Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 326 She is Most Afraid of Rainstorms

Chapter 326 She is Most Afraid of Rainstorms
"This person is definitely a scourge. I think she is crazy." Zhou Xiaochen was very disdainful, "I think this time, she must have a conspiracy, otherwise she would not take such a risk."

"En." Luoxue frowned, "But what is her conspiracy?"

"Xiaoxue, could you have been tricked too? Could it be that it was just her tricks, and my cousin didn't have any relationship with her at all." Zhou Xiaochen despised, "My cousin is a person who has an emotional cleanliness. If he is a Casual people, I don’t know how many women there are, women with ulterior motives like her, in the past, there were many opportunities to show that my cousin has no interest in her at all."

Zhou Xiaoyu felt like throwing up while talking.

"I threw up too." As long as Luoxue remembered that scene, "Shaolan said that he thought it was me at the time, so he... woke up and realized that he was sleeping with her."

"Imagine her as you?"


"That's just a fantasy. Sometimes fantasy can't be acted on. Maybe it will be tricked by Bo Fangqing." Zhou Xiaochen didn't believe it was true even if he was beaten to death.

Luoxue nodded, "Shaolan also said that he couldn't remember the scene at that time."

"That's it. If something happens to her, I must have feelings. If it's my wife, I'll know it when I hug it. Could it be that they didn't sleep at all, but a scene played by Bo Fangqing?" Zhou Xiaochun said.

Luo Xue heard the words with a solemn expression.

"It's also possible."

"You have to ask a man to know this. Different women will have feelings. I believe that Yan Ye should have rich experience in this area." Zhou Xiaoyu said.

Luoxue thought about it, and could only agree with Zhou Xiaoyu to discuss this matter with Yan Ye, "Okay."

"Come on, it's useless to think about it. Don't abuse yourself. Be a happy person. Take your time. I believe my cousin will not sit still."

Zhou Xiaochun pulled Luoxue up.

Qiao Ge happened to be in the booth next to them, and each booth was not soundproof. Qiao Ge knew it was the two of them just by hearing the sound, so he heard the corner of the wall.

A sneer twitched at the corner of Qiao Ge's mouth. Hearing their voices drifting away, he snorted softly, "Luoxue, you finally have a brain."

Qiao Ge held the coffee and drank it slowly while thinking about the same problem.

Why did Bo Fangqing do this?Want to design Bo Shaolan?
Could it be...

Heh, Qiao Ge finally knew the answer, and Bo Fang fell in love, so he wanted to find a substitute father for the child in his stomach.

Luoxue and Bo Shaolan have been married for more than a month.

Qiao Ge put down his coffee, picked up his phone, and flicked it with his fingertips.

Johnny's voice came through the screen, still sissy, "Honey, now?"

"Please do me a favor."

"What's wrong again? Dear, what's the matter? I found out that after you returned to China, you had a lot of things. You either checked this or that. "

"Are you helping or not?" Qiao Ge said.

Johnny laughed dryly, "How dare I disobey my aunt's affairs? Tell me, even if I go to the sword and fire, I will not hesitate."

"Go get me something."

Johnny said "Okay."

Half an hour later, Johnny called.

Qiao Ge was browsing the web on a tablet computer, and Yonihui reported: "I've let you down."

"How do you say it?"

"The thing we want has been destroyed by someone, and it is malicious." Johnny said, "And that morning, Bo Shaolan also went to ask for the video in person, but he didn't get it. The hotel staff was also very puzzled. Came out the night there was hacking."


This shows that someone helped Bo Fangqing.

"What action did Bo Shaolan take afterwards?"

"He can't help it. That hacker is so skilled that he can't find any flaws at all." Johnny said.


"Yes, Bo Shaolan was tricked to death this time. He hired a lot of hackers, but he couldn't find that video. I think that video may be his time bomb, which can blow him to pieces at any time. Bo Fang Qing had already premeditated."

"Well, I see." Qiao Ge said.

Johnny finally said, "I think there must be clues left behind in such a big hotel with so many people. Sure enough, a waiter visually observed that that night, after Bo Fangqing helped Bao Shaolan into the room, he came out. Answered a phone call, then came to the Hanging Garden, and met a man."

"A man?" Qiao Ge immediately became vigilant.

"The waiter said that it was a man in black, wearing sunglasses, he couldn't see his face clearly, he was quite tall and looked mysterious. At that time, Bo Fangqing was also very vigilant."

I heard that it was a man in black clothes, wearing sunglasses, and tall.

The corner of Qiao Ge's mouth raised, and he had an answer in his heart.

Bo Shaoyang's people?
Her smile grew stronger, and he began to move quietly again.

After finishing the call with Johnny, he put down his phone, leaned on the sofa, and sneered.

Only Bo Shaoyang's subordinates have this skill, she knows him well.

It must be that Bo Shaoyang sent someone to guide Bo Fangqing to do that. Of course, Bo Shaoyang would not be so stupid as to show up by himself and let Bo Shaolan suspect him.

Bo Fangqing wanted Bo Shaolan to be the father of the child in her womb, but Bo Shaolan could not find any evidence to prove that he had no relationship with Bo Fangqing, so he could only admit it.

Under Bo Shaolan's coercion, Bo Fangqing must have admitted it, and in order not to reveal the truth, she recited it by herself.

Bo Shaolan might also guess that there is someone behind Bo Fangqing, but Bo Fangqing refuses to say anything.

In this way, Bo Shaolan fell into Bo Shaoyang's trick.

The reason why Bo Shaolan fell into the trap was that Bo Shaoyang mainly took advantage of Bo Shaolan's weakness, Bo Shaolan's defensive temperament and deep affection for Luoxue.

Even if Bo Fangqing tricked him, for the sake of the Bo family, he just smashed his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach.Another point is that Bo Shaolan didn't want to hurt Luoxue, so he would choose to hide it.

Bo Shaolan could only be tricked to death.

In fact, Bo Shaolan could be as ruthless as he was with his opponents, but he still had some affection for Bo Fangqing, so he didn't want to force her to death.

Bo Shaoyang had already eaten Bo Shaolan to death.

On the surface, Bo Shaolan looks aloof and repulsive, but in reality he values ​​love and righteousness. After all, he is a person who grew up with so much love. Although he is decisive in doing things, he will not be vicious, as long as he is not provoked.

His coldness is only on the surface, and his heart is not cold.

Otherwise, five years ago, Qiao Ge tricked him like that. If he had been vicious, Qiao Ge would not be the Qiao Ge he is today. What happened back then was full of excitement.

Qiao Ge couldn't sit still any longer, packed up his things and left the restaurant.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Luoxue returned to the villa.

She just wanted to avoid the time for dinner, and was afraid that she would see Bo Shaolan when she went back.

Zhou Xiaochun suggested that it is better to take advantage of this opportunity and play wildly outside for a while, otherwise there will be no chance in the future.

Luoxue was unwilling again.

As soon as she left the living room, Lulu greeted her, "Young Mistress, are you back?"

"En." Luoxue replied.

She looked at the shoe cabinet while changing her slippers, and his slippers were still there.

Said he hadn't come back.

Lulu thought that Luoxue would ask about Bo Shaolan, but unexpectedly Luoxue went in after changing her slippers. It seemed that whether Bao Shaolan would come back had nothing to do with her.

Watching Luoxue go up the stairs, Lulu couldn't help sighing: I really can't underestimate this weak-looking woman, once she gets stubborn, she will admire her.

Lulu went to the kitchen to pour a cup of warm milk, took it to Luoxue's bedroom, put it on the bedside table, and then went downstairs to return to the room.

Mrs. Xu was getting old, so she went to bed early.

Lulu called Bo Shaolan to report the situation.

Bo Shaolan told her to take good care of Luoxue and not to have any accidents.

Bo Shaolan held a cigarette in his hand and smoked one puff after another, looking at the charming night outside the window with a lonely expression.

He is not unfamiliar with this feeling at all, since Luoxue went abroad, he has always maintained this state.

In fact, he already knew everything about Luoxue. Lin Yan and Lin Yu would always report her whereabouts to her as soon as possible.

But Lin Yan and Lin Yu didn't live in the villa, so he wanted to know about Luoxue's situation in the villa, so he asked Lulu to report to him again after Luoxue came back.

Will she ask about his condition?
In fact, I knew she would not ask.

I still couldn't help but feel lost.

The same night, different residences, two lovers are tormenting each other.

After Bo Shaolan finished smoking, he went to drink again. He wanted to dilute his thoughts of her with the strongest alcohol.

Luoxue is not much better?Staring blankly at the ceiling.

Bo Shaolan's cell phone was placed on the table, as if broken, quietly.

Not a single call.

Not a single message.

He picked up the phone, really wanting to call her, but his fingertips were stuck there, but he didn't have the courage to press it.

Bo Shaolan's heart was empty.

Luoxue tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, feeling as if her heart was being blocked, very uncomfortable.

So she got up, sat on the sofa in a daze, and didn't turn on the light.

One of the windows was left open, and the wind kept pouring in, making her shiver involuntarily.

At first she wanted to close the window, but later she closed it again, letting the wind keep blowing in.

The curtains kept rolling, as if a storm was coming.

It was dark outside, and Luoxue couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Originally, she thought, if she was sick again, would he come back again?

When the wind was getting stronger, Luoxue immediately ran over and closed the window.

Through the window, she could see the swaying trees, and it was going to rain.

The wind was blowing, the trees were shaking, and everyone was sleeping at this time. For some reason, Luoxue felt weirdly scary.

She jumped on the bed and covered her head.

She was strong before, but she may have been spoiled by Bo Shaolan recently, and she has become hypocritical again.

Bo Shaolan looked at the sky that suddenly changed drastically, a storm was approaching, and immediately thought of Luoxue alone in the bedroom, wondering if she would be afraid?
Without thinking too much, he rushed out of the door and drove back quickly.

I know that she has become much stronger in the past few years, but when she was studying, she was most afraid of the dark, especially the stormy night.

When they were in love, he was always well protected by her, preventing her from being wronged in the slightest.

I remember that once they made an appointment to go to other provinces to play, and because of the long distance, they stayed in a hotel.

They lived in the same room, and it happened that it rained heavily that night, and the power was cut off. Luoxue was so scared that she hugged him tightly and did not let go.

No matter how coaxed she was, she didn't let go, and he knew she was afraid of the dark.

At first, Bo Shaolan thought she was just teasing him and wanted him to hug her on purpose, but then she started to play a prank.

(End of this chapter)

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