I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 210 This chapter is not set to regret for life

Chapter 210 This chapter is not set to regret for life
"what happened?"

His eyes were blank, he couldn't see anything.

It was vaguely visible that a string of numbers was beating.

Mieshi has risen to level 13!There are such coincidences in this world.

At this time, the ground is shaking.

He could hear a burst of sound, and the picture in front of him was shaking.

boom boom boom

Some avalanches started to occur in some of the neighboring mountains.

With overwhelming momentum, the lower mountains are constantly covered up, like the end of the world.

When Zhang Yi saw it, it was terrible now, an upgrade made such a huge upgrade movement.

If he was placed in the Golden City, the entire building of the Golden City would collapse, but fortunately he was placed in the uninhabited place of Kunlun Ruins.

But he was thinking, if he waited for the passage of time, Kunlun Xu, who claims to have the most aura on earth, would definitely not be able to fill Mieshi's stomach in the future, what should he do by then?
By that time, maybe Mieshi will have its own means, maybe by then, it will have grown up long ago.


All of a sudden, a big golden dragon sprang out from the white snow field, and it was like destroying the world!

It let out a huge roar, and all creatures within a ten-mile radius immediately hid, trembling, this is a kind of coercion from a high level.

After a while, it returned to its original place and fell silent.

Zhang Yi's heart moved, and at the same time, he felt that the telepathy with Mieshi had become stronger. Not only that, the dragon's blood on his body began to boil.

"What's going on! I feel hot all over!"

He tried to communicate with Mieshi, but at this time Mieshi closed his eyes and ignored him.

"Mie Shi Mi Shi, what's going on, there seems to be an irrepressible heat in my body."

At this time, a slightly thick voice came from Zhang Yi's head. He really couldn't believe it.

"Father, you just need to release yourself."

"Free yourself?"

"The so-called yang needs yin to replenish, and yang is exuberant and yin is released."

Mie Shi said it cryptically, but he understood that it was the so-called joy of fish and water. The last time, it was Xiao Zhao and Luo Jing at the same time... Now...

"I know……"

"Father, I've reached the critical point, I won't tell you yet! If I make a mistake, I'm afraid I'll lose my level! Start all over again!"

Mie Shi immediately hid his voice, and Zhang Yi's eyes returned to a blank.

Now the problem completely falls on him.

Right now, although he wanted to release himself, he couldn't just look for a woman to come, and he couldn't find a suitable one in a short time.

Perhaps Xiao Zhao and Luo Jing can be called, plus Cai Wenji. If the three of them are together, then Cai Wenji may be angry, and then only two of them will come first...and then make another plan.

So he made up his mind and immediately ordered:
"Come on!"

Two soldiers appeared.


"Let Xiao Zhao and Luo Jing come to see me!"


They went down to pass on the message to the two daughters.

After a while, the two women appeared in front of him. At this time, the faces of the two women became more and more ruddy, and they were even more beautiful than before.It made his heart move, and his body was a little out of control.

On weekdays, he didn't even notice them, blaming her for being too busy.

When the two women saw Zhang Yi, they saluted shyly. There must be something wrong with calling them alone this time.

"Go and guard under the tower, no one can come up without my permission!"


At this time, Zhang Yi shouted back the other guards, and only three of them were present.

When he saw the two of them, he was a little dazed, but he held back his energy, not to rush this matter.


"Lord City Lord!"

The two saluted Zhang Yi as soon as they saw it, and when they saw Zhang Yi, his face was flushed. Before they could ask, Zhang Yi had already walked in front of them, and said before them:
"Xiao Zhao, Luo Jing!"


He took a deep breath, with a painful expression on his face.

"What's the matter with you, son?"

Xiao Zhao asked with concern.

Zhang Yi said nothing happened, and then said:
"If I take the two of you as concubines, would you be willing?"

As soon as he said this, the two daughters were flattered, and they hadn't mentioned it before. It was because Zhang Yi was unmarried, so he couldn't just take a concubine and then marry a wife. Because of various reasons, he couldn't give them some status.

But now, he can't keep occupying others without giving them a title, then his personality will not be able to be established in the whole army.

Xiao Zhao blushed, and said first: "I am willing to..."

Xiao Zhao has liked Zhang Yi for a long time, Zhang Yi also knows this.

As for Luo Jingbian, since the last time, the two of them could not forget Zhang Yi's existence.Today, he finally took the initiative to talk about it, and of course he was ecstatic.

Therefore, he also nodded and agreed very shyly.

At this moment, Zhang Yi's body felt like it was going to explode, and he was trying to suppress it. If he couldn't completely suppress it, he would explode immediately.

No matter how strong he is, the power of physical strength seems to be almost out of control.

At this time, there was a lot of heat on his head, and his clothes were completely wet with sweat.

When he heard that the two of them agreed, he couldn't wait.

"Well, from today onwards, the two of you will be my concubine Zhang Yi! From now on, you will also call me Husband! As for the ceremony, I will make it up!"


Before the two could salute, they were pulled into the tower by him.

All the gates of the city tower were blocked. Without his permission, no one would dare to approach even half a step.

It didn't take a while for the buzzing sound to continue. Fortunately, it was above the city tower and isolated from the outside world, otherwise it would attract people to wait and see.

[-] words omitted here...

Several hours later, the two women tidied up their messy clothes and left the tower. They were even a little unsteady when they walked.

But his face was pink, and he looked satisfied. This time, he was more ferocious than last time.

Just now Zhang Yi was like a ferocious beast, which made them almost unbearable.

As for Zhang Yi inside the city tower, his complexion gradually became pale at this time, but the power in his body still couldn't completely recede.

How to do?
Right now there is only one way, so he greeted again: "Come on, let Madam come and find me!"

Now the soldiers went to find Cai Wenji.

After going and coming, I am afraid that another big battle will happen.

When Cai Wenji arrived, like the two girls, her chirping sound resounded throughout the tower.

Zhang Yi became more and more courageous as he fought, and he was not at all tired. He was not afraid that Cai Wenji would be overwhelmed.

[-] words omitted here...

After a long time, Zhang Yi's complexion gradually returned to normal. If Xiaolong upgrades again next time, then...he can't imagine the consequences.

That night, he announced the identities of Xiao Zhao and Luo Jing in public, and held a relatively simple ceremony.

One day has passed, but Mieshi still hasn't woken up. I'm afraid we won't know what's going on until tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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