the more disgusted she became, so she closed her eyes so as not to hurt Bo Shaolan's self-esteem.

She didn't want to show a disgusting expression in front of him, otherwise she thought he was the one who was disgusting.

Bo Shaolan had been carefully observing her expression, it felt like he was about to go to the execution ground, waiting for her own sentence.

He was waiting for her reaction, and when he saw her eyes closed, he didn't dare to move.

No matter what the result is, he can bear it. After speaking out, he feels comfortable. At least he is honest with her.

He was wrong, and he will make up for her well in the future, and will not let this happen again.

He knew she was disgusted and disgusted... This was also his expected reaction.

What he is afraid of now is whether she will leave him?
Bo Shaolan wanted to express his love by kissing again, but Luoxue pushed him, unexpectedly, he rolled over to the side and fell under the bed.

The little girl who usually looks weak is actually so strong, it is conceivable that she has exhausted her strength.

Startled, she quickly jumped out of bed, ran into the bathroom barefoot, vomited into the sink, and didn't have time to put on her clothes.

She was really sick!

It was as if she had eaten a pile of shit, and she was so disgusted that she wanted to take her stomach out.

I can't believe there are such disgusting people in the world!
As long as she thought of her lover kissing that disgusting woman, she wanted to break all ties with Bo Shaolan.

There was the sound of her vomiting again and again in the bathroom.

She's not pretending.

Luo Xue felt that it was more serious than Bo Shaolan, and she also had a cleanliness addiction.

She almost vomited out the jaundiced water, and she continued to vomit. She raised her head and looked at herself in the mirror, panting continuously, her stomach was so uncomfortable.

She washed her face, only to see that Bo Shaolan had come behind her, with a lonely and painful expression.

Those deep and beautiful eyes were full of pain, sorrow and sadness... and there was also hazy moisture, and there was still a crystal light shining inside.

The whole world seems to be sad because of him, shrouded in the air, lingering.

He was no longer determined, and that invincible man seemed to be crushed in an instant.

Luo Xue looked at him, speechless for a moment.

She didn't know what to say, it wasn't her fault, so she didn't have to say anything.

It's just that she felt that they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and suddenly they were no longer intimate.

The disgust and disgust in her eyes was undisguised, her big black eyes were blinking, the black eyelashes were dripping with water, and her eyes were so cold that Bo Shaolan didn't dare to approach her.

The charming little woman who was on the bed just now was gone, replaced by a cold and icy woman.

She vomited so hard just now because of nausea.

He can understand.

Because he is also disgusting.

He tore off a big bath towel, put it on her body, and said softly: "Don't catch a cold, your illness is just right."

At first, Luoxue still resisted him and wanted to avoid him.

Bo Shaolan's hand paused in mid-air before helping her out.

Luo Xue felt the strength in his hand, she hesitated to speak, and an awkward atmosphere flowed between them.

They became speechless.

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Bo Shaolan asked.

Luo Xue looked at him, not knowing how to answer him?
"I'll pour you a glass of water." Bo Shaolan didn't force her.

Helping her to sit on the sofa, he poured her a glass of warm water from the water dispenser with gentle eyes.

If she used to say thank you sweetly, she would feel that she was a happy woman, but now she is disgusting.

After she took the water, she didn't drink it, but put it on the table, as if the glass of water was also dirty, and everything he touched was dirty.

Bo Shaolan felt very sad.

If he was wrong, he was wrong. The thing has already happened and it cannot be undone. It is normal for her to have this kind of reaction.

He did something nasty.

Touched nasty people.

He twitched at the corner of his mouth, got up silently, then turned and walked out of the room.

Luo Xue lowered her head and pursed the corners of her lips.

Her heart felt like it was being pinched, and she couldn't breathe in such pain.

The door slammed, and she slowly raised her head, looking at the closed door, tears welled up in her eyes.

She also wanted to reconcile with him as before.

But she can't be so generous.

Luoxue got up, went into the bathroom again, took a shower, and rubbed her body fiercely with the shower gel, her damned emotional cleanliness was tormenting her.

She really wanted to cry, but felt it wasn't worth it, so she just rubbed her body repeatedly until it turned red.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Lulu's anxious voice came, "Eldest young mistress, what's wrong with you? Why have you been bathing inside?"

Only then did Luoxue stop rubbing her body, turn off the water, and replied, "It's okay, I'll come out right away."

When Luoxue came out, she was obviously relieved to see Lulu, the house was warm.

Lulu poured her a glass of warm water, "Young Mistress, your skin is flushed, do you want to find some ointment and apply it?"

"No need, it will be fine in a while." Luo Xue said.

Lulu came over with a hair dryer, "Eldest young mistress, blow dry your hair."

"Thank you." Luoxue took the hair dryer, "Go out and do some work, I'm fine, I want to be quiet for a while."

Lulu said yes and went out.

Lulu closed the door softly, Luoxue picked up the hair dryer, and dried her hair one after another, absent-mindedly.

She knew that she had hurt him again just now.

He must be very sad, right?
At this time, the phone rang, and it was a WeChat message from him, "I will give you enough time and space, if you miss me, just tell me, I will always be waiting for you."

Luoxue's heart ached again.

A tear fell on the phone screen, and his message became blurred.

Bo Shaolan repeatedly asked the servants to pay attention, and then reluctantly left.

He was holding the steering wheel with both hands, his veins were protruding, his chest seemed to be pressed by a big stone, and he was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

He really wanted to find a place to vent, but unfortunately he didn't know where to go.

He had already made all the psychological preparations. Whether she cried or made trouble, he would accept it, even if he knelt down and begged her to forgive her.

But she didn't expect this kind of reaction, she disgusted him.

This was his worst reaction.

He couldn't bear it, the feeling was worse than strangling him.

The sound of her vomiting... still ringing in his ears.

In order not to disgust her, he chose not to appear in front of her.

Bo Shaolan suddenly felt that the world had become colorless, without her love, he seemed to have lost the meaning of life.

Bo Shaolan drove around in the car until it was dark. Originally, he wanted to go to the Splendid Palace, but after thinking about it, he couldn't bear to part with her, so he turned back to the villa.

He parked the car where she couldn't see it, hidden in the dark, and watched their room.

Opening the car window, he lit a cigarette, the fire was flickering, and the smell of smoke filled the car.

The villa was pitch-black, only the lights in their bedroom were on, and the sleep light was on.

What's up with her?
Before he left, he repeatedly told Lin Yan and Lin Yu that they must guard her and not let her leave the villa.

Bo Shaolan stroked his forehead, his head hurt so much, he was afraid when he thought of the terrible consequences.

Holding the phone, Bo Shaolan looked at her WeChat avatar, and she was smiling brightly in the avatar.

How much he wanted to ask her, "Will you forgive him?"

But he didn't dare. Although he wanted to know the answer, he didn't have the courage to face it. He kept staring at her WeChat, turning off the screen and turning it on again, over and over again.

At three o'clock in the morning, the lights were turned off, maybe she was asleep too.

Only then did Bo Shaolan feel relieved, he started the engine and drove away.

Luo Xue was actually not sleepy, she kept listening to the movement outside, but she was also looking forward to his return.

As soon as she turned off the lights, she faintly heard the sound of a car driving by outside.

She immediately jumped out of bed, opened the curtains, and went to find out.

It's a pity that only the street lamps were dimly on, and there was nothing. It was quiet everywhere, and the wind blew the big trees rustling.

Could it be that he had hallucinations just now?
Luoxue was inexplicably sad, and the hope that had just been ignited was gone. She slowly pulled back the curtains and hid herself in the darkness.

He is also avoiding himself.

The next morning, Luoxue woke up early and couldn't sleep.

She had something on her mind, so she couldn't sleep. Without him by her side, she felt empty in her heart, and she was not used to it.

After getting up and eating breakfast, she went to the study to read again, and spent the morning like this.

At noon, she couldn't take it anymore, so she called Zhou Xiaochun, and the phone finally got through. Zhou Xiaochun complained that she had a special training camp for the devil a few days ago, and she was going crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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