I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 225 It's a man!Just fight 1 battle!

Chapter 225 It's a man!Just fight!
After Zhang Yi and Lu Zhi returned to the Golden City, soldiers came to report on the afternoon of the third day: "A large number of Han troops have been found outside the south gate."

"how many people?"

"About 3 people!"

This is everyone looking at each other in blank dismay.

Cai Yong first said: "Could it be that the development of my Golden City has alarmed the imperial court? Otherwise, why would the Han army have traveled thousands of miles to attack the Golden City!"

Lu Zhi said: "The Black Mountain army has just withdrawn not long ago, and the Han army is coming again. I'm afraid this battle will be even more difficult."

Cai Wenji also said: "This is very possible, but the size of my Golden City is so small. Unless there are Han troops stationed close to the critical point, it is obviously not worth the loss if we send troops from Luoyang."

Zhang Yi cast an admiring gaze and said: "What Madam said is very true, this Han army is the surrounding army."

Cai Wenji then asked: "My husband knew the Han army was coming?"

He nodded and said: "" That's right!I have already known, and I also know that the leader of the Han army is Huangfusong!
This made Lu Zhi panic, and quickly asked the little soldier, "The leading general is dressed in orange? Is the weapon he uses a long sword?"

"Yes! Right Army Division!"

"It really is Huangfusong!"

Then he asked again: "My lord, how did you know?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said: "I made a small plan and burned the food in Yanmen City with a fire, and left a note there, which said that the Golden City has [-] carts. "

Zhang Yike didn't dare to say that the food was stored in his space backpack. No one would believe such illusory things, so he simply said that the food was burned by a fire.Lu Zhi was convinced, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Then Huangfusong is out of food, so he will definitely go to a nearby city to ask for it. My lord, do you leave this note to lure Huangfusong to attack the Golden City?"

Zhang Yi nodded and said: "Yes, only if he attacks our Golden City, can we subdue him, let him submit to my Golden City, and let him be used by me."

It was Lu Zhi who couldn't help giving a thumbs up and praised: "My lord is really clever."

At this time, Lu Zhi already knew that Zhang Yi was going to set the fire.No wonder Zhang Yi was so calm.

"Okay, all the generals obey the order, let's go to the south gate to face Huangfusong!"


Then Zhang Yi took Zhao Zilong with him.Zhang Liao, Tai Shici, Bao Xin, Lu Zhi and Cai Yong went to the south gate.

At this time, a large number of trebuchets and ballista carts had already been set up above the south gate.

A large number of city defenses have also been added to the city wall, such as rocks, rolling logs, kerosene and so on.

The entire army of the Dragon Legion has strict military discipline and is neatly arranged.

Zhang Yi looked at the Han army ten miles away. There were more than 3 people densely packed. The number of people was the same as that of the Black Mountain army last time.

"Who will go with me to meet Huangfusong?"

Lu Zhi came out first and said: "My lord, last time I failed to persuade Huangfusong, I feel guilty, this time I am willing to go together."

Zhao Zilong said: "Huangfusong is a strong general of the generation, my lord should be careful."

Zhang Liao and others stepped forward and offered to follow, but they were rejected.

"It's good for you to stay in the city, don't worry, I'm invincible!"

He added:

"This time Huangfu Song came to attack our city, if his army can be used by me, the [-] troops behind him will also be a lot of strength between us. If not, we have no choice but to take strong measures to kill them Subdue, beat until he subdues."

This is not Zhang Yi's blind self-confidence, but that he really has this kind of strength.

"Okay, right army division, count 3000 people and follow me to the front line!"

The so-called courtesy first and soldiers later.It was the first time he met Huangfusong, and Huangfusong also treated him with courtesy.But when he was in danger, Huangfusong didn't lend a helping hand.But this is not his fault, he also made a corresponding counterattack, that is, he ransacked all the food in his city.

Lu Zhi should be, so he counted three thousand soldiers and horses and Zhang Yi led them to meet Huangfusong outside the city.

When the two armies met, Zhang Yi and Zhang Yi saw it, and it was indeed Huangfusong.

Lu Zhi also found Huangfusong, and said, "Brother Huangfu, don't come here without any harm!"

"My people didn't catch you that day."

When Huangfusong saw Lu Zhi, his face was puzzled at first, and then he showed a gratified expression.

Sure enough, he has a deep friendship with Lu Zhi.Fortunately, he was not caught by his men that day.He was also involuntary that day, otherwise he would have to help, but since he was recognized like this, it was hard for him to say anything, after all, I am afraid that this matter cannot be suppressed.

"Brother Lu, stay safe."

Zhang Yi said: "Huangfusong, are you going to lead the army back to my Golden City?"

Huangfusong said, "Zhang Yi! I came here this time to borrow food."

This time Zhang Yi smiled.The note was left by him, and he knew about it long ago.But he pretended not to know: "Borrowing food? Do you need such a huge army to come to borrowing food? I think you are going to the entire Golden City?"

Huangfu Song went to laugh and said: "Zhang Yi, you are a smart person. Some time ago, just after you left, my food suddenly disappeared. Someone left a note in the food, saying that the Golden City has Two thousand chariots. I thought about it, since gold has become food, and you have appointed yourself as the master, such a treasonous thing. As the chariot general of the Han court, I have this obligation to come and suppress."

To borrow food is to give you face, but in fact it is to grab.

War is so cruel, and at this time, the face will not be taken into account.

Zhang Yi chuckled.

"Let's do this, fighting and killing will only cause both sides to lose a lot of military strength. How about the two of us to compete in force. If you can beat me, I will hand over the entire Golden City, let alone food, it is me My soldiers, all my soldiers are given to you.

But if you lose, how about you return to me with your army? "

This trick has been tried repeatedly, but Huangfusong said: "How can war be a joke? No matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to resist the thousands of troops. I am here this time. As long as you hand over the food, I will retreat." .

I'm just thinking about Lu Zhili's affection for so many years, otherwise I would have already invaded the Golden City at this time and beat you to pieces.Who will give you time, give you a chance to talk to me! "

Huangfusong's self-confidence comes from his winning streak. When he successively killed the main force of the Yellow Turban Army, he established a strong self-confidence.If it were someone else, how would they dare to speak such wild words.

"That's why we don't have to talk?"

"Talk? What is there to talk about? It's a man! Just fight!"

"I like your words! Then let's go to war!"

Zhang Yi knew that this time he and Huangfusong had nothing to talk about, and there was going to be a battle, and only his subordinates would see the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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