Chapter 212
That night, another intelligence came back.

Zhang Yi called a large number of people over.

The information came to Lu Zhi first.

He said: "Dong Zhuo was ordered to encircle and suppress the Yellow Turban instead of me. He actually abandoned Guangzong and turned to Xia Quyang to attack Zhang Bao. Afterwards, he was defeated and was recalled by the Emperor of Han! I'm afraid this trip will be a disaster."

However, Cai Yong said: "Dong Zhuo has a very close relationship with the Hu people. When he was escorted back to the capital this time, the Emperor Han would probably not do anything to him. At most, he would be locked up for a while and then released."

Others don't know, but Zhang Yi knows that after the amnesty of the world, Dong Zhuo Xianyu turned around, but this guy is still very important. In the long history, without him, the Eastern Han Dynasty would not perish so quickly.

"Ma'am, what do you think?"

"I agree with my father."

"Then put this aside beforehand, Dong Zhuo won't be able to influence us for the time being, so what information is there?"

Lu Zhi continued: "Huangfusong replaced Dong Zhuo and is currently besieging Guangzong, and Zhang Jiao passed away a few days ago."

"How about Huangfu Song?"

Lu Zhi said: "Huangfusong is my friend, we have a deep friendship."

Zhang Yi asked: "Mr. Zuo, is it possible for Huangfu Song to surrender to us?"

At that time, Emperor Han wanted to punish Lu Zhi severely, but Huangfusong still pleaded for mercy, and asked Emperor Han to use Lu Zhi again. It can be seen that their friendship is quite deep. Legion, then he will have another helping hand.

Cai Wenji added a sentence at this time.

"Huangfusong is quite a general, if he can be used by us, he will be at our fingertips!"

Lu Zhi has experienced the matter of persuading his student Liu Bei last time, and he is still brooding about it.

Cai Yong persuaded: "Mr. Zuo, based on your relationship with Huangfusong, the success rate this time must be higher than that of Liu Bei. After all, Liu Bei calls himself the clan of the Han family and is naturally proud. Let him surrender, that is absolutely impossible. Maybe, Huangfusong is different."

Lu Zhi was afraid that he and Huangfusong would not even be able to be friends.

"Okay! I'll try again!"

Zhang Yi was overjoyed.

"Then there will be Army Master Laozuo!"

Before Lu Zhi could speak further, soldiers came to report.


"What's the matter?"

"Huangfu Song attacked Guangzong the day before yesterday, the Yellow Turban Army was defeated, Zhang Liang was beheaded, more than 3 Yellow Turban Army soldiers were killed, and about 5 people were forced to drown in the river. Zhang Jiao's body was dug up and sent to Kyoto."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, because Huangfusong's victory would bring some unforeseen effects, especially in persuading him to surrender. To persuade them to surrender, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult.

"What about Huangfu Song's army?"

"This is going down to Quyang to encircle and suppress Zhang Bao!"

As a result, Lu Zhi's persuasion of Huangfusong's surrender may have to be delayed for a while.

Because Huangfusong's big victory brought a lot of uncertain factors, especially the general trend of the world.The emperor will be happy to reward him.

Lu Zhi first said: "If the Yellow Turbans are completely wiped out, then Emperor Han will have his left and right hands free, and may deal with us. After all, we have developed too fast and are too dazzling."

Cai Yong said: "Master Zuo, don't forget that there is also the Black Mountain Army, these people are all the way with the Yellow Turban Army."

"So what? What's supposed to come will come. I think we have to speed up because we're running out of time."

Zhang Yi interjected: "The two military advisers listen to me."


"When the feudal lords of the world are fighting, the imperial court's control over them has weakened. At this time, Emperor Han's position is already in jeopardy. I don't think the Yellow Turban Army will be defeated so quickly, but if the main force of the Yellow Turban Army is wiped out this time, there are still remnants. It is not clear that these people are scattered all over the place, which is also a big problem.

Furthermore, my Golden City is located in the northwest, I don't believe that they will come here from a thousand miles away, just for our [-] people!Our power is still small now, but I agree with Zuo Junshi's words, we must develop rapidly. "

Cai Wenji also nodded and said, "I agree with my husband's words."

"If that's the case, Commander Zuo, I'll have to thank you for spending more time on the population and the number of troops!"

"Yes! This is what I should do."

"I don't worry about what you do! Is there anything else?"

At this moment, Lu Zhi asked:
"What about Huangfu Song?"

"I don't think we should try to persuade you to surrender. In the future, there may be a chance."

Let Huangfusong's status continue to rise. One day, they will definitely meet on the battlefield. One more friend is better than one enemy. Persuading surrender also needs a good time. Therefore, Zhang Yi meant to take it slow. Do not act hastily.

"Yes, my lord!"

"If nothing happens, let's do it today!"

Unexpectedly, today's information is particularly large, and some soldiers have already rushed in.

"Report! According to the intelligence ahead, a Black Mountain army is besieging Jiuyuan City at this time!"

Jiuyuan (now Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province) is [-] kilometers southeast of the Golden City.


This news directly aroused everyone's speculation.

Cai Yong said: "Could it be Zhang Yan and the others?"

Because this is too fascinating, after all, the distance is not far.

Lu Zhi said:
"It's possible."

Everyone speculates, but Zhang Yi has a different idea. As far as the hidden dangers of the Black Mountain Army must be eliminated, and he cannot lead the army to attack, in that case, the rear will be weak. If he has an army of [-], he can consider it. Same, but not now.

After thinking about it, the space backpack is not full yet, so a plan comes to mind, maybe it can be done that way.

So he said, "I'm going on a long trip."

"Where are you going, sir?"

"Nine originals!"

At this time, Zhao Zilong, who had been silent all the time, said: "My lord, you can't go there. Now that the Black Mountain Army is fighting with Jiuyuan City, if you go, it may be very dangerous."

Zhang Liao also said: "Yes, my lord, in my opinion, we don't have to deal with them and let them bite the dog."

Everyone persuaded, but he just didn't listen.

"You don't have to persuade me anymore, I've made up my mind!"

At this time, everyone had no choice but to give up.

It was Cai Wenji who said first: "Why don't you let Zhao Zilong and the others go with your husband?"

"No, I'm enough alone. I won't force it with them, but I have my own clever plan to surprise them both."

If he doesn't say it, everyone can't help it.

"Okay, I'm going to Jiuyuan now. Remember, don't tell anyone about it. The left military division, the right military division, now the entire Golden City is handed over to you. I will definitely come back within seven days. If you don't Come back, Zhao Zilong, take a thousand cavalry to meet him!"

"Yes! Lord!"

So Zhang Yi went down to prepare, he disguised himself as an ordinary citizen, and then went straight out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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