Chapter 217
"The thieves don't want to run away."

Zhou Cang led his Yellow Turban Army in pursuit all the way.

But Zhang Yi shouted: "I'm saving your life! You're repaying your favor!"

Zhou Cang didn't understand why Zhang Yi said that.

"Stop talking nonsense! Save your life!"

As soon as the words fell, he had someone beside him say to him: "General Zhou is in trouble. A team of thousands of people appeared in the rear, and they are encircling and suppressing us."

Zhou Cang turned his head to look, and sure enough, as the soldier said, the thousand troops were chasing after him.If they were besieged by them, it would be a narrow escape.He murmured at this moment: "Did this guy named Zhang Yi really save us?"

He thought in his heart, but he didn't say it: "No matter what, you will deserve to die if you cause me to lose many soldiers."

Just now, the subordinates he led clashed with others, killing and injuring more than [-] people.This made the situation of his Yellow Turban Army team with only a hundred people left worse.

If I hadn't been brave enough to kill the leader of the enemy, I'm afraid more people would have died at this time!

As for Zhang Yi already had an idea in his mind, if he could meet Zhou Cang here this time, and he brought only a hundred people, it meant that the Yellow Turban Army might be defeated, causing a large number of soldiers to flee.

At this time, the main force of the Yellow Turban Army is in Xiaquyang and the imperial army represented by Huangfusong is fighting.In ancient times, the news was relatively closed, and it might take 3 days for a message to be sent back to the Golden City.And it has been about six days since he set off.

It is probably normal to meet the defeated Yellow Turban Army here.

That means the main force of gold has been completely disintegrated.

But the specific situation is not known.

Zhang Yi smiled coldly.

"Want to kill me? Catch up with me!"

At this time, he led Zhou Cang and other Yellow Turbans to the north, where the Golden City was located.In this way, it will not affect the process, but also can subdue Zhou Cang, which is the best of both worlds.

After the two sides ran one after the other for an hour, Zhang Yi turned his head and looked behind.

There was no more chasing soldiers, so he stopped, but Zhou Cang was already very anxious because he couldn't catch up with Zhang Yi.But no matter what, they couldn't catch up with Zhang Yi, which made everyone depressed.

If they knew that the horse Zhang Yi was riding was captured by the Hu people.

This horse has great stamina and is extremely fast. Unless he stops intentionally, it is of course impossible for Zhou Cang and others to catch Zhang Yi.

Just when Zhou Cang and others were about to give up, Zhang Yi stopped suddenly, yes, he just stopped.

Zhou Cang can also be regarded as a talent, if he can use it for himself, then he will have another strong player.

So he stopped, he was going to take a gamble.

Everyone finally stopped when they saw Zhang Yi.

Now Zhou Cang and others seized the opportunity and immediately surrounded him.

At the same time Zhou Cang shouted: "Why don't you run away? You should run again!"

He must have thought that Zhang Yi must not be able to run anymore.

"Zhou Cang, I saved you, what is your benevolence to me?"

Zhou Cang laughed loudly: "In front of my brother, it doesn't matter whether he is benevolent or not. You have to pay the price."

It's no wonder these people follow Zhou Cang.It turned out that he valued his subordinates so much, just from the subordinate who killed him just now.He wants to use Zhang Yilai to pay homage to his dead brother.

Zhang Yi said unhurriedly: "You have a competition with me. If I lose, I will be at your mercy, and I will not go anywhere. If you lose, you will recognize me as the master. Take your Come to me, brothers! How is it?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Cang laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! Are you really not afraid of death, dare to say you will compete with me in front of me? How did you die that general just now? He was hacked to the ground by me, and his death was very tragic."

Zhou Cang's force is also very powerful. .
But in Zhang Yi's opinion, all generals are nothing in front of him.

Because he has been strengthened by dragon blood, if Zhou Cang can submit to him, then he should also get some strengthening.

"I'll just ask you if you dare, and if you dare, do it. Don't dare? I look down on you!"

Zhang Yi's words obviously angered Zhou Cang.

"As you wish! There are a hundred or so brothers here who can testify. If you fail, I will hack you to death! Or if I fail, I will serve you as master."

"Okay! Let's make a deal like that!"

Zhou Cang had already been fooled, when Zhang Yi suddenly had a knife in his hand.

People haven't even seen where he's coming from.But that's not the point.What matters is the result of the competition between the two.

It can be said that none of the Yellow Turbans who besieged him were optimistic about him.There was a trace of disdain on everyone's face.In their opinion, Zhang Yi's request is simply courting death.

"Hahaha, as you wish! Take the move!"

Zhou Cang, holding a big knife, had already slashed over on his brown horse.

However, Zhang Yi was not in a hurry at all, he slowly picked up the Guyi knife.

He didn't care about Zhou Cang's attack at all.

Zhou Cang was so ignored, let his violent temper directly come up.


A big knife waved wildly.

Wherever the sword went, there was no flaw.

All the Yellow Turban soldiers had sneers on their faces. They must have thought that Zhang Yi would not be able to avoid this trick.

However, in the next second, everyone's expressions froze.

Zhang Yi easily dodged the attack.An ancient knife directly met Zhou Cang's attack.

Then, with a bang, the weapons of the two sides met and sparks came out.

In the first round of attack, the two were evenly matched, which made everyone gasp.

Zhou Cang's strength, size, and strength are all higher than Zhang Yi's.

Take the previous general as an example, under Zhou Cang, he persisted for a few rounds.

Judging from the first round, Zhou Cang was already at a disadvantage.

Then look at Zhang Yi who blocked Zhou Cang's sword with a random block.

Such actions directly refreshed everyone's cognition, and at the same time, an idea sprouted in their hearts, is it really possible for Zhang Yi to defeat Zhou Cang.

However, based on their confidence in Zhou Cang, they denied their own ideas for a while.

They felt that it was impossible for Zhang Yi to compete with Zhou Cang, and his force could not last ten rounds in Zhou Cang's hands.

Seeing that his sword was blocked, Zhou Cang's eyes froze.

"Good guy! You still have some strength! But in front of me, all strength is a joke."

After finishing speaking, he drew out his broadsword directly, and then launched a second wave of attacks.

The two fought directly for several rounds, but they still couldn't tell the winner.

In people's minds, Zhou Cang is simply a god-like existence, but Zhang Yi jumped out of nowhere.Regarding Zhou Cang's dismantling moves, all of them were completed inadvertently, and it seemed that he didn't put all his efforts into it.

As the two attacks continued.People are already about to accept that Zhou Cang is about to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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