I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 202 Chapter 202 Black Mountain Army Invasion

Chapter 202 Chapter 202
PS. Lao Yi made a recommendation yesterday, and his collections have skyrocketed, as have his subscriptions. The subscriptions in these two days are equal to the total amount of Lao Yi's last month. Here, Lao Yi thanks all the book friends who subscribed, thank you!


"Report! There are enemies!"

Some soldiers kept shouting, and they could be heard from far away, which showed that the military situation was very urgent.

Lu Zhi first asked, "What's the matter?"

The soldier opened his voice and shouted: "Suddenly a black mountain army appeared in the southeast of our city. At this time, it is setting up camp ten miles away from my city."

If there were not a large number of sentry towers, I am afraid it would not be easy to find these Black Mountain troops!

Cai Yong also asked, "What is the quantity?"

"About 3 people!"

"What? 3 people!"


When everyone heard this, they gasped.

This is not a small amount!
Zhang Yi knew that the visitor was not good.

Before he could gain a firm foothold, the Black Mountain Army came to attack!

According to historical records, when the Black Mountain Army was assembled into an army, its scale was extremely large, reaching one million people, but that was also in the late period, and it was about 3 in the early stage.This time, [-] people came out, probably all the main force of the nearby generation.

Zhang Yi knew in his heart that because the Golden City was too dazzling at this time, it directly attracted the attention of the Black Mountain Army.

This time the Montenegrin Army led troops to invade, that is the case.

Since the crime is coming, let's fight a war!Zhang Yi has never been afraid of anyone, and his Dragon Legion is not weak.

At this time, Zhao Zilong first said: "Master, let me lead the army to fight!"

Zhang Liao, Tai Shici and Bao Xin also wanted to lead troops there.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi said: "No! Let's hold our troops for now. The main thing is to take precautions. I want to exhaust the enemy's potential. He must not be forced to fight. After all, I only have more than 6000 people from the Dragon Legion. Everything should be considered in the long run!"

Everyone didn't say anything about his decision. After all, he must have a reason for doing so.

"Pass down the order, let all the peasants return to the city! Don't step out of the gate! The four gates are closed immediately, and all soldiers are ordered to strengthen patrols, and the main focus of all ballista carts and trebuchets is placed on the east gate and the east gate. Above the south gate. Check all the city defenses again, there must be no mistakes!"


Then someone went down to arrange it.

"How about the traps outside the walls?"

Lu Zhi replied: "My lord, I have been preparing for many days."

"good very good!"

Zhang Yi arranged things in an orderly manner. This was probably the first battle he had encountered in defending the city. After this battle was well fought, he provided a lot of experience. go down

But failure is basically impossible.Because there is still a trump card yet to come out, and that is the world-destruction practiced in the Kunlun void.

However, he would not let the golden dragon appear unless he had to. After all, once the golden dragon appeared, it might attract more attention.

Before the golden dragon has fully grown, he doesn't want to make too many enemies.

After all, his city is still a small city, and the number of troops is only 6000, although the Eastern Han Dynasty did not put its strength in the northwest at this time.

But we must also be prepared for danger in times of peace, and we must not make any mistakes.Before it develops, you can't build too many powerful enemies.

At this time, he said again: "Zhao Zilong, you are in charge of the east gate! Zhang Liao is in charge of the west gate. Tai Shici, you are in charge of the south gate, and finally Bao Xin is in charge of the north gate!"

In this way, the four gates of the Golden City are all equipped with generals.

No matter which direction the Montenegrin Army attacks from, it will be resisted.

If they change, he changes again.

At this time, it is impossible to suppress all the troops in the southeast two gates.

If the enemy goes around in a circle and attacks the two northwest gates, it will be a big test for him.

The four said in unison: "Yes! My lord!"

In the end, he ordered: "Quickly dispatch troops to pay close attention to the movement of these 3 people. Be sure to find out the enemy's arms, and whether there are siege weapons and other things. The more detailed the better!"

The so-called knowing this and knowing the enemy is invincible. Only when you understand the enemy can you make a judgment, so as not to be controlled by the enemy and be passive.

Everything is ready.

If the enemy dares to attack, then they will definitely give them a fatal blow.

It depends on which gate they come from, but no matter which gate they come from, the ending is the same, they will all end in failure.

Zhang Yi's performance directly refreshed people's perception.

This kind of bearing is even higher than that of Cai Yong and others.Especially Lu Zhi, you know, Lu Zhi has been tempered by thousands of wars.

Just look at the fact that he led troops to fight.

During the entire Eastern Han Dynasty, only Huangfusong could match it.Although Dong Zhuo was quite brave in the early stage, after repeated failures in the late stage, he became mediocre.

At this time Lu Zhi said: "My lord, I request to be stationed on the east gate, and I also respond to the enemy's change."

Cai Yong also said: "My lord, then I also request to be above the south gate."

As for why it is the second gate in the southeast, everyone knows it well.

To know an army of [-].

Of course, the long-distance trek is to choose the nearest place to attack, anyway, whichever door is attacked is the same.

"Okay, then I will thank you two military advisers!"

The two left the main city with Zhao Zilong, Zhang Liao and others.

In the entire meeting hall, only Cai Wenji and Zhang Yi were left.

"Ma'am, what do you think is the reason why the Black Mountain Army came here?"

Cai Wenji analyzed: "They must have come here this time to covet the development and prosperity of my Golden City. But I, Jincheng, have been built into an iron wall. If I stick to it, he will not be able to attack for a long time. People outside think that this Golden City You must hide gold first, otherwise it will be shining in gold, why did you come here this time."

Cai Wenji concluded that who made the Golden City too dazzling.

"Then what do you think our winning rate is in this battle?"

"Let my husband go! It must be victorious."

Zhang Yi laughed.

"With Madam's words, our army will be victorious in all battles. It's just that the enemy's invasion will inevitably damage my vitality."

Attacking 3 people with 6000 people and saying that there were no casualties is a lie. All Zhang Yi can do now is to reduce the damage.At the smallest cost, in exchange for the final victory.

"Your Majesty, don't worry! My Golden City is protected by a moat tens of feet deep. When the suspension bridge is built together, it will be even more difficult for the enemy to invade our city. With the help of our city's siege weapons and throwing a large number of stones, the enemy may Before confronting us head-on, nearly half of them have been lost."

Cai Wenji is very confident that the Golden City led by Zhang Yi will definitely win.

Of course, this is not blind self-confidence, it is targeted.

"No one knows me better than my wife."

With Cai Wenji's assistance, that Zhang Yi will definitely be able to occupy his unique position in this troubled world.

Now wait for the Montenegrin Army to attack and have a showdown!I believe that he will teach these Montenegro soldiers how to behave!
(End of this chapter)

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