I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 211 Memory Unraveled

Chapter 211 Memory Unraveled
In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Yi was awakened by a surge of force.

Cai Wenji beside the bed was startled awake, and asked with concern, "Husband, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I had a dream, I'll get up and go out for a walk first! You can sleep for a while!"

It's annihilation!It completed the upgrade, and that upgrade brought him a bit of spiritual shock, so he got up, went out, and went up to the roof. Looking at everything around him, people had already been up and busy working.

"Destroy the world..."

He communicated immediately, only to see a high mountain appear in front of him, and then Mieshi let out a roar, and a mass of rootless fire the size of an adult was spit out by him.

The fire was so fast that it burned directly to a nearby mountain.

The snow on the top of the mountain was evaporated in an instant, and at the same time, the stones exposed under the snow were also blasted away in an instant.The Rootless Fire was so powerful that it made him a little ashamed to see it.

This mass of rootless fire is much bigger than before.It didn't stay for too long before it was swallowed back by Mieshi.

After dozens of seconds, it was spat out again, burning everything around it.

The previous CD time of Rootless Fire was about 60 seconds in twenty breaths, but now it seems that it is no longer needed.According to his estimation, it only takes about 50 seconds. In this way, one day, the eruption of two rootless flames can be completed in only an instant.

After burning a few times, Mieshi stopped.

Suddenly, the space backpack was opened, and a large number of ginseng flew out of it, and with a bang, they were all swallowed by Mieshi.

The aura on it increased accordingly.


There was another low growl. At this time, Mie Shi had grown to seven meters long, and the scales on his body had also become thicker.

On the color, the five colors have also become extremely obvious.

"Destroy the world!"

Only then did Mie Shi reply to Zhang Yi's words.

"Father! I am full of strength now, and my memory seems to be unlocked a little bit."

"Tell me, what memory is it?"

From the time he raised the world, it brought him a lot of surprises, and at the same time frightened him.Unlocking ancient memories is also very important to him.

"A very vague memory. Three blurry figures of gold, silver and white flashed in my head. Because it was too blurry, I couldn't see what it was."

The blurred figures of gold, silver and white reminded Zhang Yi that the little golden dragon itself was golden, and he even had a feeling that this could be its companion?
But having said that, the three colors of gold, silver and white are too common in this world, maybe it is some other things, such as the clothes worn by humans, or some other things.

I had no choice but to comfort him:
"I can't see clearly... You will definitely understand when your level is higher!"

Zhang Yi also didn't want to delve too deeply into this issue, after all, it couldn't be forced.

So he changed the subject and said, "Tell me, what skills have you awakened?"

This is also what he cares about.

"Father, the connection between the two of us has taken another step. From now on, you can use my space backpack as you like, and you can take out and put things in it! No matter when and where, whether I am present or not."

Zhang Yi thought, this is good, from now on no matter where I am, I can take it as long as I need it.

Afterwards, he experimented a bit, and sure enough, a space appeared beside him, which was no different from a space backpack. At this time, the size of the backpack increased a lot.

A space with a size of 11X11X11 appeared in front of him. The space of 1331 cubic meters can hold at least one thousand tons of grain. If it is full, the grain can feed an army of 1 people for at least two months.

Mieshi has brought him a lot of surprises, especially the space backpack. He can't wait for it to continuously upgrade until it reaches infinite size.

It's fine now, so let it practice more. As for what to do when it encounters a bottleneck, he doesn't want to ask, just take one step at a time.

"In this way, the two of us can use the space backpack at the same time. I see that you have used up your ginseng, maybe I can store some more?"

"Thank you father."

Mieshi probably didn't expect this, so its tone was pleasantly surprised.

At the same time, he happened to be short of weapons, so that's all right. He put the previous weapons in the space backpack and never had time to take them out.

There is still a lot of food, now it’s all right, the space backpack is like a portable device, it can be taken and used at any time, which provides a lot of convenience for him in future battles, that is to say, he can use a small amount of logistical force to transport food, Evacuate a large number of troops to increase combat power, and the speed will become faster.

He even thought that if he wanted to attack a city, he would sneak into it first, take away all the food in the storehouse, and then attack it after he came out. There was no need to fight. As long as the city was besieged, one day, the food and ammunition would be exhausted. , At that time, if you directly march in, you won't lose too many soldiers.

Looking at the numbers above Mieshi's head
He asked, "How much time do you need to go to the next level?"

Directly nearly double the amount, the time spent must not be short.

"Enter LV14 in about half a year."

Half a year... that is, it has already reached 185 years, and 185 years is still a year of turbulence, and the time it takes to upgrade the world may be getting longer and longer.

The Great Wall was not built in a day, and the world cannot be built in a day. First of all, he has to gain a firm foothold first.

Finally, he has one more question.

"By the way, I still need some saliva. You can store it in the space backpack for me."

"Yes! Father!"

Needless to say, he wanted to do something with the saliva.

Now there is an army of [-] people, and half of the people's resistance is not very strong. Since the dragon's saliva can increase resistance, reduce or prevent illness, and make soldiers stronger, he will use it , If there are good things that can’t be used, then it will be wasted.

A mouthful of dragon saliva was spit out, and there was a trace of golden light in it. This is a great tonic, but it doesn't look very good, and he doesn't need it, because he has dragon blood, a more advanced existence.

"Father, close the space backpack over there first."

It turned out that the backpacks could not be opened at the same time, so he closed it as Mie Shi wanted, and after a while.

He went downstairs and summoned Lao Yang directly...

That day, the army of more than 1 people became lively after dinner, and no one knew why, except Zhang Yi.

As long as he keeps recruiting, the new recruits will become as powerful as they are today, and his Dragon Legion will be the strongest existence in this era.

Of course, under his instruction, Zhao Zilong, Tai Shici, Zhang Liao, Bao Xin, Lu Zhi, Cai Yong, Cai Wenji and others also took it, and everyone subordinate to him will be strengthened.This disease-free is only the first step. He has reason to believe that with the growth of Mie Shi, there will be more powerful enhancements.

(End of this chapter)

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