Chapter 216

Zhang Yi shouted fiercely, this is what he did not expect.

It's true that there are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, and it's five miles away from Jiuyuan. It's okay if it's farther away. Although he himself is strong, it's okay to deal with 100 people, but if it's tens of thousands, he has to think carefully.

As for where the tens of thousands of people came from, they came from Jiuyuan, and they are still within the control of Jiuyuan's territory. If there is a big commotion here, the people inside will definitely know about it. Needless to say, the city will definitely send out The army is coming.

No matter how strong he is, facing the siege of tens of thousands of people, his physical strength will be weak. At that time, he may have to be captured without a fight, and the future is worrying.

In the end, he will be grinded to death, but if it is a last resort, then he has no choice but to use his trump card - the world is destroyed.

But unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not use the last trump card.After all, as soon as the golden dragon came out, he really became a target. Before you understand the three colors of the memory of the world, be careful.

"Zhang Yi stop! You have nowhere to escape!"

Weng Xiao kept yelling, and at the same time ordered: "The archer, shoot his horse! Don't hurt anyone! Let's live! We still need to find out the whereabouts of the food!"

It would be fine if Zhang Yi was shot, his body like a copper wall is invulnerable.But if the horse is shot, it's over, how can he escape?Still a problem, so the horse must not die.

"Damn it!"

Suddenly the Yellow Turban leader in front of him called out.

"Zhou Cang is here, those who want to survive retreat!"

When Zhang Yi heard it, he froze, what?What did he just say?Zhou Cang?

Zhou Cang?Isn't that the famous general of the Three Kingdoms?

According to records, Zhou Cang was a general of Guan Gong. He was loyal to Guan Gong and never wavered. ", and was posthumously named "Marquis Wulie", "Loyalty and Yonggong" and so on.

Look at the beard on this man's face, and his body is very strong.Martial arts are extraordinary, he must be right!

I didn't expect to meet him here, I was so lucky that I exploded!

His cry made Zhang Yi immediately make up his mind to accept him as his subordinate.In that case, I will have five powerful generals, which will provide great convenience for me to win the world!
He thought for a while, then lost his mind.

But it was precisely because of this loss of consciousness that the horse that stepped off was directly shot by the bow and arrow, and turned over.


The horse stumbled, causing him to fly out and fall directly to the ground. Thanks to his agility, he turned his body perfectly, and then landed directly on the ground with a very beautiful movement.

This kind of action made both parties feel incredible. You must know that the speed of a horse is not low, and Zhang Yi was thrown out, but he still landed safely.

Before he could stand still, Zhou Cang had already arrived.

Just tens of meters away in front of him.Very fierce!
Behind him was the army led by Jiuyuan Weng Xiao, and they also killed them.

At this time, he was attacked back and forth and became a sandwich biscuit.How to get out has become the question he should think about now.

After a while,
Suddenly he had an idea and thought of a way.

"Have it! Just do it!"

But this is not all bad, in this case, let them dog eat dog.

"Where is Zhang Yi going! You came here with the Yellow Turban Army to rob our city of food, you are really reckless!"

Weng Xiao also rushed over with a big knife in his hand.

The situation is getting more and more dangerous.

He quickly reached within ten meters and raised his big knife to slash at Zhang Yi.

Zhou Cang arrived almost at the same time, and he also slashed over with a big knife.

Not only the two, but hundreds of people behind them also came on horseback.

If they hit it, I'm afraid it will hurt for a while.

At this critical moment, Zhang Yi suddenly jumped up and jumped several meters high, and Weng Xiao and Zhou Cang directly bumped into each other.


Everyone was surprised, but they are not allowed to be surprised now, the armies of both sides have already collided.

Especially the generals on both sides.

Weng Xiao was out of temper at first glance.When he was blocked, when he saw Zhou Cang came to block him, he shouted: "Bold! Kill you yellow scarf soldiers! Die! Die for me!"

Zhou Cang is also not bad.

Being treated so viciously, he directly responded back. "That depends on your lack of ability. Let's take Grandpa's trick."

bang bang

The weapons of the two collided violently.

The two fought directly, even ignoring Zhang Yi who jumped out of the battle.

The two fought for several rounds, and neither could escape.

At the same time, the two sides began to fight back and forth.

For a while, the two sides fought inextricably, and each had casualties.Into a fever pitch.

Zhang Yi was already outside at this time, watching the battle between the two sides, he directly reaped the benefits.

He is still waiting, waiting for an opportunity, when the two sides decide the outcome, it will be the time for him to surrender Zhou Cang.

So can't leave here yet.

Just wait here.

If Weng Xiao has the upper hand, then he will help Zhou Cang tide over the difficulties, he is ready to make a move at any time.

The two parties were very busy, and no one cared about what was going on with him, so it was rare for him to be free.

At this time, the armies of both sides were fighting inextricably, and suddenly a horse ran out of the battle.

Zhang Yi had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed a horse and sat directly on it.

When he pulled back the horse's head, he saw Weng Xiao and Zhou Cang were about to decide the winner.

What Zhou Cang said is also a generation of fierce generals, who can be reused by Guan Yu.Naturally, the force is not low, and the two sides fought for about ten rounds.

Weng Xiao was directly defeated and tried to retreat, but Zhou Cang's sword fell from the sky and cut him in half.

Weng Xiao, die!

Seeing Weng Xiao's death, all the Yellow Turban soldiers' morale soared, as if they had been helped by a god, they directly beat the defenders of Jiuyuan City to pieces.

And those people were directly repelled and fled back to the city.

"Hahaha, the generals of the Han court are nothing more than that!"

Zhou Cang laughed fiercely, and suddenly he glanced at Zhang Yi who was watching the play, and he became very angry.

"Come on, catch him!"

It was all because of Zhang Yi that they went to war and killed some soldiers.

"If you want to catch me, catch up with me!"

Zhang Yi smiled coldly, and immediately fled north on his horse.

Because he saw that there was an army coming from the rear, it was important to recruit Zhou Cang, but his life was even more important, and he didn't want Zhou Cang not to be recruited, and his own life was here, let alone Zhou Cang being left here.

"Where are you running? Chase me!"

How could Zhou Cang let Zhang Yi run away, so he rode his horse to catch up.

The people behind him also followed.

For a while, the same situation as before happened again.

After they left for a while, an army of thousands of people appeared behind them, and they also followed.

Zhou Cang hadn't noticed all this.

(End of this chapter)

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