I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 215 He is the Yellow Turban Army!

Chapter 215 He is the Yellow Turban Army!
The next day, the surroundings became noisy, but Zhang Yi ate breakfast as if nothing had happened, and was about to leave after finishing, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

But people in the store started talking about yesterday.

A tall young man said: "I heard that a thousand carts of grain and tens of thousands of taels of gold were stolen from the government's warehouse yesterday."

Someone asked: "Who is so bold that he dares to steal things from the government?"

The tall man continued: "Who is it? I think it's the team? You need to know a thousand carts of food! Is it possible for you to take it away by yourself? Impossible, there are tens of thousands of taels of gold. If you take it away, there will be a lot of noise." Big."

Others asked: "Then, is there any action by the government now?"

The tall man explained: "All caravans are prohibited from leaving the city, especially those with more than ten people. I also heard that the city guard has begun to search some places where people gather. Now the city is full of wind and rain."

"Everyone who walks will leave traces, and those thieves will definitely leave some clues."

The tall man corrected him, he said: "You are wrong, there is no clue."

This person's words directly attracted everyone's attention, even Zhang Yi was attracted.He thought, so fast?Can't tell, they found out so quickly that if the space backpack was bigger yesterday, they might be able to collect it all, which is a pity.

"How did you know?"

This tall man has a special status, and he continued: "I have a relative who works in the government. He said that it was a very strange thing. Not a single grain of rice was left in the warehouse, it was very clean. .It's better not to go out of town in groups now!"

Zhang Yi sat at the table and smiled coldly. I have to say that the government is still very purposeful, but it is wishful thinking to catch him at this level.Because of the above points, he did not.

And just at this time, a group of troops had already arrived.

A man came in from the door, he looked fierce, he was holding a tiger head sword.

Behind him were nearly a hundred soldiers.

"Is the shopkeeper there?"

Now everyone shut up and looked at the visitor in panic.

At this time, it is better to talk less, because if you say something bad, you may even lose your life.

When the shopkeeper saw someone coming, he immediately came out to greet him.

"What's the matter with this officer?"

The guy looked around, staring at everyone here with keen eyes.

"I'm Weng Xiao, it's for Du Bo. A large amount of food and treasures were stolen from the government last night, and now the whole city is searching. Let me ask you, did someone go out of your store last night?"

Now everyone looked around, they were talking about this just now, but they didn't expect the government to come to them on their own initiative.But shouldn't it be like the tall man said, to find the caravan?Why even check the store?Could it be that there is no progress?

It should be the reason for expanding the search range.

This person's voice is very familiar to Zhang Yi, isn't it the voice from last night?Probably the city guard blamed it, let him investigate thoroughly.

The shopkeeper quickly moved his hands, took out a tael of gold, and tried to hand it over to the man, but the man refused directly.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Master, no one left our shop yesterday."

"is it?"

"Officer, the villain dare not lie to you!"

"Show me the roster of recent stays!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

In the panic of the shopkeeper, he ordered a roster, on which everyone's information was registered.

Weng Xiao walked towards everyone here while watching. When he walked in front of Zhang Yi, he suddenly stared at Zhang Yi for a long time.

But the calm Zhang Yi was unmoved and just cared about eating by himself.

Weng Xiao looked at Zhang Yi for a while, and asked, "What's his name?"

Zhang Yi was ready at any time. If this guy dared to make things difficult for him, he would kill him directly and escape from the city.But that was only the worst plan, and now he remained calm.

"Zhang Yi!"

"What are you doing in Jiuyuan City?"

"Visit my dear!"

"Where are the relatives?"

"At the entrance of Chengdong Street."

"Have you found it?"

"Come one step late, relatives will move away."

"Aren't you afraid to see me?"

"My lord, why should I be afraid?"

"Hahaha! Good! Courageous! I like people like you."

Zhang Yi asked back: "Besides, I am a scholar, what else can I do?"

At this time, Zhang Yi pretended to be the most harmless scholar. They had no power to restrain a chicken, let alone stealing some food.

Weng Xiao smiled.

"Very good! Very good! If you encounter suspicious people, you must report them, and the government will reward you!"

"That's natural!"

"Go on!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Afterwards, Weng Xiao asked a few more people, but seeing that he couldn't find anything, he left the shop.

After Zhang Yi waited for them to leave, he settled the bill, got on his horse, and headed out of the city. Now it was almost time to go back. After wasting three days, if he didn't go back, Zhao Zilong might have to take him with him. The army is coming.

When they arrived outside the city gate, the Jiuyuan government focused their attention on all the teams, as well as the caravan carrying a large amount of goods. For Zhang Yi, who was empty-handed and riding a horse, they obviously didn't pay attention to it .

Therefore, he was lucky enough to leave under their noses without attracting too much attention.

After he left the north gate of Jiuyuan, he headed towards the direction of the Golden City.

He knew that someone was already following him at this time.

"Hmph? It looks like you guys still don't give up, you want to follow me to see if I have any accomplices? Come on!"

He knew what the purpose of these people was, but I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'll disappoint them, because he has no accomplices.

But it was no coincidence, before he was a mile away, he could see a group of people rushing towards him in front of him.

There were about a hundred of them, and the clothes of these people were a bit strange. When they got closer, they saw that these people were actually wearing yellow scarves on their heads.

They were about to leave here, and they ran into the Yellow Turban Army. These people must have done it on purpose, right?

At this moment, a rough male voice came from behind.

It was Weng Xiao's voice.

"Zhang Yi is the Yellow Turban Army! They stole the food!"

The front turned out to be the Yellow Turban Army, which is interesting now. They could have left safely, but now it seems that they can't.

He turned around and saw that Weng Xiao was rushing over with nearly a hundred people.

"This... is really fucked up! Drive!"

This left him speechless, so he clamped down on the horse and tried to get away.

But his action was discovered by the Yellow Turban Army again, and it looked like he was bringing the Han Army here.

Therefore, these Yellow Turbans are ready to fight at any time.The two armies are acting fiercely, it is not easy for Zhang Yi to escape!

In this way, it is really unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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