I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 214 Take it all away

Chapter 214 Take it all away

That afternoon, the Montenegrin army retreated with their siege weapons.The devastated Jiuyuan City was left behind. At this time, the soldiers in Jiuyuan City were probably confused. Why did the Black Mountain Army retreat suddenly.After confirming again and again, he finally retreated.

Zhang Yi could foresee how exciting Zhang Yan's expression would be, but he probably never thought that it was him who did it.

The only thing to blame is that he once attacked the Golden City, and it just happened that the space backpack can be carried with him without relying on Mishi, so he deserves his bad luck.

It may take a long time for the Black Mountain Army to retreat this time before returning.

What the Black Mountain Army attacked was the north gate of Jiuyuan City, which was already dilapidated.

Originally, Jiuyuan could probably be breached today, but because of him, the Black Mountain Army retreated, and he inadvertently saved Jiuyuan City.

After a few hours, the four gates of Jiuyuan City had been lifted and returned to normal.

And he was riding a horse, dressed as a passer-by, with his hands empty, and the Guyi Knife was also stored in the space backpack, heading towards Ximen.

It is cool to have a backpack with space, you can put all unnecessary things in it, and call it out directly when you need to use it.Guyi Dao is a good example.Not only that, but all daily necessities are also available.If one day, thousands of troops can be contained inside, then wherever he goes, even if there is a city, he will not be able to resist his appearance.All obstacles are a joke.It's a pity that you can't pretend to be a living thing now.


It didn't take him too long to enter the city. In other words, compared to a 2-strong army, the threat of one person was negligible.

The people in the city have long been a little tired, and it can be seen that the war for this period of time has made them miserable.

No one cared about his appearance.

He pulled a person and asked:

"Brother, how can I get to the government?"

The man saw that he was harmless, so he asked:
"You look like a foreigner, don't you?"

Zhang Yi's expression was calm, without any uneasiness, and he responded:

"Yes, I'm here for the first time."

The man sighed and didn't ask him what he wanted to do. Zhang Yi had no choice but to swallow the prepared speech, and he said:
"The official residence is one mile ahead, and you can see it when you walk there. But I advise you not to go there, it is in a mess, so don't add to the chaos."

This person is reminding out of kindness, as long as he knows the location.

"Thank you, brother! Farewell!"

He left in a hurry and headed for the government office.

At this time the sky had gradually darkened, and when he arrived at the government building, there were people coming and going, as the man said, it was a chaotic mess with a large number of soldiers coming and going.

There are also a large number of wounded being transported in and out.

At the same time, he discovered where the warehouse was, but it was still heavily guarded.

It seems that you can't enter it in a short time. If that's the case, I'm afraid you have to wait.

So, he found a store to live in, and planned to find a chance to do it at night.

Especially during the night time period, at that time, it is probably the best time to start, there is no Mieshi nearby, and you may have to go into it in the dark at night.It's a pity that you can't walk in the night like the day.


In the early hours of the morning, outside the warehouse, Zhang Yi was wearing black and hiding in the dark.

Under the faint light, the figures of several soldiers flickered.

These soldiers were probably too tired, and several of them fell asleep directly against the wall.

He moved lightly to the edge of the wall.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up, jumped directly onto the wall more than three meters high, and jumped behind the wall with another jump.

Earlier, he had ascertained the structure here and mapped out the route, so he was familiar with the action.

Under the dim light, a black shadow flashed into the warehouse.

These guys actually only deployed troops outside, and there was no one inside.

This was right in his arms, he entered the warehouse in the dark, and the smell of grain came over his face.

If you can't see it anyway, it doesn't matter.

He opened the space backpack and inhaled the food directly.

Compared with the Montenegro military camp, collecting food here is much easier.


A lot of grain is being collected.If you can see it, the scene must be very shocking.

Zhang Yi felt a sense of relief. If all the food here is taken away, it can probably fill the entire backpack space, right?

Long ago, he had already taken out all the contents and put them into the warehouse of the Golden City.

And the four 10,000+ catties of grain in the morning can obviously only be filled with about one-fifth, and four-fifths are empty, that is to say, it is no problem to load another thousand cars.

Filled with everything, it can feed 2 people for a month.Now the Golden City consumes too much food, and it needs to be replenished at any time.Just this time he was given a chance.

But the hole in the space backpack is not big, and there is too much food, it will take at least 10 minutes to complete, and he has to wait patiently.


The commotion caused by collecting food was not small, he was not by the opening of the spatial backpack, but was paying attention to all the commotion by the door.

Twenty minutes later, there was a sudden movement outside the door.

"What are you sleeping on? You're still sleeping at this time, get up!"

There was a loud noise from outside the wall, and he was so frightened that he immediately put away the space backpack first, and the sound disappeared immediately.At the same time, take out the ancient knife.

If someone comes in, then fight!
"Lord Dubo...we..."

"Forget it this time, and be smart next time. The Black Mountain Army just left. This warehouse is our Jiuyuan's hope. Don't let anyone go in!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After the outside sound gradually weakened, he then opened the space backpack, and then collected it.

Afterwards, it seemed to be smoother. When he filled the space backpack, more than half of the food in the warehouse was confiscated.

No wonder the Montenegro army would go to war so aggressively, it turned out to be reasonable.Jiuyuan City has a lot of food, which can sustain the Black Mountain Army for a long time.But they were unlucky, they were unlucky to meet Zhang Yi.

Now that it was all collected, he didn't have to worry about anything, he just lit the lamp and started looking for ginseng and everything else.

"Hahaha, God helped me! Sure enough, I found it!"

Sure enough, after searching for a while, he found a lot of medicinal materials, including ginseng.

Not only that, but he also smelled a smell of copper.

Therefore, without any rest, he directly cleared part of the space to collect all the things. He didn't detail how much he collected, but the amount must be quite a lot.

After doing this, there is a lot of chaos left, and they leave in a flash.

And he went directly back to the residence, threw the black clothes into the space, pretended nothing happened, and had a good sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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