I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 224 The Golden City Has Food

Chapter 224 The Golden City Has Food

Zhang Yi didn't act directly, he communicated with Jinlong immediately.

He saw nothing before his eyes.

It's still ice and snow, and the aura is compelling.

He didn't stop thinking, but said:

"Mieshi! I want you to dig a hole in a nearby mountain. I have a use for a five-foot-long, wide, and deep hole."

"Why is father?"

"The food has already filled the space backpack, and it is impossible to refill it. You just do as I ask."

Mie Shi didn't ask too many questions.

"Okay! Father!"

The Kunlun Ruins are covered with snow all the year round, and everything in front of Mieshi's eyes is like a blank sheet of paper.

I saw the golden dragon opened its mouth, and the huge dragon teeth showed a white glow under the sunlight.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of rootless fire the size of an adult was spewed out.

It controlled the mass of rootless fire, and rushed towards a huge mountain peak.

I saw the rootless fire.It began to burn and melt the snow on the mountain peak, and in an instant, the hard stone of the mountain itself was exposed.

These stones then turned red, and they couldn't last long on the rootless fire, and turned into magma directly.

The golden dragon once again increased the number of rootless fires.

After a while, a cave with the height of two people appeared on the mountain.

The cave is extremely smooth and the temperature is extremely high.

Zhang Yi also saw this cave, and it was indeed a good place to store grain, but it was not big enough, so he said to Jinlong, "Not enough! It needs to be bigger, at least three times the size of this one. "

"Wait a minute, father."

Mieshi once again increased the number of rootless fires.

A large amount of rootless fire spewed out, burning the entire stone mountain red.

The flame is constantly burning, and it is still going on.After a while, the cave became bigger and bigger.

It has to be said that the rootless fire is very powerful and can burn everything in the world.

After about a few minutes, the prototype of the entire cave appeared before their eyes.

Zhang Yi estimates that a cave of this size is probably enough food to hold a backpack in the entire space.

So he said to himself: "Enough, this is enough."

Mie Shi withdrew Rootless Fire and devoured more than a dozen ginseng plants.

There is still a lot of heat gushing out of the cave.

It is impossible to store food in this kind of cave, we have to wait for it to cool down.

"Help me cool down this cave."

Mie Shi let out a breath.

A large amount of snow directly entered the cave, and the water vapor burst out in an instant.

The originally red-hot cave began to slowly fade its bright red color.

When the water vapor evaporated, the temperature in the cave had returned to not too high, especially in the icy and snowy Kunlun Ruins, where the temperature dropped rapidly.

"Mie Shi transferred everything in the space backpack to this cave."

As soon as Zhang Li saw that the time was right, he said to Mie Shi.

Mie Shi uttered a dragon chant, directly opening the space.

A large amount of food spewed out instantly, directly filling the cave that was burned out by the rootless fire just now.

It will take at least half an hour for these grains to reach the cave.Zhang Yi happened to take advantage of this half hour to go directly to the inner city. His purpose was very clear, which was to collect food from the inner city.

As for why Zhang Yi stored grain here, it was because the temperature on Kunlun Ruins was extremely low.The grain storage will not go bad during this period.It's like a refrigerator, and it's not a problem to store food here for three to five years.

Zhang Yi collected his attention and looked at the location of the inner city.

Then he got up and went to the inner city.

The size of Yanmen City is about three times that of the Golden City, so the size of the entire city is very large.

If you want to walk into the inner city, you will have to walk for a long time if you walk slowly.

In order to avoid the soldiers, Zhang Yi collected the clothes of the nearby residents for disguise.Dress up like the people of Yanmen City.

He was going to sneak into the warehouse in the inner city and steal the food from Yanmen City.

He had an idea in his mind, since you, Huangfusong, don't know the general idea, don't blame me for being rude, I will empty your food and let you live a military life without food.I don't think the imperial court blamed it?punish you?
About half an hour later, Zhang Yi broke into an open door, which was the warehouse of Yanmen City.

At this time, when the shift was over at noon, he seized the opportunity.

When the Han army was in shift, he flashed into the warehouse as quickly as possible.

When he entered the warehouse, he was stunned by everything in front of him.Because of this warehouse.Its size is far larger than that of Jiuyuan City.

At that time, he was not able to take away all the grain in Jiuyuan City. Now, looking at the grain that was several times higher than before, I am afraid that he will have to stay in this warehouse for a while.

Estimated a maximum of three hours.

He should have taken more than 80% of the grain in the warehouses in Yanmen City.

Just do it, without any hesitation.

He directly summoned the space backpack and began to collect a large amount of food in Yanmen City.

Strange to say, the harvesting of grains went smoothly. He thought to himself that there were probably two reasons.

One is that it is daytime, who would have thought that he would sneak into the warehouse to steal food in broad daylight?Who would have thought?Will he move all the food in a short time?
The second point is that the entire Yanmen City was already buzzing, they were looking for the whereabouts of him and Lu Zhi.

I'm afraid I don't have time to worry about the safety of the food in this warehouse.

So until he gets facilitated.

quickly.After three hours, the food that can be seen in front of my eyes is just a small and pitiful pile.

I am afraid that these grains can only be eaten by the soldiers in Yanmen City for less than five days.

He left without stopping, and before leaving, he left a note in the room: "Golden City has three thousand carts of grain!"

Just wait for Huangfusong to find this note.

Because he had reason to believe that when Huangfusong discovered that the food in the warehouse had been stolen, he would definitely look for new food to replace it, otherwise it would be a felony, and how could he fight the Yellow Turban Army without food?
And the note he left on purpose pointed out a way for him.

I was afraid that Huangfusong would not dare to come to the Golden City, if he dared to come.Then he had a way to keep him and persuade him to surrender.

After finishing these, he flashed out of the warehouse.Go to the north gate.

Lu Zhi has been waiting ten miles outside the north gate for a long time.

As soon as Lu Gan saw Zhang Yi, he said, "The lord's servants are incompetent, they failed to persuade Huangfu Song, and surrendered to me, Huang Jincheng."

He acted very guilty, but Zhang Yi said: "It doesn't matter, Huangfusong will return to my Golden City sooner or later."

"My lord will definitely subdue Huangfusong!"

"Okay, let's go, it's getting late!"


After that, the two headed towards the Golden City.

(End of this chapter)

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