I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 218 Expansion Again

Chapter 218 Expansion Again

Zhang Yi suddenly exerted force, and severely suppressed Zhou Cang with the Gu Yi Dao.

Zhou Cang seemed a little anxious.His face was flushed, and the veins on his forehead and hands were exposed.Anyone would be anxious.Probably he also knew that Zhang Yi hadn't used all his strength at this time, if he went out with all his strength and hit with all his strength, what would happen?
"Zhou Cang, you are about to lose, I will give you a chance to admit defeat."

Zhang Yi was not panting at all, he spoke lightly, he didn't want to defeat Zhou Cang directly, but wanted to save him some face.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Cang didn't appreciate it.

"Just try your best. I, Zhou Cangtian, am not afraid of anything, let alone afraid of winning or losing? If I really lose, I will definitely keep my promise."

He is still very principled.

"That's what you want!"

Suddenly, the big knife in Zhang Yi's hand accelerated directly.His frequency is extremely high.

Five moves in a row in a short period of time,
dang dang...

After five cuts, the broadsword in Zhou Cang's hand was blown several meters away, and in the next second, the Guyi knife was placed on Zhou Cang's neck.

As long as the knife moves, Zhou Cang will surely die.

"you lose!"

Zhang Yi said softly, you lost, these three words hit the hearts of all the soldiers.At the same time, they clenched their weapons and surrounded Zhang Yi.

"Don't mess around!"

"General Zhou!"


Everyone panicked and looked at Zhou Cang at the same time, for fear that Zhang Yi would be unfavorable to Zhou Cang.

Zhou Cang's expression was wonderful, at this moment his heart must be full of mixed feelings, Zhang Yi took the ancient knife away?

Only then did the others relax a little bit, but they still held weapons in their hands. If there was any trouble, they would definitely attack.

When Zhou Cang saw that Dao had left, he immediately understood, got off his horse and knelt down and said, "I, Zhou Cang, would like to serve you as master."

Such a change surprised everyone, Zhou Cang actually surrendered this week!It seems that he is convinced of the defeat.

When he opened his head, all the soldiers followed him and knelt down on the ground.

"We will serve you as Lord."

Zhang Yi laughed heartily and quickly helped Zhou Cang up.

"Please get up quickly. From now on, you will call me my lord."

Zhou Cang wondered, how could Zhang Yi be called the master?
"My lord?"

Zhang Yi said again: "I think you must be very curious. Let me tell you here, I am the lord of the Golden City."

Wow, everyone was in an uproar, the young man in front of him turned out to be the lord of the Golden City.

Zhou Cang called out.

"But the one who bravely retreated from the barbarians, intercepted Lu Zhi, and defeated Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army with 6000 men?"

Zhang Yi didn't expect that his record would be spread here.

Zhang Yi nodded, indicating that was the case.

When Zhou Cang said this, everyone was in awe.

His eyes were full of heat.

They didn't have any doubts. Judging from Zhang Yi's performance just now, he was indeed very strong.

Then someone said: "That is an invincible existence!"

"I didn't expect the Lord City Lord to be so young..."

"Powerful, terrifying as a servant..."

Zhou Cang also said: "Actually, this time, we are going to the Golden City. It is rumored that there is a paradise. When the army was defeated, we escaped by chance. We just wanted to go to the Golden City for a meeting! I didn't expect to meet here. Now that the lord is here, it will save me some trouble!"

It turned out that they had intended to return to the Golden City for a long time. If Zhang Yi revealed his identity in advance, maybe there would be less trouble, but they might not believe it.

This is good, Zhou Cang must be more loyal.

"My lord, please accept our worship!"

Everyone showed adoring eyes, and they all bowed down after speaking.

"Get up quickly."

When everyone stood up, Zhang Yi still had questions to ask.As for the question of why these people appeared here, Zhou Cang just mentioned it in one sentence, without any particular details, so he had to ask clearly.

"Tell me, why are you here?"

After Zhou Cang stood up, he sighed and said, "I was originally a fierce general under Zhang Bao, and I was stationed in Xia Quyang, but some time ago, when Huangfu Song came with a large army, I defeated my Yellow Turban Army, with countless casualties. Counting, I had no choice but to take the lost brothers to find another way out, so I traveled all the way to the northwest, but here I ran into the Lord."

In 184 A.D., the world was in chaos, Zhou Cang rose up in Pinglu, and pulled together a team to kill the rich and help the poor.Moved to the north and south, the battle continued.Later Zhou Cang made great achievements repeatedly, and was a subordinate of Zhang Bao, the "General of the Earth" of the Yellow Turban Army.

After what he said, Zhang Yi knew a thing or two.

That is to say, at this time Huangfusong is in full swing, and it is very unlikely that he wants to surrender. It seems that he can only wait.

"I didn't expect things to move so quickly."

The Yellow Turbans also lost very quickly. After all, if an army of peasants wanted to fight the well-equipped Han army, it would be an egg hitting a stone, even if they had tens of thousands of people.

"Yes, my lord! By the way, why is my lord here?"

Zhou Cang asked curiously.

Zhang Yi smiled and said nothing, he couldn't say that he was here to collect food.

"I'll talk to you about this later."

Then he said: "From now on, you take off the yellow scarves on your heads. From today on, you are the soldiers of the Dragon Legion!"

Zhou Cang happily said:
"But the invincible dragon army? We've heard about it for a long time, but we didn't expect to join it!"

"That is, you wait to return to the Golden City with me, where you will get a lot of resources, as long as you have the strength, I will not treat you badly!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Cang tore off the yellow scarf from his head and threw it aside.

"Damn it, I don't want to be a yellow scarf for a long time!"

With Zhou Cang's beginning, everyone is like him, and the yellow scarf is thrown to the ground.

"So, let's go back to the Golden City!"


A group of people waited and headed for the Golden City in a mighty way, and will arrive at the Golden City in a few days.

That night, Zhang Yi took Zhou Cang and others to the south gate of the Golden City. His appearance made the entire Golden City boil.

Cai Wenji and the left and right military divisions came out to meet them with all the generals.

At first Zhou Cang thought that the Golden City was just a name, but when he actually saw it, he was shocked, especially the nearly ten thousand people who came out to greet him, everyone showed an upward spirit.

"My husband is back!"

"Welcome back, my lord!"

Zhang Yi nodded.

Lu Zhi asked, "How is my lord going?"

"The Black Mountain Army has retreated, and Jiuyuan City has also suffered some blows. This trip can be said to be very beneficial to us. If the order continues, the number of our troops will be greatly expanded!"


"The world is changing, and I won't let it happen!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Then Zhang Yi introduced to everyone: ""This is Zhou Cang, my new general. From today onwards, he will be General Ya!

After such an announcement, the generals introduced themselves, and after a while, they may not be born.

From then on, Zhang Yi returned to the city with his army and concentrated on development.

(End of this chapter)

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