Chapter 220 5000 People
With Cai Wenji's improvement ideas, the final product of Lianshenu was designed in a short time.

So the whole time period is pressed to the shortest.It took less than seven days from the transformation to the delivery to the craftsmen.

Like this kind of continuous shooting crossbow, at least 3000 pieces must be produced in the early stage.

And it is necessary to conduct special training for soldiers, after all, this is a new type of arms.At the same time, these arms have to cooperate with other arms to maximize the attack.

Of course, all this was handed over to Zhao Zilong and others, and he intended to build a continuous shooting crossbow regiment, and Zhou Cang was leading them.In the early stage, Zhao Zilong and other five people were enough, but when the number of troops increased, he still needed more fierce generals to help him conquer the world.

In this way, there are cavalry, pikemen, sword and shield soldiers, siege weapons, archers, and continuous crossbowmen.

Some people will ask whether the archer can be canceled because of the continuous crossbowman.The answer is no, why?Because although the continuous shooting crossbow is fast, its range is limited.Unlike archers, who can kill enemies from a hundred meters away.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


All the generals came to the meeting hall on this day, this is a monthly report.

A report on the entire Golden City and the Dragon Legion army.

First, Lu Zhi said first:
After this period of time, the population policy has been strengthened, and now the number of people in the Golden City has reached 15.Compared with the previous increase of 5 people.This is only the public part, and the number of our troops has also increased significantly.At this time, the number of troops has reached more than 15000, and it is still increasing.

The first batch of farmers who planted have entered the state of autumn harvest.I believe this year will be a bumper year.


Such gratifying results are inseparable from Zhang Yi's control of the entire Golden City, especially his reuse of talents like Lu Zhi and Cai Yong.This made the entire gold power develop rapidly again.

Of course, the virtuous housewife Cai Wenji is also indispensable. With her help and Zhang Yi's new thinking, they will make the whole city flourish.Of course, it is also indispensable to have this decadent sound lingering in the meeting hall, in the room, in the field, etc...

"That's right. If we keep working hard, we need to increase the population of the army. It would be the best if we can reach 2 people. By the way, is there any news about Jiuyuan City?"

Lu Zhi said: "Yes! I heard that they lost a lot of food, the court has blamed it, and the city guard has been demoted. At this time, the number of troops in the city has been reduced to just over 1000 for some reason."

I didn't take all the food last time because there was not enough space in the backpack. If I go again now, I'm afraid there will be no food in the city.It was probably because they couldn't afford too many soldiers that only 1000 soldiers were allowed to defend the city.

He needs to find a time to expand his territory, especially a place like Jiuyuan, which is mature in all aspects, as long as it is occupied and developed, there is no need to start from scratch like the Golden City.

"I see, who else is next?"

At this time, Cai Yong stood up, and his political achievements were also impressive.

He said: "In the past month, we have built a large number of schools so that people can afford to go to school to improve the overall quality of the people. We have recruited a large number of scholars to assist us in managing the entire Golden City.

And invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the research of our weapons.Also achieved certain results.I believe that in the near future, we will be stronger! "

What Lu Zhi and Cai Yong did.There is some overlap, and the ideas they are responsible for are different.If strictly speaking.Both are in charge of internal affairs.

At the same time, Cai Yong put forward an important idea at this time.That is to improve the siege weapons.

He said: "Some time ago, we saw that the Lord had modified the crossbow. From this, we learned from one instance and invested a lot of manpower and material resources to upgrade the siege weapons, especially the upgrade of the ballista cart.

Our ballista cart will be able to fire one ballista originally, but after improvement, it can fire three ballista bolts in a row.Compared with the previous combat power, it has more than doubled. "

All this is due to the Montenegrin Army last time.Legacy of the attack on the city of gold.Due to the slightly insufficient manpower of the Dragon Legion.That's why even though they won that time, they also suffered a lot of losses.After improving these weapons, I believe that if we encounter an enemy again.The loss must be minimized.

Regarding Cai Yong's approach, Zhang Yi nodded in deep agreement.

This is the time to develop the power of the Golden City. Whether it is military strength or siege weapon power, their importance is self-evident.

He said, "Master You, you have done a good job. I hope you will continue to maintain this innovative spirit. Continue to create siege weapons that belong to our Golden City."

The study of this siege weapon.The most powerful one is Zhang Yi himself.After all, he majored in construction machinery, and he has studied them in detail. With his professional knowledge, he can make these siege weapons more powerful.

So he went on to say: "Show me the siege weapons you have designed, and maybe I can provide some constructive suggestions. With his understanding of siege weapons, whether it is improvement or rebuilding, he has a way Realized. With his joining, the siege weapons will definitely be more powerful."

This is Zhao Zilong said: "Master You, my lord's research on these engineering weapons is not inferior to any craftsman in our city. At that time, he had assembled a trebuchet with his bare hands and repaired the ballista cart, and it only took half an hour. less time."

Zhang Liao also said: "Yes, the situation at that time is vivid."

Some words are said from other people's mouths, and they appear even more mysterious.

The so-called three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang.Zhang Yi didn't dare to underestimate himself.After all, the Golden City attracts countless talents, he only needs to control the general direction, and his role is not to make everything such as siege weapons by himself.For other things, it is enough that he has a leading role. As long as the direction is right, what else can't be researched?

Everyone cast admiring gazes, but it turned out that Zhang Yi himself was the most powerful.

Cai Yong quickly responded: "It turns out that the lord is so powerful, it is really admirable. It just so happens that I have a batch of samples that are about to be completed, and I invite the lord to go and have a look."

"That's natural. We are all working in the same direction. I believe that the future will be a better existence."

Next came the military reports of Zhao Zilong, Zhang Liao, Tai Shici, Bao Xin, Zhou Cang and others.

After their training, the entire dragon army has strict military discipline.During the period, many sets of battle formations were also researched, and they were demonstrated to Zhang Yikan one by one.

Everything is moving in the direction of prosperity.

(End of this chapter)

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