Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 325 Who Is Behind Her

Chapter 325 Who Is Behind Her

Luo Xue immediately asked her out for lunch.

Zhou Xiaochun agreed without hesitation.

As soon as Luo Xue went out, Lu Lu immediately reported the situation to Bo Shaolan.

Bo Shaolan was discussing important matters with the executives, and planned to go north in order to expand his business.

Seeing that it was Lulu's call, Bo Shaolan signaled the executives to pause, and he picked up his mobile phone to answer it.

Lu Lu said: "Young Master, Mistress Eldest has gone out and said she is looking for Miss Zhou."

"Have Lin Yan and Lin Yu followed?" Bo Shaolan asked.

"Yes, they went too. Madam drove out by herself. Lin Yan and Lin Yu had to drive another car to follow. The young mistress didn't seem to want them to follow." Lu Lu said.


"Master, I'm going to get busy first. If there is any situation, I believe Lin Yan and Lin Yu will notify you as soon as possible."

Bo Shaolan put the phone in his pocket, returned to his seat, and continued working.

Bo Shaolan used to be a workaholic. He never brought his mobile phone with him when talking about work, but recently he never left his mobile phone. This has changed.

They lamented that Bo Shaolan was finally living like a human being now.

"Mr. Bo, I think it's up to you to inspect the Beicheng branch before making a decision. Because the investment is large, Beicheng is different from our Haishi. We must be sure about the investment. If the investment fails, It's about to lose everything, so Mr. Bo, you have to think carefully about it."

"If the burden of investigation is placed on other people, I don't agree." Manager Fang objected, "Besides, Beicheng is the capital, with a wealth of talents and greater competition. This matter cannot be sloppy."

Bo Shaolan thought so too.

Those who can come to the core meeting are his confidantes. Since Bo Shaoyang appeared, they have also noticed that Mr. Bo is biased, and they intend to train Bo Shaoyang to be the next CEO. They also said this in front of Bo Shaolan.

The North City branch has invested a lot of energy and time in comparison with other branches, so no accidents can happen.

That's why the various executives suggested that Bo Shaolan go to investigate in person.

But Bo Shaolan was reluctant to leave Haishi and Luoxue. With their current relationship, if he went on a business trip again, she would probably be even more disheartened.

Bo Shaolan flatly refused.

But if he doesn't go, Mr. Bo will definitely send Bo Shaoyang to go. Then the credit of the company will be taken by one person. Maybe this will directly threaten his status.

His CEO is really going to die.

If his status was threatened, how could he give Luoxue happiness?
Now he is in a dilemma, and he is also worried that someone will take advantage of his business trip and extend his magic hand to Luoxue.


When everyone saw that Bo Shaolan was in deep thought, Manager Fang called him.

Bo Shaolan immediately put aside the distracting thoughts just now, and said to Manager Fang: "I have to think about this matter."

Manager Fang seemed to have something to say, but Bo Shaolan interrupted him, "Let's decide this first."

Manager Fang looked worried, and the other executives also looked at each other.

They were well aware of Bo Shaolan's temper, and they always said what they did. When he said he was thinking about it, it meant that the matter hadn't been settled yet, so they were worried.

They were all proposed by Bo Shaolan, of course they were loyal to Bo Shaolan.

When Luoxue came to the meeting place, Zhou Xiaochen was chatting on WeChat while drinking coffee, and the person chatting on WeChat was Yan Ye.

Zhou Xiaoyu was still fierce, as if Yan Ye owed her, Yan Ye clearly disliked her, but he chatted with her again, the two of them quarreled again, but they just couldn't bear to end the topic.

Seeing Luoxue coming, Zhou Xiaoyu smiled, and said to Yan Ye in WeChat, "Okay, okay, don't be too wordy, you are really annoying, don't you want to work? You still have time to chat with me, You, you are a rich second generation, if you are not surrounded by your family, you would really drink the northwest wind."

Yan Ye is now the president of Yanshi, and he has to do it if he doesn't do it, because old man Yan keeps a close eye on him, and if he disobeys at all, his funds will be cut off immediately, making him have to obey.

He's a smart guy, plus he's highly educated, and with a little effort, he's up to it.

However, he has a free and easy personality and likes freedom. In China, all business talks are at banquets, and he is tired of the infighting at the dinner.

He has too much sense of justice to see anything dark, even though he is a playboy.

He found out that a senior executive of the company took advantage of the company's convenience and took kickbacks from his partners. In a rage, he criticized the senior executive at the meeting. It made his head big.

After Mr. Yan found out, he felt that Yan Ye was ignorant and not smooth enough, so he sent someone to tie Yan Ye back and severely criticized him.

Yan Ye felt that he was right, and quarreled with Mr. Yan.

Yan Ye felt depressed, and wanted to find someone to confide in, and immediately thought of Zhou Xiaoyu.

He has a lot of unhealthy practices in the company, a lot of those executives relying on their old ones to sell their old ones... Maybe it's because he drank some wine and repeated it again and again, that's why Zhou Xiaozhen bothered him.

"Come on, drink less, don't be angry, this world is so unfair, Xiaoxue is here, don't talk anymore, just get used to it, after a while you will understand your grandfather's hard work gone."

Then, Zhou Xiaoyu cut off the WeChat call, looked at Luoxue, and made a pitiful expression, "Am I not beautiful? Oh my god, the devil special training my brother gave me is killing me ,I can not stand it any more."

"He's also doing it for your own good."

"I know, but it's too hard. It's not a human life at all. If Zhou Xiaoxi hadn't interfered with it, I wouldn't have worked so hard. The good Miss Qianjin has become a strong woman, learning those boring lessons every day, Also, that Zhou Xiaoxi went too far, actually saying that I chased Yan Ye back, that I chased him to Hangzhou, that I lost face to the Zhou family, that the person Yan Ye originally liked was yours, and that I was stalking him to death. Damn Yan Ye! I was so angry that I slapped her a few times, and I slapped her mother as well, which made my father so angry."

Zhou Xiaochen was not complaining at all, but rather was talking about his glorious deeds, "Hmph, they want to slander me, they are dreaming! They have scheming plans, but they are foreign names after all. Although my father scolded me for being ignorant, they didn't." Punish me, so Zhou Xiaoxi became even more angry, and spread rumors about me everywhere in the company while I was in special training."

"You, you still have to be careful, don't be fooled by them all the time. In fact, they just want to anger you on purpose, and make you lose favor little by little in front of your father. That's their goal." Luo Xue also saw it. Here comes the problem.

"Hmph, I just can't help it. Why is someone with a foreign surname showing off in my house? Say I've disgraced the Zhou family, but I think those two scumbags are the ones who have disgraced our Zhou family. Xiaoxue, in fact, you You're right, I have feelings for Yan Ye, although this guy is annoying, I'm still willing to associate with him, but the person he likes is you, and he still can't forget you by then, what should I do?"

It was rare for Zhou Xiaochen to show sadness, and this was what she was most worried about.

What if Yan Ye used her as a substitute?
"No, the person he really likes is you. You see, he has troubles, and the first person he thinks of is you. This is his truest reaction." Luo Xue said.

"Really? But he didn't say he likes me. What if he only treats me as a bosom elder sister?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked one question after another.

Luo Xue smiled, "It seems that you are really in love."

Zhou Xiaoyu's face turned red instantly, "How could that be?"

Luoxue lowered her head and drank her coffee with a lonely expression.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Xiaochen could see that she was abnormal.

"I've encountered trouble."

"Say it."

Luoxue couldn't hold back any longer, so she told all about that matter.

Zhou Xiaochen was furious after hearing this, "How shameless! This woman, Bo Fangqing, is too shameless, she can do such a thing!"

"It's disgusting!"

"I'm also disgusted. I haven't dealt with a bitch for a long time. Let's go, my aunt beat her so hard that she has teeth all over the place." Zhou Xiaoyu said and was about to act, "I warned you earlier, that woman is unpredictable, you didn't Seriously, do you know your mistake now? I think the next step is that she wants to give birth to Bo Shaolan's child."

"Let's not be impulsive." Luo Xue persuaded.

"If you don't fix her now, when will you wait?" Zhou Xiaochen was excited as if his man had been robbed, "I'm going to tear her face off, so that she dares to provoke her brother?"

"Don't be impulsive for now." Luo Xue said, "And your cousin was also killed."

"Where did she find it? Did she do it by herself? I think someone must be helping her." Zhou Xiaoyu said.

"I think so too. I think there must be someone behind her to support her. They used her to punish Shaolan. Who is it?"

"Shaolan said that he couldn't remember what happened between him and Bo Fangqing at all. He thought it was me at the time. I guess...she must have planned this early in the morning. The really scary thing is not her, but The people behind her."

Last night, Luoxue calmed down slowly, sorted out all Bo Shaolan's words, and felt that there was something strange about this matter.

"She must have planned it a long time ago. Against all odds, she has to have a relationship with Shaolan. Is there any conspiracy?" Luoxue said.

Zhou Xiaoyu frowned. She usually watched too much Gongdou TV, and her imagination began to flow, "This woman has a strong purpose in doing things. She is trying to do everything possible, and she must want to replace you."

Luoxue also thought, "Does she think that Shaolan will marry her after she sleeps? Unless...Xiao Huan, it's not because of your crow's mouth, she really wants to help Shaolan have a child, but she used to be There are many chances to strike. At that time, Shaolan and I were not married, and she was Shaolan's personal secretary. Why didn't we do it before? We have to wait until now? Why?"

"I used to think that I could develop a relationship with my cousin, thinking that my cousin might fall in love with her, and have a normal relationship. Unfortunately, you came back and got back together with my cousin again. She Only then did I realize that I can't wait any longer, I have to do something, and I can get a child in one fell swoop, and then the mother is more expensive than the child." Zhou Xiaoyu was thinking.

"I thought so too. She probably knew that Bo Shaolan would never like her in this life, so she came up with another trick to succeed in one fell swoop, but who was behind her back?" Luoxue thought deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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