Chapter 213
Zhang Yi rushed all the way. According to him, it is not easy to defeat Jiuyuan. They don't resist like the Golden City.

In the early morning, outside Jiuyuan City, Zhang Yi hid in the surrounding dense forest.

Not far from him, there are a large number of Black Mountain Army ready to go, and Zhang Yan is the leader at this time.

He shouted to the whole army: "We must take Jiuyuan City today. We failed to take the Golden City last time. The enemy was too cunning. We must not miss this opportunity again. Anyone who kills ten enemies will be rewarded." One beauty, and those who kill hundreds of people will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold!"

He went as far as blaming others for his failure and practicing self-hypnosis.

It has to be said that his shout still has some effect, only the morale of the army under him is full of morale, as if victory is in sight.

Looking again, their number is much smaller than before, and they may still be those who retreated before.

Just after a while, the whole army went to Jiuyuan City. At this time, only a small number of people were guarding the rear of the entire Black Mountain Army.

A few minutes later, after the army had gone away.

This was a good opportunity, so Zhang Yi dodged into the enemy camp.

After the advance observation just now, he already knew where their food and grass were, so he went directly to the food and grass.

This time, all of Zhang Yan's food and grass must be taken away. If possible, it is also possible to persuade Zhang Yan to surrender.The latter is less likely, but not impossible.Everything is possible.

He entered the enemy camp lightly, thinking that he had entered the enemy's camp without anyone noticing, but someone shouted here:

"Stop! Who are you?"

"Wrap up! Don't let him get away!"

Zhang Yi stopped.

There were about a dozen people trapped behind him.

These people feel a sense of crisis for this person who suddenly appeared here.

When he turned around, someone recognized him.

"He is the lord of the Golden City! Zhang Yi!"

As soon as this person yelled, the others yelled, "Kill him!"

The dozen or so people picked up their weapons and were about to kill him.

It has to be said that their speed was still very fast. Before Zhang Yi could react, they had already stabbed their weapons at Zhang Yi.



The Guyi knife in Zhang Yi's hand has already been swung, directly resisting the attack of the comer.Then the spear in the man's hand was chopped into two pieces.


Ten people could not be retreated with one knife, and finally someone stabbed his body with a spear.

But no matter what, the long spear couldn't pierce an inch.

Zhang Yi's body in front of him was as tough as steel, and even the chief of the Black Mountain Army couldn't penetrate a single puncture.

"what happened?"

These people were completely flustered.

"Run! This person is terrible!"

"Run? Humph, it's late!"

These people must not be allowed to run away, otherwise more enemies will be brought in, that is not what he thought, even if the base has fewer people, it does not mean that there is no one, besides, the ancients would use the flag of wolf smoke to make them It is not impossible for Zhang Yan to come back after going out.

So Zhang Yi can't keep them.

Before they could yell out, Gu Yi Dao's light flashed and went out, and some people were hacked to the ground. Others wanted to retreat, but they were a step too late.

After the light of the knife flashed, everyone died at the moment. His knife skills were superb, without a trace of sloppiness.

Back and forth takes less than 30 seconds.

After killing these people, he continued to go. This time, he must be careful not to let anyone find out.

Finally, I found where the grain and grass were, and piles of grain appeared in front of my eyes.

So, he transferred out the space backpack!
"Give it to me! Take it all!"

A huge suction force put all the food in front of him into the backpack.

With the upgrade of Mieshi, his space backpack seems to have become more intelligent. Although the suction is huge, it still selectively inhales things.

This scene appeared in front of my eyes, a large amount of food was sucked into the space backpack in a gust of wind, like a cone.

According to his estimation, there are about 45 carts of grain, nearly 2 catties, enough to feed [-] people for about eight days. Judging from the grain, if they can't take down the city within eight days, they may have to evacuate, but According to what Zhang Yan said, this time I have the determination to go to this city.


A large amount of food was sucked into it, and it would take at least 10 minutes to fill it up. Right now, he had to look around to prevent the enemy from discovering it.

But how could such a huge movement not be discovered.

No, after a few minutes, someone found his trail.

"There are enemies!"

cried a soldier.

When he cried out, he was also stunned by everything in front of him. This is an unexplainable phenomenon, a large amount of food is flying towards a hole.

After he finished calling, he stayed there.


Others also rushed over and settled there one after another. This is a supernatural phenomenon.

Zhang Yi didn't dodge either, just looked at them with a smile.

At this time, someone had already lit a wolf smoke.

I believe that it won't be long before the Black Mountain Army will definitely come back.

It would be even better if they came back. After they came back, Jiuyuan's crisis would be resolved, and he would also sneak in there.

After all, the food here is not enough for him to fill his space backpack. He not only needs food, but also rations for the destruction of the world, and these things are hard to come by, especially in Jiuyuan, who is in a state of combat readiness, and it is very difficult to sneak into it .

But what if the Black Mountain Army retreats?The result is different.

"Shoot him, shoot him!"

The Black Mountain Army has already started to move, and they found Zhang Yi's location.So someone drew a bow and arrow and tried to shoot him dead.
About 50 people ran over at this time.

Zhang Yi looked at everything in front of him. It would take about a minute. He didn't care about that much, so he just left something for them.


At the same time, the bow and arrow had already arrived.


He sneered, took away the space backpack, and dodged between the grain carts. Those bows and arrows missed their targets and shot to the ground.

And he didn't make any stop, and went directly to the place where his horse was.

After that, he got on the horse and went away.

All of this flows like flowing water, without any stagnation.

"Don't let him run away!"

"Where's the food?"

"General Zhang will scold us to death when he comes back!"

In the scene that happened just now, even if they said it, no one would believe it. After all, this phenomenon is too weird. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they probably wouldn't believe it.

But all this has nothing to do with him, he turned around and saw that the Montenegrin Army in the distance was withdrawing.

"Get out!"

He rode away towards the distance, and only waited to come back later, when he sneaked into Jiuyuan City.

(End of this chapter)

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