I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 219 Improved Crossbow

Chapter 219 Improved Crossbow
When Zhang Yi returned, the entire Golden City began to develop rapidly, and all walks of life were working hard to produce.

And Zhang Yi is not in a hurry to take out the food and gold in the space backpack at this time, just put it there, and take it out again when needed.

At this time, the weather had gradually turned cold. In the meeting hall, Zhang Yi was messing with something, and he was holding a crossbow in his hand.

There are a few craftsmen on the sidelines watching.

Cai Wenji entered the hall at this time and saw this.

"Husband, the weather is getting colder, put on more clothes."

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, from winter to summer, it will be winter again. Once winter comes, it will be the second year.

Many things happened during this year, making Zhang Yi start from nothing, and even found Cai Wenji as his wife.

"Thank you madam for your concern! I'm not cold."

How could Zhang Yi, who protected himself with dragon blood, be cold?

Now he can sleep shirtless in the snow for days and nights, still not afraid of the cold.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

Cai Wenji looked at the crossbow in Zhang Yi's hand, which seemed to be different from other crossbows.

Moreover, the ground is full of ballistas, each of which has a slightly different shape.

"I am improving the crossbow so that the current crossbow can shoot more bows."

After the last siege, he deeply realized the importance of crossbows. When the enemy climbed up the city wall, it was not enough to rely on physical confrontation, and would only lose more people. Although bows and arrows are good, their attacks are too slow. So he started with a crossbow.

He originally majored in mechanical engineering, and he knows such structural things like the back of his hand.Therefore, it is also a matter of heart when it is really transformed.

"What can this be transformed into?"

Cai Wenji also knew the power of it, so she asked this question.

"I thought of a solution. I happened to be chatting with the carpenter in the morning, and suddenly discovered that the ink fountain he used had a hidden secret, so I thought why not combine the ink fountain with the crossbow. Sure enough, it really worked!"

Ink fountain, legend has it that it was invented by Lu Ban, the founder of the industry. It existed as early as 400 BC, and it has a history of more than 600 years since the Eastern Han Dynasty.During this period, a lot of improvements have been made. The ink fountain is composed of four parts: the ink tank, the thread wheel, the ink thread, and the ink stick. The thread wheel is like the rocking wheel of a modern fishing rod, but the structure is simpler.

Cai Wenji nodded in agreement.

At this time Zhang Yi picked up a crossbow, only to see that a rocking wheel was installed on the side of the crossbow, and the string was buckled, but the string was loose at this time.I saw that Wang Zongwei turned the rocking wheel counterclockwise twice, and the string was directly buckled into the groove with the buckle.

"Ma'am, look here. The string is usually pulled very tightly to ensure the range. If you rely on human strength alone, it will be inefficient, time-consuming, and may fail. With this shaking wheel, it saves time and effort, and improves Success rate."

The manufacturing level of this crossbow is not high. In order to be strong, it uses a lot of wood, so it will be much heavier than the bow and arrow in terms of size.

"I asked the carpenter to increase the height of the crossbow arm by three inches. Nearly ten crossbow arrows can be placed here."

Zhang Yi pointed to the arm of the crossbow. It was really different from the normal crossbow.

Then he buckled down the other half of the heightening, revealing the cross-section, where about ten crossbow arrows were placed.He snapped off the bottom one, and due to gravity, the other nine moved straight down and fell into the launch slot.

This kind of crossbow is a bit like Zhuge Liang's continuous shooting crossbow, but it seems to be stronger than it.

He talked eloquently, and then said: "Then, I made other modifications to these crossbows, but I am not very satisfied with these crossbows."

"Husband, I want to hear what's wrong with these crossbows."

Cai Wenji showed a very curious expression.

"There is a common problem with these crossbows. The weight is a big problem. Because many arrows are added, the weight is increased a lot. We have found new materials to reduce it, otherwise the crossbowmen will consume too much energy. Holding a bow has a great impact on combat power. First, it is inconvenient to carry, and second, holding it for a long time will directly affect the shooting accuracy."

"Husband, I think that the protruding place for the bow and arrow may be made of fir wood. It is lighter in texture, although it is also soft, it is only used as a storage space, and using too heavy wood will increase the weight."

"Ma'am, it's wonderful. Why didn't I think of this. In this way, the weight will be reduced a lot. I also want to make some changes to the whole, and remove some unnecessary woodwork, which can also reduce weight."

Zhang Yi is very much like a child. If he came, the problem just now would be solved immediately.

"Come here, take down these crossbows and improve them, and make another batch tomorrow."

Those craftsmen should be in a hurry.


"Everyone go out, no one can come in without my permission!"

After that, he will drive back all the guards and let them wait outside the door, and no one can come in without an order.


When everyone retreated and closed the door, he directly pulled Cai Wenji up and kissed her hard on the face, making Cai Wenji blush. Cai Wenji was still a little shy after being married for several months.

The more embarrassing this is, the more it can arouse the dragon blood on Zhang Yi's body, his face flushed very red, as if he was burned red.A lot of heat was also found on the body.

On a whim, Zhang Yi immediately hugged Cai Wenji, making Cai Wenji very shy.

"Ma'am...you are really beautiful today."

They're both husband and wife anyway, so don't worry about it too much.

At the same time, during this period of time, he found that Cai Wenji's complexion became more and more rosy after having sex with Cai Wenji. He didn't know whether it was the dragon's blood that nourished her, or a woman's natural reaction after having sex.

The more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Cai Wenji quickly lowered her head and whispered:
"Husband... so ashamed."

"It's all right, no one dares to come in. I have asked someone to close the door, and there are heavy guards outside the door! There are only two of us here, Madam dare not worry."

At this time, Zhang Yi was so hot that he forcibly put Cai Wenji on the case in the meeting hall.

Although this kind of occasion is exciting, it may be very embarrassing if someone finds out, but Zhang Yi said that no one can come in without his permission, otherwise they will be punished.He dared to have sex with Cai Wenji so presumptuously.

After a while, there was a buzzing sound in the meeting hall. Because the description was too explicit, it would be blocked. The description content of [-] characters is omitted here. Please imagine for yourself, it must be overwhelming and sweaty.


I believe it won't be long before these new types of shooting crossbows will definitely be put into use. At that time, the entire Dragon Legion will have another unit - the continuous shooting crossbow!
Decades ahead of time, when the time comes, I am afraid that it will be an existence that is invincible in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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