Chapter 221 Huangfu Song

The weather is getting colder, and there are still more than four months before Jinlong upgrades to level 14.

During this period, Zhang Yi also communicated, but at present, it is still a little weak, just like in the game, the golden dragon at this time is in the young dragon stage.The current plan is to upgrade to be strong enough.The three shadows of gold, silver and white made them a little worried.

Before it grows up, he must survive in the troubled times.So he is very concerned about everything.

On this day, Zhang Yi took a few followers to inspect around the Golden City.He saw the buildings rising from the ground, one after another, which can be said to be unprecedentedly prosperous.

The architecture of the Qin and Han Dynasties is already very beautiful.

Once the purpose of his trip encounters something that needs to be rectified, he will not hesitate to notify and go directly to rectify.

Suddenly, he saw a group of people walking towards him.

He took a closer look, and it turned out to be Lu Zhi.

Generally speaking, Lu Zhi would not look for him unless there was something particularly important.

Sure enough, when Lu Zhi saw Zhang Yi, he saluted:
"My lord, I have received an important message ahead."

"what news?"

"News about Huangfusong"

When Lu Zhi mentioned Huangfusong.

Zhang Yi cheered up.

"What happened to Huangfusong? Any news about him?"

This person is a talent, and he has long wanted to take it for his own use.

"That's right. When Huangfu Song passed through Yecheng when he was conquering Zhangjiao before, he saw that the residence built by the Zhongchang servant Zhao Zhong exceeded the legal specifications. So he went to the emperor of Han and suggested that Zhao Zhong's residence should be confiscated. Zhao Zhong Since then, Zhong has held a grudge in his heart! He has some conflicts with Huangfusong.

Later, Zhang Rang, the Zhongchang servant, asked Huangfusong for 5000 million in private, but Huangfusong severely refused.

Since then, both Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang have been deliberate, blowing in the ears of the Emperor Han.

Therefore, some time ago, the emperor of the Han Dynasty recalled Huangfusong on the grounds that Huangfusong had been invincible for a long time, had no military exploits, and wasted a lot of military supplies.There was a lot of noise about this matter in the court.Some people also said that Huangfusong might rebel, and rumors spread in the court. "

Ten Changshi refers to Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Feng Xuan, Duan Yu, Cao Jie, Hou Lan, Jian Shuo, Cheng Kuang, Xia Yun, and Guo Sheng, who were friends and were called "Ten Changshi" .Emperor Zun letter Zhang Rang, called "Father".The government is changing day by day, so that the minds of the people in the world are confused, and thieves are flocking.The ten permanent attendants promoted the demise of the Han Dynasty and were the main reason for the great turmoil at the end of the Han Dynasty.

"Master Zuo, what do you mean?"

Lu Zhi said: "I think this is a good time. Maybe we can take this opportunity to persuade Huangfusong to join me in Golden City!"

Lu Zhi worked very hard, and he has been like this since he joined the Golden City.

Zhang Yi laughed out loud.

It is best for everyone to be suspicious of Huangfusong, so that Huangfusong can be isolated.Bring some convenience to his recruitment.

"It's really God helping me, so what do you want to do, Army Master Zuo?"

Lu Zhi said: "I think I can write a letter, and my friendship with Huangfusong will definitely convince him."

"Then where is Huangfusong now?"

"Since defeating Zhang Bao in Xiaquyang last time and winning a big victory. The Emperor of Han asked him to wipe out the remnants of the surrounding Yellow Turban Army. According to our sources, he is currently in Yanmen City."

Zhang Yi was not very familiar with these geographical locations, so he asked.

"How far is Yanmen from my Golden City?"

"About 300 miles."

That is to say, Yanmen County is a little farther than Jiuyuan City, but if you work hard, you can reach it in one day.

In this way, it was very close, much closer than recruiting Lu Zhi at that time.

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said:

"This time I decided not to use letters to persuade surrender, because there are two reasons. One is that the success rate of using letters to persuade surrender is not high, and the other is how much time it takes to go back and forth. If the enemy finds out, then Huangfusong may be put in danger. This is a serious crime, not a light one. So, I want to recruit face to face!"

"What? This... I didn't think of it! Fortunately, the lord reminded me."

This was something Lu Zhi didn't expect.

But Zhang Yi thought very carefully, and Lu Zhi then asked: "Then how many people will my lord send with me?"

To recruit, I'm afraid it has to be Lu Zhi himself, not everyone else.

Zhang Yi smiled: "Just you and me!"

"What, it's absolutely impossible, just in case something happens between the two of us on the way, then I will be ashamed of the entire Golden City! You are the coach of the Golden City, and I think it's up to me to reunite this time." Just add Zhao Zilong and bring hundreds of people to go together!"

Zhang Yi originally wanted to go by himself, but he has a huge golden dragon!He himself is not at ease when he asks others to go.

And if Lu Zhi is allowed to go alone, if the Han army finds out and recognizes him, it may be bad for him, so he said so.

"No, just the two of us going! With your friendship with Huangfusong and my presence, this trip will definitely persuade Huangfusong to surrender to my Golden City."

Lu Zhi himself can be regarded as a general, and his force is naturally not low.If Zhang Yi's protection is added, then the two of them will be able to come and go freely during this trip.

Seeing that he could not shake Zhang Yi, Lu Zhi asked, "Then when shall we set off, my lord?"

"Let's go now without delay!"

"But it's almost noon now, we have to drive all night! Do we need to be in such a hurry?"

"The world is changing a lot today. If Emperor Han is to recall Huangfusong, and we can't stop it, it will be bad for us."

Zhang Yi also wanted to go out for a walk, he was really bored in the inner city, so he went to recruit Huangfusong, so he could get some fresh air, so why not do it?
"Then I'll go down and prepare for one or two!".

"Go! If you want to ride a good horse, you don't need to bring too many things. Let's travel lightly!"

"Yes! My lord"

Lu Zhi took the order and went down to prepare. They had the best horses for them to travel overnight.

In Zhang Yi's opinion, if he could recruit a hero like Huangfusong this time.That will definitely add another strong player to the Golden City.One is strong and the other is weak, and the entire Eastern Han Dynasty may not be able to support it.

But in Zhang Yi's opinion, the success rate of recruitment may be less than [-]%.But sometimes you have to give it a try, how will you know if you can succeed if you don’t try?That's why he was so decisive.For Huangfusong, he also fought hard.

At noon that day, after Zhang Yi confessed some things, no one came out to see them off, so the two rode to Yanmen County, Bingzhou.

This must be a trip full of unknowns.

(End of this chapter)

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