Chapter 201
When the matchmaker visited Cai Yong's home, he mentioned to Cai Yong that Cai Yong was surprised by the discussion about marrying Cai Wenji, but he was very happy, so he agreed.

As the lord of the Golden City, no one's face is as important as him, so when the matchmaker mentioned it.Even if you don't agree, you have to agree.

Many colleagues in his family expressed shock and envy at the same time.

Some people say that he has made great achievements in this way.Some people also say that they are talented and beautiful, a natural match.Waiting for everything made Cai Yong very happy.

The news spread quickly, spreading throughout the entire Golden City, and more people came to visit directly, expressing congratulations one after another, and the entire Cai family was very lively all of a sudden.

Throughout the Golden City, people put up lanterns and festoons like a festival to celebrate the impending wedding of their lord.

And Zhang Yi will prepare to marry Cai Wenji in the most solemn way, and give her a legitimate title.

This was the first time he got married in his two lifetimes, but he couldn't be careless.

Soon, they chose an auspicious day, and immediately held the wedding.

Everyone in the entire Golden City was dressed up and decorated with lights and festoons.

Everyone's face is filled with joy.

From the east gate of the Golden City, the two faced the sky and worshiped the sky and the earth. The whole wedding ceremony was unprecedented, and all the troops were devoted to it.

Moreover, Zhang Yi was so happy that he pardoned many repeat offenders and reduced their sentences. At the same time, the punishment for Hu people was also reduced by half.

The two entered the bridal chamber in the main city surrounded by people.


Zhang Yi put on a red groom's attire, Cai Wenji also dressed meticulously, sitting beside the bed in red.

The room has already been decorated very warmly.

At this time Cai Wenji was as shy as a flower waiting to be picked.

At this time, the outside is still very lively, just like the New Year. For this reason, Zhang Yi also announced that all the staff will have a day off today to celebrate.

Before Zhang Yi's people entered the room, they heard someone talking inside.

"Madame, you are so beautiful today."

"That's not true, today's wife is the happiest woman!"

"It would be great if one day I could be like my wife and marry as a wishful gentleman."

cough cough...

When the maids saw Zhang Yi, they saluted.

"Meet the Lord City Lord!"

"Get out!"

A spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and tonight belongs to two people.


After everyone is out.

Cai Wenji also saluted.

"Lord City Lord!"

Zhang Yi corrected immediately. "From now on, you will be my wife, and you must address me as a husband and lord."

"Husband... my lord"

The first time Cai Wenji yelled, it was always a little unnatural.

"Your Excellency, it's free!"

"Yes, husband..."

Today's Cai Wenji is particularly moving, and there is a feeling of waiting for him to pick it up.

The so-called hero deserves a beauty, let alone a talented woman?
Zhang Yi got up, and said again:

"Hahaha! One day I will be the emperor, and you will be the queen."


Cai Wenji hadn't thought so far yet, she only knew that the city lord named Zhang Yi in front of her was very touching. She married him not because she wanted to be a queen, but because of her heart.

"Yes, in the whole world, as far as I can see is my territory! In my territory, the sun will never set, and you will be the mother of the world! Become a model for our country."

After speaking, the whole person leaned over, and the beautiful Cai Wenji lowered her head.Her face became even more ruddy. There is probably no one more beautiful than her in this world, and if there is, it probably hasn't appeared yet.

Afterwards, the lights were turned off.

After that, there was a continuous humming sound from the room, which lasted until late at night before subsiding a little.


For several days in a row, Cai Wenji did not appear in front of everyone.

It is understandable that she and Zhang Yi enjoy the joy of fish and water.

However, Zhang Yi is also controlling the dragon's blood in his body to prevent it from erupting, otherwise how can a Cai Wenji withstand his torment like a storm?

But it was also the case, neither of them appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Until the third day, everyone came to look for it.

Lu Zhi came with all the people to report something.

Zhang Yi brought Cai Wenji to the meeting hall, and the two sat on the main seat, listening to Lu Zhi's narration.

Lu Zhi said:

"My lord! I once wrote a letter and sent it to Liu Bei. Now he has replied, please read it."

Lu Zhi's expression was slightly angry.

Zhang Yi took it and saw that Liu Bei scolded Lu Zhi severely in the letter. Even though Lu Zhi had been his teacher, he still ignored his feelings and scolded him directly, calling him a white-eyed wolf and unworthy of being a Han.All kinds of ugly words jumped off the paper.

Zhang Yi took a look, but saw that Lu Zhi's face was a little ugly.

"The so-called difference of ways does not conspire with each other! Liu Bei's insult to my left military division today is an insult to me. This person must not be left!"

Zhang Yi got angry, since Liu Bei couldn't be used by him, let him disappear.

Cai Yong said: "Then Liu Bei claims to be the clan of the Han family, and he has a big temper. I guess he wants to help the Han family."

Lu Zhi was very moved by Zhang Yi's performance, so he also said: "My lord, rest assured, this is also his choice, but his location is quite far away from us. If we go far, it may not be good for our city."

Cai Yong also said: "Yes, my lord, the world is in chaos at this time, and the Yellow Turban Army is still there. I have to think about it in the long run!"

"Yes, my husband is still not the time for our army to work hard. What we need is to develop our strength and take down all the nearby cities. After we occupy one side of the power, it is not a matter of time to take down Liu Bei? "

Cai Wenji said so.

Her words obviously got Zhang Yi's agreement.

If it wasn't for everyone blocking each other, then Zhang Yi might have sent troops out to attack Liu Bei and the others, in order to win their breath.

Perhaps this is also a good way to subdue Liu Bei, but if it is not for objective reasons, he cannot send troops.

I am afraid that at this time his army has already sent south, directly to Liu Beizhi's barracks.

As soon as the audience said so, Zhang Yi sat down again.

"Well, let's take a long-term plan and remember, but I have settled Liu Bei's hatred. If I see him someday, I must take him down!"

He dared to slander Lu Zhi like this, which he would not allow.

Then he asked again:
"Is there anything else? If not, you all go to work."


So everyone was about to retreat, but at this moment, a spy rushed over.

"Report! There are enemies!"

At this time, everyone raised their hearts, the enemy's situation, this is probably the first time since the establishment of the Golden City, so everyone stopped and waited for the result.

(End of this chapter)

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